November Sparklers 2012

Oh daddies how scary, I can't imagine the panic you must have felt. I'm glad all is ok.
OMG Daddies, that's so scary. Such a relief that little Anthony is ok. Poor Dominic he must have been freaked out too, hard work with 2 little ones.
How scary daddies!!! The good thing is that hopefully Dominic was freaked out enough to never do anything like that again. It's so hard when they just don't know any better! I'm so glad Anthony is okay!!
Thanks ladies it was pretty aweful. Its a challenge to stay with them both all day but I'm making out ok. Just get the cleaning and things done when I put Dominic in his high chair to eat. Anthony's acting normal no problem. It is hard to be mad or try to tell Dominic because I know he thinks he's being helpful. I'm sure he was thinking he was feeding him. I'm thinking about getting a video monitor I can use to keep an eye on them especially as Anthony gets older.
Omg!!!!! Daddies that's terrifying! I am so glad all is ok, except for the horrible memory of it.

I can imagine it would be so hard to not get angry with D. But yah, it wouldn't help since he doesn't really understand the whole scenario...

So hard with 2 under 2, you're doing an amazing job I would be a wreck! I definitely think I'll keep that IUD in until F is at least 2.5, lol.

Speaking of F. Soooooo stuffed up last night! It was horrible. After 1am we both slept in like 40min increments and he was so sad whenever he woke up. Slept in this morning and propped his mattress up a LOT for naps. I just hope it doesn't get worse! Sick babies SUCK!
Omg daddies that is so scary! So glad everyone is ok.

My lo has been admitted to hospital :( unfortunately his lungs r still to premature to handle this sickness. They actually think he may have the rsv virus.
Hes doing ok but struggling to breathe. A lil trooper tho still full of smiles and giggles. Loves chattin with the docs when they come tickle his belly with their stethescopes lol.
Been told we should expect to be here u til atleast the weekend.
Oh no Lilbean!! I'm glad he's getting help though :( this time of year is horrible for spreading sickness!
Oh no lilbean! I hope he recovers quickly!! It sounds like it probably is rsv. :cry: I'm glad he's where he can be monitored at all times though.

daddies - I think a video monitor is a good idea. And seriously - I get hardly any cleaning done with 1 lil one - I don't know how you get anything done at all!! You're doing great!
Lilbean I'm sorry!!!! Glad he's getting looked after though, he will be fine and sounds like he will bounce back quickly with that personality!

Yahhhh baby #2 will be a July baby I think! Lol
I just try and stay with a routine house wise so I don't get behind! There is days that at the end of the day I feel like locking myself in the bathroom and crying cause the day was so overwhelming! I just make sure before bed dirty clothes are out away, dish washer is full and bottles washed. Then in morning while everyone is still happy and I'm rested I rush to get house completly clean then its all down hill from there lol.

I've been thinking about the monitor anyways for moving Dominic to his room. Funny we changed Dominic's room into our gym and put his bed in what was suppose to be Anthony's room and we thought if we are even here long enough that eventually they can just share the room. Think we may need to rethink that! Today I left room to throw something away.. Probably 5 feet away and I hear Dominic say "ohhh baby!" I immediately ran back to get him lol
Do your babies get their legs up under them during tummy time? Ninja makes crawling motions and if his arms knew what to do, he'd be crawling away. I don't remember my first doing that, but maybe it's normal..?? It's freaking me out that he's going to be crawling young. :cry:
Yep S does that like she's doing breast stroke with her legs but arms not doing the crawling thing at all. I thinks S may be sitting up soon though as every time she lies down she strains to sit up, both legs and head pushing upwards and then getting very frustrated. I don't blame her, ceilings, trees and the sky get a bit boring I'm sure!
Yup and yup on both! F gets his knees under him sometimes, although mostly he just gets mad and sqwaks! He hates tummy time.

He strains to sit up anytime he is in a reclined position! He definitely cannot sit unaided though and I think that's a far way off.

He is learning the jolly jumper and is soooo cute in it! Haha. Just twirling and a little hopping so far :)

Had our first public meltdown at Costco yesterday. I should have known it was a bad idea after his last nap was so short, but I pushed it! Poor guy was overtired, overstimulated and couldn't sleep in the Beco carrier. He has rarely cried like that, I felt like a bad momma for subjecting him to it!
Oh good! I'm glad to know it's normal at this stage (although he's been doing it for quite awhile) because I just want my little babe to stay little. I'm freaked out that he's going to be crawling and walking before I know it!

