Just got this from Gail -
Below is your pregnancy outlook:
Linking in around you, I do feel you have a content path, but I pick up on frustrations around not having another pregnancy as yet in your life, I feel this is very important you and I feel is the main focus around you and your path at this time
I link strongly with a lady who comes in around you from the spirit world, and because of this ladies maternal feeling towards you, I sense that this lady would be a Grandmother or mother figure and she wants you to relax and is showing another child ahead, she sends alot of love and also healing to you and your emotions, as I feel youmay have had many dissapointments around your ttc journey along the way
Other areas of your life do show as also content, but I feel they can be slightly over shadowed by your need for another baby, you have alot of love to give and do feel the waiting is now taking its toll on your path
I do see is by August, around the end of the month, 2012 I feel you will have conceived, and I see celebration around you
I pick up on a baby boy born 2013, and I feel all is well around pregnancy itself, labour and birth, and feel he will be quite petite around 6 lbs, also the 27th of a month is showing around him
A lovely path awaits you
So to clarify I see 1 child ahead for you and wish you all the best for the future xxx