I'm not sure if Canada has same formulas as America (you're Canada right? On my phone so it doesn't say) but Dominic was on Similac Alimentum a protein allergy formula. He was breast fed around 6 weeks. He has horrible diarrhea, a bum rash, puked a lot and colicky. Doctor suggested I stop dAiry so I went to soy not knowing it had same ingredients to process it as dairy. I stopped bfing and went to Alimentum where he did great! When he started solids if he got any dairy even small amounts he'd have horrible poo, then rash around anus, sometimes even puking. Soy made him and still a little, really constipated, rash ect.
With Anthony it wasn't as bad as Dominic. While Anthony got. BM he was very gassy, poopy blow outs and colicky. Then I noticed same anus rash. We tried two protein formulas for him once I stopped BM at around 9 days old. He didn't get better
symptoms where decreased but not gone. Doctor suggested Nutrica Neocate. A hypoallergenic formula that's really broken down for easy digestion and a range of allergies. So Anthony may have more than the dairy/soy problem its still up on the air.
We all know breast milk is best but sometimes that just can't be given for whatever reasons and in that case formula has come along way and a great substitution for BM. I felt guilty stopping with Domi but seeing him thrive and do just fine I quickly "got over it". Here 16 months later he is a healthy, smart toddler. And I never feel guilt for stopping or wish I could go back and change it. That's why I was surprised I felt bad at all stopping this time, I really think that was hormones bc now I don't feel bad at all and know he will be just fine! It just takes awhile to come to terms with formula feeding but honestly its not horrible like everyone says.
Gaia- it won't hurt to cut out a little dairy from your diet to see if the poos go away. If not it couldn't have hurt to stop the dairy to try. It can take up to two weeks for your body to rid itself so I wouldn't worry if the poos persist for awhile after you stop the dairy if you choose too.
It's really sad anyone has to do this. It's all how our cows are fed, our dairy is processed, our food is processed. Even organic milk still has the protein casein in it which is the problem not the dairy itself.