Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

Heya Skeet hunni

Bad New this side: I'm not going to be around much because OH and I have split up. :(

We obviously don't want the same things in life so we just quit and I realise from how easy it was to go our separate ways that he never made any sort of commitment to me. I now feel extremely lucky that I never fell pregnant when we were trying as his heart would not have been truly in it and when I bring a baby into the world I want both its parents to be equally enthusiastic about it!! I believe I deserve that and any child of mine deserves that!!!

I hope one day I will be back here with someone who wants this with me but that wont be for a while: I am going to concentrate on me now instead of putting a man first in everything I do when I get nothing back. Bitter much?! lol no I am honestly happy that I have realised before I waste any more years of my life. By the time I come back to TTC I expect you lot to be on your 2nd or 3rd babies OK!!!

One of the saddest things about splitting up with OH is that I now have no reason to come on B&B and chat to you lot. You have been great friends in this adventure!! I will probably still stalk you all a lil bit lol xxxxxxxxx

All my love and tonnes of baby dust

Jen xxx

ohh so sorry jen, same time im happy that you have found this out and are doing the right thing for you. i wish you all the best, and i hope you find a man that will treat you right and give u what your rightly deserve.

even tho your not ttc you can still pop in and talk to us. always great to talk doesnt have to be baby related :)

big hugs sweet :hugs: :hugs:
This thread has gone very quiet :( I miss my ladies!!

sorry i have been on to chat, some how i unsubscribed from this thread. silly phone :dohh:

im now 16dpo tested this morning and got bfn..but my opks have been dark again so looks like im going to ovulate LATE again!!! never mind eh...atleast i know :)

how u been skeet? xx
hi everyone poppin in to say hello. gosh i haven't been on bnb for awhile. i am back in college and i sure hope this is my last year! we are not ttc until i am finish my classes. been trying to graduate for two years now but ever time i get close to my finals i seem to have a m/c and bam! i can't complete my tests lol sooo this time around no ttc until summer time. i so can't wait.

How is everyone else?
Hey guys. I have been missing everyone as well. I don't know what's happened with my schedule I just haven't been able to find the time.

Jen I am so sorry and at the same time am glad that you did find this out now. I have an ex husband and it makes things difficult with my daughter sometimes. You definitely want to have someone who's on board with the same things as you.

Well I'm CD 10 right now. So just gearing up yet again!!!! Skeet I notice your ticker. Hope you are busy girl.

Baby D your cycle has gone to some kinda weird elephant long kinda cycle. What is UP WITH THAT. Mine is a perfect 28 days right now and I;m impatient!!!! It went to 30 days a couple of times and I nearly flipped. OKAY SHORTER CYCLE NOW!!!!!
Heya Skeet hunni

Bad New this side: I'm not going to be around much because OH and I have split up. :(

We obviously don't want the same things in life so we just quit and I realise from how easy it was to go our separate ways that he never made any sort of commitment to me. I now feel extremely lucky that I never fell pregnant when we were trying as his heart would not have been truly in it and when I bring a baby into the world I want both its parents to be equally enthusiastic about it!! I believe I deserve that and any child of mine deserves that!!!

I hope one day I will be back here with someone who wants this with me but that wont be for a while: I am going to concentrate on me now instead of putting a man first in everything I do when I get nothing back. Bitter much?! lol no I am honestly happy that I have realised before I waste any more years of my life. By the time I come back to TTC I expect you lot to be on your 2nd or 3rd babies OK!!!

One of the saddest things about splitting up with OH is that I now have no reason to come on B&B and chat to you lot. You have been great friends in this adventure!! I will probably still stalk you all a lil bit lol xxxxxxxxx

All my love and tonnes of baby dust

Jen xxx

OH Jen I'm so sorry :hugs: But as Lynsey said I am glad that you are happy and realized this now. I know it has to be hard. I split with my ex after 10 years. It was a huge relief and I was very happy. I also did a lot to focus on myself for a while. I did have moments though that it was very hard as my whole life felt turned upside down. Please during those times and any time really feel that you can come on here and chat with us....we will still be here for you even when your not ttc :hugs:

Keep us updated on how your doing.... we can live vicariously through you and your new single life!!

