POAS club for 20th-29th September

yikes Meg, that sounds like what i had when is still had my implanon...
i hope you find a solution soon!!! they have tried to figure out what's wrong i suppose?

Wellllllll... not entirely! I mean, the spotting didn't seem to upset my gyn much at all. She just figured it was O spotting, as it's not uncommon with Clomid, or so she told me. When I asked about a possible Progesterone deficiency causing it, she kind of blew it off with a "that's possible" and then gave me the fertility clinic referral. Basically, she's been in the game for a very long time, she has too many patients as it is, and doesn't really want to try to figure out what's going on. I know that's what's happening with her, and I know that's why she passed me along so quickly. I'm going to try Progesterone cream post-O this cycle (if I ever stop bleeding!) to see if it helps. If so, I have some good info for the clinic when I get there. If not, then I have some good info for the clinic when I get there! LOL

The bleeding is lighter today... not light... but lighter. It seems to be much more bloody CM than actual "period" bleeding... but I'm going to wait it out and see what happens. I have a sneaking feeling that it will stop with a day or so of my last Clomid dose, which is tomorrow. So, FX'd that all will be well soon enough!
well the pma has to keep flowing because it is the only thing keeping me going.
i am having the time from hell trying to find a white/nude colored strapless bra for my wedding dress. ordered one from mums catalogue but it was too small and hers was too big.
but my cocktail dress came through the post yesterday and is also too big so i must've lost weight. i hope not as my wedding dress wont fit! it fits everywhere apart from the bust! i will take it in. I HAVE TO!
dont need this right now, i need to chill out for TTC just one thing after the other.
i'm here alday if anyone wants to msn or pm etc. i am packing our stuff up for moving and getting ready for tomorrow.... GREAT DORSET STEAM FAIR! yaaaay. anybody else going??? xxx
whoot, i got my peesticks!!! fun!

tired from work... one collegue fell ill so had to cover
i think my natural HCG level is around 10... i got the most superfaint positive on one of my peesticks (they're cheapies so i thought i'd make a negative to compare lol)

so anything bfp should be more visible than that...

i'd post a picture but it's not worth the effort, i just know it's one of those lines that will not show up on digicam no matter what, ugh, booo :p
could you add my testing day for the 21st please :)

cinn, what happens at the steam fair? sounds like fun :)

butterfly... yaaaay for peesticks! fun times...

yay, i'm getting ewcm now so its go time!! we have a fun 'date' weekend planned for ov time so i'm extra looking forward to it :D sushi dinner and a movie... and... other stuff to spice it up! ;) woot! lol
added you halen.
mmm just lots of stalls, funfair rides, naughty calorie filled foods, hot cider, and mud mud glorious mud.
the website link is on my other thread. take a look it is my favourite time of the year next to christmas and thanks giving. (yes i do thanks giving and no im not american i just love to cook. lol)
had a good day at day care, very fun...
then visited our friend in hospital, she went into early labour and they're now stopping
the contractions so her baby can grow some more, it was a fun visit actually

FF gave me 5 days VIP account... i suppose everyone who doesn't already have
a VIP account got that? or maybe the ones who are a non-VIP member for a while now?
Can you please add me to the 27th on the list this is our first cycle and we are really excited.
So tomorrow is when the OPK kit recommends I start checking for a + OPK. I'm hoping I ovulate this month...just want to see that dark line on a test so we can get busy :sex:! Just asked DH if he was sure he was ready to TTC this month and he said "oh yeah" and then proceeded to ask our three-month old DD if she wanted a little brother or sister. So yes, he's ready too!! Let's hope we are as lucky this month as we were when we conceived our DD and that we get our :bfp:!
butterfly, that's cool that you got free days! and you ov'd early this cycle, eh? hope you caught the egg! and i hope your friend is well...

cinn, have fun at the fair! eat a funnel cake or whatever they have there for me! what yummy stuff does your fair have?

jeannie good luck with the opk's... what kind do you have? i didn't have much luck with them last month, but i have ic's... i'm going to use them up this cycle and see if i get a clearer answer! you just reminded me to check ff and it says i should start today! weeee :)

dh has been off on vacation all week so he should be rested up for this weekend - i'm supposed to ov on monday :D going back to the lake to see my parents for the day saturday and go swimming for probably the last time of the season... then we have monday off for labour day which is cool. its been a long week at work so if i make it through tomorrow i will be having a great weekend!
I'm on CD8, headed toward CD9... got a High on my CBFM. I'm hoping my Peak will follow soonish! Last month was CD12... so, FX'd!

