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November Sparklers 2012

Ok kinda gross but does anyone else's LOs hands just stink!? My little guy has the stinkiest hands even though I wash them like twice a day!

I guess because he A) loves chewing on them and B) keeps then curled into fists!
Gaia- now I must go smell his hands! :haha: never noticed. I will say his hair is smelly! It get so greasy! I stopped using shampoo and it didn't get any better and he bathes about every 2 days!

Well ladies breast feeding is a dream finally gone. And I feel at peace with it, of course I wish I could be apart of the breast feeding club but its just not so. I went and rented a hospital pump pumped milk for Anthony, gave it to him and he screamed over two hours straight in pain nothing helping him. Then he puked, we had to sleep in a different room than husband and our oldest since he moaned all night long. I figured one day without dairy would be fine but it wasnt. Doctor said it could take up to TWO WEEKS for my body to digest the protein in soy and dairy which he is allergic too. Seeing him like that made me feel worse than the feeling of not providing BM. He's fine on neocate the hypoallergenic formula broken down to the simplist form for children with gi problems and allergies. It was silly of me to even attempt to think it would work out any other way. Dominic had same problem and 11 months on formula he was never once sick not even sniffles, he's never been overweight or not as smart as breast fed babies. OVER IT!!

Anyways.. :) everyone wish me luck, say a prayer for us.. The next two days for 9 hours ill be watching a 14 month old girl. 3 under 2 in my house!!
Wow! That's ambitious Daddies...I'm not really one for prayer but I will be sending supermom vibes your way :thumbup:

Glad you're feeling more positive about not BFing. That must have been hard to know he was screaming from milk...poor Baby! Its true that caesin takes 2-3 weeks to leave your Bloodstream. I was thinking of seriously eliminating dairy because of Fs mucousy poop but I haven't yet!
That's great that you've got closure on the bfeeding. It sounds like you're doing completely the right thing. And Omg to looking after the kids. I can barely manage with my own! X
Thanks ladies.

Believe me when I say I DON'T babysit. Especially now but the mother is in a tough spot and I felt bad. Her husband is military as well that live about a block away from us I guess on Christmas he decided to walk out on his family and has yet to call, come back to house. He wants a divorce and I guess refusing contact with them. What a guy huh? She works and the little is usually in daycare during but the daycare is closed Sunday and Monday for the holiday she figured husband would watch ło but since he left that's not an option and she's scared she'll lose her job if she calls in and not have the money to move to the other side of country where she's from :( so I figured I have nothing better to do and Dominic will have a playmate. My husband is off work for the holiday so he will help. I'm nervous but we will manage!
I know right :nope: seems a few of my friends are getting divorced lately :nope: makes me paranoid about my relationship, but I'm sure I'm stuck with this nerd for life :haha:

Little Anthony is getting stronger everyday! Anyone else's ło scoot next to you at night? He sleeps in the little crib attached to our bed, I sleep on that side and the last few nights I wake up to him right next to me! So I started putting him very far into the crib and watched him.. He always flips to his side when on his back so he flipped to his side and "threw" his head forward, scooted his body to match, threw his head forward, scooted his body lol took about 5mins to get a foot but he did it! I think he's system has failed a few times as I've found him on his belly. guess he just wants to snuggle :winkwink:
Mine does that too, he sleeps in the middle of a super king sized bed and we sleep opposite sides so we arent too close to him but i always find him cuddled up to me in the night.
When did everyones bleeding stop? Mine is still hanging round and the little man is 4 weeks old today.
Cookie I'm still bleeding and our babies are the same age. I long to not have to wear sanitary towels anymore!

Tristan usually sleeps in the moses basket but when he is in our bed he likes to spread out! Harry was the same and he loved it when we switched him to the cot.
my bleeding is just about to stop still some brighter stuff coming out but not gone yet.
I think I had light spotting still at 4 weeks pp. definitely gone now though!

