Never used opk, updated - let the journey begin :)

Oh Bumble, that’s good news! I know it was a worry for you a while back after using the withdrawal method for so long so great he’s getting use to staying in! Even if it was totally the wrong point, it’s just good that he’s more comfortable with the process.
I must admit I do t miss drinking much at all! Although today DS is being a total whingebag and is pushing me to my limit!! So a g&t or large glass of wine might take the edge off!! Lol.
So little update. Not much to report other than peeing alot and feel like im gonna burst because of it the last few days.

I feel horrible to say but I actually wouldn’t mind it not happening this month as i have pride the end of may and its just going to be so hard hiding it from my two best friends. They will know straight away if im not drinking or vaping!!

Obviously i would be over the moon if i do my BFP this month. I just dont feel like its my month. I feel great. No symptoms etc lol xxx
It’s not a bad thing to say that at all. Lives are busy, stuff is planned, and sometimes being pregnant doesn’t ‘fit in’. That’s ok. Just wait and see I guess.
I’ve been having quite strong braxton hicks, my whole stomach goes rock hard, it almost takes my breath away. When I get the really strong ones I think it’s my bodies way of telling me to rest, as after two stressful and very long shifts at work I was really struggling this evening but I’ve got DS into bed and now have my feet up, and DH is on his way from the kitchen with a magnum!! (Ice cream not massive bottle of champagne!! Lol)
Oh really! How long do you have left at work? Maybe it is time to start taking it a bit easy xxx
I never got Braxton Hicks, i defo agree though probably your bodys way of telling you to rest. Sometimes easier said than done though.
Have you had any cravings at all with this one xx
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Last time I did get them but I didn’t realise that she what they were until about a week before due date. My whole bump just goes rock hard for a minute or two. It doesn’t hurt Soto speak just really uncomfortable and tight feeling. I just thought it was baby stretching out and putting pressure on the inside of my tummy. Nothing compared to a proper contraction!!! I’d say they’ve started earlier this time and I guess because I’m more aware of what they are I pay more attention maybe.
Only got 18 shifts left at work so literally counting them off now. Just had a meeting with my manager and she’s agreed I won’t be assigned any new work I’ve just got to progress and finalise my current work.
I’m just over 32 weeks now. DH has to go in the loft this weekend so I instructed him to get down the newborn box. Haven’t opened it up yet, but thinking it will all need a freshen in the wash and then it’s time to start thinking about my hospital bag!! It feels very premature to be thinking about it with 2 months to go, but I know last time I repacked it about 4 times!! Lol. It will be easier this time though, I know it’s all granny pants and nighties, I’ll not bother with a make up bag, but might stretch to a hairbrush! Ha ha!!
Not really any cravings, but weirdly both pregnancies I’ve loved marmalade on toast lots, but I like that anyway I just don’t usually indulge myself so much!
Ohh my goodness not long at all where the heck have the last 32 weeks gone….. Tell you what I love marmalade on toast has to be brown toast and lots of butter too YUMMY. My only thing with my DD was sweet things and completely went off red meat well Steaks. The thought allow was enough to make me gag. Ohh and dippy eggs love a dippy egg when I was pregnant.

I was stalking a previous poster on their TTC forum and one lady recommended the following app "Smilelab " You upload your daily pics of your OPK this along with your previous cycles. I’ve downloaded it and am going to give it a go this month FX for TTC end of next month start of June. Could get my BFP & you give birth same day BB \\:D/:lol: I wish xx

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Bumble, that would be amazing!!! I’d love it to happen. That app looks good, like that you can add the photos that’s a great idea.

I’m totally into brown bread, got to be Allinsons batch loaf though, which is now £1.65 a loaf!!

I just ate about 8 rich tea biscuits....I’m going to have put on loads by the end of this pregnancy!! I don’t mind, I’ll just join weight watchers again! We’ve done swimming today and I needed the sugar to see me through the afternoon slump in energy..... roll on DH getting home xx
HAHAHA love the reasoning but very much agreed gosh the first few years of having little ones is SO bloody hard. That afternoon lull is so difficult at times, in fact am going through it myself this afternoon but am at work grrrrr. My DD was complaining of tummy ache this morning and I could hear her tummy gurgling. Luckly my mum was off today and offered to look after her. Ive checked in and she appears to be ok hasn't been sick but there's always some bug going round at school.

Ohh have to say I also love a rich tea. That bread looks amazing, YUMMY Sainsburys do it for £1.40, 25p saving ;)
I actually usually do go to Sainsbury’s (when I’m doing my brand shop, otherwise it’s aldi! Lol). But we get a Tesco delivery every so often and I put it in the basket yesterday and was quite shocked at the price!!
Bloody shattered now, just waiting for DS to head to bed (he’s also shattered) so DH and I can watch Game of Thrones and I can go to bed!! Work again tomorrow so that will be another long stressful shift no doubt. 10 hours is just too long a shift now! Good job I only go in two or three times a week! Xx
OMG.... just finished watching G.O.T I was a nervous wreck watching it. How I've just stayed up to watch it is beyond me but now am wide awake after that WOW.
What did you think x
We record it when it’s on at 2am on Monday morning so we can start watching it once DS is in bed, and then wizz through the ads!
It was soooo good!!!!! Loved it. Be so gutted when it’s finally over. I’m not really into long battle scenes, but I enjoyed the whole programme last night. DH and I had already guessed what would happen in the crypt. Xx
Omg. More GOT Lovers! It was incredible! I do the same. Record the 2 am on then once ive sorted tea etc it goes right on lol. My OH isn’t into it so i send him off upstairs lol.

