Please will someone wait with me??? AF or BFP due mid Sept!!

humm or maybe hes just tired or got things on his mind...when men have mental/ emotional issues that switch off andi dont even know there doing it...frustating but its true hun. tell him your ovulation and have to dtd tonight and tomorrow...say do you still wants kids with me? gurrr annoying hun for you but giving him a little reminder just might sort it out :) hope it doesx
thanks a bunch Babydeabreu that was very helpful!
Yeah actually I've seen in a few places where there doesn't seem to be any benefit to waiting. However baby deabreu you provided a lot more info than I've seen.
POAS- I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. I completly understand the stress of your man not being in the mood. My man is on medication that makes is sex drive lower..not to mention he lost his job and has been going through a lot of stress. Maybe your man is just feeling the pressures of life. I'm sure he does want a little one. I also find that men don't fully understand the whole ttc process and although you tell them that there is only a certain time I dont think they get it..( especially when there are so many stories of people having sex once and getting pregnant). My man regularly says it will happen when it happens...its very frusterating!!! I've been trying some things to try and spice up the bding...and I've been trying to do it more through out the cycle as well even when i'm not fertile...let me tell you I've had to get creative..but its working :)

Baby- thanks for that info!! My Oh hasnt been tested yet, but I'm pretty sure his little guys get lost all the time!!! I'm also pretty confident due to his medication that there aren't so many of them!!

As for me...even though I'm not really in my fertile window till tomorrow let the creativity begin!!! Man's on his way home from work...hopefully I can get some bding in everyday for the next few days!!
Ohh sorry one more question after that long any of you find that you start to get emotional around ovulation time??
First of all I would like to agree with skeet about men don't quite understand the whole process. It is true that from a young age in school we are taught that if you even look at the opposite sex without a condom or bcp you WILL GET PREGNANT!!! Last month my OH pulled the 'I'm tired' trick on me just when I got a really positive OPK (and I know I O very soon after my surge) I was so angry and he knew it! I was miserable when AF came and he could see that and I think he thought it was his fault (I let him). I let slip a bit of information about how small the window of opportunity was and a couple of other interesting TTC facts (all very casually but I could see the cogs turning in his head lol) I then told him at the beginning of this month in no uncertain terms that if he wanted a baby we were dtd everyother day whether he particularly felt like it or not. I explained the whole SMEP thing. I said if it was a sex day he could have it as much as he liked (not including zero!) whenever he liked so that added a little bit of choice for him lol My OH can't stand anything that sounds even remotely like nagging, he says it reminds him of his mum and he just switches off :dohh: so I have to be sneaky!!!

I do get emotional around ovulation and really gassy. Evolution probably doesn't want me to breed cos I don't feel all that sexy at the crucial time and normally start some sort of argument with OH. Nice one body!!

Can you check out my chart please. Does it look like I O'd on CD 14? I haven't had any positive OPKs so I didn't do the whole 3 days in a row thing
Hmmm it does look like you O'd on cd 14...strange that you didnt get a positive long are your cycles normally? I say keep bding just incase.. My gf was trying to get pregnant for a year..the only month she didnt get a positive opk was the month she got pregnant.

My Oh has turned over a new leaf this month..he is jumping me any chance he gets...which is very strange..I didnt even get to use my preseed last night because he caught me so off guard!! I dont know what I did to get this...but i'm not complaining!!!!

Scorpio- I've been finding my body has been doing that to me too!! Yesterday before my OH got here i was so mad at him because he didnt text me all day!! I dont know why I was mad..he's out working construction and I new he was going to be busy :dohh: I was just so angry ..then when he told me he'd be home at 9 I was mad again...LOL even though he had warned me the day before that he wouldn't be home until around 9....LOl I had no reason to be mad..but i was..I felt like I was looking for a fight:shrug: Stupid body...good thing i resisted the urge!!
Ohh sorry one more question after that long any of you find that you start to get emotional around ovulation time??

Heck yeah. I didn't know if it was just me.:sad2:. Sometimes being a girl is such a mess. On a positive note OH and I just had a complete blowout but it resulted in a nice long talk and great make up bding. Yes it was the well it'll just happen sometime and I told him not when your are most interested in me at the most infertile times. So there is still some hope of catching an egg this month. Only thing is have you ever DTD only to have it seem to go everywhere but where you want it?:shrug: Well I hope a few made it in. Kinda like an exclusive club:blush:. I hope it's a really BUSY weekend for everyone.
I hope you caught it, I hope I did too!!! That's if I have O'd yet. God it's confusing. lol
...and I don't know how you're supposed to check CM when there is always other stuff up there. SO CONFUSED!!!
I'm glad to hear you had some good make up :sex: and yes I have completely had it go everywhere!! Hopefully you caught it this month.. If not atleast now your oh understands how important it is to bd during certain times .. And that should increase your chances next month!!
I hope so too. About the CM I have wondered that too. I have thought that probably havlf the time people are checking CM, it's probably semen that they actually have. I always check mid day figuring that's probably my best bet. I did not notice EWCM until 1 day after I o'd so it looks like it happened 1 day late but everything else seems to point to the fact that it was right on time. Go figure! We need to be like the butterball turkeys with the little piece of plastic that pops up when we're ready, I think!

