My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

I'm out :(

The :witch: got me this morning, which on the positive side means I seem to have a consistent 30 day cycle so gearing up for next month.
Very naughty though, just went online and spent $100 on opks, preseed and pre-conception vitamins. Hopefully a good investment!
Had my doctor's appt today- went well. At least 3 good follicles, which means 3 chances to conceive. :thumbup: everything else looks good. He reminded me of the higher chance of multiples. He took some bld too but said day 21 testing isn't necessary. Also said her expects o either tomorrow or Sunday.

How is everyone else doing?

Oh that's great !!! so exciting!!! Get bd'ing!!!! i still have to wait 6 days min til o.

I'm out :(

The :witch: got me this morning, which on the positive side means I seem to have a consistent 30 day cycle so gearing up for next month.
Very naughty though, just went online and spent $100 on opks, preseed and pre-conception vitamins. Hopefully a good investment!

:hugs: hun, that's lovely about the 30 day cycle though! I did opks & preseed my last time i tried (2 years ago lol) don't know if the pre-seed helped but i loved the opks. I also like the instead soft cups, i htink of the two, i'd have spent the money again on the soft cups rather than the pre-seed. esp. since they don't expire. (that's just me though lol! i feel like the soft cups controlled a lot more.) i'm sure it'll be a good investment, the opks are fantastic! if i don't get the egg this cycle i'll be buying a ton next.

afm: cd10 today, start bd'ing on wednesday night. was going to start on thursday but that's cd 16, so should start a day early i think. So, not too far yet. Really hoping i don't have to be insane much longer with this ttc. it really makes me crazy. does it do that to you ladies? sometimes i swear all i think about is having the baby and when we need to do :sex: but i'm also a control freak sadly. i'm not proud of it!
:hugs: hun, that's lovely about the 30 day cycle though! I did opks & preseed my last time i tried (2 years ago lol) don't know if the pre-seed helped but i loved the opks. I also like the instead soft cups, i htink of the two, i'd have spent the money again on the soft cups rather than the pre-seed. esp. since they don't expire. (that's just me though lol! i feel like the soft cups controlled a lot more.) i'm sure it'll be a good investment, the opks are fantastic! if i don't get the egg this cycle i'll be buying a ton next.

afm: cd10 today, start bd'ing on wednesday night. was going to start on thursday but that's cd 16, so should start a day early i think. So, not too far yet. Really hoping i don't have to be insane much longer with this ttc. it really makes me crazy. does it do that to you ladies? sometimes i swear all i think about is having the baby and when we need to do :sex: but i'm also a control freak sadly. i'm not proud of it![/QUOTE]

Thank you! One of the reasons I went with preseed is it helped my bestie onceive her first. Hubby wanted to wait another month before we tried but I bought it anyway as I don't know about my cm. Can't hurt, right?...

I feel a bit crazy too. I think this cycle I'm going to focus on going to the gym and try not to think about TTC too much. It's so consuming!

Hubby and I are going to bd every day during fertile period - for at least a week :)

When should I start using the opks?
:hugs: hun, that's lovely about the 30 day cycle though! I did opks & preseed my last time i tried (2 years ago lol) don't know if the pre-seed helped but i loved the opks. I also like the instead soft cups, i htink of the two, i'd have spent the money again on the soft cups rather than the pre-seed. esp. since they don't expire. (that's just me though lol! i feel like the soft cups controlled a lot more.) i'm sure it'll be a good investment, the opks are fantastic! if i don't get the egg this cycle i'll be buying a ton next.

afm: cd10 today, start bd'ing on wednesday night. was going to start on thursday but that's cd 16, so should start a day early i think. So, not too far yet. Really hoping i don't have to be insane much longer with this ttc. it really makes me crazy. does it do that to you ladies? sometimes i swear all i think about is having the baby and when we need to do :sex: but i'm also a control freak sadly. i'm not proud of it!

Thank you! One of the reasons I went with preseed is it helped my bestie onceive her first. Hubby wanted to wait another month before we tried but I bought it anyway as I don't know about my cm. Can't hurt, right?...

I feel a bit crazy too. I think this cycle I'm going to focus on going to the gym and try not to think about TTC too much. It's so consuming!

Hubby and I are going to bd every day during fertile period - for at least a week :)

When should I start using the opks?[/QUOTE]

I totally caved and just ordered opks. really hope they get here in time for the actual bd'ing. idiot, i should've ordered them last week.

I would start testing a day or two before you suspect your O will occur. And the preseed definitely can't hurt :) i'm hoping i don't have to buy it this time again, trying to cut costs. really hoping that i don't have to use these next cycle and that this cycle it's done. and we are doing the same, the bding until i know i o'd! they're be thrilled with that right?
Rozz- I'm sorry, but at least you know your cycles now and will be using opks. I have never uses pressed or anything but I hope it helps you.

