November Sparklers 2012

it's not the weight, it's the size and flab!! :( however i have bought a post natal exercise dvd which arrived today :) i will start this weekend and then next month OH will be at home a lot more and with gym around the corner i figure i can nip out for a quick workout between feeds then!

daddies i'm also starting to watch what i eat, but it's tough!!
I'm going our for walks everyday with Darcy for some exercise. I am in my jeans from before I was pregnant but they are quite snug!
blondie - yay for 4 hours! I think you probably have the formula to thank for that! How exciting!!

I'm barely in my "fat jeans", although they are fitting a little better (maybe they're just stretching :haha:). I was able to maintain all through the holidays and now that I'm not drinking a gallon of egg nog a day I've actually lost 1.5 pounds since I last checked (maybe a couple weeks ago?). I still have a pretty serious sweet tooth but no more egg nog. :haha: Really wishing I could get started on running again, but I don't know how to do that while bf'ing - ouch!

I really don't think percentile is a big issue as long as they're growing well enough. But my first was always 95+ %tile so having a smaller baby is very fun for me! By 6 weeks my first took on the nickname of "marshmallow man" because he was so chunky, and Ninja is just now starting to get chubby thighs. I love having a "little" baby (although he's 40-50th %tile).

bbygurl - congrats on your little girl! She is tiny! But it sounds like she won't be for long. :)
Congrats bbygurl!

Weight..still have 10-15lbs I'd like to lose and still in mat jeans. Maybe that's why we have yet to dtd! I'm starting to feel bad about that...but DH doesn't seem to care?! I've heard men's testosterone lowers after a baby is born maybe that's part of it.

Well I'm pretty sure LO is sick. At least I hope that explains the every 1-2 hours last night and the constant eating and sleeping all day! He sounds pretty congested so that must be it?! I wish I had never complained about 3 hours now! Lol
Times like this I miss being pregnant as the bump maybe me not feel fat :haha: oh well maybe we are expecting too much too soon they say it takes 9 months to put it on its going to take 9 months to take off. Lets hope its not that long! I want to be bikini ready by summer! Even though there is no way ill be in an actual bikini :winkwink: that was two kids and a handful of stretch marks ago!
I don't own a scale so I have no idea how much I weigh.
I do fit into my pre-preg pants totally fine. but honestly I prefer my maternity jeans!lol they're just so comfy. That and they dont rub on my csection incision, which i find my normal ones do and it annoys me. when I was preg I just got a huge bump and slightly bigger hips so they fit pretty good still, just a lil loose and I fold elastic top part over and then good to go?
I do have some extra skin I can't wait to tone up! Luckily no stretch marks.but my linea Nigeria is still really dark...anyone kno if/when this fades?! I hope it does, I have dark skin but it's really dark and noticeable and goes from middle of my chest alllll the way down.

Lo got his shots today :cry: ...luckily daddy was home so he took him and I stayed home! He's fine now but oh said he went all red faced and screamed :cry:
my line is still there as well, although it is not a "line" rather than a collection of dark strechmarks... lol.
I've still got a faint line, but luckily i avoided stretch marks, one good thing for my body :)
I'm back in my pre pregnancy clothes but then my bump always stayed pretty small anyway, sadly my belly is pretty flabby now after 2 bubbas. I also didnt get stretchmarks this time round but still have plenty of old silvery ones from my first pregnancy.
I have a faint line from my belly button down and luckily I didn't get any stretch marks.

Darcy has been a little bit sicky since she has been on formula. We started her the night before last. Last night she brought up a fair bit and was hungry after so I topped her up on breast milk. This morning she was fine with just breast milk first thing but the next feed she brought up all of the breast milk and kept the formula down.
I'm feeding her with breast milk first then topping her up with formula after as the health worker suggested.

