My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

Overwhelmed - I had HELLP syndrome, which they think is a variant of pre-eclampsia. It caused my liver function to drastically rise and platelets to drop. Essentially the placenta was poisoning me from the inside. Bub was born by emergency c section at 29 weeks then spent 68 days in nicu. It all happened within 5 days, had a relatively normal pregnancy until then...

So I don't overly want to head to South America!

Wow! I'm so sorry. But everyone is healthy now? I don't blame you- I wouldn't take any chances either. That's why I won't even consider a VBAC.

I am trying to conceive my first child and have been unsuccessful for almost two years. I miscarried in December of last year and still havent been able to get pregnant. Kind of down about it.

Welcome. Are you under the care of a doctor? What cycle day (cd) are you on?

Can someone please post a "dictionary" of all the abbreviations people are using? I am somewhat confused with some of them. Thanks!

Basic ones- bd (baby dance), dtd (do the dirty), dh (darling husband), bfp or bfn ( pos or neg Prego test- respectfully), cd (cycle day), dpo( days past ovulation), opk( ovulation predictor test), hpt ( home pregnancy test), ff ( fertility friend).

Those are the most common- if you get confused, just ask or type it into google.

Thank you! It was all very traumatic at the time but there's only a 25% chance of it happening again and I am ready to brave it again! I only hope there hasn't been lasting effects that might hinder our TTC journey...
What are soft cups?

I could be wrong but I think they are cups that used to be (or still are) used primarily for collecting menstrual blood but some people use them to keep the sperm in after bd when TTC - feel free to correct me if that's not true!
What are soft cups?

Hey hun just like Rozzer said, they're supposed to be used for periods. I use them when i swim if i have it, to keep the tampon from soaking. I can't use them normally for periods because for some reason with my body if i bend over or sit it tips and opens and leaks everywhere. (but actually i just remembered its supposed to do that when you go to the bathroom to empty some so you don't load up ) soooooo i just use them for swimming, and when i am going to try for baby.

So after sex, you insert one, and you leave it in all night. it's great because they are good for like 12 hours or somethign ridiculous like that. so right after dtd, i insert right where i am, and you can go about your business. keeps everything from leaking out, keeps them right next to the cervix. i actually forgot how much i liked them, because i can't stand dripping all night and all that after sex. ick. i hate that feeling. sometimes i drip the next day. gross. So this keeps them there, they absorb so that in the am you throw out hte cup and there is only minimal stuff left over that you toss out. Gives you better chances. it's simple and you can't feel it. So i always make sure we do that right before bed so i can lay there with it in as i can't sit or i'll leak.
afm still low temps this am, went down again, should be getting ready to go up. probably will have one more low one and then will shoot up. hopefully opks get here today so i can know for sure.

Still partial ferning, cp the same, did soft cups last night, just waiting to freaking O already.

i'm exhausted today. staying up til midnight to bd and all that makes me very tired when dd wants to get up at 7. She actually did 740 today which really did help but ugh. Last night was last night shift so i can dtd and go to bed early tonight thank goodness.

although i probably won't since i get a touch of insomnia in the summer.

Do you ladies get a scared moment ever when ttc? like last night of course right after doing everything and ready to sleep i got this 'omg is this the right thing? what if i can't handle this?' i know i got it with my first. i wonder if that's normal.

Waiting to go run out and check the mail as soon as i know it's been here and see if i got my opks.

oh yeah that's what i wanted to say, overwhelmed i just recounted and looks like 13dpo would be the same as your day, the 15th, so i may test the same day as you if i can hold out that long, just found out i have 5 tests so i need to use them sparingly lol. they're from the same pack i got dd with so that would be pretty cool if its the same lot. they exp this nov so better get it before then!!! don't want to buy more. i'm feeling really confident about this cycle. even though i didn't o yet, i'll be doing everything i did the cycle i got dd. really hoping. ttc makes me nuts. and i have a hard time not telling everyone in sight that i want to have a baby soon. glad i have you ladies because i feel crazy.
Mommy I have just decided to TRY SOFTCUPS this cycle!!! Haha they sound so cool.. I have considered buying them a million times, but just never got over how strange they are. But you say they keep the spermies close to the cervix and I'm sold! Haha couldn't hurt right.

