October Sticky Beans!

Hmm, do you normally ovulate that early? I don't think CM is something that is strictly creamy, EW at ov and then back to creamy only once you o. Very likely that you have a mix of CM between creamy and EW in your cervix, but what actually comes out could vary. So just because you had EW one day and none the next, doesn't necessarily mean you have o'd. If that makes sense haha?

That does make sense. I usually have a general pattern of CM that is sticky/creamy, then EW for a few days before O up to O or a couple days after, then creamy/dry up to AF.

I don't normally Ovulate this early. Last month was CD16 (27 day cycle), which was very early for me, my previous cycles O was around CD26, with 34-36 day cycles. The Vitex and B6 last cycles really changed things up. This cycle I started the Vitex a little late because of Dr appointment and blood work so I just started Vitex a few day ago, but have been using EPO all cycle.

I check my CM at the cervix, because I don't produce a lot and so just checking what comes out or what is on tp is hard for me to tell.

Oh! I just remembered. Yesterday when I Checked my CM there was a tiny spot of red blood in my CM. Just the one time (I checked 3-4 times yesterday just to see if it came back) and none today. It was very odd because I've never had that except after O (a few days before AF).
Hmm that is really tricky. I have heard of spotting from ovulation but otherwise not sure what else would cause that. But if the vitex and b6 have been messing with your cycle, early ov is possible! Guess it all depends on what your temps do.
Last nights temp was a bust for me, son woke up for a bit at 4:30 and I always jump from a deep sleep right to his room without thinking so didn't temp. Slept 445-745 and temped then but I know it's not accurate, just didn't want to discard it until I knew for sure I didn't ovulate today. What a crappy time to have to discard a temp hey!!!
And just before I go to bed.... Well that was fast! First is comparison of my 645pm and 1015pm opk, and second is fresh vs dry. Does it matter that a bit of the line isn't as dark? And since it is so late, do I still count it as positive for today?

:happydance: From average CD22 ovulation to CD 16-17 from 3 weeks of vitex-awesome! (sorry I'm a bit excited haha!!)


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How exciting, congrats and fingers crossed for everyone already in the TWW and of course to you who are almost there. Exciting times ahead :D

My temps are still up today, a bit higher in fact than yesterdays. I still need one high temp for FF to confirm O, but it does look like I O'd on CD 17. Last cycle it was CD 20 so i guess the Agnus Castus is working, yaaay :)

BD on CDs 10, 12, 13, 15 and around noon on CD18 so i hope that was enough to catch the egg. So I'm now counting myself as around 2DPO, last month my luteal phase was 13 days so if it is again this cycle AF would be due September 5. I'm so excited! I feel like our BD could have been a bit better (bummed we didn't BD on CD17 when i most likely O'ed) but I'm hopeful that this will be all of our lucky cycles! :)

Edit: Blackrain! That looks positive to me! Now get to dancing :D :D
How exciting, congrats and fingers crossed for everyone already in the TWW and of course to you who are almost there. Exciting times ahead :D

My temps are still up today, a bit higher in fact than yesterdays. I still need one high temp for FF to confirm O, but it does look like I O'd on CD 17. Last cycle it was CD 20 so i guess the Agnus Castus is working, yaaay :)

BD on CDs 10, 12, 13, 15 and around noon on CD18 so i hope that was enough to catch the egg. So I'm now counting myself as around 2DPO, last month my luteal phase was 13 days so if it is again this cycle AF would be due September 5. I'm so excited! I feel like our BD could have been a bit better (bummed we didn't BD on CD17 when i most likely O'ed) but I'm hopeful that this will be all of our lucky cycles! :)

Edit: Blackrain! That looks positive to me! Now get to dancing :D :D

I need another day on FF to confirm as well, but I'm thinking a O day of CD17. AF is predicted for Sept 4.
I need another day on FF to confirm as well, but I'm thinking a O day of CD17. AF is predicted for Sept 4.

