My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

I do feel like I'm going insane. I am feeling frustrated with my body at this point, I feel like I gave myself extra time for my body to get rid of the BC hormones, I started taking prenatal vitamins in June and I was so excited to start trying and now I can't even get af to show so I can't actually start my first REAL cycle of TTC. At this point I don't even think I have ovulated in the last 7 months. grrr...sorry for the pity party just needed to get it out.
no pity party hun, i completely understand. don't feel bad, we're here for venting. that's what it's about :)
Lota - mommy is right, it's not a pity party and that is exactly what we're here for!

Mommy - eep, exciting. Hope you catch the surge and the eggy!

Afm - temp has dropped again today, and judging by the amount of red I think I can safely say I'm out this month :(
AF is lighter than usual but may pick up during the day. Stink.

One of my very good friends (we were going to be baby buddies) is pregnant. Really, really happy for her but also a little sad. I'm not even going to get into all the fb announcements at the moment.
oh Rozzer i just saw your chart updated :( i'm so sorry.

where is overwhelmed? hope she is ok.

Also, saw Morgan posted in another thread we're in together, and she had a bad bleed last night, went to ER this am, and they think it's Etopic. i saw that was written at 1 pm, and no updates since the specialists were going in to talk to her. :( So i don't know what's going on as of yet but if you pray, be praying for her. and if not, send her good thoughts and vibes please.

afm, taking opk at 8, will update you ladies. will take a photo if anything worth looking at.
I'm alive. Working, and church, and classes started yesterday for me, but I am alive. :)

Mommy- yeah for almost having o! Almost there! Get to bding early- I think sperm can live 5 days or something crazy like that.

Rozzer- Oh no! have you tested again just to be sure?

Lota- It is not a pity party. have you had all your hormone levels tested? Do they know why your cycle is so long?

Mommy- If you talk with morgan (or if she is till checking this) let her know I had a etopic if she wants to talk. I hope that is not what it is and that everything is okay.

AFM- When on clomid they check in one of two ways to see if you Oed. One is day 21 testing and the other is an u/s at day 14 to check your follicles. My docs do the u/s (which I am happy about or I would be obsessing until day 21 and then waiting for the results to come back). As you all know the egg is released from a follicle each month that grows. For the follicle to be considered mature enough to release an egg it must be 1.7, but most docs want at least 1.8. When it reaches 2.0 and up it means o is very very close. My follicle size yesterday was 2.2- a good sign. All that means though is that I am actually ovulating- nothing else. I think I oed last night. I have not had any cramping today and my temp was up .2 (I know not super high but P woke up screaming at 3:30 and I wake up at 5:30 for work and test). We BDed Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and hopefully tonight if I have the energy. If it doesn't work this time they are increasing me to 100mg to try an increase my cycle length (I have a short LP with a possible LP defect- awesome) and DH needs to do a semen analysis (he is trilled). If that doesn't work in one cycle, then I have to do a dye test on my tubes, which I have heard is painful. Basically, I really hope this month is it!
Oh ok! glad you have probably o'd, and seem to seriously have covered your bases!!!

We are taking the night off, and then going to bd tomorrow through sunday, because i should be o'ing thursday or friday... so hoping we catch it easily. I just don't think i have the heart to go through this very long this time.

I still haven't seen anything from Morgan, and i'm pretty worried about it, i hope she's ok. :( i don't know much about them, sounds scary though
Hi ladies! I'm officially in the TWW as of tomorrow evening (if the OPK is negative tomorrow morning). I feel like I did O today (got my surge and +OPK), so I'll be testing on Sept 11th, or sooner if I can't hold out that long.

KMFX for all of you! :)
Hello Tori.

My temps spiked this morning (97.6) so I def oed. I think it was on Monday night and temps just didn't rise enough by yesterday morning. That is when I stopped feeling o cramps. We did not bd last night (way too tired) but I think we did about everything we could. Plus my cm was back to sticky and dry last night (sorry tmi). Now we just pray and wait.
Overwhelmed - yay for o'ing, I so hope this is your cycle for your bfp! Sounds like you've covered all your bases. Good luck!

