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November Sparklers 2012

Blondiejay- that sounds exactly like my first!! I blamed the cosleeping, never putting him down ect ect for how he is..but honestly I think some babies are just like that. We do the same with Anthony as we did with Dominic but Anthony is not as needy or attached as Dominic was and still is..hes almost 16 months and STILL will not go to sleep with out us holding him. I know thats not helpful but to let you know your not alone.

Cridge- hehe since Ive been an adult I try to keep my birthday and christmas seperate but as a child it was not fun!! No kids could come to my birthday party ON my birthday since they were always doing something or out of town for Christmas. I never got the cool birthday parties or announcements at school on my birthday since it was always Christmas break and even my family were not so helpful as I was to pick a present from under the tree on my birthday and that was my birthday present!!! Totally jipped :winkwink:

Well ladies im in a helluva pickle!! We had two options for getting our formula covered..WIC a governement program that looks like we wont be getting help from and our insurance which is also being a pain in the ass and not wanting to help. I have NO IDEA what to do!! Could you imagine $50 every three days on formula!! The nurse that gave us the free case said she had maybe 20 cans she could sell me for $10 a can which is great but will only last two months. So here what Im thinking..I have not compeletely dried up yet but I dont have a lot of milk at all. So im going to try and get my supply up the best way I can figure out with out attaching him to the breast too often. that way I can pump and save milk and give him the milk inbetween formula feedings to make the formula last longer? Problem is we arent 100% sure what his allergy is besides dairy so Im going to have to cut dairy out of my diet for sure. AHHHH I feel like crying and pulling my hair out!!

anyone have any pointers on how to "relactate" that theyve heard of?? I also have to find a good pump as mine is starting to die and a piece of junk. I know it sounds bad to say I dont want to breast feed but I really dont. Pumping I dont mind but I cant do directly. Its like breast feeding mothers whove only done that find it easier to bf. When bottle feeding moms like myself find it easier to bottle feed. I feel so depressed either way this goes! Gotta run..Anthony is having a "clingy" day...
I agree with Morri just hold them if that is what they want-they are little for such a short time.
Blondie, Tristan likes to fall asleep in my arms. Generally I can manage to get him in his moses basket at least once so I usually get my first stint of sleep baby free. I wrap him in a blanket and feed or cuddle him to sleep and then put him, still wrapped up, down in the basket. Sometimes I then have to hold him with both hands so that he still feels me, before he settles again. I figure that as long as he's doing some sleeping in the basket then I can just work on increasing it. I have to say, I'm more patient when I'm not as tired so the subsequent wakings I'm usually too tired to deal with it and so bring him in to bed with me.

Also I've heard great things about these cots that you can tag on to the side of your bed. Will see if I can find a link.

Daddies, I don't know what to suggest but I understand it is possible to get your supply back at this stage. Do you have a breast feeding support helpline in the states? We have them in the UK - you might be able to call one?

IDK what to do anymore. We do have lactation helpers, but a lot dont understand how I feel and that Id rather just pump. Ive read somethings online to do so im doing all that first before calling someone. This whole situation is ridiculous. Hes been colicky all day yesterday and today. He cried all day yesterday more than hes ever cried combined in his life. So no idea whats going on. The reflux medicine didnt help, the gas drops, the rocking, nothing he just kept crying and puking. I have no idea if its the formula or what since that was working Idk how long you are suppose to wait before switching or what. AHHH!! I just want to cry but I guess it could be worse..

We do what you posted about F&C heres some pictures. They were taken awhile back so Dominic looks much older now :winkwink: we actually just took his crib and took of one side and raised it all the way up till it matched our bed and smashed it inbetween our bed and the wall. Its called side caring I think you can youtube how to do it. He use to sleep in it till Anthony came now poor Anthony has to sleep in it and Dominic between us as he must be as close to be as possible. Even tho I sleep on the side the crib is on!!


