November Sparklers 2012

Daddies I am so happy the medicine is working, hopefully life will be a bit easier! DH is coming down with a cold so mine might get difficult real soon! He's quarantined using the guest bed and bath now. Ugh last thing we need!

Also major pumping fail tonight! I thought I would try and pump for the first time to start freezing some backup milk...

So F sometimes feeds off both sides or sometimes just one depending how hungry he is. Tonight before bed he had one full side and was sleepy so I put him down in his bassinet and he fell asleep. Ok, so I thought I would pump the other side and freeze it. I got 2oz, less than I thought but whatever.

Well, of course he wakes up less than an hour later hungry! He was frustrated that the supply wasn't what he is used to, he was thrashing around so irritated! So I thought ok I'll just give him the milk in a bottle...well - he FLIPPED out about the bottle. I was surprised because he's had a few (his first 48 hrs of life though) and takes a pacifier.

Anyways it took like 90 min of eating on empty boobs to fill him up and he's now asleep so hopefully he sleeps long enough for them to fill up! FXd!

On a positive note - went shopping today and left baby home with DH (now in hindsight probably a bad plan with the germs). Felt good and so weird to be alone!
I have pumped a couple of times now and always panic that Tristan will wake up and I won't have anything for him. My eldest never took a bottle so we've been using a bottle occasionally this time. He takes it but prefers the boob.
My girlies seem to be going through a growth spurt and I can't keep my production high enough so I'm having to supplement with formula. I am lucky that M latches really well, and the other two are capable but not as skilled at latching.

I feel bad about using formula and bottles with EBM but with three I do whatever it takes. BFg seems to take forever. :haha:
It would be nice to have a girl if we do have a third but three is definitely our max so we wouldn't try again if we did have another boy and he would still be loved just as much. I love being able to say 'my boy's' :)
Wow breastfeeding 3 is amazing, well done you. I can see why bottles are sometimes necessary though as bfing 1 nb is demanding enough.
I give it up to anyone who can breast feed longer than a day lol and three babies? I couldn't imagine! With my oldest I became so depressed because he was a relentless nurser and I felt the rest of my life was going to be spent with him attached to me, so I can only imagine how long it takes to nurse three babies!

I'm still leaking for some reason? I thought I dried up but I guess not. I stopped bfing when he was 9 days old then about a week ago I nursed him once cause i didn't know how we were going to afford this new prescription formula. But he wasn't having it and barfed afterward but I was still on dairy cause I figured I was done bfing. I think I just have super sensitive nipples or something. The week ago thing he wasn't sucking as hard as he use to and it didn't hurt but then afterward they burned and cracked again! Even tho they healed and he was barely sucking.

I asked doctor if I should pump a couple times a day since I'm still producing and for the benefit of him getting breast milk but he said it would be pretty pointless as he thinks its more than the dairy allergy so even if I stop dairy it would be trial and error to figure out what else to cut out of my diet so it may do may harm than good. Eh oh well I guess I'm just a bottle feeding momma :winkwink:
There is nothing wrong with bottle feeding, the important thing is that you and bubba are happy.
I'm tandem feeding both my boys and finding it difficult as i don't enjoy nursing the older one at the moment. It is supposed to be quite common but i really feel guilty about it as so much has changed for DS1 recently and i feel like its affecting our relationship.
Daddies, yay to the medicine working!

Fair play bfing 3 little ones, I'm struggling with the one!

So last night was the first night we tried the soother, at first she didn't know what was going on but she did fall asleep with it 3 times. My oh is back to work tomorrow and is sleeping on the sofa tonight so he can try and get a decent sleep. I'm really dreading him leaving me on my own. :0(
Blondie I feel the same. Fx we both survive tomorrow ;)

Cookie, I am so impressed that you're tandom feeding. I bfeed ds1 until he was 20 months and giving it up was very hard but I dreaded feeding two. You must be exhausted. Is there a way you could do something special with ds1 to help get your old relationship back? Either way I'm sure it's only temporary whilst he adjusts. Xxx
My husband went back to work last week wasn't too bad! Mostly my older one non stop messing with the baby made things hard for me to leave room but I eventually hid the baby in his crib and cleaned lol he even worked 28 hours yesterday so it was my first night alone with both boys but it went well, we went to sleep three hours later than usual and we skipped bath time but I didn't pull my hair out!

Glad the pacifier went well they can be life savers and not all babies are stuck on them forever :) some outgrow it on their own. I think the soothie is good too cause its more of a nipple shape than roof of mouth/tongue shape.

