**NEW** July 2018 Testing Thread - *FiReCrAcKeRs* ~ 12 BFPs & counting

I think I see a faint line Angel! Hopefully the start of something! I’m very fond of the Ava bracelet and it does pregnancy tracking too though obviously probably not worth it if you’re on the verge of getting that BFP! I’ve found it a lot more accurate than BBT.
I see the line. Does it have color to it? I never know with it being that early, I know plenty of women who have gotten their bfps at 9dpo, all depends on when implantation happened.

Thanks for looking, it does have colour, I tested with a FRER and it was pretty much negative:cry:
My temps are high- I just had a huge twinge last night at dinner that was so uncomfortable I had to stop eating and brace myself- my bbs are sore- I'm so moody and irritable - tmi but I always feel moist which is not normal after ovulation for me- when checking for cm I feel "tighter" which is weird

Test day is July 15! Hubby's 30th bday is July 19th so I'm really hoping for good news. I got pregnant last July but miscarried in sept and have been ttc ever since with no luck.


I too am testing on July 15th and praying for a Birthday BFP myself as I turn 31 on July 28th. Today marks 7dpo for myself. So far I have been feeling rather well. I usually feel like i have every symptom in the book but not this month. From O until now I have noticed copious amounts of white milky discharge which is unusual for me. I also have had elevated bbt since O day. It did dip this am from 99 to 98.6 but still way above my coverline of 97.8. Implantation maybe? The only thing thats really bothering me is the backache that Ive now had for 3 days. My lower back is so achy and painful like I pulled/strained a muscle although ive done nothing phsyical and i sleep in the same position. I also noted on FF that the pain, although felt across entire lower back, seems to be the most achy/painful on my left side which i where I ovulated from 7 days ago. I never get backaches before AF. This morning when I went to check my CP and CM I too noticed it was very creamy/moist (sorry tmi) and felt very snug like swollen. Hopefully we both get our BFP's on the 15th!!
Omg just had to share
Having a debate on fb right now with a girl that thinks she ovulates on day 11 regardless of how long her cycles are, one of which was 50 day cycles
So I tried to explain that it’s impossible to have a 39 day lp
I’ve given up now but it’s frustrating as she’s trying to conceive and never going happen if she thinks that :/

Where does she even get CD11 from? That’s such a random day! I need more detail! How did she arrive at this mad conclusion?! :huh: :haha:

She said that she’s been tracking it for a few months now and that’s how it’s gone :haha:

My reply I’ve been tracking for 7 years lol
Beta at 15dpo was 68.
So tomorrow is #2 draw.
Pinkee: Yippee!! FX for really good doubling of that beta :hugs:
So many BFP's congrats...
AFM I'm gonna count as AF is here to visit shes just being super weird lol very light flow and no cramps..a few days early.
Pinkee fab results fingers crossed it's doubles in next few days :)

AFM I have really bad cramping today 7dpo I've been feeling sick my back is achy my mood is through the roof everything p**sing me off :haha: my temp has dropped aswell xx

Good luck ladies xx
Pinkee fab results fingers crossed it's doubles in next few days :)

AFM I have really bad cramping today 7dpo I've been feeling sick my back is achy my mood is through the roof everything p**sing me off :haha: my temp has dropped aswell xx

Good luck ladies xx


Wow your symptoms sound just like mine. I too am 7 DPO today and since 5 DPO I have had this unrelenting backache. The only way that I can describe it is the feeling of having a stiff/sore back low down near hips. More so on the side that I ovulated from, but it does radiate all across my lower back. I too had a slight temp dip this morning from 99F to 98.6F and I'm moody enough that the so asked me what was wrong with me lol. Maybe implantation?? Fingers crossed for the both of us
Pinkee fab results fingers crossed it's doubles in next few days :)

AFM I have really bad cramping today 7dpo I've been feeling sick my back is achy my mood is through the roof everything p**sing me off :haha: my temp has dropped aswell xx

Good luck ladies xx


Wow your symptoms sound just like mine. I too am 7 DPO today and since 5 DPO I have had this unrelenting backache. The only way that I can describe it is the feeling of having a stiff/sore back low down near hips. More so on the side that I ovulated from, but it does radiate all across my lower back. I too had a slight temp dip this morning from 99F to 98.6F and I'm moody enough that the so asked me what was wrong with me lol. Maybe implantation?? Fingers crossed for the both of us

Oh yey I've been testing already :haha: can't help it :rofl: I had a dip this morn aswell so maybe implantation I no looking back when I was temping with my last 2 I had a dip at 7dpo aswell fingers crossed, when you testing? Xx
Congrats pinkee :)

