**NEW** July 2018 Testing Thread - *FiReCrAcKeRs* ~ 12 BFPs & counting

Ahh sorry to hear that BlueMoon, you’re not out until AF gets you though!

I had a decent temp rise today but at only 5DPO, it doesn’t seem that significant!
Blue- don't lose hope! Your chart doesn't look that bad. I've seen some charts that look like that, but their temp goes back up after a while. fx

I was feeling very confident about this cycle until this morning! Idk why. Maybe it's because my temp dropped again. I hate this BBT thermometer I purchased off Amazon. It's a good degree less than my other normal non BBT thermometer, and I noticed if I take it like three times in a row, temp keeps going up.

Can anyone give me insight on my chart and ovulation? I definitely feel like we started BDing too early:/ Good luck anyone testing today!
I was feeling very confident about this cycle until this morning! Idk why. Maybe it's because my temp dropped again. I hate this BBT thermometer I purchased off Amazon. It's a good degree less than my other normal non BBT thermometer, and I noticed if I take it like three times in a row, temp keeps going up.

Can anyone give me insight on my chart and ovulation? I definitely feel like we started BDing too early:/ Good luck anyone testing today!

I had a similar temp drop on what I presumed to be 3DPO. A google search suggests that it may be a corpeus luteum dip. It is caused when the estrogen drops as the corpus luteum takes over and starts producing progesterone. Estrogen drop causes BBT drop. The next day your temp should rise because of the progesterone being produced by the corpus luteum. It is normal and can happen in pregnant and non-pregnant cycles.

Hope that helps! You can compare to my chart, where I think I Oed on CD16 and then had a dip on CD19. FF won't give me cross hairs yet ... so I'm waiting to see what it thinks after a few more temps.
I noticed if I take it like three times in a row, temp keeps going up.

This is because your body is heating up as you move. The first temp is the most accurate, with the least amount of movement between sleep and temping. The second time, you'll have already moved enough to temp once and then twice, so your body temp will rise. Same again for the third time.
I was feeling very confident about this cycle until this morning! Idk why. Maybe it's because my temp dropped again. I hate this BBT thermometer I purchased off Amazon. It's a good degree less than my other normal non BBT thermometer, and I noticed if I take it like three times in a row, temp keeps going up.

Can anyone give me insight on my chart and ovulation? I definitely feel like we started BDing too early:/ Good luck anyone testing today!

I had a similar temp drop on what I presumed to be 3DPO. A google search suggests that it may be a corpeus luteum dip. It is caused when the estrogen drops as the corpus luteum takes over and starts producing progesterone. Estrogen drop causes BBT drop. The next day your temp should rise because of the progesterone being produced by the corpus luteum. It is normal and can happen in pregnant and non-pregnant cycles.

Hope that helps! You can compare to my chart, where I think I Oed on CD16 and then had a dip on CD19. FF won't give me cross hairs yet ... so I'm waiting to see what it thinks after a few more temps.

Wow, what a thorough answer, thank you so much!:hugs: At first I thought I O'd CD14, but then I got my pos OPK after that, which I didn't think could happen. Then I was thinking maybe I O'd today. I guess I'll find out within a few days more of temping.
Pinkee fab results fingers crossed it's doubles in next few days :)

AFM I have really bad cramping today 7dpo I've been feeling sick my back is achy my mood is through the roof everything p**sing me off :haha: my temp has dropped aswell xx

Good luck ladies xx


Wow your symptoms sound just like mine. I too am 7 DPO today and since 5 DPO I have had this unrelenting backache. The only way that I can describe it is the feeling of having a stiff/sore back low down near hips. More so on the side that I ovulated from, but it does radiate all across my lower back. I too had a slight temp dip this morning from 99F to 98.6F and I'm moody enough that the so asked me what was wrong with me lol. Maybe implantation?? Fingers crossed for the both of us

Oh yey I've been testing already :haha: can't help it :rofl: I had a dip this morn aswell so maybe implantation I no looking back when I was temping with my last 2 I had a dip at 7dpo aswell fingers crossed, when you testing? Xx

I plan on holding out and testing on july 15th. I have had so many letdowns that I am trying not to stress the testing. I am hoping that my temp goes back up tomorrow morning. I have been having low back pain since 5 dpo and now i feel a low uterine cramping, its mild not as strong as AF. I don't usually experience any cramps or backache before AF so I have no clue whats going on. I also just went to the restroom when the abdomen cramps started. It suddenly felt like my pants were too tight and when i wiped (sorry tmi) there was yellowish snotty cm mixed in with the creamy?? I am grasping at straws at this point. I don't remember what symptoms i had with my first two babies as that was well over 10 years ago and being young I was clueless about cycles so i didnt find out i was pregnant until i was like 2 weeks late. The boobs and ms were the tip off back then. My boobs hurt so bad i couldnt walk down the stairs. My boobs have little tingles now but nothing like before when i was pg. Then again i didn't have painful boobs until i tested which was already past when my AF was due. Heres to another few days if I can hold out lol

Oh fingers crossed hun, I'm due on the 18th this is so not like me either I don't norm get cramps until day before af or on the day this has gone on since 2dpo my boobs are a bit sore but not overly lol that's the famous last words trying to hold out testing :rofl: xx

:headspin: lol, isn't that the truth!!! I always say that I will wait but then I cave!!

