Not puzzles for the cats lol!
He doesn't particularly enjoy the nursing at Rampton, not the same as open psychiatry or working in the community. But he loves the union stuff! And to be fair particularly the Labour link stuff he uses as a way in to meet people to fight with our long term cause with regards to Archie and stopping the use of Formalin. He met an MEP last week who was very interested!!!!!!!!!
Okay so I have a question. Nausea, sore breasts, indegestion can all be pre-AF symptoms for me, particularly as I've got older (don't want to frighten you all but it all gets worse with age
). But yesterday and today I've had almost like hot flushes, I think I remember going hot when I felt sick with Archie, does anyone have this as a pre-AF symptom or as a pregnancy symptom?????