gaia - my guy was doing the "sorta nap" thing in the morning - where he would maybe sleep for an hour, maybe 3. When I noticed he was doing this, that's when I decided to get on the nap wagon. I swaddled him and put him in his bassinet and he slept for 3 hours. The next day, I did it again... 3 hours. Every day since, if I swaddle and put him in his bassinet, he's out for 3 hours, but if I don't do exactly that, and let him sleep in his car seat or swing, he just sleeps for a random amount of time. He's very, very noisy in his bassinet during naps, and sometimes he'll be noisy with his eyes open, but I resist picking him up until he's obviously awake and almost to the point of crying... and that's always at exactly 3 hours. Weird.
Babyfeva - my lactation consultant said if you introduce a bottle and they don't take it, just keep trying, but don't change the nipple. I've heard of babies suddenly taking different nipples, like daddiesgift, so
, but the LC said trying a bunch of nipples causes confusion. So maybe try one other one and if it doesn't work, just keep at it with one or the other, and eventually he'll get it. Also, it does help if someone other than you offers the bottle.
lilbean - thanks for that info! Although... I've told my dh to throw milk out if it's not finished, and he never does. So sometimes half a bottle will sit for 2 more hours and then get used. LO doesn't seem to mind - no spitting up or anything, so I've allowed it, but it's nice to know what the nurses say about that. I was also wondering about fresh pumped milk sitting out for 3-4 hours and then put in fridge - glad to know that's okay too cause I've done it before and it worried me! And I believe you're right that if it's in a deep freeze, it's good for a year.
Oh - and regarding the being awake at night... Ninja was nocturnal when we brought him home and this is what we did to fix that problem: Make sure you give lots of night-time, sleepy cues like swaddling, white noise (we don't do this necessarily, but have a humidifier going, so that might work??), and dim lights. When you get up in the middle of the night, keep lights off and use a dim night light. Don't do any daytime activities with baby (like watch tv, go to the kitchen, etc). Keep activities strictly to feeding, changing, reswaddling and back to bed. Minimize eye contact and talking to baby, and if you do talk to baby, make sure it's in a whisper.
Maybe you've tried all of that..?? Beyond that, I had to do a bit of bed training. I would put Ninja back in his bassinet and of course, he'd start to cry. I would NOT pick him up unless I could tell he was crying because of a burp (then I'd burp and put him right back down). I don't call this "crying it out", because I was constantly touching him or talking softly to him, but I let him know that I'm not picking him up. Sometimes I had to soothe for an hour, during which time he'd whine, quiet down, whine, quiet down.... I found what things soothed him - like touching his lips, rubbing his head, putting my entire hand around his face, rocking his bassinet lightly. It sucks, and I had to sleep in a separate room than dh, but he now goes down in his bassinet very easily. We do have some nights that he has a harder time, but I just start in on my soothing techniques and he calms down pretty fast.
Also, I wouldn't try to keep them awake much during the day. When babies get over tired, they'll sleep even less and fuss even more. Some days Ninja would sleep ALL day and it scared me for what was ahead at night, but he slept just fine at night too. I do try to make sure he's more awake the 1-2 hours before bedtime, but that's it.
I hope that helps. You may have tried all that already, but that's what I found worked to reverse my little guy's nocturnal nature.