That's exactly what I said my head was everywhere last month now thus month I swore I wouldn't do It or symptom spot... whining earth was I kidding :loopy: :haha: will you be making a thread when you start testing? Xx

I may make a thread when I test. How are you feeling today? 8DPO, woke up this morning and my back no longer kills me, just a little achy along left lower back area. My temp went right back up to 99F this am, so maybe yesterday's dip was a good thing but I am no expert lol. I did attach my chart in case anyone thats experienced has some insight. I am hoping my temps remain elevated!! Oh yeah I also had some very light cramps along lower abdomen last night, but nothing that made me uncomfortable. I did see a glob of what I can only describe as a yellow snot-like cm mixed in with my creamy after using the loo last night.


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Pixie2982 - I hope not too invasive for asking but are you using the same donor this time around?

CD7 for me, last day of Letrozole. Grow follicles! Grow!
Blue- don't lose hope! Your chart doesn't look that bad. I've seen some charts that look like that, but their temp goes back up after a while. fx

I was feeling very confident about this cycle until this morning! Idk why. Maybe it's because my temp dropped again. I hate this BBT thermometer I purchased off Amazon. It's a good degree less than my other normal non BBT thermometer, and I noticed if I take it like three times in a row, temp keeps going up.

Can anyone give me insight on my chart and ovulation? I definitely feel like we started BDing too early:/ Good luck anyone testing today!

Call me crazy but I always take 3 temps. The first one is always significantly lower than the second 2. My theory is the thermometer needs to be warmed up, but I don't really know. The 2nd two are generally very close and I'll just pick one.
Blue- don't lose hope! Your chart doesn't look that bad. I've seen some charts that look like that, but their temp goes back up after a while. fx

I was feeling very confident about this cycle until this morning! Idk why. Maybe it's because my temp dropped again. I hate this BBT thermometer I purchased off Amazon. It's a good degree less than my other normal non BBT thermometer, and I noticed if I take it like three times in a row, temp keeps going up.

Can anyone give me insight on my chart and ovulation? I definitely feel like we started BDing too early:/ Good luck anyone testing today!

Call me crazy but I always take 3 temps. The first one is always significantly lower than the second 2. My theory is the thermometer needs to be warmed up, but I don't really know. The 2nd two are generally very close and I'll just pick one.

same thing happens with me, I always go by my second reading, just to be on the safe side, I'm using one my dr recommended, not sure if I should buy a different brand,
So i am CD10 today is it to early to start opk testing? I just got my tests in the mail and was debating starting next bathroom tril
So i am CD10 today is it to early to start opk testing? I just got my tests in the mail and was debating starting next bathroom tril

I started testing at CD8 got a very faint line at CD 10 been getting stronger lines since then . Pretty sure it’s either positive as of today (CD 12) or very close ! .

Good luck x
jlmeans0422 - no not too early. I usually start around CD11 or 12 knowing that O is on avg betwee CD16-18
Hey ladies I’m so sorry I really didn’t have the time to catch up on everything!

Thank you for all the congratulations I’m really FX for all of you to get your bfp soon too !
& really sorry for the ones who had AF :(

What I used since the start of ttc medically is wheat germ oil capsules and pregnitude (pcos). For temping I bought OvuSense and to me it was the best expense I could’ve ever done. It kept me away from so much stress about temping.

When the hospital called Monday to confirm pregnancy I was at work so I didn’t ask much so I don’t know the hcg levels :/! Monday I have my second beta and then I’ll ask it for sure I really would like to know that.
Good luck with the second beta test Marvstee!
I’m getting so desperate to test and I’m only 5DPO! Is time slowing down for anyone else?
hi ladies,

14 dpo today, and offically my test day (though i have been testing since 8 dpo lol) all stark white bfn. Feeling discouraged, just waiting for AF to rear her ugly face..
6dpo here and time is dragging on...... No real symptoms to report, bit of a skin break out but that's not unusual for me.

Can you add me?

AF was due July 4th. Yup. You read that right! 7 almost 8 days late and still in the waiting game! Lots and lots of bfn although this morning I think I maybe kind of had a squinter on a wondfo. I tested positive way early with my 2 kiddos which makes me totally sure I'm not pregnant, but I've been nauseated all day every day since Saturday or Sunday which makes me think I am... seriously I just want to KNOW!! I could use you gals to keep me distracted while I wait!

Marvstee, congrats!! I have a letrezole baby :) he'll be 6 next month and is wonderful and a genius ;p
I see the line. Does it have color to it? I never know with it being that early, I know plenty of women who have gotten their bfps at 9dpo, all depends on when implantation happened.

Thanks for looking, it does have colour, I tested with a FRER and it was pretty much negative:cry:

What do you mean by “pretty much” negative? Did you take a pic?? Post it!!

So i am CD10 today is it to early to start opk testing? I just got my tests in the mail and was debating starting next bathroom tril

Not too early! I started OPKs on CD 10. That’s when you’re supposed to start for SMEP :)

hi ladies,

14 dpo today, and offically my test day (though i have been testing since 8 dpo lol) all stark white bfn. Feeling discouraged, just waiting for AF to rear her ugly face..

You never know till she shows! :dust:

AFM, not much going on.... got my positive OPK today though :D
I see the line. Does it have color to it? I never know with it being that early, I know plenty of women who have gotten their bfps at 9dpo, all depends on when implantation happened.

Thanks for looking, it does have colour, I tested with a FRER and it was pretty much negative:cry:

What do you mean by “pretty much” negative? Did you take a pic?? Post it!!


this was the test I took, i haven't tested after that, i'm now waiting for AF since i'm cramping and not feeling very confident.

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