On the positive side...she has been sleeping in her Moses basket for he last 1 hours!! Yay she doesn't usually like to be put down in it at all. She co sleeps with us. Our bouncer chair which she doesn't mind sometimes has a little box that vibrates and plays music that you can remove so I put that in the Moses basket. I've even had a little nap this afternoon too.
Sophia sicks up a lot, from what i'm told, normal, but all sounds like it's going well,as long as she is putting on weight. an afternoon nap sounds bliss right now! last night S slept 6 hours straight, she hasn't done that for weeks and more recently has been waking 2 hourly, so last night i got hardly any sleep as was waiting for her to wake at every slight noise she made!! silly really, should have just been able to crash out!
Sometimes it takes a little bit for them to get use to formula they say not to change formula for about a week unless they are very uncomfortable or puking a lot. How much is she drinking? She'll need a lot less formula than breast milk and not eat as often. So maybe she is just full and spitting up? Anthony drinks 3 ozs every 2-3 hours at night and anywhere from 2-4 hours during day.

Glad to hear your getting some sleep! Sleep last night was good and we all slept in this morning. I think babies get US on a schedule since I still wake up every two hours to see if he's up :doh:

My husband got all four wisdom teeth cut out the other day so I've been taking care of THREE babies :haha:

Tried working out at home last night. Big mistake with both kids awake! Nap time workouts from now on! Anthony stared at me from his swing crying every few minutes so I'd have to get off elliptical and kiss him, give him paci get back on elliptical get back off to help him. That was a workout all its own. Then I thought ill just work out on floor by his swing but my oldest thought it was hilarious that I was on the floor so he kept giggling and crawling all over me. So I figured I'd use him as weights :haha: but he's just too tall! His legs kept getting in way. After 30 mins I gave up!
6 hours, wow so lucky. We've never had that before. She slept for a 3 hour stretch last night which was great.

Daddies, I had a little giggle reading about your exercise. I'm yet to start but I have been walking every day. I must start doing sit ups soon.
Darcy kept her next feed down. The health visitor advised to give her 3oz after every feed. She usually goes about 2 hours but since being on formula it's starting to be a tiny bit longer.
charlie - you and I had the same experience last night! I was expecting Ninja to get up at 11:30 so I waited up. When he didn't wake, I decided to try to get some sleep, but expected him to wake me any minute. I kept waking up every 15 minutes or so until he finally woke at 2:00 (5.5 hour stretch). Dang!! I could have gotten some good sleep in!!

daddies- good for you for exercising! I keep telling myself to at least go walking every day cause I'd like to get back to running as soon as my boobs agree with me, but I can't seem to ever get out the door. I tried walking at the mall the other day but I was bombarded by kiosk salespeople so I won't be doing that again!

As far as stretch marks go - I started out with a ton and got a ton more. :cry: My thighs are covered with them now and I have them above my belly button - whereas before they were just below. So sad. But I guess it's the price I pay. I get to have a nice c-section scar now too, so my body is just wrecked. I'm okay with it though. Just wish I could lose a bunch of weight - then I won't feel so horrifying. :haha:
I also have a ton of stretchies on my thighs inside and outside and lower back, additionally to those on the belly.
Daddies that's so funny, i love your determination to at least try!! i think if i can actually get some sleep tonight i will do my DVD tomorrow and feel the pain!

I'm lucky with my C sec scar as it's hidden as it's so low down but the lower half of my abdomen is a bit of a weird shape now, a little saggy so needs some serious abs workouts!

Hoping that S has a good sleep and manage to actually relax enough to sleep too, you too Cridge!
yeah - my c-section scar is quite low as well... it's just another war wound. :winkwink:
I'm hoping to start swimming again soon, it's the only exercise I don't mind.

Darcy has just done the biggest explosive poo. It soaked through her clothes all up her back. We had to put her in the bath to clean her up.
Blondie - how often is she pooing these days? Ninja had a massive poo last night, but he's still going at least once a day and always has a "poop squirt". It's like he knows when his diaper is clean and dry and he just can't let it stay that way. :haha:
Every diaper I have put on F today he has pooped in. It's more than usual and of course today is cloth diaper laundry day so I'm low on diapers!!! Silly boy!

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