That's great Cridge! We don't have rolling yet, and to be honest we have enough going on without it.
F is still stuffy from his cold, but I also think we have hit the 4 month sleep regression. The past 5 nights have. Been. Awful. Seriously.
I am talking a 2-3 hour stretch and then EVERY 1-2 hours!!!!!! He starts squirming and thrashing and moaning. Eyes not even really open and he isn't even wide awake. I unswaddle, reswaddle, move him away from me, up against me, elevated and flat. Nothing works. Then I get him calm for another hour and then repeat. Good lord.
He also was going down drowsy and falling asleep on his own a week ago but forget that now. He literally screams like I'm torturing him if he's not out. Once today he went down kinda lightly out and slept 2.5 hours for a nap, but the other two naps were a battle! Wtf!?!?