++++October 2019 Testing Thread++++

Still no sign of af (should be due yesterday or today) but as it has been a little irregular in the past I'm trying to keep calm and hold off on testing or analyzing too much. Plus boyfriend's working out of town and I won't see him until Saturday, and I know he wants to be there for testing, especially if we get a bfp. Especially since it's our first time around and we're both all kinds of jangly and nervous.

Saturday's so far away. Ugh

Let us know how you get on Camia! Fingers crossed for you
Awww, congratulations Pineberry, that's awesome! So excited for you.

Many thanks love. It really has not hit me yet. I’m literally in awe, and it felt good writing that all out and sharing with you ladies.

Also, sorry about your BFN. It’s the worst when she’s late but no bfp. Hope she comes out of the woodwork asap so you can try again as soon as possible.:hugs:
Hey lovelies. Hope you’re all doing great and having a superb weekend so far.

I waited patiently until 12dpo (today) to test, and then did so first thing in the morning.

We waited 3 minutes and then looked at it. And what do you know... An undeniably blue second line.

I wasn’t totally unprepared for it to be positive, because the last days I had sort of a gut feeling that something was up. Mainly because I didn’t have my usual pre-AF spotting, but other than that I actually didn’t have many symptoms at all. Just very fatigued and bloated, and some cramps but NOT period cramps... They were different somehow, not as achy and uncomfortable like AF cramps. Also, dont even have the painful boobs that everybody else always seems to get before their BFP.

I am in shock, it hasn’t fully sunk in yet (and I think it will take some more weeks for it to do so). When we did the test at 7AM, we hugged and were shocked & ecstatic. I always thought I’d cry instantly if I were to look at a positive test, but I was just numb somehow (but happy). We even went back to bed to get some more sleep.

I held myself together pretty well the first few hours after finding out. Made ourselves some breakfast and got on my laptop. Looked up the video "From Conception to Birth" on youtube (a MUST watch - a 4 minutes animation of the whole process from fertilization to birth: click here), which made me get the feels a little bit, in awe that that is going to be me. But still no real emotional reaction.

Well.... Then the song "You Say" by Lauren Daigle came up on my playlist (that song has always tugged at my heartstrings) and I just lost it. I bawled. BAWLED. My boyfriend came to me and held me as I just cried of happiness.

It’s so hard to grasp that this is reality now.

We may not have been TTC for long (this was cycle number 3... Third time really is the charm!) but it almost feels like it’s been way longer because there were 2 other cycles this year that we weren’t TTC where I thought I was pregnant (and would have been happy to, even if unplanned). Once in February where my period was 4 days late (and she’s NEVER late) & got all excited until test was negative and AF eventually arrived, then another time in the beginning of July where I’m 95% sure I had a chemical pregnancy. Period was 3 days late, had a faint positive (that I posted here in the gallery section), only to end up having 2 days of the worst cramping and heaviest bleeding + clotting that I ever had. Like, it was shocking how many clots I passed and how big they were. So pretty sure it was a CP. I was absolutely gutted at the time and couldn’t stop crying.

So to finally get a blazing positive feels unreal and just crazy and wonderful. i’m over the moon.

Facetimed my mom (was going to wait to tell her but ughh... just couldn’t) and we both cried together. So cheesy lol.

Also attached my chart, in case it provides some insight for someone!

View attachment 1070332

View attachment 1070334

Hope you sweet wonderful ladies on here get your much deserved BFP’s real soon. I’ll be sure to stick around in this thread so I can see those BFPs rolling in. This community is awesome and it’s made my TTC journey so much more wonderful.

I know it’s still early and a lot can still go wrong, but somehow I am overwhelmed with trust and faith that my little one will be okay. Due date 24th June, 2020. <3

Congratulations hun. Had a feeling you'd get your bfp this cycle. Wishing you and happy and healthy 9 months x
Yup, definitely pregnant Pineberry! Woohoo! Sure it'll be fine - I had a loss with my first many, many years ago and went on to have two healthy girls. Best of luck to you. :)
Awww, congratulations Pineberry, that's awesome! So excited for you.

AFM: 15dpo and AF still hasnt showed up. Negative test with FMU so I think Im out. Wish I knew what was happening though as left ovary is aching a treat.

