November Sparklers 2012

Cridge- how cool! Anthony gets his side then gets stuck and cries LOL I'm trying to give him more tummy time.

Gaia- nooooo sleep regression! We just started only waking once a night! Lol he usually wakes anywhere from 2-4am then back to sleep till 8 or 9. Naps are so so. He's been staying awake most days that's for sure!
Oh Gaia - I feel ya! I'm trying to remember how long our sucky nights lasted...2 weeks? 3? I'll have to go back and look at when I started complaining. :haha: Hopefully it won't last as long for you.

daddies - honestly, I didn't give ninja much tummy time until the last few weeks when he was obviously trying to roll. I don't know that I gave him more than 5-10 minutes his entire first 6 weeks. Ooops. I really think he's going to be a fast mover and that makes me sad. But with that said, my first was rolling well by 4 months too, and wasn't crawling til 11 months, so I can hope. :haha:

It sounds like Anthony finally got the formula memo. :haha: I know I didn't go through a 4 month regression with my first, so hopefully his sleep will stay really nice and long for you!!
Ok I don't know what to do about bedtime!!!! He used to go to bed around 9-10 with us but we got sick of that and have been trying to get him to go down earlier. So we have been putting him down in his crib and them moving him to the cosleeper when we go to bed. However, I would try putting him down around 8:30 and he would just sleep for one sleep cycle and then wake up. I'd have to go re settle him and he would usually go back easily.

This week it's INSANE. I started trying to put him down at 8 last night and he fell asleep but when I put him in his crib he would instantly wake up screaming. He's been doing this a lot more this week and is often VERY hard to put in the crib. This after being able to put him down drowsy LAST WEEK. So I tried putting him down for 45 (!!!!!!) min and finally had to have DH do it because I was so tense. He slept from 9-9:40 and of course woke up an wouldn't go back to sleep. Until we went to bed at 10.

I don't know if I should just stick with the later bedtime or try even earlier!?!? Everything I've read says babies need to go to bed before 8 but he makes it soooo hard!
Good to hear your nights are better Cridge, sorry Gaia about your difficulties. S does go to sleep early at 7 and has done for 2 months now, we co sleep and I put her down in my bed and then join her later. We do live in a flat so it's easy to hear her and check on her regularly and she is so still while we sleeps I'm not worried about her. However she would wake up if i didn't put the womb to world CD on, kind of gentle white noise that we have on the iPod on repeat, seems to help her between sleep cycles, or maybe just some gentle music. But as for putting him in the crib, i really don't know, can you not put him in the co sleeper and check on her?

I cannot believe that S is 4 months today! Time flies! She so cute now and busy practising new sounds, the lastest is 'th' which is cute as she puts her little tongue out and goes thhhhh and it sounds like she has a lisp and lots of bubbles form at her mouth! She very nearly rolled from back to front today, not quite. I think we're light years from rolling from front to back!! I think the 4 months sleep regression may hit us as she is getting harder and harder to feed as everything is just too interesting now! She still poos and has wet nappies, but not as wet as before. Think I'll get her weighed next week just to check. I've tried putting a cover over her when i'm feeding her while we are out, as we're out a lot, but that becomes a distraction too! So far she wakes maybe twice in the night which is fine as once is usually before I'm in bed, so I'm only woken once. So I figure she'll start waking more, or she'll loose weight.

Any more incidents with your boys Daddies? Have you got a video yet? How has moving D into his own room gone ?
Sorry things aren't going so well with night time Gaia.
:hugs: with Dominic I tried so many routine following things that always changed or never worked that now with Anthony it's really whatever! And that's fine by me. I don't lay him down at any certain time just when he falls asleep. It's usually around 8 that he falls asleep on his own. Like last night he fell asleep at 9pm we all went to bed he woke around 3, ate back to sleep till 930. Domi and I got up about 8 but just left him to sleep. We still use the cosleeper or crib attached to our bed.

Oh Charlie :winkwink: no new incidents with the boys, but I rarely leave them alone at all anymore. No video yet had no idea those were so expensive! But will be getting one for sure soon.

Sleep with Dominic is all our fault, ill admit it we're lazy parents. It's just sooo much easier to let him sleep with us. My husband said lets start April 1st but my foot surgery is April 9th I can't get up at night to help him so we said march 1st. First few nights were fine but he was asleep before we put him in his room so he'd wake crying around 5am. I'd go help him and sneak off when he was back to sleep. I'd almost get Back in our bed and he was crying again after a few times of that I woke hubs up to help but Dominic would just cry with him or wait till he thought daddy was asleep then sneak off to our room. Long story short if he's asleep before us we put him in his bed, when he wakes he comes back with us. If he's awake then he comes to bed with us.