Since my son is on the most expensive formula EVER!! $50 a can when most are $10-$15 and its only sold online or at pharmacies we've really been scrambling to figure out what to do till its covered in January. Today we drove over an hour and half to a nurse who had some for $20 a can, we could only afford four cans but when I arrived I gave her the $80 and she gave me the four cans PLUS a case for free and told me merry Christmas. It was such a blessing I had to hold back the tears!!
Daddies that's so nice! Good job today too! 28 hours is insane!
Gaia - for some reason, when I pump just one breast at a time, I get like half of what I usually get when I pump both. I've done that too - where he feeds on one side, so I figure I'll just pump the other, and I usually only get about 1-2 ounces that way as well (I typically get 6-9 ounces a session from both combined). It's weird, and I don't understand why it is, but I've pumped enough to know that for whatever reason, pumping just one side doesn't produce the juice (for me). :shrug:

About having 2 boys... My days of dealing with infertility are over, but that being said, the other night I had a major sweep of emotion that I want another baby. Which was totally weird because Ninja's entire life, I've been wondering how on earth anyone is crazy enough to want another baby after experiencing the first. Of course, this was our second, but I've realized I had it easy with #1. I've been in survival mode up until mid last week and have wanted so badly to enjoy my new baby, but have hated all the pain and lack of being able to do ANYthing, that I decided having a baby sucks. Then all of a sudden one night while nursing, I was so sad to think of NOT having a baby, that I had the overwhelming feeling that I wanted another one. :wacko: Crazy hormones. I wonder if Ninja had been a girl if I would still feel the same way - as I would love to have my girl. :shrug:

Daddies - that is so nice of that nurse! How special! My dh was out of town 2 nights last week and it almost killed me. :dohh: With #1, I kicked dh out (back to work - he had planned to take 2 weeks off) when our baby was a week old cause I just wanted to do my thing. This kid is doing me in, although I think he's a very normal baby. Maybe I'm just old now, but I really rely on my dh to come take over in the evenings.
Cridge I hear ya, I'm already starting to talk about F's future brother or sister. DH thinks it's hilarious because I've said maybe he won't have any since the day I went into labour, LOL!

Ugh last night F slept 11-2:30 (usually it's 4 hours) but then would NOT go back to sleep until 5!!!!!!!!! Usually it's an hour or maybe 90min but two and a half hours!?! Anyone else have this issue at night? I feel like almost 6 weeks is kinda old for that?! Maybe I am delusional!
I'm glad to know there is caring people out there as well willing to help a stranger!

Agreed Cridge having a baby does suck :haha: but I think every woman after having a baby has that want for another even if she comes to her senses five minutes later. Dominic's birth was AWEFUL and afterward I was terrified of going through that again but I got pregnant when he was almost 6 months old! Now I REALLY don't want another right away but I do feel in a couple years maybe? I think every baby is different too, I feel this time is a million percent easier than the first. Though they both have the same issues with allergy and reflux Dominic was much worse. He nursed every hour, never slept, up every two hours day and night for the 6 weeks I nursed him, he cried constantly, wouldn't sleep alone (ok still doesn't) he was soo much more needy. I couldn't shower, eat, sleep heck I peed with him in the carrier a hundred times!! Anthony is so different so far he doesn't care where he is, whose holding him, sleeps better, cries less ect. So this is coming much easier! I felt depressed a lot after Dominic when he was a newborn this time I only cried during the breast feeding days.

Gaia Anthony is becoming more alert so this morning at 4am he did not want to go back to sleep! Thankfully I was able to hold him with a pacifier and go back to sleep myself. Sleep last night SUCKED! He ate every two hours then my oldest woke crying four times for no reason other than not being close to me as he wanted but we sleep next to each other!
What do you ladies think of not changing the diaper in the night? I often use disposables overnight even though we use cloth mostly...and I feel like changing him at 2am is too much stimulation for him. It tells him it's wake up time! If he is comfy I am considering NOT changing in the night.

I should add he hasn't been pooping much at night anymore...
I say if he doesn't leak or wake up red then I wouldn't. I would poop but pee eh. We use cloth and I only change him once at night. Usually at 2nd feeding. He's never woke up red or rashy or leaked. He hates diaper changes, coldness I believe so changing him every time would just get him worked up screaming waking my husband and oldest than he'd stay awake longer. I just prop him up on a pillow hold bottle in his mouth and change him like that so he doesn't cry lol
We don't change in the night unless he is really awake and nappy seems quite full.
Tristan always poos at night and I change him but it's a nightmare as it wakes him up and it takes ages to get him off again.

My poor baby seems rather poorly. He's obviously in discomfort as making this whimpering sound. Plus he feels hot and he's been sick this morning. I'm just waiting for the drs surgery to open to get an appointment.

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