November Sparklers 2012

yep S use to poop several times a day until she was 6 weeks old, then daily, then every other day and now it looks like a monster poo every 4-5 days. breast fed babies can go up to 10 days, can you imagine cleaning that up!!
oh midwife was here yesterday again, and weighed lo. she is now 6.060 g. (13 lb 6 oz)

Glad to know my LO isnt the only one close or 13 pounds I swear everyone I tell that too acts likes hes obese!

Hello ladies,
Does anyone do combine feeding with breast milk and formula? Darcy is just constantly hungry and has been for weeks, it seems she is never satisfied after a feed. I feed her from both breasts each feed which can take over an hour sometimes. Then she cries after and routes around for more.
I bought a pump at the weekend, I expressed an ounce yesterday. She fed from both breasts, I have her the ounce which she guzzled in seconds and then wanted more from me. I expressed 2 and a half ounces today, gave her that and breastfed and she is still routing.
I haven't had her weighed since she was 10 days old so I'm taking her to a clinic tomorrow. She is just over 5 weeks old.

Hope it gets better for you and maybe clinic can give you more insight. Some babies are just hungrier than others :shrug:

Blondie also make sure you are drinking lots of water and eating well, which helps supply a lot! I also think frequent switching from side to side might increase it?

Daddies I was going to stop dairy, but then his poop suddenly stopped being stringy without any intervention. Now it kind of is again, but that makes me wonder what the hell!?!! The colours are right, it's just that the texture is a bit mucousy. It's also pretty explosive sometimes...but I always hear about explosive poops so isn't that normal?

He also had no exzema, rashes, colic, reflux. But he can be a bit gassy sometimes...

Im just not sure it's something that requires a fix and I can't seem to find a straight answer on it either!

Hmm Im not sure what mucousy poo means? Doctor doesnt have anything to say about it? I was going to say maybe just a bug but if its always been like that :shrug:

Sorry if my posts are long or random or misspelled sometimes. The only time I can really get on here is in the middle of the night while Im feeding A so I can keep myself awake so sometimes I lose track of what Im saying, and with long nails and autocorrect well they dont make it any easier :haha: I literally had to go back and re read what I posted last night since I was still pretty asleep and forget what I said LOL. But it was all right :winkwink:

Anthony poops every day..dont think hes missed a day! Not sure why but he will turn red and cry when he poos though its all liquid? Hes still pretty gassy all the time but not where it hurts him he just farts all day :haha: Its kinda cute when he coughs and farts at same time! His poo is usually green and kind of seedy looking which doctor said is fine. With the BM it was bright orange and seedy. Then it got really dark and I thought it was black= bloody but doctor tested it and it was fine so im not sure what was up with that!

Anthony has been worrying me lately! Idk what it is, we do tummy time during "school time" everyday, when I teach Dominic something or we read books, make cookies, do laundry LOL this kid LOVES cleaning!, Anthony doesnt roll over or anything and pretty good about moving his head but he will usuallly just fall asleep. But at night he keeps rolling to his tummy somehow?? So Ive found him a little too close to face down for my comfort. Especially with pacifier in his mouth. Really cant leave him in a crib alone at this point!

Anyone else have trouble burping baby at night?? I feel he just doesnt burp at night no matter how long I pat him. Which leads to a huge burp and puke in morning! I was reading that after 2 minutes if they havent burped they just dont need too. IDK if its the fact he is asleep when I try or what.
Oh and incase anyone cares :winkwink: Ive figured out what birth control to use..Ortho tricyclin LO. Its the lo hormone dose pill. I dont want to take anything with hormones but that just isnt doable since I dont want to have the IUD. Weve been using spermicide which is 94% effective when used correctly but that 6% really freaks me out and its just not made for people with little ones! Once inserted it takes 10 minutes to "work" then lasts an hour. So pretty much every time weve gone to dtd we have to time it perfectly for when kids are asleep and never fails one wakes and wont go back to sleep for that hour its in!

Bad thing though the doctor told me yesterday she cant give me the prescription with out a pregnancy test or my period to start. So I said Id take a test right then but she said it needs to be ten days from the last day we dtd and not to have sex again till I take the test! I understand why but I at least wish I had the prescription filled and at my house!

My husbands not believing she said no sex for ten days :haha: but the last two days ive had egg white cervical mucous :dohh: so no way are we taking that chance condom or not!!
If you see a badly spelt post by me it is because i have been using the on screen keyboard, while holding lo. :haha: it tends to omitt some letters or spaces from time to time.
Well if your lo doesnt swallow any air while bfing at night he won't need a burp either I guess. I have got a book which says that you can just put them back to bed, if they have some air left it will find its way out if there isnt any it's good too.
Hello, i hope you are all well.

My oh and I decided to combine feed with breast milk and formula as she is constantly feeding, going 2 hours sometimes less inbetween. She really hasn't been a happy bunny at all. If she isn't feeding she is crying to be fed!
So I had Darcy weighed today for the first time since she was 10 days old and the lady said to put her on formula as well as breast milk. She weighed 7lb1oz when she was born and weighs 7lb11oz today. She is 9th percentile.
I've got to feed her from the breast first and then top her up with 3oz of formula.
I'm also expressing but not getting much at all. I will be topping her up with that when I get a good supply.
Awww she's a little one! She is bigger than 9% of healthy babies though, so don't feel too discouraged! Sounds like you have a good plan :) have you tried supplements to increase supply? Sorry can't remember if you said already. Apparently fenugreek works wonders...?