Sorry for your bfn celtic :hugs:
Pineberry yay!!! Congrats that def looks like a bfp and I hope you’re line gets stronger and stronger!!
Afm... dh was being a complete ass yesterday and couldn’t finish so we didn’t get any swimmers yesterday the day of my really strong surge

Managed to bd at 3pm but it was so forced and didn’t feel right because I am still so annoyed at him. My cervix didn’t even feel opened or high although I did have quite a bit of watery ewcm today. Not creamy yet...

Is it possible I haven’t ovulated yet? The temp rise I got this morning is really throwing me. I seriously hope my temp is lower tomorrow.... I haven’t had any ovulation pain. Just those slight twinges in ovaries on and off yesterday. And maybe just slightly crampy today...

My ovulation test this afternoon is still positive but the lines are exactly the same colour now...

Really have no hope for this cycle... feeling really down...
Congratulations pineberry! So happy for you!
Hey lovelies. Hope you’re all doing great and having a superb weekend so far.

I waited patiently until 12dpo (today) to test, and then did so first thing in the morning.

We waited 3 minutes and then looked at it. And what do you know... An undeniably blue second line.

I wasn’t totally unprepared for it to be positive, because the last days I had sort of a gut feeling that something was up. Mainly because I didn’t have my usual pre-AF spotting, but other than that I actually didn’t have many symptoms at all. Just very fatigued and bloated, and some cramps but NOT period cramps... They were different somehow, not as achy and uncomfortable like AF cramps. Also, dont even have the painful boobs that everybody else always seems to get before their BFP.

I am in shock, it hasn’t fully sunk in yet (and I think it will take some more weeks for it to do so). When we did the test at 7AM, we hugged and were shocked & ecstatic. I always thought I’d cry instantly if I were to look at a positive test, but I was just numb somehow (but happy). We even went back to bed to get some more sleep.

I held myself together pretty well the first few hours after finding out. Made ourselves some breakfast and got on my laptop. Looked up the video "From Conception to Birth" on youtube (a MUST watch - a 4 minutes animation of the whole process from fertilization to birth: click here), which made me get the feels a little bit, in awe that that is going to be me. But still no real emotional reaction.

Well.... Then the song "You Say" by Lauren Daigle came up on my playlist (that song has always tugged at my heartstrings) and I just lost it. I bawled. BAWLED. My boyfriend came to me and held me as I just cried of happiness.

It’s so hard to grasp that this is reality now.

We may not have been TTC for long (this was cycle number 3... Third time really is the charm!) but it almost feels like it’s been way longer because there were 2 other cycles this year that we weren’t TTC where I thought I was pregnant (and would have been happy to, even if unplanned). Once in February where my period was 4 days late (and she’s NEVER late) & got all excited until test was negative and AF eventually arrived, then another time in the beginning of July where I’m 95% sure I had a chemical pregnancy. Period was 3 days late, had a faint positive (that I posted here in the gallery section), only to end up having 2 days of the worst cramping and heaviest bleeding + clotting that I ever had. Like, it was shocking how many clots I passed and how big they were. So pretty sure it was a CP. I was absolutely gutted at the time and couldn’t stop crying.

So to finally get a blazing positive feels unreal and just crazy and wonderful. i’m over the moon.

Facetimed my mom (was going to wait to tell her but ughh... just couldn’t) and we both cried together. So cheesy lol.

Also attached my chart, in case it provides some insight for someone!

View attachment 1070332

View attachment 1070334

Hope you sweet wonderful ladies on here get your much deserved BFP’s real soon. I’ll be sure to stick around in this thread so I can see those BFPs rolling in. This community is awesome and it’s made my TTC journey so much more wonderful.

I know it’s still early and a lot can still go wrong, but somehow I am overwhelmed with trust and faith that my little one will be okay. Due date 24th June, 2020. <3

Let us know how you get on Camia! Fingers crossed for you

Thank you! I've been awful about symptom spotting and I know probably just working myself up for nothing but I have a gut feeling. I don't feel like I normally do at this time. Heartburn, which I never get, headaches, fatigue, a weird fluttery feeling and a few cramps that don't feel quite like the usual ones, and the last 2 nights in a row some crazy, vivid dreams. Boyfriend is home safe and sound but sleeping in (much deserved after the week he's had!) but I've had trouble sleeping the last few nights so I gave up a couple hours ago. Just need to entertain myself while I wait
Pine berry super congrats!

