dana i know what you mean with finally starting to think that this pregnancy might work out hahaha...
i'm so glad everything is looking great for you
you definitely deserve it after so many MC's. About the MS.. well i am not throwing up but I get really nauseous towards night time. So now i usually eat a big breakfast and eat dinner at lunch and then at night something small. That seems to working.
but MS is starting to go away a little bit. It's not as horrible as before, But the soreness of my Uterus stretching is so uncomfortable. Really ruins nights for me and the Peeing... Omg i feel like i should just sleep on the toilette XD
Nipples are still sore too.
I always wake up in the morning with such a soreness in my lower abdomen. Also cramps but they are the constipation cramps I think. Cause i am super constipated...
I just can't wait till this first trimester is over.. hahaha..
Got another ultrasound on tuesday so can't wait to see how the baby is doing ^^
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with the MS. But just think that it's good you have it. Apparently the stronger you have it the more nestled up the baby is in there. ^^ so just try to reassure yourself with that hahaha... thats what I do when i feel sick. Or whine to my DH and cry about it.
here is a big
and hoping that it's over soon for you ^^