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October Hopes - Testing thread. 128 Testers! 25 BFPs!!!

Aww Brunette I'm sorry to hear :hugs:

I really hope this is our month! Especially after the torture of limbo!

My cervix is also starting to rise so I'm hoping it's going to happen soon :)
Would LOVE to be added for October 1st! New to TWW. Long time stalking though :winkwink:
Got a +OPK today, so O Day looks like its tomorrow! Thinking very pos this month, wishing everyone the best.
Just hopping on board, no testing date as yet as ov hasn't been confirmed but hope to have one soon :flower:
Ya know, I was just reading the previous posts and my 30th birthday is in October...that would be a fantastic bday gift to myself!! FINGERS are crossed!
Welcome Lauren and Buttercup :)

How's everyone getting on?
I'm just waiting... Taking my FertilAid and EPO everyday... Booo... This wait is more annoying than the TWW.
Officially CD1... finally. Started my EPO, hanging out with the Aleve & hot water bottle, and waiting for O day! Looking like October 2nd at this point. That's going to probably create some problems with our donor, since it's the middle of the week and he's an hour away... but we'll sort it out.

Hoping for lots of BFP's this month! Halloween is my favorite holiday, and October is my favorite month, so a BFP would round it all out :thumbup:
Sign me up for October! AF is finally showing herself today. To be honest, I'm just grateful to know and ready to move on. We are TTC #1 and this will be lucky cycle #5. Sadly it's looking like ill be apart from my husband during O time so I am trying to convince him to miss a day of work and come BD with me! Timing will be tricky as he can only miss one day so I am going to temp this month too, but my cycles are totally regular so fx we can figure it out. I am really hoping for a BFP this month bc our insurance runs out in July! But trying not to put pressure on myself. But baby, I am so ready for you!!

Like many of you October is my favorite month so hoping the baby dust finds me and all of you!

Testing October 17th. Thanks!!
Evening ladies, hope you are all well and ready for this month :)

ATM I am waiting to 'O' looks like we will be getting busy at the weekend and our 2nd TWW will kick in excited :) :) :)

Good luck ladies xxxx
I too am excited about the tww but this tww leading to o is really dragging!

Justagirl2 I've added you to the front page, good luck!

2moms2be is your testing date sticking at the 15th?

Gosh I'm tired this morning. It isn't even 7am yet!
Hi ladies....

Can you add me please?? My af is due 1st October, so I'm going to try my hardest to not test until then!! Although I'll probably cave in & test earlier like I always do! :wacko:

Used preseed for the first time this cycle. Fingers crossed.

Good luck to you all :hugs:
ooh this is getting exciting! Good luck to everyone.
Currently on CD 5, AF officially gone so waiting for "O" :coffee: due in 5 or 6 days :happydance:
Have a bloodtest Monday to pinpoint my exact "O" so we'll be getting busy next week (not that we only get busy during "O", that makes it sound like we don't do it any other time lol)
Hello I am new to this site but have enjoyed reading your comments. I will be testing on the Oct 3rd - may I please be added? I will just say a bit about myself... I am TTC my first after a devestating loss in May this year and DH and I both feel ready to try again this month. I am on cycle day 14 - should be the big O today so lots of bding goin' on here. Good Luck to all the ladies out there and heres to hoping this month is THE month :flower:
Hi Flibberty :)

AF arrived a bit late, so I'm actually going to be testing on the 17th, if my body cooperates and I o on the 2nd, CD15. Been consistent these last three cycles, so I'm hopeful! I've been known to have a wacky o, though, so we'll see! For now we can say the 17th!

Got a flashing smiley face on clear blue advanced this morning. I don't know how to mark it in charting though.....
Happy Thursday!
So crazy this month. I got a positive opk yesterday, so i assumed i would be O today. But again today, got another +. So will my O day officially be tomorrow?
not feeling the same O feelings. I can tell its not happening right now, but its odd for me, because i usually get a near positive then the next day it will be completely neg...any thoughts?
17th seems to be a mega popular day haha

I still have no clue when I'm going to o. My cm has gone watery but clomid changes it so I may not get ewcm. Opks neg but I always have two lines due to pcos. Hopefully they will work eventually. I think my temp is going to be the only sign but that's only after its happened. Just have to bd and pray lol

CD14 today for me!
Hi ladies can i join pls? I am ovulating today and gonna test around 2nd OCT OMG xxx
You can add me as well! Im new to the forum :)
Ill be testing October 3

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