Mommy- when should you get your opks? I started using mine on day 11, but I think your cycle is longer, so maybe try on day 15 pot 14?

sure our others are loving all the bding- I know mine has
still no pos opk but I am thinking it will be tomorrow. Lots of little cramping today, nausea, and (tmi) cm today. Last night was interesting- we are in the camper and P didn't want to go to sleep but we needed to bd before bed and I was falling sleep, so we had to use the tv babysitter and be very quiet. I hope he sleeps tonight so we don't have to repeat.
lol tv babysitter?? glad you got the bd in!!!

I will use opks probably as soon as they arrive (hopefully not too late, i'm nervous about that. I'll start bd'ing def. on wednesday either way, but i will start on cd 15 on thursday i think for the opks. they should be here by then. they came fast last time i ordered them. im getting nervous.
Yeah all this TTC is expensive! I keep having moments where I cannot believe we got pregnant by accident last time!

I'm quite excited about opks and will keep up temping. Have given myself Christmas deadline before we go to dr. Hopefully it won't be necessary!

Mommy I hope your opks get there soon!

I think I'll start using them cd13 or 14 - ff said o was cd16 last month, ovufriend said cd20.
Can you tell that you have ovulated from them? Like does it go fainter again or stop altogether?
lol tv babysitter?? glad you got the bd in!!!

I will use opks probably as soon as they arrive (hopefully not too late, i'm nervous about that. I'll start bd'ing def. on wednesday either way, but i will start on cd 15 on thursday i think for the opks. they should be here by then. they came fast last time i ordered them. im getting nervous.

You know- tv babysitter: Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Netflix. Put him in his room with the tablet and shut the door.
I know what you mean about being nervous. I hope they get here soon for you. I better gave a positive tomorrow. I have never had o pains like I have had this afternoon/evening.

Yeah all this TTC is expensive! I keep having moments where I cannot believe we got pregnant by accident last time!

I'm quite excited about opks and will keep up temping. Have given myself Christmas deadline before we go to dr. Hopefully it won't be necessary!

Mommy I hope your opks get there soon!

I think I'll start using them cd13 or 14 - ff said o was cd16 last month, ovufriend said cd20.
Can you tell that you have ovulated from them? Like does it go fainter again or stop altogether?

When did you start TTC? Opk will only show pos for 24 hours. They only show the surge. I would start testing about 4 days before expected O and you can stop once you get a pos. Also bd every other night day 10-AF and 3-4 days when you get pos opk.
Yeah all this TTC is expensive! I keep having moments where I cannot believe we got pregnant by accident last time!

I'm quite excited about opks and will keep up temping. Have given myself Christmas deadline before we go to dr. Hopefully it won't be necessary!

Mommy I hope your opks get there soon!

I think I'll start using them cd13 or 14 - ff said o was cd16 last month, ovufriend said cd20.
Can you tell that you have ovulated from them? Like does it go fainter again or stop altogether?

And yes, this is expensive. I don't have cost in my ticker BC I don't want to think about it. But insurance doesn't cover clomid or u/s for fertility- together that is $150 a month.
lol tv babysitter?? glad you got the bd in!!!

I will use opks probably as soon as they arrive (hopefully not too late, i'm nervous about that. I'll start bd'ing def. on wednesday either way, but i will start on cd 15 on thursday i think for the opks. they should be here by then. they came fast last time i ordered them. im getting nervous.

You know- tv babysitter: Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Netflix. Put him in his room with the tablet and shut the door.
I know what you mean about being nervous. I hope they get here soon for you. I better gave a positive tomorrow. I have never had o pains like I have had this afternoon/evening.

Yeah all this TTC is expensive! I keep having moments where I cannot believe we got pregnant by accident last time!

I'm quite excited about opks and will keep up temping. Have given myself Christmas deadline before we go to dr. Hopefully it won't be necessary!

Mommy I hope your opks get there soon!

I think I'll start using them cd13 or 14 - ff said o was cd16 last month, ovufriend said cd20.
Can you tell that you have ovulated from them? Like does it go fainter again or stop altogether?

When did you start TTC? Opk will only show pos for 24 hours. They only show the surge. I would start testing about 4 days before expected O and you can stop once you get a pos. Also bd every other night day 10-AF and 3-4 days when you get pos opk.

We started TTC 2 months ago, well NTNP and then TTC last month. So it'll be approx. 6 months by Christmas. No time at all compared to some. I did have issues with DS and he was born 11 weeks early, I think due to dh's blood type? Want to catch it early if so...

Thanks for the bd tip - we are just trying to figure that part of it out ;)
Yeah all this TTC is expensive! I keep having moments where I cannot believe we got pregnant by accident last time!

