Myomectomy? Any one had one to remove a fibroid?

Hey, just thought I'd pop in and say hi as well. My boyfriend and I have been ttc for 3.5 years now with no success. In august my u/s showed i had a fibroid about 3cm in size and they said I would need surgery to remove it. I have my surgery booked for the 30th jan 12 for a hysteroscopic and then possible a laparotomy if there are any complications whilst i'm under. I was never told specifically what fibroid I had, but judging from the surgery they chose and they did say it was protruding into the uterus, that I have a submucosal fibroid!

Really nervous about it all, but loved listening to all the stories on here and fingers crossed we will all get our BFP soon. :D

Hey thanks for your post good luck with your surgery at the end of the month and hopefully it will bring you one step closer to your baby
My doctor has just told me that they would like to remove a fibroid that I have. He's known about it for months and was fine with it before but now seems to be an issue. It hasn't changed in size or location.

Did any of you girls get a 2nd opinion? I'd like to have someone else look at it and see if its an issue but not sure who to go to. It takes so long to get into other fertility specialists - can you go to your gyno?
Hockey, if your gyno has an ultrasound machine, he can look for OB/GYN found mine.
Hockey, if your gyno has an ultrasound machine, he can look for OB/GYN found mine.

Thank you! I just called mine and they can do that for me. Have an appointment next week.

Never hurts to get more information!
Hello ladies,

Some of you wanted an update after my surgery so here it goes. Yesterday I underwent a hysteroscopy/laporoscopy to remove 3 submucosal fibroids. They were able to determine that both my tubes were open(I had had an HSG the week prior which showed dye going thru the right tube but no dye going the left tube. They were not sure if it was spasm or mucus plug). I also had some mild endometriosis that they zapped with a laser or something. All in all it went very well. I woke up with some pain but the nurses gave me some IV drugs that helped and I went home the same night. Unfortunately I could not pee when I got home and developed a very painful, distended bladder so I had to go back to the hospital to get a catheter put in my bladder(nice!). It sucked but I felt sooo much better. So now I have an indwelling catheter in my bladder and a saline balloon in my uterus to prevent adhesions.

I am just full of lovely foriegn objects. The good news is that I am not really in too much pain and now I don't have to get up to go pee in the middle of the night:thumbup:.

The doctor felt that everything went very well and that we can TTC in 3 months. Well, that is the update and if anyone is going for this procedure it really isn't too bad.
Hello ladies,

Some of you wanted an update after my surgery so here it goes. Yesterday I underwent a hysteroscopy/laporoscopy to remove 3 submucosal fibroids. They were able to determine that both my tubes were open(I had had an HSG the week prior which showed dye going thru the right tube but no dye going the left tube. They were not sure if it was spasm or mucus plug). I also had some mild endometriosis that they zapped with a laser or something. All in all it went very well. I woke up with some pain but the nurses gave me some IV drugs that helped and I went home the same night. Unfortunately I could not pee when I got home and developed a very painful, distended bladder so I had to go back to the hospital to get a catheter put in my bladder(nice!). It sucked but I felt sooo much better. So now I have an indwelling catheter in my bladder and a saline balloon in my uterus to prevent adhesions.

I am just full of lovely foriegn objects. The good news is that I am not really in too much pain and now I don't have to get up to go pee in the middle of the night:thumbup:.

The doctor felt that everything went very well and that we can TTC in 3 months. Well, that is the update and if anyone is going for this procedure it really isn't too bad.

Yay! that is good news!! I'm glad that you are on your road to recovery. when do you get the balloon out of your uterus?

Hockey-a second opinion is always a good thing! My fibroid was watched for years before we discovered that it was impinging on the lining and distorting the cavity. Mine has been good at hiding and looking deceiving.

AFM-I had my MRI and now i have my consult with the surgeon on Feb 3!
Hey, just thought I'd pop in and say hi as well. My boyfriend and I have been ttc for 3.5 years now with no success. In august my u/s showed i had a fibroid about 3cm in size and they said I would need surgery to remove it. I have my surgery booked for the 30th jan 12 for a hysteroscopic and then possible a laparotomy if there are any complications whilst i'm under. I was never told specifically what fibroid I had, but judging from the surgery they chose and they did say it was protruding into the uterus, that I have a submucosal fibroid!