Afm cd10 and reality just hit that im tracking again obviously negative opk but Donor not visiting until August cycle so just trying to get in to the swing of things again
Not temping as sleep pattern completely messed up still and can’t guarantee minimum 3 hours sleep so going to attempt just opk and hope for the best :)
Pinkee fab results fingers crossed it's doubles in next few days :)

AFM I have really bad cramping today 7dpo I've been feeling sick my back is achy my mood is through the roof everything p**sing me off :haha: my temp has dropped aswell xx

Good luck ladies xx


Wow your symptoms sound just like mine. I too am 7 DPO today and since 5 DPO I have had this unrelenting backache. The only way that I can describe it is the feeling of having a stiff/sore back low down near hips. More so on the side that I ovulated from, but it does radiate all across my lower back. I too had a slight temp dip this morning from 99F to 98.6F and I'm moody enough that the so asked me what was wrong with me lol. Maybe implantation?? Fingers crossed for the both of us

Oh yey I've been testing already :haha: can't help it :rofl: I had a dip this morn aswell so maybe implantation I no looking back when I was temping with my last 2 I had a dip at 7dpo aswell fingers crossed, when you testing? Xx

I plan on holding out and testing on july 15th. I have had so many letdowns that I am trying not to stress the testing. I am hoping that my temp goes back up tomorrow morning. I have been having low back pain since 5 dpo and now i feel a low uterine cramping, its mild not as strong as AF. I don't usually experience any cramps or backache before AF so I have no clue whats going on. I also just went to the restroom when the abdomen cramps started. It suddenly felt like my pants were too tight and when i wiped (sorry tmi) there was yellowish snotty cm mixed in with the creamy?? I am grasping at straws at this point. I don't remember what symptoms i had with my first two babies as that was well over 10 years ago and being young I was clueless about cycles so i didnt find out i was pregnant until i was like 2 weeks late. The boobs and ms were the tip off back then. My boobs hurt so bad i couldnt walk down the stairs. My boobs have little tingles now but nothing like before when i was pg. Then again i didn't have painful boobs until i tested which was already past when my AF was due. Heres to another few days if I can hold out lol
Pinkee fab results fingers crossed it's doubles in next few days :)

AFM I have really bad cramping today 7dpo I've been feeling sick my back is achy my mood is through the roof everything p**sing me off :haha: my temp has dropped aswell xx

Good luck ladies xx


Wow your symptoms sound just like mine. I too am 7 DPO today and since 5 DPO I have had this unrelenting backache. The only way that I can describe it is the feeling of having a stiff/sore back low down near hips. More so on the side that I ovulated from, but it does radiate all across my lower back. I too had a slight temp dip this morning from 99F to 98.6F and I'm moody enough that the so asked me what was wrong with me lol. Maybe implantation?? Fingers crossed for the both of us

Oh yey I've been testing already :haha: can't help it :rofl: I had a dip this morn aswell so maybe implantation I no looking back when I was temping with my last 2 I had a dip at 7dpo aswell fingers crossed, when you testing? Xx

I plan on holding out and testing on july 15th. I have had so many letdowns that I am trying not to stress the testing. I am hoping that my temp goes back up tomorrow morning. I have been having low back pain since 5 dpo and now i feel a low uterine cramping, its mild not as strong as AF. I don't usually experience any cramps or backache before AF so I have no clue whats going on. I also just went to the restroom when the abdomen cramps started. It suddenly felt like my pants were too tight and when i wiped (sorry tmi) there was yellowish snotty cm mixed in with the creamy?? I am grasping at straws at this point. I don't remember what symptoms i had with my first two babies as that was well over 10 years ago and being young I was clueless about cycles so i didnt find out i was pregnant until i was like 2 weeks late. The boobs and ms were the tip off back then. My boobs hurt so bad i couldnt walk down the stairs. My boobs have little tingles now but nothing like before when i was pg. Then again i didn't have painful boobs until i tested which was already past when my AF was due. Heres to another few days if I can hold out lol

Oh fingers crossed hun, I'm due on the 18th this is so not like me either I don't norm get cramps until day before af or on the day this has gone on since 2dpo my boobs are a bit sore but not overly lol that's the famous last words trying to hold out testing :rofl: xx
Pinkee fab results fingers crossed it's doubles in next few days :)

AFM I have really bad cramping today 7dpo I've been feeling sick my back is achy my mood is through the roof everything p**sing me off :haha: my temp has dropped aswell xx

Good luck ladies xx


Wow your symptoms sound just like mine. I too am 7 DPO today and since 5 DPO I have had this unrelenting backache. The only way that I can describe it is the feeling of having a stiff/sore back low down near hips. More so on the side that I ovulated from, but it does radiate all across my lower back. I too had a slight temp dip this morning from 99F to 98.6F and I'm moody enough that the so asked me what was wrong with me lol. Maybe implantation?? Fingers crossed for the both of us

