My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

densye that's awesome !!! love that news.

over, still too early!!!

rozz hope you're feeling well!

i can't remember if i did the pineapple with dd or not. don't think so because i was going out of state for a wedding in the middle of the tww. that was the cycle i came OFF the preseed, but the first with the opk. my mind was on the horrible wedding and going there. so it wasn't really on ttc at all that month.

as for feeling funny- yeah, my insides just still aren't right. my husband is making it seem like he wants me to get the tests done. i felt pretty bad last night and i'm a million times better today. thing is, it just drains me. like i'm exhausted. slept like a rock. no kidding. but i still feel like i didn't get enough sleep.
Mommy- two people I work with had their gallbladders out and said they have felt wonderful ever since. It sounds like it is worth it.

afm- funny thing is this is the first earl bfn where I don't feel out afterwords. I guess now I just wait til Tuesday.
Definitely got my fingers crossed then!

Not sure if I've said this before, but our successful cycle we used preseed, opks, I had shakes with maca powder, coconut oil, cacao nibs, berries and spinach in them, and I had pineapple core on 1-5dpo :)
We also dtd the 4 days leading up to o day, not o day and not the day after :)
It may sound crazy but you can't argue with results!

What does pineapple core do?

It helps with implantation. There is an enzyme in it which thins the blood and this assists the implantation. However, if you have that same enzyme after implantation it can cause miscarriage. That's why, if you chose to take it, you're not meant to take it after 5 or 6dpo. I stopped at 5dpo.

If you google pineapple core ttc there is more information, although most of it seems to be on forums.

At any rate, it worked for me and it worked for my bestie...and hopefully it'll work for Over!!

Thanks! We read up on it last night and decided to give it a try. Also we're cutting out some more sugar and fatty foods, so hopefully that will help us too!
So I caved and took a test this morning. It was negative, which is good and bad. Good because the trigger is out of my system but bad because I was wishing it was positive. Only 11dpo, and it was just a dollar store test, so maybe in a few days I will get a positive.

Good luck and lots and lots of :dust: I really hope you get a BFP this month. 11dpo is still early :)
as for feeling funny- yeah, my insides just still aren't right. my husband is making it seem like he wants me to get the tests done. i felt pretty bad last night and i'm a million times better today. thing is, it just drains me. like i'm exhausted. slept like a rock. no kidding. but i still feel like i didn't get enough sleep.

I totally get that, that's how I used to feel before I had my gallbladder taken out, especially if I had eaten certain foods. I really hope that you can start to feel better soon and the tests aren't that bad, I promise!

AFM: Tested this morning at 9dpo and it was negative, though DH thinks he saw something very faint. I'm using cheapies till I get something good on them to confirm with an FRER if I end up getting anything on there. I've been feeling nauseous today and my BBS are sore. We DTD this morning and while I was in the mood (which is unusual) the whole time it felt like I had done a million sit ups the night before. I'm really trying not to look into it, but I really hope this month is it.
Good luck Tori! Your chart looks really good, with an implantation dip. I got my bfp on frer 3 days after my implantation dip - it was a squinted but definitely there. I hope it's the same for you!

Mommy - I wish there was something I could say or do. I hope that they figure it out soon and if it is your gall bladder, get it out!

Over - too early! Good luck for the next few days!

Denyse - hope the pineapple core works for you.

AFm - have been feeling a lot sicker this pregnancy and having trouble with foods. Am hoping this means a little girl :)
(But would be very happy with a healthy, term baby either way!)
I'm going crazy here. I really feel like this could be it but that bfn yesterday is throwing me. Trying to stay off dr. Google.
as for feeling funny- yeah, my insides just still aren't right. my husband is making it seem like he wants me to get the tests done. i felt pretty bad last night and i'm a million times better today. thing is, it just drains me. like i'm exhausted. slept like a rock. no kidding. but i still feel like i didn't get enough sleep.

I totally get that, that's how I used to feel before I had my gallbladder taken out, especially if I had eaten certain foods. I really hope that you can start to feel better soon and the tests aren't that bad, I promise!

AFM: Tested this morning at 9dpo and it was negative, though DH thinks he saw something very faint. I'm using cheapies till I get something good on them to confirm with an FRER if I end up getting anything on there. I've been feeling nauseous today and my BBS are sore. We DTD this morning and while I was in the mood (which is unusual) the whole time it felt like I had done a million sit ups the night before. I'm really trying not to look into it, but I really hope this month is it.

