My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

Would you ladies mine if I join as a buddy? TTC #2, just started trying this month. We have a 20 month old son and our trying for a girl this time :)
Deny- welcome.

Roz- celery? Yuck. I would stick with banana. Can't believe it is spring there. I would do anything to be in nicer weather here. All summer it is hot and rainy.

mommy- I had not a clue with P so it could be good. Hope DD was better today. P isn't much of an eater either.

Not feeling much of anything today other than sleepy. One more day until the weekend. I prob won't test until the 12th if I make it that far.
Would you ladies mine if I join as a buddy? TTC #2, just started trying this month. We have a 20 month old son and our trying for a girl this time :)

:wave: welcome hun! i added you to the front, where are you in your cycle? do you have a test day in mind?

Deny- welcome.

Roz- celery? Yuck. I would stick with banana. Can't believe it is spring there. I would do anything to be in nicer weather here. All summer it is hot and rainy.

mommy- I had not a clue with P so it could be good. Hope DD was better today. P isn't much of an eater either.

Not feeling much of anything today other than sleepy. One more day until the weekend. I prob won't test until the 12th if I make it that far.

dd was a bit better but we had errands all morning so we were moving ALLLLLL day. she took a nap but had to wake her from it since it was so late, and she was vicious for an HOUR after.

So you are pushing testing back to the 12th? it'll be just 2 days before i test! i hope i don't cave and go earlier. I hope you have your bfp hun, really hoping for you so much. how is your chart looking?
Would you ladies mine if I join as a buddy? TTC #2, just started trying this month. We have a 20 month old son and our trying for a girl this time :)

:wave: welcome hun! i added you to the front, where are you in your cycle? do you have a test day in mind?

Deny- welcome.

Roz- celery? Yuck. I would stick with banana. Can't believe it is spring there. I would do anything to be in nicer weather here. All summer it is hot and rainy.

mommy- I had not a clue with P so it could be good. Hope DD was better today. P isn't much of an eater either.

Not feeling much of anything today other than sleepy. One more day until the weekend. I prob won't test until the 12th if I make it that far.

dd was a bit better but we had errands all morning so we were moving ALLLLLL day. she took a nap but had to wake her from it since it was so late, and she was vicious for an HOUR after.

So you are pushing testing back to the 12th? it'll be just 2 days before i test! i hope i don't cave and go earlier. I hope you have your bfp hun, really hoping for you so much. how is your chart looking?

My last period was August 25. Have had signs of ovulation so having one last :sex: with hubby tonight (if we're both in the mood lol). I usually have 27-28 day cycles. I'm hoping to test around the 20th. Not sure if I would do it sooner or not. Our first child I tested 5 days before my period and got a very clear positive. Don't think I'll get that lucky twice in a life time lol.

How's everyone doing, where's everyone from? I live in Alberta, Canada with my amazing husband of 6 years our 20 month old son :)
Over - it was yuck! I'm going to stick to bananas in future! Bleurgh. I think I need the banana to balance out the maca too.
Hope the tiredness is a hood sign!

Mommy - ooo fingers crossed! How was dd today?

Denyse - I'm good, just waiting for the fertile period. I live in New Zealand with my darling husband and son :)
Mommy- glad DD was better. I want to hold off as long as possible. I am not buying a test this weekend so I won't be tempted which means I won't test til next weekend. Hope that plan works. Chart looks fine. It went up again today (97.9) and during the day it is well into the 98s, which is very unusual for me.

Deny- I'm good. I am in Florida with my husband and 3 year old son.
Are you testing or anything?
Roz - when are you going to start testing for o?
Lots of cramping going on this morning and it's not even 6 am lol! Pretty sure I'm ovulating. I might test on the 19th or 20th.
My last period was August 25. Have had signs of ovulation so having one last :sex: with hubby tonight (if we're both in the mood lol). I usually have 27-28 day cycles. I'm hoping to test around the 20th. Not sure if I would do it sooner or not. Our first child I tested 5 days before my period and got a very clear positive. Don't think I'll get that lucky twice in a life time lol.

How's everyone doing, where's everyone from? I live in Alberta, Canada with my amazing husband of 6 years our 20 month old son :)

wooo hooo so you're about in the tww! do you chart or anything? or do opks? :) looks like we're all testing pretty close together :)

Over - it was yuck! I'm going to stick to bananas in future! Bleurgh. I think I need the banana to balance out the maca too.
Hope the tiredness is a hood sign!