My little guy had had a weird last day or two. Fussier than usual and constantly eating or sleeping. Hopefully just growing, but woke up today a bit sniffly. Seems fine but maybe a mild cold...
Hello, i hope you are all well.

My oh and I decided to combine feed with breast milk and formula as she is constantly feeding, going 2 hours sometimes less inbetween. She really hasn't been a happy bunny at all. If she isn't feeding she is crying to be fed!
So I had Darcy weighed today for the first time since she was 10 days old and the lady said to put her on formula as well as breast milk. She weighed 7lb1oz when she was born and weighs 7lb11oz today. She is 9th percentile.
I've got to feed her from the breast first and then top her up with 3oz of formula.
I'm also expressing but not getting much at all. I will be topping her up with that when I get a good supply.

Good luck, hope she settles soon with that and starts to put on weight, it's tough. I supplemented with formula for the 1st few weeks as she was starving and my milk took ages to come in. It's all fine now though and I'm able to just breastfeed, but it's tough with the boob, bottle and expressing.
Blondie - I'm glad you found a solution! How old is your LO? That does seem like a really slow growth. Or maybe mine is just rocketing forward. He was 7.3 at birth (7.11 at 2 weeks) and at his 2 month check up (yesterday) he was 11.6. He went from 25th %tile to 40th %tile. Darn kid - he's not supposed to grow so fast! :cry:

gaia - I wouldn't be too worried about the mucousy poo. I think it's actually pretty normal. My ped yesterday told me that unless the poo is a strange color (anything from green to yellow/orange/brown is normal), then there really isn't anything to worry about. My lo's poo is a strange orange color (and a bit mucousy) and she said I could try eating more probiotics if I was worried about it. So maybe that's one solution..?? :shrug:

And speaking of poo - I would love if my guy would slow himself down in that area. He al.ways has a poo squirt in every diaper. He totally unloads in the middle of the night and sometimes again at some point during the day. But there is always some little squirt in his diaper. Poo is his talent. :haha:
i dont really get the percentile thing my lo is just under 9th but he is following his curve nicely-he was 6lbs 11 at birth and is 8lbs 2 at 5 weeks.
Hey ladies how r u all. Sorry I didn't keep up at the end with all the births I started going into the starting stage of labor at just shy of 35 Weeks. Was having contractions all the time just wasn't progressing (which I'm very thankful for now) I was scheduled for a csection for Dec 22nd at 39 Weeks. I thank God I made it til than even tho I was having contractions that whole time. I went in on Dec 22nd for my csection n lil miss Angelyca was born at 9:56am weighing 4lbs 8ozs n 19 inches. She is very healthy n only had to stay in nursery for a couple hours to get her temp up. She is now 2 1/2 Weeks n still doing fantastic. She now weighs 5lbs 4.5ozs n 19.5inches. (oh forgot to mention she didn't lose any weight in hospital she gained n left hospital at 4lbs 10ozs)
Blondie- glad you figured out something! It does seem like a slow growth but every child is different and she could catch up. Just do what feels right and what doctors say in consideration.

Little ant is a piggy I guess! But he was born much bigger than my first! Born at 8 pounds 13 ozs he weighed 13 pounds at 6 weeks! I have to say its really cute though, when in life do people sequel with delight about how fat you are but when you're a baby :winkwink:

I don't think they sorry about the percintile thing till its under 5%? How it was explained to me.. Out of a 100 kids your kid would be.. So Anthony would be #60 out of 100 for height And 92nd out of 100 in weight. Going by the average for kids his age.
I just checked my notes and she is 2nd percentile!!
We had a good night last night, she went 2 hours then our very first 4 hours!!! Yay.
She had a bit of an explosive poo after her first bottle.
I will be trying fenugreek to up my milk supply.
Darcy is 5 weeks 4 days.
oh and success (comong) on another front I just tried on my prepregnancy jeans again and for the first time I can fit them. I can even close the button when I am standing (although my flab is still a bit in the way. need to be open when sitting though, but good news so far, I was already afraid that I won't be able to wear them again ever.)

(not so good, i was just 2 min on the laptop with a fresh shirt on and didnt have any breast pads on . guess what i look up and have a 4 inch diameter leak on the shirt.
Congratulations bbygirl on the arrival of your little girl. Hope you're recovering well.

Blondie. Yey for 4 hours! Try and get lots of rest, that'll help with your supply a lot
Morri I am so jealous!! I can't fit into any of my pre preg trousers. It's not my belly as much as my hips which are 4 inches bigger!! And I won't mention my thighs!! Cannot wait to get back to the gym!!!
I was feeling horribly depressed last night about the weight thing :nope: I can button my pre pregnancy jeans but its not pretty! I swear I feel bigger now than when I was prego! 15 pounds from pre pregnancy weight but the flab is unbelievable! I even cried about it :nope: so ill be working out And watching what I eat starting today!!
Ty. I'm recovering really good. Have no pain n my incision is half way healef
I don't know my weight i havent got a scale at home :p

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