Gaia - we were doing the same exact thing a couple months ago! My advice would be to just keep with putting him down at 8 or when he seems sleepy (mine goes down between 7:30 & 8 now). We still have nights where he either won't go down easily, although he's obviously tired, or he wakes up after the first sleep cycle. But once he's down, I consider it "night" and I keep all the lights off, don't talk to him, etc. I've gotten to the point where I've realized that if he wakes after initially falling asleep, he's hungry, so I feed and he goes right back down. Sometimes, if he's having a hard time going down initially, I'll try to feed him and sometimes he'll feed, others he won't. But there are still days when we're in and out of his room for an hour or more trying to get him to settle. So I would say just stick with putting him down and eventually it'll get better.
charlie - remember all my complaining that ninja wouldn't eat during the day?!
his diapers were far less wet during the day, but his night diaper was still soaked when he got up in the morning. I never did check to see for sure how long it lasted, but it was at least 2 weeks, then very suddenly, he started eating more during the day again. Just like one day he decided he was hungry again.
So I wouldn't worry too much about it unless her diapers are *dry*.
My little ninja is 4 months today too! It's exciting, but also makes me sad that time has gone so quickly! He's such a little stink pot and we're so in love!
He has his 4 month appointment today. I'm not sure if he's getting shots, but I'm preparing myself for a couple of days of yuck.