Really nervous about it all, but loved listening to all the stories on here and fingers crossed we will all get our BFP soon. :D

Good luck with your surgery! you will have to tell us how it goes!
Hello ladies,

Some of you wanted an update after my surgery so here it goes. Yesterday I underwent a hysteroscopy/laporoscopy to remove 3 submucosal fibroids. They were able to determine that both my tubes were open(I had had an HSG the week prior which showed dye going thru the right tube but no dye going the left tube. They were not sure if it was spasm or mucus plug). I also had some mild endometriosis that they zapped with a laser or something. All in all it went very well. I woke up with some pain but the nurses gave me some IV drugs that helped and I went home the same night. Unfortunately I could not pee when I got home and developed a very painful, distended bladder so I had to go back to the hospital to get a catheter put in my bladder(nice!). It sucked but I felt sooo much better. So now I have an indwelling catheter in my bladder and a saline balloon in my uterus to prevent adhesions.

I am just full of lovely foriegn objects. The good news is that I am not really in too much pain and now I don't have to get up to go pee in the middle of the night:thumbup:.

The doctor felt that everything went very well and that we can TTC in 3 months. Well, that is the update and if anyone is going for this procedure it really isn't too bad.

My surgery is a week on monday, so I will definitely let you all know how it goes.

I can not thank you enough gettinginfo, I am usually good with surgery and was so nervous about this one, but your experience has eased my mind :happydance: I still need to do my HSG, I was actually going to ask them, if they would be able to do it or if they were able to check my tubes during the procedure...hmm I wonder if they can?:-k

Although, is the peeing problem quite common and how long do you have to have the catheter for? Hope you feel better soon and lets hope you soon recover xxx
hi ladies,
gettinginfo thanks so much for your post surgery report. great to hear it went well despite some pee hiccups. the 3 months will fly past (and may offer some ttc relief too!) and I am hoping it will help you in your journey.

Teddy, can't wait to hear what your surgeon says.

Yes i do agree about the second opinion too...especially if the doctor has changed his mind.

ATM: I went for a FS appt last week. The FS looked at my xrays from 18 months ago of my fibroid and said it is not intefering with my uterus lining so it should not be affecting ttc. he said in terms of fibroids it is in a 'good position to be'. Nevertheless he has ordered a HSG and another ultrasound in case fibroid has grown or if there is more now.

buttonsbabe good luck with your surgery next week
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the warm wishes. Recovery is going well. No more pain meds. The catheter in the bladder is supposed to stay in for a week which I was bummed about but what can I do? Apparently it is not uncommon to have bladder issues after a long pelvic surgery with general anesthesia. It does put a damper on going out as I am not about to lug the bag around:wacko:. You do get a leg bag. It hasn't been too bad but just a little awkward.

Buttons, don't worry about it too much though. My surgery was 3 hours which is on the longer side for these kinds of things. You will probably be fine so no worries. The uterus balloon comes out on Thursday in the office and so then I will be object free!

Teddy, did you get any results from the MRI or are you going to get that info when you go for your consult? Good luck!

Aleja, Glad your fibroids are not causing any issues. Good luck with TTC journey!

Keep me posted on everyone's journeys.....
I got a copy of my mri results faxed from my doctor. It turns out i have 3 fibroids with the largest being 5.2x5.6cm, bigger than we thought. The next to largest is 1.4x2.0cm plus i have suspected nabothian cysts. Anyone experience these? I can't wait to have my appt and find out how the surgeon can help me
hi teddy thanks for the update. wow at least you got some clarity about what your dealing with. I remember my FS said that some women's fibroids are really really large eg +8cm so yours teddy are smaller than this. but i guess you will be keen to see what the surgeon says.
i have never heard of nabothian cysts..what are they ?:hugs:

gettinginfo glad to hear you are on the mend now. did you have to take the whole week off work?
I got a copy of my mri results faxed from my doctor. It turns out i have 3 fibroids with the largest being 5.2x5.6cm, bigger than we thought. The next to largest is 1.4x2.0cm plus i have suspected nabothian cysts. Anyone experience these? I can't wait to have my appt and find out how the surgeon can help me

Did the report mention the locations of the fibroids?(i.e intramural, subserosal or submucosal). I think I mentioned it before but it seems the submucosal location is the one that is mostly associated with difficulty with implantation and higher miscarriage rates. The subserosals are not thought to have any significant effect on conceiving and the intramural is unclear but it seems that removal does not improve one's odds of getting pregnant. This is info I gleaned from an article given to me by my RE. It was a retrospective study looking at hundreds of women who had myomectomies for infertility. Anyway, it is not perfect but a lot of docs use this article to help guide them.

Nabothian cysts occur on the cervix and I understand them to be benign and quite common. I do not believe they interfere with conception unless they are extremely large and then could theoretically interfere with sperm passing thru the cervix into the uterus.