Btw anyone use dollar store OPK's? Idk what to use this time!!
Mommy I have just decided to TRY SOFTCUPS this cycle!!! Haha they sound so cool.. I have considered buying them a million times, but just never got over how strange they are. But you say they keep the spermies close to the cervix and I'm sold! Haha couldn't hurt right.

Btw anyone use dollar store OPK's? Idk what to use this time!!

nope i order mine from

and i love my softcups. they're fantastic. it's amazing how much you lose when you don't use them, i mean spermies and all. it stops the leaking so you really do get the best chance at keeping them and getting the bfp i think anyway. and i think you can get like 24 my box is from the sept before i tired, but i didn't try it til the month i got dd, because they freaked me out too. once you get over the initial it's great. I suggest trying one a night before you o to get used to them, once you get it, it's easy. just hooks on the pelvic bone and sits there all night. awesome.
Huh sounds great really.. That has always confused me.. how can I get pregnant if it's all leakin down my leg. (Haha IK TMI but ew it always happens!) But yeah now I won't have to flip out about laying there for 15 after, I'll be good. I may have to msg you when I buy them though and ask fifty questions on why I can't figure em out though!! Lol.

Anything else good I should know that helped you conceive before? I am taking my prenatals, and have been. I don't really know what else I can do. I have great EWCM so that's not an issue. Just want to boost my chances!

If I conceive this cycle, I'll have the same exact due date as our son, who was born this past year. That kind of sucks for me, bc I wanted it before his due date. So I'm really hoping this time works..
What are soft cups?

Hey hun just like Rozzer said, they're supposed to be used for periods. I use them when i swim if i have it, to keep the tampon from soaking. I can't use them normally for periods because for some reason with my body if i bend over or sit it tips and opens and leaks everywhere. (but actually i just remembered its supposed to do that when you go to the bathroom to empty some so you don't load up ) soooooo i just use them for swimming, and when i am going to try for baby.

So after sex, you insert one, and you leave it in all night. it's great because they are good for like 12 hours or somethign ridiculous like that. so right after dtd, i insert right where i am, and you can go about your business. keeps everything from leaking out, keeps them right next to the cervix. i actually forgot how much i liked them, because i can't stand dripping all night and all that after sex. ick. i hate that feeling. sometimes i drip the next day. gross. So this keeps them there, they absorb so that in the am you throw out hte cup and there is only minimal stuff left over that you toss out. Gives you better chances. it's simple and you can't feel it. So i always make sure we do that right before bed so i can lay there with it in as i can't sit or i'll leak.

I don't know if I could do that. I just go to sleep right after dtd, so it doesn't bother me. I have to take benadryl before going to bed anyway for allergies; I have no problem sleeping.
I have read though that sperm travel easier and faster if you have the big O (and not ovulation) after he does or 2 minutes or less before he does. This is what we aim for each time and I actually have less leakage this way- maybe there is something to it.

afm still low temps this am, went down again, should be getting ready to go up. probably will have one more low one and then will shoot up. hopefully opks get here today so i can know for sure.

Still partial ferning, cp the same, did soft cups last night, just waiting to freaking O already.

i'm exhausted today. staying up til midnight to bd and all that makes me very tired when dd wants to get up at 7. She actually did 740 today which really did help but ugh. Last night was last night shift so i can dtd and go to bed early tonight thank goodness.

although i probably won't since i get a touch of insomnia in the summer.

Do you ladies get a scared moment ever when ttc? like last night of course right after doing everything and ready to sleep i got this 'omg is this the right thing? what if i can't handle this?' i know i got it with my first. i wonder if that's normal.

Waiting to go run out and check the mail as soon as i know it's been here and see if i got my opks.

oh yeah that's what i wanted to say, overwhelmed i just recounted and looks like 13dpo would be the same as your day, the 15th, so i may test the same day as you if i can hold out that long, just found out i have 5 tests so i need to use them sparingly lol. they're from the same pack i got dd with so that would be pretty cool if its the same lot. they exp this nov so better get it before then!!! don't want to buy more. i'm feeling really confident about this cycle. even though i didn't o yet, i'll be doing everything i did the cycle i got dd. really hoping. ttc makes me nuts. and i have a hard time not telling everyone in sight that i want to have a baby soon. glad i have you ladies because i feel crazy.

