November Sparklers 2012

looks like lo is also cutting a tooth. must be a canine or outer incisor. Shes been itching badly , and today she sleeps way too much shame she had a good leep recently(woke at 1 and at 4.30)
My baby has a tooth! :cry: He's just growing up too fast. I honestly didn't expect him to get a tooth for another 3-5 months. I do random gum checks and today found a tooth already broken through. 2 and 3 days ago he was a bit crabby, but nothing too horrible, just not his usual happy self, and last night he had a freaky runny poopy diaper that burned his bum terribly. I'm assuming this is all because of his new tooth, but :shrug:

After I found the tooth I just hugged him and almost cried. He's moving around on his belly like crazy lately too.. and has been roaming the room on his back for awhile, so I expect he'll start crawling in no time as well. :cry: Darn it, why can't he just slow it down!! :haha:
Awww I agree! F has his two bottom teeth JUST broken through. And he's going up on all fours and into downward dog a lot now. And just wayyyy stronger and more physical. No crawling or scooting yet though!

But he's almost 17lbs and he's 26inches and today I saw a friends newborn and cannot BELIEVE how far we have come!!!!
No teeth for Anthony yet! I don't expect any for awhile now. He does chew a lot but I believe that's most the age stage he's in then teething lol.

No getting up on knees yet! Not on purpose anyways. He spends most his floor time rolling over and over AND OVER till something stops him or he pins his arm under him where he can't move then he gives a good holler for help!

He's been binky free for two days :haha: we wanted him pacifier weaned by 6 months 9 at the latest but he's doing great now so were sticking to it! He's starting up hold his own bottle! Yippy!
I agree Gaia - we've come a long way! I was scrapbooking today and just realized how small he was at a couple weeks old.

Great job with the pacifier weaning, Daddies! I'm too attached to the pacifier to even want to wean yet. I have too many cute ones in the next size up that I'm anxious to use. :haha: Ninja does want it at night, but he's not as attached to it as I am. Just too cute. haha!!

Speaking of coming a long way - what is everyone's plans for another LO? Daddies - I know what your plans are :haha:. I can't shake this baby hungry feeling and I think dh even has it. If only babies came easily to us. :cry: I don't know that we'll ever "try" again, but it's a nice thought to have another one.... and we'd take one now if we could.
Lil mans teeth are cutting as we speak! Been crankier than usual, but usually he is never cranky lol.
He rolls back and forth from tummy to back, never goes anywhere just in same place lol. But he does do 360s and wiggle around on his belly a lot!

Unfortunately I think this is my one and only bio baby :(
But I have a stepson and foster daughter. And I always joked all I needed to do was adopt to have my complete family haha...but now looks like that may be exactly what happens! We want more kids (when my foster daughter moves out in 4yrs) but with my problem I can't have more without risking and even more so pre term baby, if i can even get pregnant again at all, and I don't want to risk anything so for us the safer route is adoption. And hey that way we can get the lil girl we aren't guaranteed with a bio baby :)
Lilbean - why is your foster daughter moving out in 4 years? Is she 14? That's cool you've been able to do that!

It sounds like most of the babies have decided to get their teeth this week! It's so strange to me to think that he'll have teeth soon. I love how he is right now and what he'll become, but dang I miss my little baby!
I think we may ttc in about 2 yrs, so there's a 3 year gap or so. I'm definitely nowhere near ready and I have a feeling my little man will be a wakeful baby for a long while yet. Plus I want to just focus on him and enjoy being a family of three :)
gaia - that's totally how I was with my first. We didn't prevent from the time he was born because it took us 4 years to get him, but I was nowhere near ready until he was almost 3. I wanted to be able to spend individual time with each of my LO's (little did I know :haha:). It was great - I don't regret it!

Sorry F is still getting up a lot at night! Has he improved at all lately? We're up to an almost definite 7 hour stretch, sometimes 8. I'm shocked! Naps suddenly got better as well. He's been taking 2-3 hour naps. Yippeee!! My first was every 3 hours on the dot until 6 months and then suddenly he slept through the entire night. So I'm hoping that's the case for you!!
Cridge-she's 15 now and "ages out" when she turns 19 so she will move on to another type of assisted living situation as she has developmental disabilities and won't ever be able to live independently.
It's so hard to decide. Do I want a baby now? NO helll no! :haha: but I have felt "baby fever" lately but more in the future fever not now for sure. I'd love a girl :). We've talked and my husband said now or never I said when the boys are in school. So we'll cross that road when we come to it!

Financially right now isn't right for us, I can't imagine having three at home, taking three to grocery store I mean where in the cart will they go?? :haha: Three melt downs?! It's fun raising two under two and not as hard as I figured but it IS hard.

Plus I'm scared of the breast feeding thing :( I wasn't like this after Dominic but for some reason maybe the pain I've experienced, I don't like my husband touching my breasts anymore, especially nipples. I don't tell him that but inside I'm cringing. :nope: I hope it passes soon.
Cridge-she's 15 now and "ages out" when she turns 19 so she will move on to another type of assisted living situation as she has developmental disabilities and won't ever be able to live independently.