Mommy - oh my goodness, poor Morgan. Definitely thinking of her, let us know if you get any updates.
Also, can you please move me to testing on Sept 28 for next time? Thank you!

Tori - good luck!

Afm - gushing, rivers, oceans. That is all.
Feeling ok all in all, a new cycle a new beginning and I'm hoping for a bfp for my birthday (2 Oct)
Lol...funny how all of our birthdays are around when we are testing next. I hope we all get wonderful bday presents.
Morning Ladies! :coffee:

Overwhelmed - I tried calling 2 doctors but since we haven't even technically tried for one whole cycle they won't see me until its been 6 months and I'm still not pregnant. I was on the depo shot for a year between 2011 and 2012 but it has been 18 months since my last injection so I was hoping that my body would have been back to normal by now. Yay to you for O'ing, when are you going to test??

Mommy - catch that eggie!!

Tori - I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!! I definitely couldn't wait that long but hopefully time flies the next 2 weeks.

Rozzer - sorry the witch got you, babydust to you for the next cycle...a BFP would be the best bday present ever!

I read somewhere online that drinking parsley tea can help bring on af so I'm going to try that tonight. I'm just so ready for a new cycle
Hi ladies! I'm officially in the TWW as of tomorrow evening (if the OPK is negative tomorrow morning). I feel like I did O today (got my surge and +OPK), so I'll be testing on Sept 11th, or sooner if I can't hold out that long.

KMFX for all of you! :)

added you to the test dates :) Sept seems so far off yet its right around the corner! insane.

Hello Tori.

My temps spiked this morning (97.6) so I def oed. I think it was on Monday night and temps just didn't rise enough by yesterday morning. That is when I stopped feeling o cramps. We did not bd last night (way too tired) but I think we did about everything we could. Plus my cm was back to sticky and dry last night (sorry tmi). Now we just pray and wait.

I really hope you caught it this time. I should be right behind you with o. I'm so nervous that i'm not going to get a pos opk this time again. yesterdays was lighter than the day before. i'm taking two this time though. hoping that i manage to catch it. so frustrating. all of this ttc business.

Overwhelmed - yay for o'ing, I so hope this is your cycle for your bfp! Sounds like you've covered all your bases. Good luck!

Mommy - oh my goodness, poor Morgan. Definitely thinking of her, let us know if you get any updates.
Also, can you please move me to testing on Sept 28 for next time? Thank you!

Tori - good luck!

Afm - gushing, rivers, oceans. That is all.
Feeling ok all in all, a new cycle a new beginning and I'm hoping for a bfp for my birthday (2 Oct)

heard from Morgan, the doc in the er told her it wasn't a normal pregnancy, the obgyn specialist told her it's too early to tell. no more bleeding (which brought her in in the first place) and apparently her hcg levels were 30000 which well, isn't normally that high for 5 weeks and for an etopic. SO they want to do blood tomorrow after work and see if it doubled to 60000. she is wondering if it was twins and lost one. they have not been able to explain the bleed, so right now she's just waiting.

Lol...funny how all of our birthdays are around when we are testing next. I hope we all get wonderful bday presents.

that is pretty funny, and hoping that we do get lovely presents!!!! what a great lot that would be! bd your hearts out girls.

Morning Ladies! :coffee:

Overwhelmed - I tried calling 2 doctors but since we haven't even technically tried for one whole cycle they won't see me until its been 6 months and I'm still not pregnant. I was on the depo shot for a year between 2011 and 2012 but it has been 18 months since my last injection so I was hoping that my body would have been back to normal by now. Yay to you for O'ing, when are you going to test??

Mommy - catch that eggie!!

Tori - I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!! I definitely couldn't wait that long but hopefully time flies the next 2 weeks.

Rozzer - sorry the witch got you, babydust to you for the next cycle...a BFP would be the best bday present ever!

I read somewhere online that drinking parsley tea can help bring on af so I'm going to try that tonight. I'm just so ready for a new cycle

parsley tea? sounds gross lol!!!

afm, ferning is leaving, cp went up higher, missed my temp time by an hour- i was SO pissed off. i didn't even hear dh get up or i'd have tested then, so my temp is probably slightly higher than it should be (i know i didn't o yet though) going to start my first opk at noon, then take the second at 8 when i normally take it. hoping to catch it.
Lots of baby dust for all of you ladies! Hurry up September!