Afm. CD24. Not much to report. Sore bbs started yday. Had a couple of cramps last couple of days. Nothing crazy. Not sure if its just AF on her way. Did a cheeky poundland special this morning and bfn. Xx
What is the sensitivity of the Poundland tests?

I had a bit of a minor panic attack last night, about labour! I am really starting to s#*t myself about it. I keep telling myself I had it okay last time despite it being painful, it was quick etc. No complications, all fine, but it still hurts like hell and I think it just felt totally out of control last time I’m panicking. I can’t even see past it to the joy of a newborn at the moment. I don’t know what to do as I seem to be getting worse the closer it gets. I felt a lot of pressure last night in bed and half convinced myself I was going into labour and I was petrified!!! I don’t want to feel like this. I’ve got the midwife in 2 weeks but I know I’ll not say anything as I just think I’ll sound pathetic and really what can she do? Nothing? I got pregnant and now I’ve got to squeeze it out, just a fact. And that it will hurt.
I know you've not tested this month Jam but roughly how many dpo are you.
BB dont feel like that hun, its totally normal. You know what's to come and it's natural to feel worried. Pregnancy,birth it's actually quite a worrying time. I really do think you should speak to the midwife they maybe able to offer advise or put your mind a little at ease. Not sure if it's your bag but have you heard of hypnobirthing. There are free relaxation and hypnobirthing podcasts etc on YouTube. I sometimes used to listen to them during pregnancy when I started to feel anxious about miscarriages/birth xxx
They are 20miu ones so would be goo early to test anyways lol.
According to my app and if i did ovulate when it thought i will be 9po now xx

And i obviously have never done it before but i can only imagine what it must be like. Just try keep your mind off it all atm (i know i must sound ridiculous saying that)

Big hugs xx
I’m feeling a bit better now thanks ladies. Found myself reassuring a friend who is expecting her first literally any day now and though I need to listen to my own advice. I did it before I can do it again. And if I manage to actually be in the hospital 4 hours before giving birth this time I’ll just have all the pain relief going!!
I did read a really good book last time that chilled me out, lent to me by a friend but I can’t recall the title. But I think it was a hypnobirthing book. I also downloaded hypnobirthing app thing and listened to it a number of times in the last 6 weeks or so. I can remember after the birth my DH asking me in the most snide way ‘so, did you go to your happy place?’ With a stupid smurk on his face, I could have punched him!! Lol. But no, I did not go to my calm place, the meadow and river journey I had visualised. It didn’t even cross my mind!!!! Lol xx
I’m feeling a bit better now thanks ladies. Found myself reassuring a friend who is expecting her first literally any day now and though I need to listen to my own advice. I did it before I can do it again. And if I manage to actually be in the hospital 4 hours before giving birth this time I’ll just have all the pain relief going!!
I did read a really good book last time that chilled me out, lent to me by a friend but I can’t recall the title. But I think it was a hypnobirthing book. I also downloaded hypnobirthing app thing and listened to it a number of times in the last 6 weeks or so. I can remember after the birth my DH asking me in the most snide way ‘so, did you go to your happy place?’ With a stupid smurk on his face, I could have punched him!! Lol. But no, I did not go to my calm place, the meadow and river journey I had visualised. It didn’t even cross my mind!!!! Lol xx
This made me laugh, after four births i’ve Always been able to find my happy place a beach with waves coming in and out as long as no one touches me then I freak out so I really tell everyone just to leave me alone so I was able to zone out right up till the last few minutes before pushing, then I’m a crazy mamma!!! Completely freak out luckily I haven’t need to push for very long!!!
So a 2/3 days ago i had some crampy feelings and a few sharp twinges. And this evening when i wipe from peepee its tinged pinky. Do we think IB? Or start of AF? Ive done a test today from co op and bfn? Xx
In my experience it would be exactly the right timing for IB jam. Around 10/11 days past O. But yes, it could also be the start of AF, my usual cycles I’d have a bit of discharge just before I started AF, but that tended to be more brown (like old blood) where as IB tended to be pinker, very light, and only the one ‘wipe’ then nothing. Sorry if that’s a bit graphic/specific, but I think it’s easier just to say exactly what it was like (for me, we’re all unique!). I guess a few more days to go, if it is IB then you’ll need a few days to build up enough hormone to be picked up on a test.
Countdown to pregnancy is a good site, it says that of the women getting negative tests at 12 dpo 14.7% is false negatives, and those 14.7% are actually expecting but not yet enough hormone to get the positive result. Worth a look. Have you had any more pink when wiping? Xx

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