November Sparklers 2012

Just popped on quickly...

Gaia, my LO is waking at the same times as you. It's beginning to leave me utterly exhausted now. How are you feeling?

Littlebean, I'm not sure but I know milk changes as babies grow. I don't get as full now and don't leak as much but I also know I'm a good milk machine so just put it down to my body getting good at regulating the quantity and the milk changing?? Also LO might be getting more efficient and therefore taking more at each feed, hence you not being able to express.

I'm guessing here, but might be worth researching if you want to? x
Thanks f&c-but i exclussively express due to him being unable ro breastfeed :) (since u poppes on quick u prolly havent seen all the posts,no worries)
Hi ladies,
Darcy slept for 5 hours in her moses basket last night! I'm so happy. The night before she slept in it for 2 and a half hours. Let's hope she keeps it up. I have liked co sleeping but feel now is right for her to sleep in her moses basket.
F&C - he wakes up often, but because we cosleep it doesn't bother me so much. The one thing that really has changed since he was born is that he now 'knows' that night time is for sleeping. So between 10-10 he really doesn't spend much time awake. He is a MILLION times easier to get back to sleep, except maybe around 5-7am but I am probably pushing it to get him sleeping in anyways ;)

I think I'm probably getting at least 7-8 hours sleep between 11-9 but then I don't have another LO waking up early!
Cridge you should try cloth, get a trial pack and see what you think. I'm loving it!

Lilbean, i think i would feel the same if i were in your shoes, not that i think you should feel bad at all but i understand. But like others have said you are doing what is best for your LO even if it's not the ideal that you want, which is always going to make it hard, But i'm sure all mothers will have to do something at some point that they would prefer not to for their LO's best interests. Don't be too hard on yourself.

S is teething now and it's so hard being so young as she can't put anything in her mouth to sooth it except her hand which has been in her mouth, almost all of it constantly! and she's spitting up way more than normal, does anyone know if that can happen when they are teething? I've given her some of the nelsons teething granules as have heard that they are good. Think i may be in for a difficult night.

F&C love your new picture, very cute!
Oh Charlie that's tough. My eldest got his first tooth at 3.5 months so must have been suffering a few months before. Tristan constantly has his hand in his mouth and I'm hoping he's not going to follow suit.

Thanks re the photo! x
Charlie are you sure shes teething? My LO has discovered his hands and is constantly chewing/sucking on them. Plus he's become much droolier...but I'm not sure he's teething?
Oh yes she is teething!! you can see the teeth, her lower incisors. It's early but I've heard of earlier at 3 weeks!! it's been a mare of an evening, she has just got off to sleep. I've been on a dash to the chemist, I've pumped as it's too painful for her to suck and she's getting so frustrted on the boob, so she's hardly eaten anything today, fed her with a syringe!The problem in settling her is that her normal comforts are the boob, which is no help now as too painful and swaddling, but she needs her hands to sooth her gums! poor little thing, it's pretty horrible and i feel so helpless! But she's knocked herself out now, so hopefully she'll feel better after a sleep as will I!!
Awwww that sounds so rough! I am going to examine his gums later :) He isn't cranky or feeding less, just full of drool and gnawing on his hands constantly.
Poor thing :( Teeth are so stupid. We should all just be done with them and eat soup. ;)
Well she finally fell asleep for the night at 1 am with only a waking at 4 then 7, then she slept until 11, up for an hour then slept from 12-4 this afternoon!!! poor thing exhausted herself yesterday. hope she still sleeps tonight after all this sleep today!!
3/4 hours isn't bad for teething! That's what I get on a good night normally, lol.

Hopefully she follows the 'sleep begets sleep' idea and sleeps well tonight!
The midwife weighed lo today again and she was 6460g (14lb 4oz) still gaining the good 400g( 14 oz )per week about.
ninja had a 7 hour stretch last night!! Unfortunately, it wasn't all sleeping, and it started too early for me to take advantage of it, but he fed at 8:15 and then once he was finally settled for the night, didn't wake to feed again until 3:15. :thumbup: He was *SO* hungry at 3:15 - it cracked me up!
Hey ladies how is everyone?
So I'm sittin here still laughin. The last week my lo has been pooping once a day, a hugely explosive poop that destroys multiple layers! At around the same time every night.nso last night I joked i should just put him on the potty and save me doing a load of poopy laundry every night at 10pm!
Well tonight I did! And he pooped on the potty! I was crackin up the whole time!lol
I thought he'd freak out if I sat him on there but he was so content and even smirked every time he heard the "plop".
It was so funny to me!
Oh wasn't home to see so I left poop in potty and told him to go look and he was like no way!
Next time I hope he's home! I'm so going to try Tom. I wish I couldve got a pic because it was just too funny to see.
Haha that's awesome! Elimination Communication, it's a real thing! Have you heard of it? Cloth was as far as I could go but it sounds pretty cool...and some people have huge success toilet training VERY young...
I've heard of it but I'll be honest my thought of that has always been "ha! Ya right!".......but I could sorts see it now if u have a lo as regular as my lo is appearing to become!

But I'm also one of those ppl I'm pretty open to everything. And I like taking bits and pieces from every way of parenting to make up how I parent. I'm not set on one way. I do what works for us. So who knows, maybe I'll be doing it regularly if it's workin for us haha but I deff won't be getting rid of the diapers any time soon! But for now I shall sit here and laugh at the image of my lil man sittin on the potty at 3months haha
I dabbled a bit with it too, but I havent got a potty and lo takes ages t go from farting to pooping and shes too heavy to hold over the loo for ten or more minutes :haha:. maybe when I get a potty and she doesnt have a poo every other hour I do it .

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