Good luck ladies! Much :dust: to you all!
good luck to you too meg! how many high days does the cbfm give you? i don't have one...
I wish I knew, Hannah! LOL It's different for everyone, and even then it can be different each cycle! The "High" is like when your OPK starts to show a line or starts to get a little darker... but you don't know if it's going to be like BAM! POSITIVE! tomorrow... or if you're going to be posting a progression of your 9 days of darkening but not quite positive lines asking for advice! LOL

I O'd on CD12 last cycle... so, I'm hoping for about the same this cycle. Since the Clomid dose was the same on the same days... it would seem logical that I'll get my Peak within a few days. Probably a week at the most!
hannah... sounds like a good plan hun, well thought out.

megg... have you thought of trying agnus castus to regulate your cycles?

well went to the fair last night and it was raining then stopping raining then stopping. really muddy fun! richy nearly fell over was hilarious. lol
TJ got to pick a toy at the funfair. she picked some my little ponies. (mummy's girl)
we ate curry and chips then walked off the calories, (my legs are killing me) then pigged out on chicken noodles mmmmmmm noodles.
af finished on wednesday so i didnt have to keep trying to find a loo to change myself which was lovely timing.
now looking forward to my best friend (the bestman) coming over today, were going down to the tattoo studio to get a quote for him.
i really need to get and tidy the flat today, i was up till 2am this morning hoovering up all the mud we walked into downstairs. luckily no one was in so i got to hide the evidence. lol
and seeing as we used the three wheeler for the event we didnt get stuck ONCE in mud and just laughed at everyone attempting to do it in strollers.
one women nearly went flat on her face pushing her stroller through thick mud and we just sailed past her. hahahahaa i did pack 3 plastic shopping bags, 1 for each wheel to save me having to wash the pushchair covers.... am i showing intelligence here? lol
not usually my strong point. hahahaaa
managed to pick up some inflatable hello kitty dolls. they're about 30 inches tall so they'll look fantastic in the reception hall. only £3 each. BARGAIN!
sounds like fun cinn... but no funnel cakes!! that is the height of fair food or amusement park food here :)

arrrrggggg migraines!! my head is killing me today and i'm all shaky and queasy :(:( its hurting me to look at the cpu but i had to come and check bnb out before going back to bed! i'm an addict!! hopefully i feel better for tonight's bding! forget work... i'd be more upset to miss out on bding tonight :( *sob*
butterfly, that's cool that you got free days! and you ov'd early this cycle, eh? hope you caught the egg! and i hope your friend is well...

i'm not sure... nobody was supposed to see that :p lol
i filled in a higher friday temperature on thursday evening to see what it would say,
then took my temp this morning and FF changed it then.

it's weird though...
after two higher temps today my temp dropped, so i should be ovulating today
but i don't really have the slimy type of discharge anymore, it's more sticky again,
don't know what to think really
megg... have you thought of trying agnus castus to regulate your cycles?

Tried it once to no avail.. didn't really give it a fair shake though, tbh. Now I can't with the Clomid... no herbals with Clomid.. can counteract or over-react... one sucks and the other sucks WORSE! LOL

Good luck, gals! I'm out for the weekend. I'll be back Monday night! :hugs:
yay... migraine is gone!! a whole day wasted though... :( and no sushi date night either because while i was sleeping my dh invited my brother over and they're playing boxing on the xbox... booooring! i'll have to kick my bro out soon so we can get busy in case my migraine comes back. hehe...

butterfly, looks like you are going to ov today, eh? so get busy!! lol
Okay, so I have a light line on my OPK...waiting for it to get darker so we can get busy :sex:! I'm not temping or checking CM this cycle, just going by the OPK and we're going to use preseed...so we'll see. Hopefully I ovulate this month as I'm not sure if I did last month or not!

Good luck to all the ladies out there who are going for their :bfp: this cycle!!

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