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November Sparklers 2012

Cridge-we have tried "swaddling" just under his armpits (arms out) down. The OT at the hoapital told us not to swaddle with arms in.
It doesnt work for him.
The biggest issue is that flat on his back its almost like he cant breathe properly he starts choking.
Its only started since ive had to start supplementing with formula and so far we havent fou d a formula that hes ok with. Along with the choking on his back he gets puffy eyes
We see the doc on mon where im going to ask about which formula to try next. Im so gutted i have to suplement with it at all :( wish my body would cooperate and stop getting infections that reduce my supply :(

My lil guy sleeps 6hr stretches of all sleep,not including feeding. But hes older than most of your lo's and lately as uve read its been on or next to me haha.
Since about 7 weeks hes done 6hrs from about 9pm-3am or/ 10-4amish feeds then sleeps another 3hrs. Then he continues waking to feed,sleep for 3hrs till 11amish...hes up for a couple hrs then hes back to feed and sleep for 3hr rotations....he sleeps a lot!
Well, I've been working for a few days on F napping alone on our bed or in his crib. I think partly to make me feel better about bedsharing, to kinda convince myself that he's not going to be unable to sleep alone!

Yesterday: three short 45 min naps alone, so not great because he usually has one longer one

Today: short nap in morning in his crib, then this afternoon I put some white noise on and he's been asleep almost 90 min alone in the crib! Woot!

I am sitting in the glider reading because my phone is the white noise and I have no monitor set up in here, haha.
lilbean - why were you told not to swaddle with arms in? I didn't swaddle my first because he was born in June and I felt like it was just too hot, plus, I couldn't swaddle worth beans. But I'm a swaddling pro now and I feel like it's helped him to sleep deeper as well as know that when he's swaddled, it's time for sleeping. I'm just curious as to why you were told not to with arms in.

Gaia - Yay for sleeping alone in crib!

Currently, Ninja sleeps in his bassinet right next to my bed during the night and day time naps, but I'm thinking to start training him to sleep in his crib soon. I'm hoping to start him tomorrow for his nap and maybe by the time he's 3 months I'll transition completely to his crib. I feed in the nursery and change him in his crib, so he's very familiar with his room and crib and I'm hopeful it won't take him long to learn to sleep in there. I'm not too worried about naps, but night time worries me a little for some reason. I like having him near me.
Cridge- when I say two hours to three that's including feeding boo hoo. So he'll wake at 3 back up at 5! What's his problem :winkwink: I swear the formula makes them fuller/sleep longer doesn't apply to my two starving babies. Last night was AWEFUL :( we laid down at 9 fell asleep 1020 up FIVE times from 10-2 turns out he just wanted to be held all night.

Lilbean- hope you find a formula that works! I know all about switching unfortunately.

Gaia- I think when they're young it's easier to make the transition to sleeping alone but each month is different what they may like one day will be different the next! Dominic slept with me for 6 weeks then crib in our room then about 3-6 months sleeping overnight in his own room and bed. About 6 months they have an attachment phase and start being afraid of things so he started screaming all night long, we brought him in bed with us and he's never slept in his room again! Pretty much refuses. And he's 16 months. Anthony sleeps with us as well lol whole family one bed! I love it though its the small bed that makes it a problem
Yah we are still bedsharing at night and probably will until at least 3 months, I just felt kinda worried that he couldn't sleep alone at ALL anymore and today has kinda put my mind at ease over that!

He does seem to do better with white noise so I'm going to pick up a sleep sheep for nap times!

I also sometimes wonder it he would wake up less if he wasn't in our room...maybe our noises and movement kind of disturb him?! Who knows!
Cridge-honestly i couldn't tell u why exactly the OT said that. We were just so excited to be able to leave the NICU some of what they said we just went "ok ok we won't/we will" etc but didn't ask questions.
I do remember the nurses mentioning prior to that tho to other parents things like they actually startle themselves awake more by moving their arms but being "stuck". Some were told not to due to breathing restrictions it could cause.
Other than that I don't really know though sorry.

Daddies-thanks. It sux doesn't it?!
HI ladies! Happy new year!

I would love to join your group here, i've tried to read as much of the thread as I can, and its sooo interesting to hear your experiences.

My little girl is 6 weeks old, she was born on November 21 by c section. We had a scary start, but everything is going well now! I'm a first time mum, and am loving it so far. I struggle with the lack of sleep, but so far i'm surviving.

I am breastfeeding/pumping, right now mostly pumping my LO is having trouble latching, but we're still working on it! We're currently co sleeping (when I'm not walking around the house trying to soothe her, or sleeping on the couch). I'm a huge fan of baby wearing, and my LO is in her carrier often, and i get so much done around the house! I can't wait for the weather to warm up so we can go outside!