My midwife said 4 weeks was about the average I think.
I survived day one of 3 under 2 in my house :) it was actually a little better since my oldest was occupied with playing other than non stop messing with baby in turn making him cry. We'll see how today goes! Definitely giving me my little girl fix :haha:

Idk what wrong with me lately, I don't think its baby blues or postpartum depression as I'm not really sad more pissed off a lot.. For no real reason :( last night Anthony was crying and I felt myself getting mad :nope: I had to lay him down and get my husband. Then I cried for feeling the way I did cause I know he's just a baby and not his fault he's crying. I've had to walk away from Dominic when he was smaller but mostly just hearing the crying I needed a break I didn't feel angry about it. I'm more snappy with my husband and shorter with my oldest.

Ugh idk its not all day I feel like this just sometimes, maybe hormones? I started taking my antidepressants again last night maybe it will help I don't take them while pregnant and with bfing is a no since I'm done with all that I'm going to take them
I think all mums of babies feel like that at times. I got annoyed last night as Tristan wouldn't sleep unless he was on me and I was standing and bouncing him. My dh kept offering to help but I knew Tristan would wake up fully so I carried on and then I got annoyed that I was having to do everything! Poor dh couldn't win. X
Me too, i have had moments when i've got pissed off and got OH up in the middle of the night or just had to put Sophia somewhere safe and walk away for 10 minutes...then feel soooooo guilty about it, but we're only human! and i've only got one, not a two to look after!!
Thanks ladies! That makes me feel much better about my feelings. I agree fish sometimes its just easier for me to do it but then I get mad that I am doing it!

I have to take a deep breath alone and realize it could be much worse. Anthony doesn't cry like that often usually its an easy fix and everyone comments how well behaved Dominic is.
Daddies I feel exactly the same! I dont know about you but 2 so close together is harder than i thought it would be, i can see my 2 will be great friends when they are a little older so i hope that will make it all worth it.
Oh I definitely feel like that sometimes too. F is such a good baby and really doesn't cry much but the constant waking at night while DH is snoring away REALLY gets to me. I am having a hard time being patient lately with the 2-3 hour intervals because I honestly thought by almost 8 weeks we would be getting more, maybe I'm delusional? I swear all my friends babies slept 6-7 hours by two months!

We bedshare now because I just want to go right back to sleep and not have to wait for him to be deep enough to put down alone. Then of course I worry that he is going to be hard to transition eventually! Ugh

I also had a sad moment yesterday as our non-parent friends took off on a little mini-getaway for NYE. We would be going if we were still childless. Obviously I wouldn't change anything and feel awful even thinking that but...how nice would that be right now?! Travel, drinking and sleeping in!
Big hugs to you all. I've been the same and having to walk to the corner shop just to have a bit of time out.
I've been getting myself upset at the fact that Darcy won't sleep anywhere else apart from on us robin her bouncer (if we are lucky). But we have had a break through this evening as she is in her moses basket and has been for the last hour and a half. I want to stop co sleeping as I'm not getting a lot of sleep with her in the bed.

Anyway, have a great night whatever you are doing. Happy new year xx
Oh I definitely feel like that sometimes too. F is such a good baby and really doesn't cry much but the constant waking at night while DH is snoring away REALLY gets to me. I am having a hard time being patient lately with the 2-3 hour intervals because I honestly thought by almost 8 weeks we would be getting more, maybe I'm delusional? I swear all my friends babies slept 6-7 hours by two months!

We bedshare now because I just want to go right back to sleep and not have to wait for him to be deep enough to put down alone. Then of course I worry that he is going to be hard to transition eventually! Ugh

I also had a sad moment yesterday as our non-parent friends took off on a little mini-getaway for NYE. We would be going if we were still childless. Obviously I wouldn't change anything and feel awful even thinking that but...how nice would that be right now?! Travel, drinking and sleeping in!

I'm the same, i thought by now I'd be getting more sleep at 8 weeks!! we seemed to be getting somewhere with a couple of nights of 6 hour sleeps last week and S was more happy being put down, then this weekend we had the in laws to stay and it seems to have disrupted her so much and i feel like we've regressed weeks with 1-2 hourly wake ups and won't be put down again :nope: It's exhausting especially as she gets so over tired and cranky. Today she was bundled into the pram and on went my ipod and a long walk to settle her then a coffee for me!

I really don't know how you girls do it with 2 LO's. I really want to start TTC when S is 9 months so there's a small age gap, but boy i can see how tough that would be!! well done to all you mums of 2 LO's!! :thumbup:

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