Tesh that sucks we have been in that situation before. You never know though as I dtd day before ovulation and missed actual day and thought not a chance.
Congratulations @Pineberry!!

Thanks dear! I was so sad to read about your loss recently & will keep you in my thoughts and cross my fingers for you for your next cycle. :hugs2:

Congratulations pineberry! So happy for you!

Thanks so much lovely! :)


Thank you dear! :)

Congratulations hun. Had a feeling you'd get your bfp this cycle. Wishing you and happy and healthy 9 months x

Aww really!! That's so awesome that you had that feeling! Thank you love, still can't believe it quite yet! <3

Yup, definitely pregnant Pineberry! Woohoo! Sure it'll be fine - I had a loss with my first many, many years ago and went on to have two healthy girls. Best of luck to you. :)

Ty hun!! Losses are simply the worst. But yes, I have faith that this will be a healthy, uneventful pregnancy... Still feels so unreal to be typing it 'out loud' !

Pine berry super congrats!

Thank you honey!!

Pineberry yay!!! Congrats that def looks like a bfp and I hope you’re line gets stronger and stronger!!

Thank you lovely!! I hope you get your BFP this cycle, too :hugs2: I'm not gonna test again, dont have any cheapies and tests are just so expensive here... So just gonna trust and hope it progresses nicely.

Just realized that the line definitely looks quite a bit fainter in the picture, but in real life it is really strong and obvious, fortunately.

BTW, sorry to hear your guy was being an ass & BD didn't go as planned. Men can be such a pain!! That really sucks. But! You said you still have ewcm and probably had that at the time of bd, so that's definitely good and in with a decent chance. Remember, the most important day to have sex is the day before ovulation, not actual o-day itself... by then it's often too late!

Got my first pre-natal appointment on Monday. This is unreal!
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Hey lovelies. Hope you’re all doing great and having a superb weekend so far.

I waited patiently until 12dpo (today) to test, and then did so first thing in the morning.

We waited 3 minutes and then looked at it. And what do you know... An undeniably blue second line.

I wasn’t totally unprepared for it to be positive, because the last days I had sort of a gut feeling that something was up. Mainly because I didn’t have my usual pre-AF spotting, but other than that I actually didn’t have many symptoms at all. Just very fatigued and bloated, and some cramps but NOT period cramps... They were different somehow, not as achy and uncomfortable like AF cramps. Also, dont even have the painful boobs that everybody else always seems to get before their BFP.

I am in shock, it hasn’t fully sunk in yet (and I think it will take some more weeks for it to do so). When we did the test at 7AM, we hugged and were shocked & ecstatic. I always thought I’d cry instantly if I were to look at a positive test, but I was just numb somehow (but happy). We even went back to bed to get some more sleep.

I held myself together pretty well the first few hours after finding out. Made ourselves some breakfast and got on my laptop. Looked up the video "From Conception to Birth" on youtube (a MUST watch - a 4 minutes animation of the whole process from fertilization to birth: click here), which made me get the feels a little bit, in awe that that is going to be me. But still no real emotional reaction.

Well.... Then the song "You Say" by Lauren Daigle came up on my playlist (that song has always tugged at my heartstrings) and I just lost it. I bawled. BAWLED. My boyfriend came to me and held me as I just cried of happiness.

It’s so hard to grasp that this is reality now.

We may not have been TTC for long (this was cycle number 3... Third time really is the charm!) but it almost feels like it’s been way longer because there were 2 other cycles this year that we weren’t TTC where I thought I was pregnant (and would have been happy to, even if unplanned). Once in February where my period was 4 days late (and she’s NEVER late) & got all excited until test was negative and AF eventually arrived, then another time in the beginning of July where I’m 95% sure I had a chemical pregnancy. Period was 3 days late, had a faint positive (that I posted here in the gallery section), only to end up having 2 days of the worst cramping and heaviest bleeding + clotting that I ever had. Like, it was shocking how many clots I passed and how big they were. So pretty sure it was a CP. I was absolutely gutted at the time and couldn’t stop crying.