This thread has gone very quiet :( I miss my ladies!!

sorry i have been on to chat, some how i unsubscribed from this thread. silly phone :dohh:

im now 16dpo tested this morning and got bfn..but my opks have been dark again so looks like im going to ovulate LATE again!!! never mind eh...atleast i know :)

how u been skeet? xx

OH NO!!!!:growlmad: Not another crazy cycle!!! I wonder why it is being so weird!! how long has you past few cycles been? I guess it makes it hard to time :sex:

hi everyone poppin in to say hello. gosh i haven't been on bnb for awhile. i am back in college and i sure hope this is my last year! we are not ttc until i am finish my classes. been trying to graduate for two years now but ever time i get close to my finals i seem to have a m/c and bam! i can't complete my tests lol sooo this time around no ttc until summer time. i so can't wait.

How is everyone else?
Good Luck !!!!! TTC and school would be a lot of stress especially with the mc involved. Keep us updated on how you are doing!!!

Hey guys. I have been missing everyone as well. I don't know what's happened with my schedule I just haven't been able to find the time.

Jen I am so sorry and at the same time am glad that you did find this out now. I have an ex husband and it makes things difficult with my daughter sometimes. You definitely want to have someone who's on board with the same things as you.

Well I'm CD 10 right now. So just gearing up yet again!!!! Skeet I notice your ticker. Hope you are busy girl.

Baby D your cycle has gone to some kinda weird elephant long kinda cycle. What is UP WITH THAT. Mine is a perfect 28 days right now and I;m impatient!!!! It went to 30 days a couple of times and I nearly flipped. OKAY SHORTER CYCLE NOW!!!!!

WOW so jealous!! A perfect 28 day cycle?? Mine are usually 30-32 and they feel so long!! I've even had 2 that are in the 60 day ranges lol. Atleast since my ectopic they are still staying in between 30-32 days.

AFM: This cycle I am taking a lot more relaxed approach. I am working on getting myself back in shape. I joined a gym last week and have a goal to lose 12lbs before summer. I'm feeling really good about it too!! Last week I went to the gym 3 times and worked out for about an hour each time and played 2 games of soccer.

Af will be do for me around the 12th of I figure I will hold out until VDAy to test. Vday has been really bad for me in the past so I dont normally like it. Last year I started MCing on VDAy. I figure if I get my :bfp: on Valentines day then it will give me a reason to start liking it again...if I dont then :shrug: doesnt really matter cause I dont expect much on Valentines day anyways.

P.s I finally figured out how to use the multi quote :happydance:
Heya Skeet hunni

Bad New this side: I'm not going to be around much because OH and I have split up. :(

We obviously don't want the same things in life so we just quit and I realise from how easy it was to go our separate ways that he never made any sort of commitment to me. I now feel extremely lucky that I never fell pregnant when we were trying as his heart would not have been truly in it and when I bring a baby into the world I want both its parents to be equally enthusiastic about it!! I believe I deserve that and any child of mine deserves that!!!

I hope one day I will be back here with someone who wants this with me but that wont be for a while: I am going to concentrate on me now instead of putting a man first in everything I do when I get nothing back. Bitter much?! lol no I am honestly happy that I have realised before I waste any more years of my life. By the time I come back to TTC I expect you lot to be on your 2nd or 3rd babies OK!!!

One of the saddest things about splitting up with OH is that I now have no reason to come on B&B and chat to you lot. You have been great friends in this adventure!! I will probably still stalk you all a lil bit lol xxxxxxxxx

All my love and tonnes of baby dust

Jen xxx

i am so sorry hun. i truly understand what you mean. all the best and it was a please meeting you. :hugs:
Hello girls how have you all been? (its me icca) I had to create a new account. idk why I had trouble logging into my old account. But whatever....I'm back now!
How is everyone!

Jen I'm so sorry to hear that. Please stop into bnb every once in a while :hugs:
Hello girls how have you all been? (its me icca) I had to create a new account. idk why I had trouble logging into my old account. But whatever....I'm back now!
How is everyone!

Jen I'm so sorry to hear that. Please stop into bnb every once in a while :hugs:
Hey!!! How have you been??? Welcome back!!! Things are good here..OH left today to go back to the I'm hoping we got enough bding in!! Now its just the waiting game here!!
I'm doing good. I didn't have internet for a little bit,it was terrible not being on bnb, I missed all you girls, I'm so glad I found this thread again!

its nice to see you back in the ttc game! Is this your first cycle back?

my cycle this time is messed up. I feel like I'm more like 8 dpo not just a few. I don't agree with ff this time lol
This is me second cycle back to ttc... I'm not trying as hard now though... To be honest I'm a little scared to become preg again.. Part of me really wants to and part of me is terrified I'll suffer another loss..