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While Im uploading pictures heres some pics of Squishy at his 1 month appointment :thumbup: 11 POUNDS!! I still cant believe it :)


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Wow that's a great weight gain, especially with the reflux! Is that a little smile I can see?
That's what doctor said "I'd probably be 15 pounds if he didn't puke all the time" he does eat a lot 3-4ozs every 2-3 hours day and night! Even when I pumped breast milk he'd do 5 ozs at a time and that was only a few days old. Guess he's just the big little brother :) almost 2 pounds heavier at birth than Dominic. Seems he'll wear an outfit and a few days later it will be too small. Poor boy got my genes
Blondie - :hug: You can do this! Babies are so super hard but it will get better! I don't remember if I mentioned it on this thread or another (so sorry if I'm repeating myself), but if you can find the book "The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep"by Harvey Karp, I think his tips can really help you. I don't ever take 100% out of one book or from what one person suggests, but I really do think he has some great suggestions that will help you immediately.

daddiesgift - darling pictures!! I've noticed that oatmeal really ups my milk supply. I think your idea of going back and forth will definitely stretch the formula. You might have to deal with some puking, but if you can't afford the formula, it's probably the best option. :shrug: I totally know what you mean about finding a LC that isn't all pro bf'ing. I was scared to go see mine at first because I thought for SURE she'd tell me to stop offering the bottle. To my complete surprise, she said I was doing exactly what I should and she actually advocates pumping and bottle feeding occasionally. So I wish you were closer so I could recommend her! She works at a place called "Nourish"... I know there are many of them, but I have a feeling they're all in Colorado. But maybe it's worth looking into to see if you have one near you.
Ugh ugh ugh, crappy night last night! F was up at 10,12,2-4,6,8!!!!! He hasn't slept that badly...maybe ever?!

I'm sooooooo tired! This better not be a pattern!
What was up with last night?! Did all the babies know it was supposed to be the end of the world. :haha: We had a bad night as well - although not as bad as it sounds like some of yours were. Are we all going through growth spurts or what?!
Ooh daddies your using nb cloth too! How have you found it with 2 in cloth? assuming your older guy is in cloth too :)
Thanks everyone for your advice, I was having such a bad day yesterday. But today she has been brilliant!! She's been sleeping in her bouncer, ok so I am using a soother but I'll take anything that helps!
Daddies, your LO is adorable.
I just hope this is the 6 wk growth spurt! He's crazy today, fussy and eating lots...If this ISN'T it we are really in for it!
Thanks Cridge :0)

Gaiagirl - I put yesterday's blip down to a growth spurt.
Hehe Cridge maybe! Sounds like all our ło were on the fritz yesterday!

We use to live in Colorado and I miss it :( Arizona is nice and we are surrounded by mountains but its just not the same! The last lactation consultant I saw saw my husband give Anthony the pacifier and told him no. Anthony screamed till she left then my husband out it right back in his mouth lol

Cookie- its really no different at all doing two in cloth, more laundry I suppose! He grew out of his nb prefolds QUICK and now fitting in brothers diapers just fine! I couldn't imagine buying disposables for two babies.. Sheesh if we did on top of formula we might as well find me a job! Cause we couldn't afford it. In the picture he's wearing fuzzibunz, they fit great! I'm a cloth addict you don't wanna know how many I have :winkwink:
Thanks to my ring sling the grump is asleep! I got to shower and eat lunch and I feel so much better :)

Ok a poop question. F's poops have been pretty stringy/mucousy for several weeks. They are also pretty brown-yellow, not light mustard yellow. He doesn't seem to have excessive gas or reflux, but I don't like that there's mucous...

Is that normal or no?
Sounds like Tristan's but I'm wondering if he has a slight case of reflux as is always mucusy.
We are still doing half and half with the nappies as OH's mum brought us loads of sposies and a lot of our size 1's look huge on Hayden. I hadn't brought sposies for ages and couldn't believe the price of them now!
We have lots of cloth too-but i think we need more once they are both in btp just encase ;)
I have a nb photo of Hayden in his first cloth I will post once I get on the pc.

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