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November Sparklers 2012

The baby actually sleeps really well and usually only wakes once around 4am, its our 2 year old that makes it hard as he has now started getting up a few times in the night now where he wasnt before so i seem to end up bed hopping half the night.
Charlie I hear ya. We got 4 hours almost EVERY night from 3-6 weeks and then suddenly that stopped!?! Wtf?
Idk if having two is harder or easier than I thought, its pretty much like I thought lol. My oldest was a very needy newborn so I'm lucky Anthony is more laid back. I understand though the days the oldest is harder than the baby! My oldest son has also been waking up at night! And crying more, wanting to sit on me when I'm holding baby, into EVERY THING and forever messing with baby. I'd get more done if I didn't have to worry about him messing with baby and making him cry.

I know the age gap will be nice one day but I think if we do have more it will be a few years away!!

Sleep, what's that? :) Anthony wakes every 2-3 hours still boo hoo. I also hate sitting awake while hubby is snoring away. Maybe soon our Los will sleep longer! I will say tho it seems easier this time than last, I felt like a walking zombie then now I'm just on auto pilot :winkwink:
So ladies just how dangerous is it for babies to sleep on their tummy's before being able to roll over?
My lo has been super needy the last week. He's started teething already! (nothing has come thru but his cheeks r warm, drooling like crazy, fussy, calms when u rub his gums with something cold or your finger) he's wanting to be held all the time and sleeping only on my chest (on his tummy) or curled up next to me in the crook of my arm.
If I've tried to set him down by himself at all even while totally asleep he just starts screaming (how do they just know?!).
He has always liked being on his tummy, even in the nicu at the hospital he would be more calm if they let him lie on his tummy. And he loves to lie on mine and oh chests to sleep. In my tummy when I was pregnant that's always the position he was in with his butt up in the air heehee.
I love my snuggles but as oh works graveyard shifts it's only me and I'm getting pretty tired as I don't sleep that soundly when he's right on or next to me for fear or rolling on him etc. And during the day for his naps it's pretty hard to get things done when I have to carry him all the time even when I have him in my wrap and wear him, some things r just to awkward to do.
Tonight oh is home and we wanted some *ahem* "intimite time" so we put him down In his bassinet on his tummy (he had been in Ohs arms) and he's stayed sound asleep!
Of course now I'm sitting here checking every few min because everyone tells u not to let them sleep on their tummy's but I also think he always sleeps on me on his tummy so what's the diff? And when I was a baby they told parents to put us on our tummy's and we survived? So I just don't know.

What do u ladies think?
I think you do what you think and feel is best for your baby :) I was worried with my oldest on this subject but if they can raise their head a bit and no squishy pillows or blankets under them I feel fine doing it. I was told babies prefer to not have their bellies exposed and babies with gas or belly aches find it more comfortable to add that pressure of laying on belly. Both mine sleep better and longer on bellies. At this point I don't do it too much as Anthony has reflux and I don't want him laying in puke :( but if he's fussy we do and I've even found he's done that to himself in the night.

If you want to co sleep but what to feel baby is safe they make co sleepers you can buy or be cheap and lazy like us :winkwink: and take a side off crib and raise matress till it matches yours and attach it to your bed. Here's some google images


And how to do it, just an idea for anyone who wants to co sleep but still have their own room. We're thinking of bringing the 2nd crib and doing it so our oldest gets out between us, doubt it will work tho lol

Thanks daddies.
Honestly I don't want to Cosleep. I always said I never wanted my baby/kids in the bed. I just don't sleep that well regardless of safety measures in place, I'm just too tuned in to whats going on with them and can't get a good nights rest.
I will admit I loved the snuggles during the night I was getting this week, but I know for myself I just can't continue that.

He has a very strong neck. He can lift his head up off the ground/bassinet really well and he's able to turn it from side to side really well too. So that comforts me. I think if he had his head straight Down he'd turn it and if he was struggling he'd make a fuss as he has when we've done tummy time and he gets tired and frustrated he can't move his head or roll over the way he wants.