How come you think you are 8 dpo .. Did u opk or temp?
I didn't opk this cycle so I'm really not sure
But I put some more info into my chart and now it looks right. I'm like 11 dpo now. I took a frer this am but it was neg so I'm hopping its still too soon

:hugs: I hope you have a great start to the new year ttc
OH and I are about to hit the one year mark. I have an appointment feb 27, I've been thinking about making a list of questions for the doc lol
I know what you mean about not trying as hard, I'm going to start after feb, its going to be hard.
My oh and I are coming up to our one year too .. My dr refuses to do any tests because all of my losses have been different types.. And since I've technically been able to conceive they won't test.

You had a dip on the 24th that looks promising!!!

Good luck hope 2012 is our year
When Is your one year? Mine will be as soon as af arrives. I'm thinking she's going to come on the 2nd but who knows.

My dr is going to put me on progesterone bit he won't do it until oh has a sa done.
Which were going to do as soon as we get our taxes done and have some extra cash. my doc mentioned clomid but with my history of cysts prob not. I just had a huge one last cycle.
This is me second cycle back to ttc... I'm not trying as hard now though... To be honest I'm a little scared to become preg again.. Part of me really wants to and part of me is terrified I'll suffer another loss..

How come you think you are 8 dpo .. Did u opk or temp?

I know how you feel. We are still trying, but I don't think I'm going to be too eager to do any pregnancy tests because I feel like I'll get a positive only to be let done a short time later. WOW it wasn't supposed to be this difficult.

This week I know of 3 people who had babies. I am so JEALOUS.

Jess--welcome back, was wondering where you were.

I got a surprise this weekend. The past couple of times I used my monitor I'd get a few days of high readings and then a peak. Well Saturday I got a low reading but figured it was probably best if we start bding. The next morning I got a peak. So I'm super glad that we did bd the night before. I wonder what happened to my high readings???? Mind you I did start the monitor cycle one day late. So I gave it a bit of false info and it's probably comparing to past cycles. I have only used the monitor for 2 cycles. It was those 2 cycles that I got my BFPs though. So who knows maybe 3rd time is a charm. I can only hope. Got another peak today so OH is not off the hook yet.

I'm trying to play it cool this month and not stress--we'll see how that works for me!!! I think I'll keep myself busy with housework. Lord knows there's lots of it to be done!!!
It's kind of hard to say when the one year is.. I fell pregnant in dec of 2010 by accident.. However I lost that pregnancy in feb of 2011.. Started mcing on the 14th and had a dc on the 18th.. I've been actually trying since then ..

My ob did tell me as soon as I fall preg again to go see her immediately and she would put me on hormone supplements ..

Poas- that's strange about your readings.. Good thing you bd'd anyways!!

I know how frusterating it is with people having babies around you.. Most of my closest friends have babies .. 2 very new ones. I try to be a good friend and still spend time with them and the babies but it's very hard. I guess we will be testing around the same time.. When is af due for u??
AF is due on Valentine's Day. I hope she stays far far away!!!!!!

HAHA funny story. I had onion dip yesterday and for some reason lately when I eat a lot of onions I get severely bloated. We went to my parents for a family dinner last night and everyone was noticing my belly and I could tell they were wondering but not saying anything. Finally my daughter noticed how bloated I was and she blurted out. OH MY GOD are you having ONE mom? How embarrassing it was to tell them NO JUST ATE ONIONS!!!!

I did look pregnant though!
:hi: how have you been!
I'm so happy to be back on bnb! I'm missed all you girls

I think af is going to show wed, esp since I poas this am and its negative.

I know what you mean, my sister had a baby in september, my best friend just had her daughter on the 10th and my sister in law (prego with twins 2nd cycle ttc) is due in april. Everywhere I go there is someone prego, its difficult
Poas- I'm due for af the 12th but I'm going to hold off until vday to test ( if I do get to test) so we might be testing together!! Omg that must have been so akward.. I actually get that a lot too.. When ever I gain weight it's only in the belly so people are constantly asking me if I'm preg ...
I'm currently going to the gym now to try to eliminate that embarrassment

Jess- u still have a chance until the :witch: shows her face!

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