Tori what kind of other symptoms did you have? like i ate out a little bit this week, and since, now i'm running to the bathroom constantly, i've NEVER dealt with anything like this. it's horrible!!!
Beth: I had similar symptoms that you had. Pain in my right quadrant, just an off feeling, bouts of constipation and then bouts of diarrhea. It was awful. Also, reflux can sometimes happen with gallbladder issues. I had my HIDA scan on November 5th and my gallbladder surgery was scheduled for December 14th, that's how bad it was acting.

Over: I totally get how you're feeling. I swore this was it, too.

I'm feeling out this morning, I almost feel like I have a UTI. My hands are pretty weak (not sure why) and I have gotten BFNs since 8dpo. According to my chart dip, it seems as though implantation would have occurred at 7dpo, so I'd be hoping I'd be getting some kind of positive now. I believe the dip was a fluke. I'm 10dpo today.

No other symptoms other than cramps, but I feel like those could also be from the possible UTI. Sore BBS seem to have gone away. I'm already feeling out this month and I'm not sure if we'll end up trying again next month due to my work schedule (I'm a teacher, so next month I'd be due in August and we start school then, so my chances of having a job would be slim).
Happy Sunday ladies, hope you all are doing well :)

It's still snowing here - yuck! Had a blast last night, went to the Tim McGraw concert here and it was fantastic! Was actually a birthday gift for me back in May. The concert was supposed to be in July, but we had really bad flooding in July which caused it to be postponed.

AF is finally gone, so today is the day we start trying. FX'd for everyone this month!

Tori- my advice is to not let work dictate your ttc. I'm a teacher too and schools are really good about working with you plus they have to give you leave and cannot let you go because you are pregnant- its illegal. With my first we got pregnant right away so we decided to wait with our second because we didn't want them too close. Now we are on our 2nd almost into our 3rd year of trying with 2 mc. I now wish we didn't wait so long to try for our second. Remember God will give you what you need at the right time.
Tori- my advice is to not let work dictate your ttc. I'm a teacher too and schools are really good about working with you plus they have to give you leave and cannot let you go because you are pregnant- its illegal. With my first we got pregnant right away so we decided to wait with our second because we didn't want them too close. Now we are on our 2nd almost into our 3rd year of trying with 2 mc. I now wish we didn't wait so long to try for our second. Remember God will give you what you need at the right time.

I'm a long term substitute right now, waiting on a full contract. I'm in the union but I'm worried that should I interview in a different district and I'm not offered an actual contract with my district that I will be discriminated against when I interview because I'd be pregnant/out for the first 6 weeks. I wouldn't qualify for FMLA because it wouldn't be a year with the district, and it'd cost them to pay a sub and me while I was out. I'm just conflicted with all of that! Sorry for the novel, but I'm getting nervous if it doesn't happen this month (which I'm about 90% sure that it won't be).
Also, good luck to both you, Over and Denyse! KMFX for both of you :)
Tori- I have a friend who was hired at 7 months pregnant. Kmfxed for you.

afm- no AF yet! Temped again this morning, not has high as the other day but still above what would have been cover. I am going to wait until Thursday to test again as long as AF stays away.
Okay, so I hate to sound like the crazy but I took a test this afternoon (after I just peed at work) and dh and I both swear there is a very faint line. Now I am very confused. Ahhhhh....i hope it is positive.
Okay, so I hate to sound like the crazy but I took a test this afternoon (after I just peed at work) and dh and I both swear there is a very faint line. Now I am very confused. Ahhhhh....i hope it is positive.

I hope it is too!!!! lots of :dust: when are you testing again?
Ah, Over, I hope it's a positive! Post a picture!

I'm really feeling out again this month. 11dpo and BFN this morning, no symptoms other than some nausea after I eat but that could be the sugar overload from Halloween candy I'm trying to eat to get rid of :p If AF is going to make her appearance based off last months chart my temps should go down either tomorrow morning or Wednesday morning. I don't feel like she's coming, but I also don't feel like I'll get a BFP.
OKay, so here is what I am confused about. I took the test after I had just peed at work like 30 minutes earlier? Does this make a difference? I hardly had enough to keep the stick under the stream for the 5 seconds it requires.

I posted a picture, but it is impossible to see from the picture. I will test again tomorrow morning.


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