It's one of those hard decisions. If something were to happen, like SIDS, I'd never forgive myself, but on the other hand I know the chances are slim anything would happen and a well rested mommy is beneficial for all. Oh the decisions that come with being a parent!
I have a friend whose two babies could only sleep on their tummies and so that's what she did. They're fine, and I think if he is in your room it's even less risky. What about investing in an Angelcare monitor that detects breathing as a backup?!
Gai- i thought of that but then i thought if it has false alarms that will freak me out even more. But i may look into it anyway. Thats reasuring other ppl let their lo's sleep that way and theyre fine :)
I'd happily let LO sleep on her front if its the only way she could be comfortable. As you say, our mamas put us on our front and we are still here. The chances of SIDS are much decreased if there are no smokers in your household. And I've got an angel are monitor - never had a false alarm xx
Good to kno that false alarms aren't common! We planned to buy a monitor this week (when on sale!haha) so I will look into one!

Well I let him stay on his tummy and he slept from 9pm-12am :) which is normal for him at that time. No issues. Of course I pretty much checked on him every few min the entire time lol.The whole time he slept with his head to the side. He wiggled around a bit and wedged his side up to the side of the bassinet, head turned away fro. The side,vand stayed there the rest of the time. Guess he liked being wedged there. When he was waking up I was pumping and watched him, he was moving his head back and forth and trying to push up and then he started to fuss like "frick I can't get myself up, mommy!!!!! Come get me!" heehee
After that he came into our bed and slept on me yet again.
for right now if we continue the tummy sleeping I think we'll have to gradually work up to longer periods of time, just for my sanity.
I'm still worried but glad our first experience was successful! :)

Oh and we have no smokers in our house or r around any as I have bad allergies.

Thanks ladies for your reassuring words!
my bookby LARGO says babies basically cant sffn yet as they need the food. apart frm tem still dvloping teir circadian rhythm.
Lol Morri was that written in code? Jk I could figure it out ;)

I definitely don't expect 6/7 hours yet! But seriously even 4 would be awesome! I just like to whine about it ;)
me too, no expectations for sttn, last night she went from 10 to 4am, which is always great when it happens, but i treat it as a one off and love it when it happens, if i can get any sleep myself that is!
i am typing with the on screen keyboard by mouse lol. largo is a renowned swiss pediatrician and researcher
I also had a friend whose lo only slept on her tummy due to reflux. I think you do what you have to do to get through it. We all need sleep :hugs:

My lo has got a terrible rash all over his face. It started as white heads and now there are loads of red spots. He looks awful and I'm worried it must be so uncomfortable. I took him to the HV today to get weighed and to get it checked out but they're still shut for the holidays. Grr. He hasn't been weighed now since he was 14 days old because of them being shut.

Having two hasn't been too bad here but I have had my dh here quite a bit. Reality resumes tomorrow so I may need to eat my words!
Is it baby acne or something more? A friends son had baby acne pretty badly and it sounds like that!
i was also going to say baby acne, Sophia had it from 3 weeks and it cleared up mostly last week when she was 7 weeks. now she just has 2 or 3 whiteheads. her skin was really red with spots too but looks more like a rash and gets worse when she's crying! i think it's pretty common, but hopefully you'll get to see your HV soon and see what they say.

just booked S in for her 1st term of waterbabies...so excited :)
lilbean - have you tried swaddling? My lo likes sleeping on his side or tummy, but I'm too freaked out to let him do that while I'm asleep, but we swaddle and I've noticed he tends to sleep more deeply while swaddled.

When you ladies are saying they're sleeping 4,5,6 hours, does that mean actual sleep? I count mine from start of a feed to start of a feed, so when he goes 5 hours, that's really only about 4-4.5 hours of actual sleep. But a couple nights ago Ninja went 6 hours between feedings then 4!!! That was our best night yet! He usually only goes 3-4 though, with some 5 hour stretches mixed in here and there. With #1, he went 3 hours between feeds until 6 months, so I'm thrilled that Ninja has been giving me longer stretches! But he was doing 4 hours in his first few weeks, so I was hoping that by now he'd be consistently giving me longer stretches. With the longer stretches though, he's been feeding about every 2 hours during the day, instead of 3-4 like he used to. Now that my nipples aren't killing me, I can handle that if it gives me more sleep at night!

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