**October Babies**

I'm not too picky reeally I don't think, just enough :) The thing is a lot of guys would think themselves lucky to have me cos I was like born to be a housewife!! I love cooking and cleaning and things like washing the dishes and ironing really chill me out cos it's like my thinking time. Plus I would keep an immaculate house! And I'm not unattractive (yet.. we'll see how my body looks after bubs lol) so I just keep thinking if I wait long enough I'll find someone who wants me and appreciates me :thumbup: Evie is my priority though, she comes first now before any man!

oooo have fun.. where you going? xxx
Yes exactly, i dont mind doing things around the house either, i would like to work ( i want to be primary teacher) thats what my uni place is in. but i dont mind doing housewrk as well as long as OH helps sometimes which he often does
Yeah and by housewife I just mean that I'm very domestic I would still like to work because I like to have a bit of a focus you know? I wanna work in retail but like high up, but while LO is young I would happily just work in sales part time just to keep me ticking over/bit of extra cash/experience so it's not even like I'm saying 'You have to work and I'm going to stay at home'. GOD why can't I just like advertise myself on tv or something, I bet I'd find someone well quick, I could be married by the time LO is here :rofl: xxx

:) i just got home and couldn't resist the laptop :dohh: :lol:
i just went to the pub with a friend, i don't get out much lol, so was nice to have a change of scenery :D xxx
I knooow nothing is even happening on here right now but I can't help myself but come back here every few minutes!! Luckily I did ey or I would've missed your post :haha: I'm sooo not tired for once but I know I should be.. hmmm.. there's nothing on tv either *sigh*

How was it at the pub? Hope you had a good time xxx
lol if i am not cleaning my flat, at a midwife appointment or scan, or sleeping i'm on bnb :rofl:
i just have this little table that my laptop sits on infront of sofa and no matter what i am doing i am back and forth checking it :lol:
so sad lol.

tonight is the first time i have actualy left the flat other than for food shopping on my own, midwife appointments, scans and to see my mum at hers the entire pregnancy lmao!
it was alright, but its not really my thing anymore iykwim? i used to love just chillling in the pub even if i never drank, but tonight i got there and i was like *sigh* and just sat feeling out of place sipping my diet coke :lol:

how are you? xx
Haha, I have baked brownies or something else like that twice in the past two weeks, lol & been cleaning the house like crazy. OH is lucky :haha:

I have felt baby move outside a few times and seen him/her move my laptop, lol. Kicks started to get stronger for me just recently, maybe a week ago, but s/he is shy and when OH or my mom tries to feel s/he stops kicking, haha.
I'm having a girl! clear as dayy they could tell it was a girl
YAY another girly :D

I know what you mean about the pub thing, I did some stuff with one of my friends when she came to stay and it was just like.. we're different people now. Her immaturity really frustrated me, some of the things she was saying were just plain disrepectful to not just me but my Mum, considering we are still greiving my Dad's death along with everything else. It's a shame but I actually don't feel like I've lost anything if that makes sense? Like feels like our friendship was really superficial to start with but I've only just noticed. Anyway that totally went off the point :haha:

How is everyone? :) xxx
Im fine thanks im now 23weeks +1 day, its only 6 days until im viable :yipee:
Another girl looks like loads of teens having girls in october :haha:
Im doing well Chloe keeps kicking me and its like every few hours now when im awake, and relaxed :happydance:
How are you?
On the other note, asked OH again about the 4D scan and he said no :cry: he said he doesnt want to spoil the suprise he doesnt want to know what she looks like.
We got into a little argument about it and he said his view never gets taken into account. I said if thats the case why did we find out the sex as i wanted to wait but i found out for you etc.
In the end i just left it. At almost 10pm he asked me to show him the site saying he would consider it and the site have a new weekage package which is even better than the mini package and only cost £15 more :D i so hope he agress to let me have it.

15 min DVD
Four, 6X8 Super size colour prints
Sexing included if required
Available Mon to Thursday evenings 6pm to 9pm FRIDAYS 10.30am to 3.pm
From 22 to 36 weeks

thats what you get it seems so much better fingers crossed he agrees soon, if not im just gonna leave it be and wait until she is here
Yeah hope he agrees hun :hugs: Aw I can't wait to be viable, but YAY 21 weeks today :happydance: xxx
yay, wonder why my ticker says 2day, im still going with 24weeks
yes really hope he agress fingers x'd
I'm 19 weeks, due October 31st and have my 20 week scan tomorrow so will hopefully know sex, I'm so excited :)
Good luck for your scan hun, what are you hoping for? xxx
Well the girly girl in me desperately wants to buy lots of pink things, so if it turns out to be a boy I'll have to find ways of dealing with that :laugh2: but I honestly don't mind, can't wait to find out though...I've always been so nosey nearly 20 weeks of not knowing has nearly killed me, how people cope with 40 is beyond me!

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