Had his 18 month appt today doctor referred us to see a speech therapist for him. He says enough words just doesn't pronounce everything right so doctor said of we wanted to take him to help him better before it stays like that. I still think he's a little young to worry about his pronunciation but a couple friends said its really worth it so I think I'll take him. For instance thank you is tank to. I love you is wub to. Eh we'll see
Gaia - we were doing the same exact thing a couple months ago! My advice would be to just keep with putting him down at 8 or when he seems sleepy (mine goes down between 7:30 & 8 now). We still have nights where he either won't go down easily, although he's obviously tired, or he wakes up after the first sleep cycle. But once he's down, I consider it "night" and I keep all the lights off, don't talk to him, etc. I've gotten to the point where I've realized that if he wakes after initially falling asleep, he's hungry, so I feed and he goes right back down. Sometimes, if he's having a hard time going down initially, I'll try to feed him and sometimes he'll feed, others he won't. But there are still days when we're in and out of his room for an hour or more trying to get him to settle. So I would say just stick with putting him down and eventually it'll get better.

charlie - remember all my complaining that ninja wouldn't eat during the day?! :haha: his diapers were far less wet during the day, but his night diaper was still soaked when he got up in the morning. I never did check to see for sure how long it lasted, but it was at least 2 weeks, then very suddenly, he started eating more during the day again. Just like one day he decided he was hungry again. :shrug: So I wouldn't worry too much about it unless her diapers are *dry*.

My little ninja is 4 months today too! It's exciting, but also makes me sad that time has gone so quickly! He's such a little stink pot and we're so in love! :cloud9: He has his 4 month appointment today. I'm not sure if he's getting shots, but I'm preparing myself for a couple of days of yuck.
I know!!! I can't believe F is 4 months on Saturday! It's insane. I thought by now we would be where you ladies are with wakings but I guess he just can't get enough mommy. Haha. Ahhhhh it'll come I guess.

So last night was still absurd with wakings but evening was MUCH better. Went to sleep at 7:30, woke again at 8 so I nursed and resettled him. He slept until I transferred him to our room at 10, which meant we got evening time! Yay!

Then woke at 12:30, 2:30, 5:30, and up at 7:30! Good grief. I'll never complain about 2 wakings again once we are back there!
Well not surprsingly we had lots and lots of wake ups too last night grrrrr with one long one, play time from 3.40am to 6am!! i fed, i ignored, gave dummy, put CD back on nothing!! eventually i just sat up exaserbated and looked at my happy smiley little girl thinking what on earth can i do?! then she just rolled right over :) so we even had a bit of tummy time too!! she had one VERY wet morning nappy!

Well Daddies, i suppose moving Dominic will take time, and gradually is preferable to a sudden change and he's getting some time in his own room.

Hope everyone has good nights/ days. I'm hoping for a better night as S has eaten a lot today!
I can't wait for Anthony to be four months old so we can try some solids!! At least see if he's ready. I'm ready to thicken up his milk so I can stop the constant spit up and laundry I have to do because of it!! With Dominic they had me put cereal in his bottle to thicken it up and help him gain weight though he's always been a skinny guy. I didn't really realize then how "bad" that baby cereal is so I'm going to avoid that with Anthony. Also this time around I won't be doing solely baby food in jars but mashing up what we eat. Dominic would only eat green beans and meat from baby food jars everything else I had to make myself. So going to do that too. Come on four months!! ;)

Anthony still sleeping ok just the once a night wake up. KNOCK ON WOOD

He sat up by himself last night! It was a total fluke so I won't say he's a sitter just yet lol but so cute. We sat him down and let go and he slowly stayed there then slowly slumped forward, but still sitting! He's still to weak and pudgy for that so more practice tummy time!
Oh no Charlie! F's crappy sleep is contagious! Lol.

We did 7:30 last night and it went well (did I already post this?). Still lots of wake ups but evening was easier.

Today his last nap ended at 4:30. So I was torn...but ended up doing bedtime at 7!!!! Yikes I'm nervous about it; he went down soooooooo easy but now I'm scared! Lol

DH is sick so I think we are both just going to bed early too!

F wants to sit up soooo bad! Every time he's reclined he just strains his little body forward, it's so cute!

He's a pro in the jolly jumper now, have I mentioned that?! Man I am losing it I think with these 2 hour stretches of sleep :(
Charlie (and gaia too... looks like you're having the same problem!) - I got thinking about it, and I didn't give myself enough credit in respect to getting back to usual. I put up with the night wakings and less eating during the day for a few days, then I tried to feed more during the day (I'm all about feeding on demand and not making my little guy get too hungry), but that didn't work. He just would NOT eat more at a time OR more frequently. So I finally realized that I can't force him to eat more, but I can force him to eat less. It took a few nights of pacifying him most times he woke up (so I was up a LOT) until he got the message and *then* suddenly he started eating more during the day. We're now back to our normal 3-5 hour stretches at night.

but I tell you, getting up that often to stick the binky back in his mouth was not fun. I started with forcing him to go 3 hours (cause he was *easily* going 4+ during the day), and once he started doing that on his own, I started forcing 3.5 hours, then 4, now I'm forcing 5 unless I pacify him and he's awake again crying in 10-15 minutes. But most times he'd go back to sleep for at least 20-30 minutes, sometimes an hour or more.

