November Sparklers 2012

lilbean - I'm so sorry LO is having such a hard time!! So sad! I hope he's able to eventually grow out of it. He reminds me of one of my nephews who always had RSV and lung/breathing problems. He was on a nebulizer and had to get treatments every day. He's 5 or 6 now and he's doing so much better (and he has been for a couple years). He's always been more prone to illness, but he handles it like a champ. He just had his tonsils and adenoids taken out, and I think that helped him a lot.

And I get the "mom! Help!" :haha: all through the day and night! So annoying!! He knows how to roll to his back but it's like he forgets just when he decides he doesn't want to be on his tummy anymore. Sometimes rolling to his tummy is like a reflex - he automatically does it as soon as he's on his back, and then it's "help!!". :wacko:

daddies - I had it all planned out that I was going to be a nurse, and then I had a c-section. :haha: 5+ months later and I still can't hardly think of my incision, or look at it, let alone touch it. One time, about 6 weeks pp, I decided to take a look at it and I started salivating, sweating and I almost passed out. :saywhat: I don't think I could ever handle any other kind of surgery because I wouldn't be able to live in my own body!! It's so weird! I never knew I was like that! I have such a high tolerance for pain, but I guess I can't handle the blood and gore of it all. :haha: So I totally understand! I hope you heal quickly!!!

Sorry Anthony is feeling poorly! How long ago did he get the shots? Ninja takes 2-3 days to return to normal after his shots. His fever lasts a good 2 days and then the next day he's just sleepy. So with Anthony's lost voice, I wonder if he's caught a bug. :shrug: Poor guy!

I think I can finally say we're down to getting up just once a night! Ninja has been taking a 6-7 hour stretch initially (which is weird, cause he suddenly switched - before he was taking his longer stretch second), and then he'll go another 4-5 hours, which pretty much gets us through the night. SOOO happy!! :dance:
Cridge-that's reassuring to hear other stories of lo's growing out of it!

Daddies- when he's off formula we'll switch to milk, what kind I have no idea because at this point he has a dairy intolerance. He may be over it by then or not. I have dairy allergies so wouldn't doubt he's the same. Maybe goats milk? Nt sure. That'll be. Long while though. Probably not till he's a year at least. But hopefully hell be able to have less and less as the months go by.
He loves food so that's a plus!
Cridge- ah yes couldn't do a nurse lol. I think I just think too deep into things. I hate iv or needles but have 20+ tattoos that didn't hurt bad or bother me but the idea of sticking one in my vein to take out blood creeps me out! And in all fairness I do look like I have Frankensteins foot. Barf!

Anthony had his shots Wednesday. I'm thinking it has to be a bug if these are the same shots he received at two months. He wasnt ill then just cranky. Dominic never showed any signs he's just gotten shots but Anthony gets sleepy, cranky fever.

Lilbean- when Dominic was almost a year he went to almond milk which he did great on. I was told goats milk is great its just too expensive here! I know there is also things you can add to the milk to make it more "nutritious" like formula if you do have to switch earlier than a year. People tried to scare me into thinking any milk but cows wouldn't be good because the lack of fat in them that babies need. The doctor told me as long as he was eating meat I was fine and if I was really worried to add coconut oil to it. I never did though.
Oh coconut oil never heard of that hmm have to look into it! There's a good chance he may not be able to have goats milk because I'm also allergic to that (haha poor lil man!)
Personally I don't really like the idea of giving my kids cows milk even if he could have it, with all the crap thats in it that isn't good or nutritious at all. The fact they add things to make it more healthy doesn't appeal to me, I can get that elsewhere. But that's just my own opinion :)
So probably no soy allergy then :) I guess almond or soy milk would be good options! Personally I would make sure the soy was organic, that crop requires a LOT of pesticides!
I looove almond milks! Anthony can't have dairy or soy, Dominic couldn't either though he outgrew it about 15 months old. We still don't give him soy though so that may still be an issue idk. The only dairy I get is chocolate and cheese :haha: besides that we use unsweetened vanilla almond milk. For a treat we give Dominic the chocolate sweetened almond milk. He won't drink juice at all and only chocolate almond milk sometimes.
Ya I don't like him just being able to drink soy :( if almond will be good enough I think well do that! I have some researching to do!:)
I hope your lo's are soon better. Lo here is fine atm, the eczema isnt too bad atm, and she is being her nice and bubbly self even after last weeks vaccs. (the last set for this year at least). finally spring has come out of hiding and we have some double digit temps the weekend and today, so we went out for a bike trip in the nearby park :).IMG_1781.jpgIMG_1822.jpg
Morri - cute pics! Isn't is so great to get outside?! Our weather has been all over the place, so we're back to really cold this week. :(