That's awesome, let's hope we end up being due around the same day as well :)
I swear my son knows why i am ovulating and decides to be sick at that time. Last month we were on vacation and he spiked fevers of 104. This weekend fevers of 103 and i have been up with him usually around 3am, to give meds and rock. So basically the past 3 days (ovulation time) mu temps might be crap. Lol. Jesh. Oh well. I got my +opks and am covering my bases. I had some cramping last night while going to sleep and super bloated today. Negative opk today. Will bd tonight as well. Maybe tomorrow too.
hiya girls hope your all well think I had my positive yesterday just done one and its lighter so I am in tww now xx


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Thought I would be able to not symptom spot since I sometimes get breast tenderness all throughout post ovulation and have a wonky stomach at times but no....3 dpo and last night I felt a fluttering feeling in my lower left side. Now googling to see if it could be the egg traveling down my Fallopian tube. Sigh, gonna be a long 2 ww, lol
I feel like I am so behind! Lol I went away for the weekend and promised myself there would be no BnB, no opks, and no temping. Well I stalked you guys all weekend, bought some OPKs and bought a new thermometer :haha:

I am so excited for everyone that is close to ovulating and for everyone in the TWW!! I can't wait to live vicariously through your guys' symptoms while I wait to ovulate!

AFM I am starting to have a lot of CM, yesterday was watery and not very stretchy, I feel like maybe I did have some hormonal imbalance that these supplements are helping because my temps have normally been low 96's pre O and this month they have been low 97's hoping that is a good sign! My opks are not getting darker yet but I also did not expect them to as I am CD 13, last month I believe I O'd around CD 20. OH ended up not going out of town for work this week, well not yet anyways :happydance: so BD every day until confirmed O :haha: I usually have a low libido and this month I just can't get enough it is so weird but hey he's definitely not complaining :haha:
I thought that my temp was up today and yesterday (maybe not significantly higher? - my chart is in my sig), and TMI but tonight I've had a large amount of EWCM. Before today I just had watery. My cervix has been pretty high, soft and open since around last Wednesday. Not sure what to make of it. Anyone get EWCM after ovulation?
And just before I go to bed.... Well that was fast! First is comparison of my 645pm and 1015pm opk, and second is fresh vs dry. Does it matter that a bit of the line isn't as dark? And since it is so late, do I still count it as positive for today?

:happydance: From average CD22 ovulation to CD 16-17 from 3 weeks of vitex-awesome! (sorry I'm a bit excited haha!!)

Wow! That was fast. 6:45 is definitely neg but close and 10:15 is def pos.

Whether you count it as a + for today is up to you. It depends on how you time things. You can count on a 24-hour clock or on a bed to waking clock. Either is fine as long as you are consistent. If you do 24-hr clock then if you BD after going to bed, then the next morning if you update your chart you would put BD on the day before. If you do a bed to waking then you would put BD on the day you woke because you "Closed the day" when you went to bed. The same concept applies to OPKs. Especially because the 10:15 is so late, you can either count it as + on the physical day if you keep a 24-hr tracking, or you can count as + for the next day if it is later than you usually test so you only would have caught it hte next day otherwise.

Speaking of: I'd love to see whether the next day you still get +OPKs, or whether your surge would have disappeared over night!

:happydance: for moving O up!! I LOVE Vitex for that reason!!! I get very excited too. Heck, sometimse I think I'm just as excited for a +OPK as I would be for BFP. :P

I thought that my temp was up today and yesterday (maybe not significantly higher? - my chart is in my sig), and TMI but tonight I've had a large amount of EWCM. Before today I just had watery. My cervix has been pretty high, soft and open since around last Wednesday. Not sure what to make of it. Anyone get EWCM after ovulation?

You can get fertile CM after O, because your egg is still viable for a day or so (24 hrs). But everyone is different. If your cervix is still high that's good. The open part though confuses me because after O I thought it should close up and CM should start to dry up or change. However, cm could be remnants of previous cm. Are you checking just what comes out or checking at cervix (sorry if the Q is TMI - but I think it makes a difference - I always check at cervix because that is "newest", versus what is coming out could be a day or two older? Maybe. I might just be making this all up, but it sounds good to me).