Oh ok - I was thinking they aged out at 18. That's amazing you're doing that! So wonderful!
He's thrown out a few 4/5 hour stretches but mostly it's still 2/3 hours at a time. I bring him to bed after his first waking when I'm ready for bed (usually 10-12) and then he sleeps with me after that. Most nights this is just fine, he just quickly wakes to eat and goes right back to sleep and I wake up feeling rested.

Some nights are rough, like last night he was insanely restless ALL night. We have had a few like that lately with teething, and now we are in a wonder week phase...but all in all it's pretty manageable!

I definitely think he will be one of the babies who needs nighttime parenting for awhile, but maybe my next will be a magic sleeping baby! Lol.
At least you can feel rested! That makes a huge difference! So he's still eating that frequently during the day as well?

We're down to 6 feedings in 24 hours, which is fabulous because I'm *still* in pain, although it's nowhere near how bad it was. My goal was always to get to 6 months, then I had a short phase (about a week or two) where I thought maybe I could make it to 9, but now I'm thinking 6 again. I'm getting lazy with breastfeeding because it's such a pain... in more ways than one. :haha: Ninja doesn't like to just suck, suck, suck (unless it's in the middle of the night) - he prefers to take a drink, rest for a minute, take a drink, etc. It's driving me nuts and is much easier to deal with with a bottle. I'm just not cut out to bottle feed then go pump (or the other way around)... too much work. So, we'll see how long I last breastfeeding. Right now he's pretty consistently getting 5 breast feeds a day (whether from me or pumped milk) out of his 6 feeds, so I guess that's not too bad. But I know my supply is readjusting for that.
Hello ladies, a while since I've been on here. Gaia I see you mention the wonder week, I think S went through that last week as last week was sooooooo bad, seriously I was a wreck by the end of it. Things seemed to have settled now though, well I hope so. Sorry you are still having night time probs, we still have nap probs, S now has a regular morning nap, but the others are hit and miss and then that dictates how easy bedtime is!

Cridge good for you for still bfing while still in pain with it!, well done for getting this far. For me it's a no brainer, we have had a really easy ride with bfing, great latch,no pain and I don't need to sterilise a thing. S is very impatient when hungry so boob out fast, so it's been very easy for me. Not sure i would have got this far if I'd had difficulties, probably not.

Lillbean, that's an amazing thing to do, to foster children with special needs, truly such a wonderful thing to give and with a baby too.

Daddies how is your foot? Another baby? I very much want to TTC when S is 9 months. I am in my late 30's so age is not on my side even though we conceived easily last time that won't necessarily happen 2nd time. However I haven't got AF back yet, but now S has decided no more night feeds at all I'm hoping I get AF back soon so we can get going! I met an old friend the other day who has 3 boys, when the last was born the middle one was 18 months and the oldest was 2 and a half!!! The mind boggles!

Things here are better this week. I am hoping to start BLW in a couple if weeks after the 6 ,month point even though I really feel physically S is totally ready. I actually feel guilty eating in front of her now, but on the other hand I am in no rush. Can you believe that are LO's are all nearly 6 months? Crazy how fast time has gone, I remember us all waiting for announcements and signs of imminent labour like it was yesterday! It was actually a year ago today that we first saw Sophia on the ultrasound:) crazy!
Charlie- my foot is on the mend! I can now walk in the boot they gave me and yesterday they took the stitches out. I still can't wear normal shoes or stand barefoot without the boot for 4 more weeks! Foot still hurts but not as bad. Even with boot on when I stand or walk for longer than 20 mins they swell and throb. I try to take it easy so ill be healed enough for Disneyland end of may!! My husband has done okay. He's not a care taker that's for sure, or a cook or a cleaner or good with kids all day lol. Guess we'll stick to our roles of working husband and house wife. He is trying so I can't nag too much :)
Thanx ladies :)
I'm in Canada so may be a bit diff then where u r. That and because she has a disability also some exceptions to rules. :)

Haha yea it's a crazy house, never a dull moment that's for sure!
So ladies - tell me about this wonder week. I've never heard of it.

Thanks Charlie! I've been determined to make bf'ing work. It was so important that I be able to do that, both for my sake and for baby's, and getting to 6 months has been my goal. I'm so happy that I'm almost there!! I'm glad to hear you'll be ttc again soon! That's going to come up fast!!

Daddies- I'm glad your foot is on the mend! I hope it's all better before Disneyland! That's a LOT of walking!
Since Im actually on the computer Im uploading some pics! Hope you ladies dont get sick of seeing my LOs :dohh:

1st picture Anthonys 5 month photo
2nd picture Anthony hanging out on the floor (dont judge the mess Im not able to clean lol)
3rd picture the crazy ways this kid sleeps!


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and here are the pictures of the tattoo I got for the boys. Incase youre into that sort of thing :winkwink:

First picture is Dominics tattoo. That quote just described our troubles trying conceive and how much it meant to me to have finally had him. The crown for his middle name King and the green is his birth stone. I got that one in Germany before getting pregnant with Anthony. But I didnt feel right to show Anthonys with out showing his!

2nd picture is Anthonys I got for my birthday in December. The quote is from the childrens book the Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. That book tears me up every time!

these were taken right after getting them thats why they looks dirty, greasy shiny hehe oh and I got both of their zodiac signs but theyre tiny.


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