I'm struggling with getting pics posted lately... what's your trick? Do you just use the attachments section (which is what I usually do, but it hasn't been working lately)? Or do you have something else that works?
Morri- adorable pictures!

Cridge- that's how I usually upload pics is the advanced option then add attachment. I do wish there was a way to upload from mobile since I rarely get on the computer anymore, unless its something I can't do from my phone :)
Yes I would love to post a few pics but I am NEVER on my laptop. In fact I think it's stashed away in a closet. Lol.
I think Anthony has thrush :( taking him to doctor tomorrow. His tongue, roof of mouth, cheeks and inside lips are all white :( it had to have just happened as two days ago I took a picture of his gums, trying to show "teeth" and he had no white marks then. Idk how he got it unless this last bout of sickness caused it. Idk what to do or what's going on since Dominic never had it. Boiling all his bottles and pacifiers now. Poor boy!
Aw poor guy....that's all u can do for now tho..the doc will give u a prescription most likely. I had it when I was trying to breastfeed and was pumping, luckily lil man never got it but they gave me a topical liquid medicine to put on me that I was told that if he had it, developed it, to give it to him orally too. I think he started to get it but I would jut put it on my finger and rub it around in his mouth and it didn't turn into anything.
Poor guy! Ask Google about it - I think coconut oil is supposed to help. You can at least try that until you get something from the doc.
Daddies-how's lil man?

Wel I didn't know if those amber teething bracelets worked, but now I'm convinced and it's never coming off again! I've had an anklet on lo since 2.5months when he started showing signs of teething (still no teeth tho!) well day before yesterday we lost it :( and lil man had the worst sleep ever! I got less then 2hrs sleep all night because the only way he sort of slept was with me rocking him...yesterday he was restless too and fussy, today I got him a new one and he's sleeping soundly! I'm convinced! Lol
I'm aggravated at the whole situation! Hubs took Anthony to appt. they said it was... Milk. Um ok.. Since around 2 weeks he's been on the formula he's on now, neocate and this never happened! I tried wiping it out but it didn't come off but they used gauze and got some off. They still prescribed medicine since he had some they couldn't wipe off so as a precaution use medicine. But this is what gets me.. It was a regular doctor so he asked a pediatrician to take a look. Ped asked hubs if I have a yeast infection.. He said no and I don't breast feed anyways she said it doesn't matter I could still give him thrush. How?!? Doctor and nurse said they didn't know that pediatrician said yes, even at 5 months old. WTH?? How on earth could I pass a vaginal yeast infection to a babies mouth with out breast feeding or having just gave birth to this baby?? Baffled.

So I guess he's fine, I don't think so so I'm giving him medicine. Think we got a bunch of clowns today. I posted pics of his mouth to a elemental formula Facebook group I'm on and every person.. 48 people said thrush. Like a friend once told me.. What do you call a doctor who got a D in med school? A doctor. So think we got D student doctors today :nope:

Anyways :) lilbean I'm a firm believer teething necklaces work as long as its real amber. Dominic use to teeth horribly once I got his necklace he never showed a sign of teething. And this is majority of his teeth he's had the necklace. Right now he has his last four coming in and no tears or grumpiness at all!

Anthony wears his necklace 24-7 no fussiness yet but I don't see any teeth popping through so we'll see.
Wow! I can't believe how incompetent they all were!!!

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