Gaia - you're still a good momma. Melt downs happen and we can't always subject ourselves to the baby's schedule.

Speaking of frustration - ninja was in his crib on his belly playing with his favorite toy ("cow"). I rolled him over to put his shoes on and he freaked out. Fists clenched, totally angry scream. As soon as I rolled him back to his tummy facing cow, all was right in the world again. Haha!
Anthony does the same with legs tho he's not a tummy time fan! He loves sitting up and I agree staring upward can get pretty old I'm sure!

Never know when they'll start doing stuff! Dominic never did anything lol but month 5 was the month for him! He started sitting up unaided, pulling himself up on things then last week of 5 months he started crawling! All in one month! He never did the army crawl straight to knees!! Then that was it till 11 months when he started walking unaided. So a pretty long learning break! At a year old he only said a few words mama, dada, apple, no and bye bye. At that was it till this last month and everyday he says at least two new words its bizarre!!

Speaking of crying meltdowns.. Pretty fed up with Anthony's! I get so frustrated and just want to sit him down and go hide :nope: he doesn't cry often but when he does OMG! And there is no stopping it! He works himself up so quick even if you immediately try to help that he is SCREAMING ear piercing screams like literally makes your ears ring!! You'll try everything and he won't stop till I think his oxygen is cut off!! :( he screams till purple then he'll stop to catch his breath and he looks so tired. It's not his hurt, gassy cry or pick me up its just an angry pissed off I won't stop till I'm tired of screaming. I feel like I'm losing my mind!! Sometimes blowing in his face lightly will calm him a little since it forces him to take a breath but sheesh I'm scared to see what his fits are like later on!! I'm going to mention it at his next appt cause it scares me sometimes how tired or purple he looks afterward.
Oh dang daddies - I can't (or don't want to) imagine my little guy crawling in 2 months time. :cry:

That is strange about Anthony's fits. I would definitely bring it up at your next appointment. Have you found it coincides with anything? Just before or after a nap, a feed, a poop.... It really won't harm him if you sit him in his bed and walk away while he's sorting himself out. If he doesn't respond to you even while you're holding him, then I would certainly do that just for your sanity. :hugs:
Thanks. I can't see or think of anything that makes him that way besides maybe that's just how he cries :nope: he can wake up like that, have just eaten, can be being held, almost bed time, sat down ect. I'm going to keep better eye on it though. I was wondering last night if its that I stopped giving him reflux medicine. Though its not after he spits up. D had GERD spit up was awful and it smelled odd and obviously made him uncomfortable. He'd cry every spit up and sometimes it would come out his nose! Anthony is not like that at all. He was for maybe a month but he doesn't seemed bothered by the spit up at all and it doesn't smell acidic so I figured why keep giving him medicine if he doesn't seem to have it as a problem. Idk I'm probably grabbing at straws but I'm getting tired of hearing it!
My cute little ninja finally rolled all the way back to front this morning (he's been turning his body completely for days, just hasn't brought his head up), and now there's no stopping him. He's a rolling maniac.

I've been having to get up more in the night because he gets himself all smashed up against the crib rails. :growlmad: But he's suddenly back to feeding more during the day and taking those 4-6 hour stretches at night. Holla! :haha:
That's great Cridge! We don't have rolling yet, and to be honest we have enough going on without it.

F is still stuffy from his cold, but I also think we have hit the 4 month sleep regression. The past 5 nights have. Been. Awful. Seriously.

I am talking a 2-3 hour stretch and then EVERY 1-2 hours!!!!!! He starts squirming and thrashing and moaning. Eyes not even really open and he isn't even wide awake. I unswaddle, reswaddle, move him away from me, up against me, elevated and flat. Nothing works. Then I get him calm for another hour and then repeat. Good lord.

He also was going down drowsy and falling asleep on his own a week ago but forget that now. He literally screams like I'm torturing him if he's not out. Once today he went down kinda lightly out and slept 2.5 hours for a nap, but the other two naps were a battle! Wtf!?!?

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