Thats the quick introduction! I'm looking forward too chatting with you all!

PS I'm SOOO worried my baby will not be able to transition into her crib, and sleeping by herself. I love sleeping with her, but there is no way I can do it for more then a few months.
Welcome Janers! I am right there with ya on cosleeping :) I am loving it and enjoying it...with an expiry date!
I keep telling myself to put her in her crib when she's sleeping during the day just to get her used to it... i have yet to follow through!
Hi Janers, I'm the same with co sleeping in that I love it but it will need to stop!! My LO totally refused her moses basket from 7 days old so ended up in bed with me while OH and the cat were banished to the spare room!! She has her naps on the sofa in the morning as she falls aleep easily in the day. Her late afternoon nap tho, she's in my bed alone and sleeps fine but she has white noise and is swaddled as she starts to really fight her tiredness later in the day, so that just knocks her off and we have a much happier baby when she wakes up! As of yesterday I got her moses basket out for day naps and she slept in it!!! Yey! I'm hoping I'll get her sleeping in her moses basket in my room over night between 12 and 16 weeks, buy we shall see!! But you're so right Daddies, what they like and need changes so quickly so who knows!

Cridge when I say 6 hrs I mean she sleeps from 10 to 4 am so feeds at say 9.30 then again at 4, only occasional though it is mostly 4 hour feeds now, well over the last 2 days. I thinlk at the weekend she was a bit disrupted by the in laws staying so went 1 to 2 hourly for 48 hours, I was shattered and not much of a hostess!!!

Lilbean, it's a shame that you can't swaddle as it really helps then settle. We swaddle S for the noght, then I remove it and put her grobag on when she wakes for her feed and then she sleeps fine. But swaddleing is amasing for an overtired fussy baby, it just calms S right down, but I don't see any point in doing it with the arms out as it's the arms that need to be cocooned from the starle reflex. Might be worth asking why and if that still applies, how long has your LO being out of the NICU??
we have got a fabimx sidecot. it is 90 cm long so should last some ime. she sleeps in it well. only comes out for feeds. Over the dayshe sleeps on the couch or on me.
For you ladies worrying about never getting bubs out of your bed, we co-sleep with DS1 until he was 2(our choice though possibly later than what you ladies are planning) and he went in his own bed easily. I think we were all ready at that time as he likes his own space and he doesnt like coming into our bed now.
Hi Janers!

Cookie I agree that eventually kid will want their own space. They won't go to college still needing mommy bed :winkwink:

I think they are only this little once might as well take advantage of it there will be plenty of time for them to be in own bed. I love my oldest snuggling me at night or seeing his face so happy in morning. With Anthony its just easier to not get up to him really worked up crying in other room. We are gonna wait a tad longer to move Dominic don't want him to think we moved new baby In now we are moving him alone in other room.

Feeling down today as I got weighed at an appt this morning :nope: I was ten pounds from prepregnacy weight now I'm fifteen pounds away :(.

You ladies started or thought about what birth control to use? I have a prescription for the pill but haven't picked it up yet. I always took it and liked it but I really don't want anything hormonal. Anyone ever used spermicide alone? Suppose to be 94% effective but that 6% gap is scaring me lol
I definitely don't want to go back on the pill, it really messed with me. I'm thinking of doing Mirena because I wouldn't have to think about it until we TTC again and the hormone level is minimal...
Charlie-he was in the nicu for a week when he was born so been out just over 2mnths now. I'll add it to my list to talk to the doc about :)

I don't know what we'll be doing for bc. I don't want the pill again. Mirena scares me as I've heard of it failing too many times. A gf just recently became pregnant less then 9mnths after a csection! :s condoms are just not fun! Plus im alergic to latex so have to buybthe expensive ones? .....not sure what other options there r though.
Tristan was going 3 hours between feeds which includes feed time, but it's got worse. Last night he fed at 11pm, 2.30am, 5am when he needed changing so didn't go down until 6am and then 7.30am. I feel exhausted. Until now I've coped just fine but I guess it's beginning to take it's toll.

Hi Janners. Welcome. X
F&C My LO was the same last night fed at 12 then 2 then 4 then 5.30 and 6.30 and up wide awake at 8 I'm pooped!! And we have 8 week docs today for her jabs and my post natal check, just want to sleep!!

As for baby acne it does go, S skin was awful too but now it's all cleared up.
Cookie I can't find the cot you have on google but would love to keep LO in with me for as long as poss as lile you say Daddies they're only babies once but would like OH back in bed too!! Am looking into co sleeping cots but need to be long as S is a long baby otherwise not worth it and our bed is only a normal double so not big enougj for the 3 of us!

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