I am trying not to symptom watch but I know I won't be successful. How are you all doing with the symptom watch?
Hey, so after I was asking you lot to look at my chart yesterday cos it looked like I O'd CD14/15........ CD 16 I get positive OPK!!! I'm like Oh no come on we need more BD'in!!! It's just weird because my temps had already rose a lot.... The positive OPK did appear just as I recieved a moostone I had ordered...!

With the CM I normally only look on TP and I thought I had had no EWCM which annoyed the hell out of me after all the EPO, grapefruit and green tea I'd been having! Anyway after getting the +OPK yesterday, I decided to be a bit more adventurous today and go looking if you catch my drift. I did have a little bit of EWCM looking stuff- it stretched about 1.5inches- but it was creamy coloured and looked like it had some sticky stuff with it. Oh yuck maybe that was sperm...

The things we do hey?! So yeah I don't know if I have already ovulated or am currently in the process. I'm gonna go dtd RIGHT NOW anyway lol
LOL I say just keep DTD ...booooo!!! I'm so upset...OH had to leave today :( We wont get any bding in Monday will be the last day, then I guess what ever is supposed to happen will....Wont get to dtd the day of it sucks that work gets in the way!!
Let's just hope for long survival !!!! Stupid work. If that moonstone works I may just have to get one.
LOL I say just keep DTD ...booooo!!! I'm so upset...OH had to leave today :( We wont get any bding in Monday will be the last day, then I guess what ever is supposed to happen will....Wont get to dtd the day of it sucks that work gets in the way!!

ohh i hate that...spending all that time waiting for the big O to arrive then feeling so let down if OH has to work...praying that you have done enough Bding hun....sperm can last up too 3 days to fingers crossed the little swimmers have jump on eggy :)

sending you lots of baby dust xx
You know how you get maternity and paternity leave? I think you should get conceiving leave!!! Hmmmm we should introduce the idea to the powers that be!

So my temps did drop today and I'm guessing this must be ovulation. (charting experts opinion needed please) Do you O on the day of temp drop? I bloody hope so I'm bored waiting!!
Sorry I'm not a chart expert but I think u do o the day your temp drops! Thanks for the wishes baby.. I'm going to try and get one more in tonight if oh isn't too tired.. Good Lu k lady's we are all slowly creeping into the tww!!

Lots of sticky :dust:
Humm i'm not sure some peoples body temp drop when they o some just drop due to just natural body temp going up and mine this morning was low but my opks are negative..ive still got 4 days to go yet!! just keep an eye on it tomorrow morning and see what it says...i no that ruddish info but much as i do temping myself i'm finding my body temp goes up and down each day :shrug: but keeping an eye open as normally it goes higher when you o??? is some info :)

BBT charting measures basal temperature. Basal temperature is your temperature when you very first awaken in the morning. That means that you take your temperature before you stand up, go to the bathroom, take a sip of water, brush your teeth, talk on the phone, or kiss your spouse. In my routine, the alarm goes off and I stick the thermometer in my mouth. It's that simple.

To be accurate, the temperature must be taken at the same time every day. During the week, I get up at 5:30. I take my temperature at that time. That means that I must also take my temperature at 5:30 on the weekends. Fortunately, I don't have to fully awaken; I just let the thermometer do its thing and then I go back to sleep.

The easiest way to begin charting is to start at CD1, the first day of your cycle. Cycle Day One is the first day that you see true red menstrual flow. You simply take your temperature and record it on your chart. Typically, pre-ovulatory temperatures range from 97.0 to 97.6, although there is a wide range of "normal" temperatures. One day, you will notice that your temperature is higher than it has been on previous days. The general rule is that you have ovulated when your temperature rises .2 degrees higher than any temperature from the previous 6 days, and it stays elevated for at least 3 consecutive days. In general, post-ovulatory temperatures range from 97.7 upward.

hope that helps :thumbup:

I have 4 days to till i O....hurry up i want to catch eggy :) good luck to us girls xxx

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