Tried to multi-quote, but got too confused.
Mommy- O cramping is good. I don't know anything about ferning, but I have read that it can be really hard to interpret and can have weird things happen, so I wouldn't be too concerned. I think if you test twice a day, you should catch it. They say O cramps can start like 5 days prior. Hang in there, I am sure you will get it soon. You are usually right behind me.
RE Morgan: that happened to my sister-in-law. They were preg. with twins and lost the one early. They went on to have a totally normal pregnancy with the other and have a beautiful one year old now. I hope that she is okay and her numbers go up.
Tori- I don't know how I kept busy over the summer, but now I am back at work and the time goes by much faster.
Lota- that stinks. Have you seen just a GP for any testing? Is it normal for it to take a while after the depo shot to get your period? It just seems odd they wont test since there are so many reasons for not getting it that are totally fixable (thyroid, stress, weight loss, exercise....). I hope you get it soon! I am testing on either the 8th or 10th.
Rozzer- that is right- new cycle new hope.
AFM- nothing
just in the TWW and the early stages of it. Only 13 more days til testing. I don't think I want to test on my b-day (9/9) because I don't want to be down on my bday if it is a bfn.