So that's how I got him to come out of his "feeding less during the day and more during the night" phase. :) I actually talked to his doctor about it yesterday and she said I did exactly what I should have to get him back on track, and it did work really well and pretty quickly once I started making him stretch.
Thanks Cridge, that makes sense. But I don't think lack of food in the daytime is our problem. My LO eats every 2/3 hours or MORE throughout the day and always has. He hasn't changed that at all. He is distractable if he's not REALLY hungry so I've been holding off until at least 2 hours and that's helped.

At night, if he would TAKE a pacifier anymore, I would try that! I try other things and they lead to tears :( He decided about 10 days ago that he doesn't like pacifiers anymore...perfect timing.

I'm thinking this might be related to Wonder Week 19 (14-19 actually) it seems that night be a big culprit for 4 month regressions.

Sigh...all I can do for now is nap during the day, go to bed early, and hope it passes soon.

I will never complain about 2 wakings again, that would be AMAZING.
Aw ladies I hope your lo's start sleeping better soon!

We spent a week in the hospital but were out now:) had to come home with a nebulizer. Yesterday is the first time he's gone all day/night without having to use it! And he slept through the night last night without waking up unable to breathe! Yesterday we saw the doc and his lungs are wayyyy better now it's just all nasal passage congestion. I. So glad he's finally on the mend, I hope it continues from here!

We finally have other dry day out today so I think we'll get out for a nice walk in the fresh air!
Lilbean that's great things are going better!!

Anthony will only take a paci for sleep so at night if I here him stir I just pop it back in and he's fine but he does sleep right next to me so its not too hard to do lol. If he keeps spitting it out then cries a little a know its milk he wants! He's been doing a once a night around 3 am wake for a week or two now.

Last nights sleep was POO! Anthony woke at midnight and 4am but antsy all night and Dominic woke crying I swear six times! Usually you can hand him a sippy cup and he's fine but not last night no idea the problem.

Both kids just fell asleep Anthony in swing, Domi in his bed so oh and I decided to go have some alone, cuddle time in our bed. Right as I start to fall asleep I here Anthony cry in the living room.. So here we are :( while daddy and Domi are asleep! No sleep for me I guess!
Lilbean - I'm so glad LO is home and doing better!!

gaia - I hope you're able to get more sleep soon! I haven't heard of wonder week... what's supposed to happen then?

daddiesgift - I've been feeling the same the last week! Somehow dh is always getting in the naps and sleeping in and I'm up all the time with the baby. :saywhat: Yesterday just as I was about to sleep the baby woke up and dh brought him in to me to nurse. Nope. I rolled over cause I *was* going to get a nap!!! So dh took him out and fed him a bottle and I zonked!! It was nice.

Last night we had a 6 hour 10 minute stretch. :haha: I've been getting up less and less to stick the pacifier back in, and only had to once during that stretch. Hooray!

Little :ninja: is rolling like crazy from back to front and with all the excitement, I think he's forgotten how to roll front to back. When I put him on the floor he immediately rolls to his belly and is content there for quite awhile but then throws a fit when he can't get back to his back. :dohh:

His doctor said that because he's doing so well developmentally we can probably start him on solids sooner rather than later. So last night we tried some oatmeal. My purpose was just to test his tongue thrust, and it's almost gone, but I think I'll wait another week or two to try any more solids. We had a fun time watching him with his first try though!
Last night was ugh :nope: Anthony freaked out for about an hour then would fall asleep then start screaming ten minutes later so that went on about an hour. Then Dominic woke crying a few times. Then at 5:45 Anthony wakes to eat, then Dominic woke and we were all up! Now Dominic is super cranky and Anthony just wants to be held. Plus I'm hormonal due to that amazing monthly gift so I'm pretty much hating life right now!! And have no patience at all.

Next time I think about having another kid could someone just punch me in the face so I can come to my senses?

My husband wants me to get cereal for Anthony ASAP as this spit up is getting out of control! So I guess when I go grocery shopping this week ill pick some up. Not sure about his tongue thrust as we haven't tried anything but he does seriously watch us when we eat. I rubbed a black bean on his lips the other day and he was pretty happy with that :haha:
Fed Anthony his milk in a spoon today. Sooo cute! He'd open his mouth and come forward but once spoon was in his mouth he'd do nothing lol no tongue movement nothing. Wide eyed when it would pour out of his mouth then he figured out to close his mouth but he would smile then out it would pour! Finally he got it down, open, shut, swallow then smile adorable! D was clapping whole time so little Anthony looked too proud. <3

Anthony has always had runny poo.. When he got bm it was mustard, seedy run. Then the formula turned it almost black looking for a few days then back to mustard/seedy run. Pooping has always made him cry too. Well this last week it's still same color but now solid? Kinda mushy but no where near runny and he doesn't cry any more while pooing! Hope this is normal to solid up? We haven't given him and food or new formula.
Aww so cute!!
I read that if poos were the consistency of peanut butter or more solid it means they are constipated. Not sure how true that is.
:( yeah I'd say peanut butter consistency. Oh no! I hope it doesn't get worse
If he isn't in any pain then I wouldn't worry too much really. Darcy won't poo for a couple of days sometimes and when she does its quite thick. Everytime I change her nappy I rotate her legs as if she is riding a bike as I heard that helps.

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