It's possible you didn't actually O on that dip in your chart but a day or two later. Your temps are rising and are above the last 6 (which is the FAM rule) but arent' above the cover line of being above almost all pre-o temps (which is the rule FF likes to use). So that is hard to determine actual O. TBH I would keep BDing as long as you have fertile CM just ot cover all bases.

There have been a couple months I thought I BD at the right time but fertile CM kept coming and my O ended up being 2 days later than I thought and I missed it :/
Ivksa- is it possible that your first drop on the 14th was your body gearing up to O but didn't? And now you will be having O soon? I am definitely not a chart expert by any means haha this is only my third month temping but all your fertile signs have come in the last 5 days or so and you are still below your cover line so if it were me personally I would take it as O happening very very soon and disregard the drop at CD14 but like I said I could be way off base here. :shrug:
I feel like I am so behind! Lol I went away for the weekend and promised myself there would be no BnB, no opks, and no temping. Well I stalked you guys all weekend, bought some OPKs and bought a new thermometer :haha:

I am so excited for everyone that is close to ovulating and for everyone in the TWW!! I can't wait to live vicariously through your guys' symptoms while I wait to ovulate!

AFM I am starting to have a lot of CM, yesterday was watery and not very stretchy, I feel like maybe I did have some hormonal imbalance that these supplements are helping because my temps have normally been low 96's pre O and this month they have been low 97's hoping that is a good sign! My opks are not getting darker yet but I also did not expect them to as I am CD 13, last month I believe I O'd around CD 20. OH ended up not going out of town for work this week, well not yet anyways :happydance: so BD every day until confirmed O :haha: I usually have a low libido and this month I just can't get enough it is so weird but hey he's definitely not complaining :haha:

My temps are really low too: mid 96s to low 97s. When I'm on the Vitex it seems to help the temps a little but I'm still below 97 a lot of days and that feels too low to me. What supplements are you taking?

I tend to have a very low libido too. I'm thinking of looking into some supplements to help with that. It's hard to want to make a baby when I don't really want to do anything! And, what's more annoying is that I want to want to have sex, I just don't want to. Most confusing sentence ever. :haha:
Angel- I am taking ovaboost, fertilecm, and fertilaid. Not sure what one has something in it that's affecting my libido but something is definitely different. And I understand your confusing sentence haha last month I would tell OH that he better watch out when I get home if you know what I mean :haha: and then when i got home and it was "time" I just didn't want to like I was very capable of thinking about it but when it came to actually doing it I just didn't want it.

This was actually the first sign of EWCM I’ve had this cycle. I usually check at cervix, but this was one of the situation where it was just kind of all right there (TMI after using the bathroom…). Usually I’m not able to “find” EWCM by checking, it just comes. At first I thought it might be semen from the night before, but it wasn’t at all like what that normally feels like. It was super super stretchy. I get what you are saying though. Perhaps I had the EWCM before, but didn’t know? Like it came out due to using the bathroom.

I think you’re right about the temps. That’s a frustrating thing that you have missed it just by a couple of days. It really goes to show how precise things need to be. My poor husband is exhausted today, but hopefully BD tomorrow in case (as we did last night, so that would be every other day). Fingers crossed that it will be enough and we have or will catch it.


I don’t think that first big drop was ), but I was thinking maybe the 17th was it, but perhaps now with this CM and info from you girls about the temps I’m thinking otherwise.
I think some of the heightened libido is due to other sources too. Lately OH has been out of town more which makes me want to jump him when he gets back :haha: and I think taking supplements and opks and consistently taking my temp makes me more excited like I am so determined to get pregnant this month that I think it's fueling my sex drive if that makes sense haha
Ivska- I could see the 17th as a possibility! I hadn't even looked at that, if your temp continues to climb it is possible weird that their wasn't necessarily a dip then :shrug: I guess time will tell! Haha I think within the next couple days you will have your answer depending on what your chart does. Keep BDing!! :haha:

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