Anyone set to O shortly? I had a definite surge this morning in my SMU, just waiting to take another OPK with my TMU, since it's finally been 2 hours. Hoping to get lots of BDing in the next few days.

How do you ladies keep busy, I am going insane already and my TWW starts tonight, ugh!
i am supposed to o tomorrow or friday, but i really don't know. My opks are so light, i'm really concerned i'm not going to get a pos.

o cramping though.
Tried to multi-quote, but got too confused.

Mommy- O cramping is good. I don't know anything about ferning, but I have read that it can be really hard to interpret and can have weird things happen, so I wouldn't be too concerned. I think if you test twice a day, you should catch it. They say O cramps can start like 5 days prior. Hang in there, I am sure you will get it soon. You are usually right behind me.

RE Morgan: that happened to my sister-in-law. They were preg. with twins and lost the one early. They went on to have a totally normal pregnancy with the other and have a beautiful one year old now. I hope that she is okay and her numbers go up.

Tori- I don't know how I kept busy over the summer, but now I am back at work and the time goes by much faster.

Lota- that stinks. Have you seen just a GP for any testing? Is it normal for it to take a while after the depo shot to get your period? It just seems odd they wont test since there are so many reasons for not getting it that are totally fixable (thyroid, stress, weight loss, exercise....). I hope you get it soon! I am testing on either the 8th or 10th.

Rozzer- that is right- new cycle new hope.

AFM- nothing :shrug: just in the TWW and the early stages of it. Only 13 more days til testing. I don't think I want to test on my b-day (9/9) because I don't want to be down on my bday if it is a bfn.
That's a good idea overwhelmed. Hold out until afterwards because if its a BFP it'll be a great late birthday present and if not, AF will show and it'll start again, but hopefully not! Finger crossed xx
That's great Overwhelmed! I'll be testing in 13 days, too! I'm still looking for work (we moved to an area that's very hard for teachers to find jobs) and am going to find some kind of Pinterest project to keep me busy. I've been really reorganizing things in our house to make way for potential baby items when the time comes!
Tried to multi-quote, but got too confused.

Mommy- O cramping is good. I don't know anything about ferning, but I have read that it can be really hard to interpret and can have weird things happen, so I wouldn't be too concerned. I think if you test twice a day, you should catch it. They say O cramps can start like 5 days prior. Hang in there, I am sure you will get it soon. You are usually right behind me.

RE Morgan: that happened to my sister-in-law. They were preg. with twins and lost the one early. They went on to have a totally normal pregnancy with the other and have a beautiful one year old now. I hope that she is okay and her numbers go up.

Tori- I don't know how I kept busy over the summer, but now I am back at work and the time goes by much faster.

Lota- that stinks. Have you seen just a GP for any testing? Is it normal for it to take a while after the depo shot to get your period? It just seems odd they wont test since there are so many reasons for not getting it that are totally fixable (thyroid, stress, weight loss, exercise....). I hope you get it soon! I am testing on either the 8th or 10th.

Rozzer- that is right- new cycle new hope.

AFM- nothing :shrug: just in the TWW and the early stages of it. Only 13 more days til testing. I don't think I want to test on my b-day (9/9) because I don't want to be down on my bday if it is a bfn.

the ferning can show up 3-4 days prior to o apparently from what i've read, so that makes sense. happened last month, all this is ridiculous. my lines have gotten LIGHTER instead of darker, convinced i'm going to miss the surge and i'm going to be out again this month. i just have no hope/faith in any of this. countdown to pregnancy was saying i should be o'ing between day 11-17 based on the info i put in, and we know it didn't happen yet so hanging on to that. And i agree, maybe you should test the day after your bday???
Mommy- my lines go from darker to lighter and darker again. Try not to get too stressed (easier said than done right?) You will probably get your pos tomorrow or Friday. Are you drinking a lot before you test?

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