So to finally get a blazing positive feels unreal and just crazy and wonderful. i’m over the moon.

Facetimed my mom (was going to wait to tell her but ughh... just couldn’t) and we both cried together. So cheesy lol.

Also attached my chart, in case it provides some insight for someone!

View attachment 1070332

View attachment 1070334

Hope you sweet wonderful ladies on here get your much deserved BFP’s real soon. I’ll be sure to stick around in this thread so I can see those BFPs rolling in. This community is awesome and it’s made my TTC journey so much more wonderful.

I know it’s still early and a lot can still go wrong, but somehow I am overwhelmed with trust and faith that my little one will be okay. Due date 24th June, 2020. <3

Congratulations pineberry! Hope to see you in the june group chat! I had a feeling you'd get your positive from everything I had been reading from you.

Fx for everyone else who's still waiting this cycle and good luck to everyone who is onto their next! :dust:
Dont know much about OPKs other than that they have to be just as dark or darker than the control line in order to be definitely positive, perhaps test again tonight? Hope you catch that eggo!:spermy:

thank you hun.... it will probably be a wee while yet. Last month I ovulated cd13. I don’t hold out much hope, I didn’t buy conceive plus this cycle and I tried grapefruit juice but absolutely no ewcm! Xx
Hey lovelies. Hope you’re all doing great and having a superb weekend so far.

I waited patiently until 12dpo (today) to test, and then did so first thing in the morning.

We waited 3 minutes and then looked at it. And what do you know... An undeniably blue second line.

I wasn’t totally unprepared for it to be positive, because the last days I had sort of a gut feeling that something was up. Mainly because I didn’t have my usual pre-AF spotting, but other than that I actually didn’t have many symptoms at all. Just very fatigued and bloated, and some cramps but NOT period cramps... They were different somehow, not as achy and uncomfortable like AF cramps. Also, dont even have the painful boobs that everybody else always seems to get before their BFP.

I am in shock, it hasn’t fully sunk in yet (and I think it will take some more weeks for it to do so). When we did the test at 7AM, we hugged and were shocked & ecstatic. I always thought I’d cry instantly if I were to look at a positive test, but I was just numb somehow (but happy). We even went back to bed to get some more sleep.

I held myself together pretty well the first few hours after finding out. Made ourselves some breakfast and got on my laptop. Looked up the video "From Conception to Birth" on youtube (a MUST watch - a 4 minutes animation of the whole process from fertilization to birth: click here), which made me get the feels a little bit, in awe that that is going to be me. But still no real emotional reaction.

Well.... Then the song "You Say" by Lauren Daigle came up on my playlist (that song has always tugged at my heartstrings) and I just lost it. I bawled. BAWLED. My boyfriend came to me and held me as I just cried of happiness.

It’s so hard to grasp that this is reality now.

We may not have been TTC for long (this was cycle number 3... Third time really is the charm!) but it almost feels like it’s been way longer because there were 2 other cycles this year that we weren’t TTC where I thought I was pregnant (and would have been happy to, even if unplanned). Once in February where my period was 4 days late (and she’s NEVER late) & got all excited until test was negative and AF eventually arrived, then another time in the beginning of July where I’m 95% sure I had a chemical pregnancy. Period was 3 days late, had a faint positive (that I posted here in the gallery section), only to end up having 2 days of the worst cramping and heaviest bleeding + clotting that I ever had. Like, it was shocking how many clots I passed and how big they were. So pretty sure it was a CP. I was absolutely gutted at the time and couldn’t stop crying.

So to finally get a blazing positive feels unreal and just crazy and wonderful. i’m over the moon.

Facetimed my mom (was going to wait to tell her but ughh... just couldn’t) and we both cried together. So cheesy lol.

Also attached my chart, in case it provides some insight for someone!

View attachment 1070332

View attachment 1070334

Hope you sweet wonderful ladies on here get your much deserved BFP’s real soon. I’ll be sure to stick around in this thread so I can see those BFPs rolling in. This community is awesome and it’s made my TTC journey so much more wonderful.

I know it’s still early and a lot can still go wrong, but somehow I am overwhelmed with trust and faith that my little one will be okay. Due date 24th June, 2020. <3
Congratulations x

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