That would be so cool if we got our BFPs on the same day. I used to get the scared moment, but now that we have been TTCing for 18 months, I am sure this is right. My scared moment is more scared over another mc when I do get my bfp or scared that we are doing all of this and it is just not meant to be. I would be fine with just one child, but I really want a second. DH and I always wanted a big family, but I am wondering if it is part of God's Plan. I know timing is not up to us, but this is the perfect time. P is 3 and about to start school at my school (which means he is practically free and would leave day care cost cheaper), and we are much more financially stable now than 3 years ago when we had P.

Mommy I have just decided to TRY SOFTCUPS this cycle!!! Haha they sound so cool.. I have considered buying them a million times, but just never got over how strange they are. But you say they keep the spermies close to the cervix and I'm sold! Haha couldn't hurt right.

Btw anyone use dollar store OPK's? Idk what to use this time!!

I have used the dollar store for the afternoon check- CBE for the morning test (because that is when you are supposed to use them) and dollar store for afternoon. They work. On the same day my CBE test showed a smile face the dollar store test had the second line darker than the first. And the Prego tests are the same they use at the OB's office.

AFM- Temps were high again today! Monday they were 96.2, yesterday 96.6 and today 96.8. I am fairly positive I started O Monday night/ early Tuesday (pains while sleeping- enough to wake me up), then again Tuesday morning (cramping again), and had cramping again yesterday afternoon, and yesterday evening (around dinner time). I know I had one follicle at 22 on Friday (would have been 25 by Monday), almost 16 (would have been 19/20 yesterday), 14 (would have been 17/18 yesterday) and I think a 12 or 13 (would have been 15-16 yesterday), so all the O cramps makes since. Once the LH surges all mature follicles will release within 24 hours. After that any follicle that didn't release (most likely because not mature), will just reabsorb into the body. I am super hopeful this month. If we don't get bfp this month I don't know what I am going to do, start another round of clomid I guess.
Huh sounds great really.. That has always confused me.. how can I get pregnant if it's all leakin down my leg. (Haha IK TMI but ew it always happens!) But yeah now I won't have to flip out about laying there for 15 after, I'll be good. I may have to msg you when I buy them though and ask fifty questions on why I can't figure em out though!! Lol.

Anything else good I should know that helped you conceive before? I am taking my prenatals, and have been. I don't really know what else I can do. I have great EWCM so that's not an issue. Just want to boost my chances!

If I conceive this cycle, I'll have the same exact due date as our son, who was born this past year. That kind of sucks for me, bc I wanted it before his due date. So I'm really hoping this time works..

I wouldn't be too concerned with the leaking. I talked to my doctor about this and then confirmed with some medical articles, and they all said that the amount of leaking doesn't make a difference because the sperm that is deposited that low wouldn't make it to where it needs to be anyway. That being said- after doing this for 18 months, do whatever you think will help. I would pull out all the stops. If you think it will work, do it.
Huh sounds great really.. That has always confused me.. how can I get pregnant if it's all leakin down my leg. (Haha IK TMI but ew it always happens!) But yeah now I won't have to flip out about laying there for 15 after, I'll be good. I may have to msg you when I buy them though and ask fifty questions on why I can't figure em out though!! Lol.

Anything else good I should know that helped you conceive before? I am taking my prenatals, and have been. I don't really know what else I can do. I have great EWCM so that's not an issue. Just want to boost my chances!

If I conceive this cycle, I'll have the same exact due date as our son, who was born this past year. That kind of sucks for me, bc I wanted it before his due date. So I'm really hoping this time works..

sounds good about the messages, no problem hun happy to help if i can. Ummmm i do the ferning, the opks, the cp check, the cm check, the softcups.... oh last year i did the pre-seed but don't really think it helped us at all i was doing that months before i actually got the bfp. the thing that really helped us i believe was the opk and the softcups.