Mommy - ooo fingers crossed! How was dd today?

Denyse - I'm good, just waiting for the fertile period. I live in New Zealand with my darling husband and son :)

lol about bleurgh. hahaha. And dd so far is doing very well today. we have a playdate in an hour (sooooo not ready yet, i'm still in my jammies lol) but she's been upbeat so far.

Mommy- glad DD was better. I want to hold off as long as possible. I am not buying a test this weekend so I won't be tempted which means I won't test til next weekend. Hope that plan works. Chart looks fine. It went up again today (97.9) and during the day it is well into the 98s, which is very unusual for me.

Deny- I'm good. I am in Florida with my husband and 3 year old son.
Are you testing or anything?
Roz - when are you going to start testing for o?

i hope you manage to hold out, i know it seems so easy in the beginning then as those dpo numbers start getting higher and higher.... we break don't we. but that sounds great about the temp going up, i was at 98.0 today, i was very pleasantly surprised :)

i know she hasn't been on here lately, but Emmalou90 also got her bfp early this week, that's 2 bfps on this thread :) One in august, and one in sept. so hoping this is our month girls. fx'd for all of us.

7-8 days til testing for me. sore nips today. that's about it! but can be totally normal in the tww for me these days.

gotta go get ready for our playdate, hopefully it goes well!!
lol 18th is too far for me hun, i'll be testing the 13th or 14th around af being due. :)
I thought I posted on here! Stupid phone!

Just catching up with you all :)
Hope you're all doing ok. Want to see lots of bfps this month ladies!!
If I don't have AF by the 18th then I won't need to test.

I feel blah today. A lot of watery cm and slight tugginess (don't think that's a word). Cp is still high, soft, and closed though.
If I don't have AF by the 18th then I won't need to test.

I feel blah today. A lot of watery cm and slight tugginess (don't think that's a word). Cp is still high, soft, and closed though.


I know what you mean about feeling blah, I seem to be feeling like that a lot lately too. I hate hormones, they are evil
Over - I think I'm going to start testing for o Next Thurs - cd16. Or maybe cd15. The earliest I've o'd is cd17 but the maca might change things? I don't know?!
Still creamy cm at the moment.

Mommy - your chart looks great and symptoms sound good!

Denyse - ooo good luck for o, hope you've been doing plenty of bd!

Emalou - hope we get lots of bfps too!

Afm - I am EXHAUSTED! Had a really hard week at work, then last night DS had cramps in his leg and decided he didn't want to sleep. After a screaming fight with dh, I took DS for a drive until 3am and he finally slept.
Dh and I both didn't sleep as we were upset about our fight and tonight one of my besties is having her 30th so I have to go out, ugh. The only positive is we made up :)

Dh was worried about sperm quality last month so we're trying to keep to a bd schedule, I would rather dtd every day over fertile period.
Roz- sorry to hear about a crummy night. Glad you all made up. Does the Maca change your system? Has dh been tested if he is concerned? What schedule does he want? My dh doesn't believe in fertile periods and thinks we should do it every other day the entire cycle- I don't have the stamina for that.

Afm- temps up to 98 today! But I am having a lot more cm like before AF starts. The tugging/cramping feels different though. Only a couple more days to wait.
Over - Im not sure if maca does change the cycle lengths, but it does help with hormonal balance so it might??
I don't think it's an issue, it's more than it feels more intense for him when there's more there and he wants to build up the biggest amount. When we had DS, we live long distance and only dtd once the weekend I was down (food poisoning).
We're just going to bd every second day over fertile period. Not really too much of a schedule :)

Yay for the temps up! Hoping you have a sticky bean on board!
so busy busy here today! forgot to temp, which is totally ok with me, and then i'm painting dd's room today! woo hoo!
Hubby came home last night after the football game (he helps coach the high school team) and we were both in the mood so we :sex: and I'm pretty sure I was ovulating so pretty sure it was one of my most fertile days. Keeping my fingers crossed!

How is everyone else doing?
Mommy - you're so relaxed this cycle and I personally think that is awesome. I'm sure you've heard as many "it'll happen when you relax" lectures as I have! Woop!

Denyse - sounds like great timing, fingers crossed!

Afm - watching the Americas Cup. Go Team New Zealand, whoop!!!
(ha ha, not expecting much support from here)
Dh was extremely randy last night after a few drinks, but he had terrible vodka breath so we dtd but I wouldn't let him kiss me, ha ha!
Still waiting to la la :)

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