**** October Bumpkins 2010 ****

You won't mess up Em. :hugs:
You may make some mistakes, like put the diaper on wrong... but you'll learn from it quickly enough! ;)
:haha: Nah, I doubt it. You might at first... all new mums make mistakes. My one friend kept mixing her baby's bottles completely wrong (she was on formula) and realized after two days that she wasn't adding enough water so the poor girl was getting this ridiculously thick stuff. :sick:

It happens to everyone at some point. Becoming a parent takes practice and experience, but like I said... you'll pick it up REAL quick and alot of it comes from instinct too! :)
i'm going to love being a mummy :blush:
i really can't imagine anything better
i know everyone keeps saying that my life is over
but hell it's only just beginning!!
I was super lucky in that I had younger brothers and sisters ( my parents did foster care and so far they have adopted 8 more kids! the oldest two are 10 yo twins, youngest 1 1/2) So I had a lot of experience in taking care of babies before I had my own. However, all those little things that I hadn't been experienced in (ex bf'ing) its really just a learning process. Its not like you're doing something wrong, you and your LO are just learning together. Both of my LO's were unexpected miracles, as we were NTNP, but we would never call them mistakes. If anything, they are the best things that ever happened to us. :hugs: Some people just have no tact.
aww :hugs: how old is your LO?
i've got my brothers but i never really got to help with them tbh
Em - People have actually told you you're life is over??? :growlmad: Ugh - what morons! In a sense, I guess your "youth" is over but certainly not your life! And for me, I was never a big partier or club hopper anyway, so I never felt like I was giving anything up. When you have children, you need to prioritize and plan alot more... but it's totally worth it. And the way I see it, you always have company! I love going shopping, etc with my little munchkin.

Silver_Penny - I wish I had more experience with babies before I had my daughter, as I felt a little lost at first... but it didn't take me long to get over those feelings! :haha:
ridiculous isn't it?
people can be such dicks!
but i don't care what they say, she's the best thing to ever happen to me :)
and i'd like nothing more than to stay home with her over partying
Yeah... I would probably fly off the handle if someone would have said something like that to me. I mean, I wasn't THAT old when I had Kyree. 22 when I got pregnant, 23 when I had her... but I looked young, so I got lots of those judgemental stares from people while I was pregnant.
People should learn to mind their own business.

And it's funny, even when I get a night out with my hubby or friends, I miss Kyree the entire time I'm gone anyway! :haha:
So I never care about "getting out"... I work fulltime so it's bad enough I lose 8 hours each day with her... I'd rather spend my free time with her than anyone else!
Im going out tonight to see Eclipse and I can guarantee I will miss her!
aww i see what you mean
i'm going to be so used to having her inside me 24/7 where i can protect her
i prolly won't leave her side for more than 2 seconds to go pee
Yeah... thats why I LOVE being pregnant... because you can keep them safe and warm, and fed... and they are with you constantly. Once they are born, it's AMAZING but you can no longer protect them constantly. And once they start crawling, no matter what you do... they still get hurt. They bump into things or fall down... and you can't help but miss when you had them inside of you.
I always have these irriational fears of Kyree getting hurt. :( I love having her with me, don't get me wrong... but a lot of worrying comes with them being born. Especially now that she's walking and running.... I'm always so scared of what *could* happen! :wacko:
as much as i want her here now already
i prefer it when i can keep her safe.. i'm not even going to want to hand her over to anyone!! :rofl:
Yep, it's that good old protective mother's instinct. Once it kicks in, it NEVER, EVER goes away! :haha:
My LO just had his 1st birthday (there is only going to be 15-16 months between the two!)

MommyKC-I know what you're saying about leaving your LO. I'm a SAHM, and my LO was over 8 months old before I was able to leave him with someone else. I still have a hard time with it. My DH thinks I'm crazy, but even going to the movies is hard for me. :shrug: I feel sorry for him, though, because I know I will be the same way with this LO. I love being at home, some might call me a homebody, but I don't care :smug:
Yeah, I know how that is. We have made a lot of sacrifices in order for me to be a SAHM. We live with my in-laws (which isn't too bad, as I get along with them pretty well), as my DH is starting his own business. I'm relatively young as well, I was 22 when I concieved my first, 23 when he was born, and will be 24 when this LO is born. My DH is 2 1/2 years younger than me, and he just celebrated his 22nd b-day.
i'd love to do it, but i've still got to finish school and think about university
i don't have the time or the money to be able to :(
I wish I could be a SAHM mom as well. But we own a house, cars,... there's no way I could stay at home with my girls and live where we live. We would have to move into a tiny little apartment, and sell our cars. And penny-pinch. It would be too hard. :(

And even now, I have a hard time leaving Kyree with anyone. In fact, the only person I trust is my mom (she's the one who watches her everyday while I'm at work - she's a retired nurse :)). I have left Kyree with my MIL once or twice, but I still don't feel anywhere near as comfortable. I feel pretty good with my mom watching her, since she does everyday... but she is the ONLY person I trust. It's hard leaving her everyday... and it will be twice as hard leaving them both everyday when I return from mat leave next time. :cry:
I am SOOO looking forward to another year off with both of them! :yipee:
i don't know how i'm going to leave her after only 3 months of being home with her
It will be hard hun, I won't lie. :( But you're doing what's best for you and her, in the long run.

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