Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Could have been, I’ve only felt it one or twice but some people feel it every month. You’ve likely realised the eggy by now so as long as there are some swimmers lurking hopefully they’ll find it, then you just hope for implantation and wait, and wait and wait, until you can test! I had implantation bleeding with no 1 and nothing with no 2.

Welcome to your first TWW!!:coffee:
Ahhh! Im not going to get myself all excited about it as its only my first cycle and we have only had bd that once. Xxx
It would be fantastic if you caught so quickly. Honestly this next 2ww will feel like so long
Obviously im a little hopeful lol. It would be amazing.

Sore bbs today - whats that all about :/

According to my app it thinks i will come on tomorrow as its all messed up from my pill. Even though I have imputed positive ovulation xx
Here's my tests for fun, more ewcm throughout the day. Looks like it's building. I'll be surprised if I ever get a positive opk

Not that im an expert but looks like it’s starting to progress?? Xx
My tests never go really dark not even the test line . No idea why x
Got to laugh ain’t you, or you’d just cry!! Lol. Yep, nice early start. The same today, he was awake at 4.41, tried desperately to get him to sleep in our bed, but after half an hour of being slapped in the face, kicked, whinged at etc I decided to just give up so DH could at least sleep.
DS was sick yesterday afternoon, had SIL visiting (who wants to get pregnant later this year) and when he vomited you’ve never seen anyone react so hysterically!!! Her and her husband pretty much left immediately. She did text to apologise later. I know it’s totally different when it’s your own kid being ill, you do just deal with it calmly because you have to, but I did think ‘really?!?’ It’s just sick!!
Anyway, tentatively gave DS half his usual milk at bedtime and thank god he kept it down, and he’s had about 2/3s of his usual milk this morning and seems ok. I’m thinking he might be getting his second molars, it’s hard to know if it’s a teething thing or just a bug. Supposed to have swimming lesson today, think we might just do it and hope for the best, otherwise it’s gojng to be a very long day. Teething might explain these hideous early mornings too if he’s in a bit of pain. X
Oh wow! Lol poor little one! Hope he gets better soon! Xxxx
ohh no poor little man here's hoping he's now on the mend.

It shouldn't of but did make me chuckle about your poor SIL, the idyllic thought of having a baby arhh we`ve all been there till reality hits :lol: !!!

My DD did 5 nights sleeping through but is back to shouting out for me at 1.30am for a quick snuggle then back to sleep. I think its habit she's struggling to get out of after her really bad dream.

I tested again this AM and my line is fading again, maybe I am just one of those women that my hormone levels just don't get picked up strongly on these bloody things. I defo felt twinging and has lots of EWCM over the weekend so pretty sure I O`ed but only time will tell if we fall pregnant[-o<

Neither myself or my Hubby are dog lovers but have been dog sitting my mums & dads dog over the weekend whilst there away. So I said if you had to right now have a baby or a dog what would you choice to my shock he said DOG!! I think its still playing on his mind if we have another like our DD & also given he's only 7 months into being self employed. Arhh well soon be May ladies.
A dog is much easier to be fair, you can ship it off to kennels, leave it a few hours, lock it away in a room when guest are over, leave it out in the garden etc! Imagine how easy having a kid would be if the same rules applied!!!
My husband would choose a dog s million times over rather than have a baby. He doesn’t enjoy it and basically he knew the score when we got together so.... lol.
He’s desperate for a dog but would want a lab or something substantial and I’ve said we just don’t have room here in this house. Moving is in the 5 year plan as we are in a 3 bed so will get quite crowded with 4 kids, one who is rapidly approaching teenage years! Once we have a bigger place we can get a dog!!
I don’t think I’d manage a 2 year old, newborn & puppy!
Oh my OH would definitely chose 3 of 4 dogs over kids :lol: He really wants a dog too. Hes alway had a dog growing up and misses having one around i think.

So 4dpo i think today. I feel horrible. Not like ill but just shitty. Bloated. Boobs killing. Head aches. Full feeling. Needing to pee alot. Well for me its alot. Really not hopeful for this month! Xx
Time will tell, it’s a long wait!! I think implantation usually occurs around days 8-10 and although some people get BFP’s earlier, I honestly don’t think it’s worth testing much before then.
In my opinion very early pregnancy symptoms are almost identical to pmt symptoms so they really don’t give you much of a clue.
I personally used internet cheapies during the second week of the TWW, and used first response early result if I got a faint line or if I was ‘late’ for my predicted period. Apparently blue dye tests such as clear blue or any digital are less sensitive than pink dye. X
Oh i wont test yet as ive read so many different sides to it. I currently have some cheap one step ones but only because they came with my opks lol. As much as i would like to know right now i just dont want to get my hopes up. No idea of AF date as this is my first real cycle since BC lol so I can’t really get my hopes up for much. Ill just start testing maybe next Wednesday or something lol xxx

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