I'm quite excited about opks and will keep up temping. Have given myself Christmas deadline before we go to dr. Hopefully it won't be necessary!

Mommy I hope your opks get there soon!

I think I'll start using them cd13 or 14 - ff said o was cd16 last month, ovufriend said cd20.
Can you tell that you have ovulated from them? Like does it go fainter again or stop altogether?

I can't believe anyone gets pregnant by accident!!! it's so easy for some isn't it? my sil had both hers by accident. my friend got pg twice, ON birth control.

With my opks, i only did them last time up til the day i got the pos. then i just stopped lol! didn't even think to keep going. directions said, when you get your pos, dtd every single night for at LEAST 3 days, or until you get your confirmed temp rise/o. So i always wonder the same thing!!!! but i know usually it says you only get the pos the day of the surge and then no more. Or it's positive right before the surge? or something. lol i'll have to look at the strips again.

And my pg tests are only good til nov. so it better be done before all that. because i don't want baby birthdays too close together. can't celebrate as well!!!

lol tv babysitter?? glad you got the bd in!!!

I will use opks probably as soon as they arrive (hopefully not too late, i'm nervous about that. I'll start bd'ing def. on wednesday either way, but i will start on cd 15 on thursday i think for the opks. they should be here by then. they came fast last time i ordered them. im getting nervous.

You know- tv babysitter: Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Netflix. Put him in his room with the tablet and shut the door.
I know what you mean about being nervous. I hope they get here soon for you. I better gave a positive tomorrow. I have never had o pains like I have had this afternoon/evening.

Yeah all this TTC is expensive! I keep having moments where I cannot believe we got pregnant by accident last time!

I'm quite excited about opks and will keep up temping. Have given myself Christmas deadline before we go to dr. Hopefully it won't be necessary!

Mommy I hope your opks get there soon!

I think I'll start using them cd13 or 14 - ff said o was cd16 last month, ovufriend said cd20.
Can you tell that you have ovulated from them? Like does it go fainter again or stop altogether?

When did you start TTC? Opk will only show pos for 24 hours. They only show the surge. I would start testing about 4 days before expected O and you can stop once you get a pos. Also bd every other night day 10-AF and 3-4 days when you get pos opk.

Can't wait to see if you get your pos opk!!! everything is crossed for you!!!!! and jake and the neverland pirates! my girl loves that show. and mickey! do they have mickey mouse clubhouse on netflix? never thought to check! ha.

afm: got a bit of bd'ing in last night, and now just patiently (yeah right) waiting for opks and O this week. I'll feel better about the tww this time around now that i have the opks on their way. when they get here finally and i stop worrying about it. i'm so neurotic it's annoying.
6 months is a good guide- especially if yoy had a problem with your first.

I still have a beg opk which is freaking me out. I think I may get some progesterone cream today because if I have another 28 day cycle my lutal phase will be less than 10. What do you all think?
6 months is a good guide- especially if yoy had a problem with your first.

I still have a beg opk which is freaking me out. I think I may get some progesterone cream today because if I have another 28 day cycle my lutal phase will be less than 10. What do you all think?

don't know anything about progesterone cream- sorry hun.

And i didn't really have a 'problem' just know that it took 5 cycles to get pg. i think i just should've been bd'ing more than i was. so really hoping this bd plan will work out for us.
Mommy I hear you re the birthdays - unfortunately if we conceive this cycle due date is dh birthday and next cycle due date is DS birthday. That said, DS came 11 weeks before his due date... Lol!

I can't wait for my packages to get here. Exciting!
One of the sites I'm on (there are 3-4) actually gives me a guide on when to use the opks - its called if you want to check it out
If we conceive this cycle (fingers crossed) the due date will be Ps birthday, which is also my nephews birthday (1 years old) and this is the month I conceived with the first mc last year. I hope I can conceive this month again.

Oh I don't know what your grocery stores are but the one by me has the CB easy tests $20 off. I know a lot of people confirm with them. It brings it down to $2 a test
Mommy I hear you re the birthdays - unfortunately if we conceive this cycle due date is dh birthday and next cycle due date is DS birthday. That said, DS came 11 weeks before his due date... Lol!

I can't wait for my packages to get here. Exciting!
One of the sites I'm on (there are 3-4) actually gives me a guide on when to use the opks - its called if you want to check it out

if we get this cycle we would be due in April, i have NO other birthdays that month, so that would be awesome. dd's isn't til August so it would be lovely. Yeah i just follow what the directions on my particular opks say :)

If we conceive this cycle (fingers crossed) the due date will be Ps birthday, which is also my nephews birthday (1 years old) and this is the month I conceived with the first mc last year. I hope I can conceive this month again.

