Oh I definitely feel like that sometimes too. F is such a good baby and really doesn't cry much but the constant waking at night while DH is snoring away REALLY gets to me. I am having a hard time being patient lately with the 2-3 hour intervals because I honestly thought by almost 8 weeks we would be getting more, maybe I'm delusional? I swear all my friends babies slept 6-7 hours by two months!
We bedshare now because I just want to go right back to sleep and not have to wait for him to be deep enough to put down alone. Then of course I worry that he is going to be hard to transition eventually! Ugh
I also had a sad moment yesterday as our non-parent friends took off on a little mini-getaway for NYE. We would be going if we were still childless. Obviously I wouldn't change anything and feel awful even thinking that but...how nice would that be right now?! Travel, drinking and sleeping in!