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New thread for recent losses TTC before the would have been due date...join me! :) xx

I feel like everyone around me is either pregnant already or just become pregnant or just announced their pregnancy... it mixes up all my emotions. A woman I used to work with just announced on facebook she is expecting.. they've been keeping it a secret until they know the gender and are expecting a baby girl the end of june.... That hurt as I was due June 26. and i'm just so jealous/envious/angry. I feel bad because i want to be happy for them, but they just had a baby less than a year ago! It just seems so unfair at times. I have no where else to vent this out and I know you all will understand. So grateful for this group of women. You all have helped me out so much through this time of my life and I would go crazy without you all. So thank you! :hugs:

On a positive note: I am just so happy to finally be on cycle #1 of TTC after the miscarriage. And the two month wait is finally over per dr. orders! AF is gone now so its just about having all the fun until ovulation day comes.

:hugs: to those that the witch showed. Better luck on the next cycle! Enjoy the little break it gives you from the pressure of ttc! And Enjoy that heated blanket Aknqtpie
Julie - Just remember.. Go Hawks :)

I know what you mean, it seems like there are a lot of people getting pregnant, and I am not one.. Granted I only have had one cycle since my m/c, but I was hoping to get pg right away. Oh well. I just keep reminding myself that just because so and so is pregnant, doesn't mean that the baby I will have will be less special, and that I have a lot of people rooting and praying for me, and their pregnancy has nothing to do with me. It is hard, but I have to repeat that in my mind.

I love the song by Swedish House Mafia - Don't you worry child ... cheers me up.
Don't get me wrong, when AF shows up I am bitterly disappointed that another unsuccessful cycle has passed but once I realise that it's out of my hands I try to just think 'Oh well, on to the next...'

I know I'll get my sticky bean when the time is good and right.

I absolutely know where you're all coming from when it comes to feeling like everyone else can get pregnant so easily. Just remember, everyone else has their secrets and hard times - when we eventually get our rainbow babies (and we will) - others may look at us and think 'Oh, I bet it was so easy for her' like I do with strangers pushing prams in the streets.
I know it will happen when it's supposed to and I trust that it will. I think the woman unused to work withs surprise announcement and her being due around my would be due date just caught me off guard. I wasnt expecting it.

Thanks for the encouragement.

We will all get our rainbow babies soon. Just happy to have somewhere to turn to when life shakes up my emotions a little bit.
That is what we are here for :) :hugs:

It is hard too when you aren't trying, but really want to. I think it makes it worse.
Doing OK. Just getting over my surprise AF that showed up 2 weeks early. It came just as I was gearing up to do some serious BD'ing. I hate that my last cycle was a complete throwaway with no ovulation or tww. Grrrr! Now I'm nervous it's going to happen again. There is just no way to know. And with my due date always getting closer and turning 30 I am feeling the pressure. I know 30 isn't "old" but most of my friends have married young and are already done having their families. The girls having babies at the same time as me are all in their early 20s. I feel very behind the game. LOL
Starry - I am 29 this year, so I understand. I feel behind too.

Gearing up to O right now. Starting my OPKs and will start BDing tonight... I expect I should O on Monday or tuesday. I am temping this cycle too, but since I always wake up in the middle of the night, I decided that I will just temp right then, rather than trying to make myself go back to sleep. And so far, the temperatures are all pretty close to each other, not a lot of fluctuating. I decided I won't adjust either.
Hi ladies,

I've just started my OPKs today - had some left from my last cycle so figured I might as well continue using them this month. I'm guessing I've got another 5 days or so yet before ovulation.

Starry - hope this cycle works out better for you.
I'm still spotting a bit and so far all of my AFs since the m/c have had lots of brown spotting before and afterwards. I'm starting to consider taking vitamin B6. I've heard that can help with that. I'm already taking B12 so I might try switching to a combined B6/B12 vitamin.
Starry - I've had dark brown spotting before AFs since my miscarriage too. Didn't know vitamins could help.
I am doing some research into it at the moment. It seems B6 is mostly for leutal phase defects but I don't know if it will help with the spotting. I'm always nervous about adding supplements without talking to the doctor. Everything I'm taking now is doctor recommended. Prenatals, B12 and Vitamin D.
I take plain old Folic Acid - I'm too worried about taking anything else! :)
I recently had a MC and I am having a hard time. I find it difficult to do anything and the first time my husband and I were intimate since the bleeding stopped, I just wanted it to be over. I just kept thinking about our baby. We have decided to try right away, but I'm wondering if I am mentally up to it. Also I have a baby shower in two weeks for a really close friend. I'm trying to get up the nerve to go.
I recently had a MC and I am having a hard time. I find it difficult to do anything and the first time my husband and I were intimate since the bleeding stopped, I just wanted it to be over. I just kept thinking about our baby. We have decided to try right away, but I'm wondering if I am mentally up to it. Also I have a baby shower in two weeks for a really close friend. I'm trying to get up the nerve to go.

So sorry to hear about your loss :hugs:
You are in the right place as everyone here has had a similar experience and has an idea of what you're feeling. Our doctor recommended waiting until one full cycle before trying again mainly for emotional healing. At first I wanted to try right away and was upset that he wanted us to wait, but I recognize now that I wasn't in a great place to be pregnant again (if it were to happen) right away.

It gets easier but not something that will be forgotten. :hugs:

Hang in there, and there is always someone around to listen :flower:
Hi, Malcolm. I'm so sorry for your loss. The first time being intimate after a m/c is often difficult. But it should get easier and less painful. It's hard to know if you're ready to TTC right away or not. Sometimes you need to just give it a go and if it's too hard you can always take a break for awhile. But if you already know you're not ready then waiting is just fine. I started TTC right away because emotionally I felt ready but I could have waited as my body is not. It is taking awhile but my body is not back to normal yet even though it's been 4 months. It is hard to be patient.
Sorry for your loss Malcolm - if you're not feeling ready to TTC right away then take a break. I wanted to carry on TTC straight away, my partner didn't, so we waited and in hindsight I'm glad we did because now we are both ready we can concentrate on it fully. I still think about the baby we lost almost every day though.
So sorry you are having to go through this Malcolm. Start TTC when you're emotionally ready. I thought I was ready but dr orders wanted us to wait two full cycles. I'm glad I did. It took the pressure off... It helped me get to know my body again and it's cycles.

So right now I'm just waiting for O. Been BD'ing as much as we can. Each morning when I'm taking my temp I'm just waiting for it to drop! Then ill know and be in the first TWW since the mc. Crossing my fingers!
Sorry for your loss Malcom :hugs:

Try again when you are ready.
Thanks ladies. I think I'm just going to see what happens, but not fully try yet. Just don't think I can focus on charting and opks just yet.

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