Oh yey I've been testing already :haha: can't help it :rofl: I had a dip this morn aswell so maybe implantation I no looking back when I was temping with my last 2 I had a dip at 7dpo aswell fingers crossed, when you testing? Xx

I plan on holding out and testing on july 15th. I have had so many letdowns that I am trying not to stress the testing. I am hoping that my temp goes back up tomorrow morning. I have been having low back pain since 5 dpo and now i feel a low uterine cramping, its mild not as strong as AF. I don't usually experience any cramps or backache before AF so I have no clue whats going on. I also just went to the restroom when the abdomen cramps started. It suddenly felt like my pants were too tight and when i wiped (sorry tmi) there was yellowish snotty cm mixed in with the creamy?? I am grasping at straws at this point. I don't remember what symptoms i had with my first two babies as that was well over 10 years ago and being young I was clueless about cycles so i didnt find out i was pregnant until i was like 2 weeks late. The boobs and ms were the tip off back then. My boobs hurt so bad i couldnt walk down the stairs. My boobs have little tingles now but nothing like before when i was pg. Then again i didn't have painful boobs until i tested which was already past when my AF was due. Heres to another few days if I can hold out lol

Oh fingers crossed hun, I'm due on the 18th this is so not like me either I don't norm get cramps until day before af or on the day this has gone on since 2dpo my boobs are a bit sore but not overly lol that's the famous last words trying to hold out testing :rofl: xx

:headspin: lol, isn't that the truth!!! I always say that I will wait but then I cave!!
Pinkee fab results fingers crossed it's doubles in next few days :)

AFM I have really bad cramping today 7dpo I've been feeling sick my back is achy my mood is through the roof everything p**sing me off :haha: my temp has dropped aswell xx

Good luck ladies xx


Wow your symptoms sound just like mine. I too am 7 DPO today and since 5 DPO I have had this unrelenting backache. The only way that I can describe it is the feeling of having a stiff/sore back low down near hips. More so on the side that I ovulated from, but it does radiate all across my lower back. I too had a slight temp dip this morning from 99F to 98.6F and I'm moody enough that the so asked me what was wrong with me lol. Maybe implantation?? Fingers crossed for the both of us

Oh yey I've been testing already :haha: can't help it :rofl: I had a dip this morn aswell so maybe implantation I no looking back when I was temping with my last 2 I had a dip at 7dpo aswell fingers crossed, when you testing? Xx

I plan on holding out and testing on july 15th. I have had so many letdowns that I am trying not to stress the testing. I am hoping that my temp goes back up tomorrow morning. I have been having low back pain since 5 dpo and now i feel a low uterine cramping, its mild not as strong as AF. I don't usually experience any cramps or backache before AF so I have no clue whats going on. I also just went to the restroom when the abdomen cramps started. It suddenly felt like my pants were too tight and when i wiped (sorry tmi) there was yellowish snotty cm mixed in with the creamy?? I am grasping at straws at this point. I don't remember what symptoms i had with my first two babies as that was well over 10 years ago and being young I was clueless about cycles so i didnt find out i was pregnant until i was like 2 weeks late. The boobs and ms were the tip off back then. My boobs hurt so bad i couldnt walk down the stairs. My boobs have little tingles now but nothing like before when i was pg. Then again i didn't have painful boobs until i tested which was already past when my AF was due. Heres to another few days if I can hold out lol

Oh fingers crossed hun, I'm due on the 18th this is so not like me either I don't norm get cramps until day before af or on the day this has gone on since 2dpo my boobs are a bit sore but not overly lol that's the famous last words trying to hold out testing :rofl: xx

:headspin: lol, isn't that the truth!!! I always say that I will wait but then I cave!!

That's exactly what I said my head was everywhere last month now thus month I swore I wouldn't do It or symptom spot... whining earth was I kidding :loopy: :haha: will you be making a thread when you start testing? Xx
Pinkee congrats on beta.

Weebles I hope I bring you good luck too :)

Pixie wow..... I think someone needs to read taking charge of your fertility. What an odd day too... cd11?!

Bluemoon, was frer tested with same urine? If not maybe not long enough hold or too diluted?

Good luck to upcoming testers!

Bre so sorry about AF
Pinkee congrats on beta.

Weebles I hope I bring you good luck too :)

Pixie wow..... I think someone needs to read taking charge of your fertility. What an odd day too... cd11?!

Bluemoon, was frer tested with same urine? If not maybe not long enough hold or too diluted?

Good luck to upcoming testers!

Bre so sorry about AF

same urine, tested bfn this morning, temps dropping, cramping, I'm not confident about this cycle:cry:

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