Oh I don't know what your grocery stores are but the one by me has the CB easy tests $20 off. I know a lot of people confirm with them. It brings it down to $2 a test

you know i did actually use them, but the ones that don't say pregnant on them, because they're just too damn expensive!

i'll worry about buying that once i get the bfp on the cheapies.
Mommy I hear you re the birthdays - unfortunately if we conceive this cycle due date is dh birthday and next cycle due date is DS birthday. That said, DS came 11 weeks before his due date... Lol!

I can't wait for my packages to get here. Exciting!
One of the sites I'm on (there are 3-4) actually gives me a guide on when to use the opks - its called if you want to check it out

if we get this cycle we would be due in April, i have NO other birthdays that month, so that would be awesome. dd's isn't til August so it would be lovely. Yeah i just follow what the directions on my particular opks say :)

If we conceive this cycle (fingers crossed) the due date will be Ps birthday, which is also my nephews birthday (1 years old) and this is the month I conceived with the first mc last year. I hope I can conceive this month again.

Oh I don't know what your grocery stores are but the one by me has the CB easy tests $20 off. I know a lot of people confirm with them. It brings it down to $2 a test

you know i did actually use them, but the ones that don't say pregnant on them, because they're just too damn expensive!

i'll worry about buying that once i get the bfp on the cheapies.

Sorry, should of clarified- the CB opks with the smiley faces.

Retook my opk at 7 tonight and I finally got a blinky face, which means o shoul be in 2-3 days.
Are those CBs expensive?? I'm looking for a new one.. Been using Answer strips.
Mommy I hear you re the birthdays - unfortunately if we conceive this cycle due date is dh birthday and next cycle due date is DS birthday. That said, DS came 11 weeks before his due date... Lol!

I can't wait for my packages to get here. Exciting!
One of the sites I'm on (there are 3-4) actually gives me a guide on when to use the opks - its called if you want to check it out

if we get this cycle we would be due in April, i have NO other birthdays that month, so that would be awesome. dd's isn't til August so it would be lovely. Yeah i just follow what the directions on my particular opks say :)

If we conceive this cycle (fingers crossed) the due date will be Ps birthday, which is also my nephews birthday (1 years old) and this is the month I conceived with the first mc last year. I hope I can conceive this month again.

Oh I don't know what your grocery stores are but the one by me has the CB easy tests $20 off. I know a lot of people confirm with them. It brings it down to $2 a test

you know i did actually use them, but the ones that don't say pregnant on them, because they're just too damn expensive!

i'll worry about buying that once i get the bfp on the cheapies.

Sorry, should of clarified- the CB opks with the smiley faces.

Retook my opk at 7 tonight and I finally got a blinky face, which means o shoul be in 2-3 days.

never used those before!!! are they good? i always used the ones online. they worked well for me, it's like 1.10 a test or something. and we may wind up on the same cycle! i got a partial ferning (i think) this am, so o should be right around the corner.

Are those CBs expensive?? I'm looking for a new one.. Been using Answer strips.

I get mine from and you get free shipping if you buy like 15. they're a great company. just waiting for mine to arrive. curse my last minute I NEED THESE feelings.

AFM- cd 12, started the marathon sat. night for :sex: which may be a good thing! my cp is in fertile position although i can't check cm after all the :sex: i THINK i got a ferning pattern this am, but it's way too early for me to be O'ing. so i'm assuming it was partial. However when i look it up, it almost looked full ferning- but it's just way too soon. so confused. not due to o til cd 16 at the earliest so must be partial. I'll start using the soft cups tonight though JUST in case. And my opks probably didn't even ship yet.

did any of you ever use a ferning microscope??? I"m asking because i'm using mine again, and i got a partial ferning this am, (it's still awesome) and i tested again immediately after (as i didn't believe it lol) and then it wasn't there at all. what causes that kind of stuff?
Morgan and Mommy- CB easy tests are the easiest to use. If you are not fertile, you get a circle. If your estrogen levels are rising- signaling impending o, you have a blinking smile. If your LH levels are surging- o will happen within 48 hours, you have a solid smile face. That being said, they are expensive: about $50 for 20 tests. I know a lot of people who will use the regular OPKs and then confirm with the CB opk so that they know for sure.

Mommy- I have never done ferning. I never wanted to get into it because it would be something else I would obsess about. I am very type A and would be concerned with every detail (hints why I use the CB tests- keeps me somewhat sane).

AFM- I got my pos opk this morning. So should O sometime in the next 24-48 hours. It is cd16, so I am a little worried about my lutal phase; meaning I will probably use my creme, once I can confirm O with temp, to try to extend that. I really hope this is my month (again). DH and I have been BDing everyday since Friday night (and every other night before for like a week). I guess we will continue to bd every night for the next 3-4 nights. It starts to get comical at this point in our TTC journey.

Hope you all get your pos OPKs soon.

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