Keep us posted on your visit! Good luck!
gettinginfo glad to hear you are on the mend now. did you have to take the whole week off work?[/QUOTE]

Hi there,

My surgeon told me to take 1-2 weeks off from work so I went for the 2 weeks and I am so glad I did. I am happy to report that I got my bladder catheter out today and have been able to pee so far without any troubles. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way:flower: I will never take my bladder for granted!!
this is what my MRI said...

"the uterus is heterogeneously enlarged measuring 10.1x7.6x7.4cm."
"At least 3 myometrial masses are noticed, the largest in the anterior mid uterus measuring 5.2x5.6cm extending to level of submucosa and somewhat displacing the endometrial stripe. Two smaller myometrial masses are noticed, the next largest is seen anteriorly in the lower uterine segment measuring 1.4x2.0cm. These are probably leiomyoma. Several cysts are seen in the cervix, probably nabothian cysts."
"Multiple small follicles are noted in both ovaries. Moderate free fluid is identified in the pelvis."
Impression-"uterine masses, probable fibroids."

So it sounds like this would definitely affect fertility right? Since its extending to the submucosa and displacing the endometrial stripe?
this is what my MRI said...

"the uterus is heterogeneously enlarged measuring 10.1x7.6x7.4cm."
"At least 3 myometrial masses are noticed, the largest in the anterior mid uterus measuring 5.2x5.6cm extending to level of submucosa and somewhat displacing the endometrial stripe. Two smaller myometrial masses are noticed, the next largest is seen anteriorly in the lower uterine segment measuring 1.4x2.0cm. These are probably leiomyoma. Several cysts are seen in the cervix, probably nabothian cysts."
"Multiple small follicles are noted in both ovaries. Moderate free fluid is identified in the pelvis."
Impression-"uterine masses, probable fibroids."

So it sounds like this would definitely affect fertility right? Since its extending to the submucosa and displacing the endometrial stripe?

I would read that, that the largest mass is submucosal and will help with fertility when removed :happydance: and not sure about the others i'm afraid, but it is looking very promising when they get removed. As it;s reported that removing submucosal fibroids can help with conception by up to 70%. So good luck and lots and lots of babydust x
Hi teddy I'm with buttonsbabe that the large one seems to be changing the shape of your uterus. I really hope the surgeon will give you some options for removing it

Getting info 2 weeks recovery probably helped u heal ..I can't imagine having to go to work when there is still some issues to sort out
this is what my MRI said...

"the uterus is heterogeneously enlarged measuring 10.1x7.6x7.4cm."
"At least 3 myometrial masses are noticed, the largest in the anterior mid uterus measuring 5.2x5.6cm extending to level of submucosa and somewhat displacing the endometrial stripe. Two smaller myometrial masses are noticed, the next largest is seen anteriorly in the lower uterine segment measuring 1.4x2.0cm. These are probably leiomyoma. Several cysts are seen in the cervix, probably nabothian cysts."
"Multiple small follicles are noted in both ovaries. Moderate free fluid is identified in the pelvis."
Impression-"uterine masses, probable fibroids."

I also agree with everyone in that the larger fibroid seems to be at least partially submucosal so getting that out should help! Keep us posted on the recommendations and good luck!!
Hi Everyone, I'm back and still alive! lol

Just thought I would share my experience of my hyteroscopy, on monday.

They didn't keep me in overnight in the end like they said I was discharged straight away and the actual procedure only took 20mins in the end.

Afterwards I wasn't in that much pain just felt like really mild period cramps (i don't get period cramps so it's what i imagine them to feel like) but it wasn't an issue at all. There was some slight bleeding which was to be expected but it had pretty much stopped by the time I left the hospital 2 hours later.
They allowed me home and just prescribed some paracetemol and 4 injections which I had to do myself to prevent DVT. But the needle was so fine and it was really simple.

That night I am not going to lie, the pain was terrible (pain relief must have worn off) like really bad period cramps,and I did not sleep a wink. The nurse gave me a call in the morning to check up on me and she said I could take some co-codymol which really helped and as of yesterday afternoon I haven't experienced much pain at all. I do get the odd painful twinge but at least it's not constant.

After gettinginfo's experience I was worried about peeing, but no issues there. On the plus side aswell, I don't know if you other ladies experience it but before the op I was bleeding pretty much every day. In January out of 29 days I bled 26! So hard to plan ovulation days etc but since the op I had the slight bleed after wards on monday and haven't bled since!

So nothing to worry about whatsoever ladies and I actually feel a bit silly for being so nervous. It is quick and simple!

Fingers crossed to BFP soon! :crib:
Buttonsbabe-i'm so glad that it all went well for you!! such good news!:happydance::hugs:

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