I don't know if I could do that. I just go to sleep right after dtd, so it doesn't bother me. I have to take benadryl before going to bed anyway for allergies; I have no problem sleeping.
I have read though that sperm travel easier and faster if you have the big O (and not ovulation) after he does or 2 minutes or less before he does. This is what we aim for each time and I actually have less leakage this way- maybe there is something to it.

That would be so cool if we got our BFPs on the same day. I used to get the scared moment, but now that we have been TTCing for 18 months, I am sure this is right. My scared moment is more scared over another mc when I do get my bfp or scared that we are doing all of this and it is just not meant to be. I would be fine with just one child, but I really want a second. DH and I always wanted a big family, but I am wondering if it is part of God's Plan. I know timing is not up to us, but this is the perfect time. P is 3 and about to start school at my school (which means he is practically free and would leave day care cost cheaper), and we are much more financially stable now than 3 years ago when we had P.

Yeah i can't handle the leaking. ugh. even if i go to sleep, i literally leak ALL night, and ALL day the following day. it's so bad i even have to wear a light days pad i can't stand it. it will soak through my clothes into the sheets, so that's why i have to use the pad or the soft cups, because i just don't trust it. and if i use them, none escapes and i get all of it :)

18 months is a long time :( i'm so sorry it's been so hard. it really sucks. :(

Huh sounds great really.. That has always confused me.. how can I get pregnant if it's all leakin down my leg. (Haha IK TMI but ew it always happens!) But yeah now I won't have to flip out about laying there for 15 after, I'll be good. I may have to msg you when I buy them though and ask fifty questions on why I can't figure em out though!! Lol.

Anything else good I should know that helped you conceive before? I am taking my prenatals, and have been. I don't really know what else I can do. I have great EWCM so that's not an issue. Just want to boost my chances!

If I conceive this cycle, I'll have the same exact due date as our son, who was born this past year. That kind of sucks for me, bc I wanted it before his due date. So I'm really hoping this time works..

I wouldn't be too concerned with the leaking. I talked to my doctor about this and then confirmed with some medical articles, and they all said that the amount of leaking doesn't make a difference because the sperm that is deposited that low wouldn't make it to where it needs to be anyway. That being said- after doing this for 18 months, do whatever you think will help. I would pull out all the stops. If you think it will work, do it.

i didn't know that about hte leaking- good to know, i just feel really gross when it goes through my pants the following day!!! so that's another huge reason i love them
Huh sounds great really.. That has always confused me.. how can I get pregnant if it's all leakin down my leg. (Haha IK TMI but ew it always happens!) But yeah now I won't have to flip out about laying there for 15 after, I'll be good. I may have to msg you when I buy them though and ask fifty questions on why I can't figure em out though!! Lol.

Anything else good I should know that helped you conceive before? I am taking my prenatals, and have been. I don't really know what else I can do. I have great EWCM so that's not an issue. Just want to boost my chances!

If I conceive this cycle, I'll have the same exact due date as our son, who was born this past year. That kind of sucks for me, bc I wanted it before his due date. So I'm really hoping this time works..

sounds good about the messages, no problem hun happy to help if i can. Ummmm i do the ferning, the opks, the cp check, the cm check, the softcups.... oh last year i did the pre-seed but don't really think it helped us at all i was doing that months before i actually got the bfp. the thing that really helped us i believe was the opk and the softcups.

I don't know if I could do that. I just go to sleep right after dtd, so it doesn't bother me. I have to take benadryl before going to bed anyway for allergies; I have no problem sleeping.
I have read though that sperm travel easier and faster if you have the big O (and not ovulation) after he does or 2 minutes or less before he does. This is what we aim for each time and I actually have less leakage this way- maybe there is something to it.

That would be so cool if we got our BFPs on the same day. I used to get the scared moment, but now that we have been TTCing for 18 months, I am sure this is right. My scared moment is more scared over another mc when I do get my bfp or scared that we are doing all of this and it is just not meant to be. I would be fine with just one child, but I really want a second. DH and I always wanted a big family, but I am wondering if it is part of God's Plan. I know timing is not up to us, but this is the perfect time. P is 3 and about to start school at my school (which means he is practically free and would leave day care cost cheaper), and we are much more financially stable now than 3 years ago when we had P.

Yeah i can't handle the leaking. ugh. even if i go to sleep, i literally leak ALL night, and ALL day the following day. it's so bad i even have to wear a light days pad i can't stand it. it will soak through my clothes into the sheets, so that's why i have to use the pad or the soft cups, because i just don't trust it. and if i use them, none escapes and i get all of it :)

18 months is a long time :( i'm so sorry it's been so hard. it really sucks. :(

Huh sounds great really.. That has always confused me.. how can I get pregnant if it's all leakin down my leg. (Haha IK TMI but ew it always happens!) But yeah now I won't have to flip out about laying there for 15 after, I'll be good. I may have to msg you when I buy them though and ask fifty questions on why I can't figure em out though!! Lol.

Anything else good I should know that helped you conceive before? I am taking my prenatals, and have been. I don't really know what else I can do. I have great EWCM so that's not an issue. Just want to boost my chances!

If I conceive this cycle, I'll have the same exact due date as our son, who was born this past year. That kind of sucks for me, bc I wanted it before his due date. So I'm really hoping this time works..

I wouldn't be too concerned with the leaking. I talked to my doctor about this and then confirmed with some medical articles, and they all said that the amount of leaking doesn't make a difference because the sperm that is deposited that low wouldn't make it to where it needs to be anyway. That being said- after doing this for 18 months, do whatever you think will help. I would pull out all the stops. If you think it will work, do it.

i didn't know that about hte leaking- good to know, i just feel really gross when it goes through my pants the following day!!! so that's another huge reason i love them

I understand. I would prob use them too if I had that much leaking. I only get leaking if I get up right away, but I think is has something to do with the big o timing. They say it has to do with the uterus contracting during the big o and sucking it all up. I know gross but it does make leaking less. At least for me
just went to get the mail, opks are here :yipee:

Hooray! Now go pee.


going to test at 5. My tests say to test same time every day, and to do it between 10-8pm. SO testing at 5. :) Although i'm nervous since i waited til 8 to test LAST time we got our bfp. wonder if it is why some tests are darker?

also got my o pains starting JUST now. :) good signs!!

Boo! What do you mean some are darker? How is your cm? Strong o pains or pre o pains?

Afm- spent the night with some friends from high school and 7 boys under the age of 5. I'm feeling good about this cycle. Now I guess I just wait. Curious to see what my temps will be tomorrow.
Can you usually buy soft cups in a pharmacy?

I can't find too many websites in my hood that sell, but I'd like to check them out.
FF confirmed my ovulation at cd 16 (although I think it was the early morning of cd 17). That puts me at 2/3dpo. My chart looks much better this time and I had high temps again today- 96.8 (yes, that is high for me)! Can you all take a look at my chart and let me know what you think?

Boo! What do you mean some are darker? How is your cm? Strong o pains or pre o pains?

Afm- spent the night with some friends from high school and 7 boys under the age of 5. I'm feeling good about this cycle. Now I guess I just wait. Curious to see what my temps will be tomorrow.

I'm not sure lol what the heck i was talking about!! both tests were negative. i took one in the afternoon and another at night and nope, negative. I can't tell my cm sadly from all the sex we've been having, and think pre-o pains. just checked cm again and really can't tell. some looks creamy, thought i had some ewcm, but i really really can't seem to tell. no cramps right now either.

Can you usually buy soft cups in a pharmacy?

I can't find too many websites in my hood that sell, but I'd like to check them out.

i ordered mine directly from the website. i don't know if youc an get them in pharmacies

FF confirmed my ovulation at cd 16 (although I think it was the early morning of cd 17). That puts me at 2/3dpo. My chart looks much better this time and I had high temps again today- 96.8 (yes, that is high for me)! Can you all take a look at my chart and let me know what you think?

i agree, i think it was early morning cd 17 too!

afm: Slight on and off mini cramps. partial ferning. waiting to take opk tonight at 8. other than that i've got nothing. very tired today.
btw what days is everyone testing?

I'm going to add that fun thing to the front so we can keep track of one another. I'm also going to change the naem of the thread since we're all together now. :)

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