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Rainbow Makers - WTTAL, NTNPAL, TTCAL & PAL friends

There's nothing wrong with using anything again if I have a girl nxt I will use everything I have for leyla if it's a boy then I will have to buy new as everything I have is bloody pink apart from the Moses basket and cot and nursery furnitue!! I said exactly the same thing as you linzie I wnt buy another thing next time and I'll have everyone running around for me once baby is here it so weird it's like u ppl are the only ones who know how I feel and everything I think or say is exactly what I'm thinking!!! I feel like bnb is my life at the moment I know it's sad but it's true!!
Loads of ppl I know r ttc and It will break my heart the day one of them tells me their pregnant I feel awful for feeling like this but can't help it!! X
Its not our fault we feel like this, i really hope you get your bfp soon, all of you! Yeah i don't mind you all leaving me behind lol i'll do my best to catch you all up next year!! xx
thats why we all get strength from these groups its because anthin we say or think somone else has already sed and thort them before us and it jsut confirms we arent goin mad, we are jsut hurting and it will get easier but probably never better... and yeah i all beautiful girls clothes no neutral at all but the nursery stuff was all neautral its mamas and papas hodge podge stuff dont no if uve seen it.. cant wait to get it back out again AND WE WILL HUN because like u im scared of ppl announcin new babies or pregnancys but one day soon it will be us... im not gonna tell anyone till 20wks at least.. well so long as my tummy will let me get away with it then wen we do tell ppl coz i already no i wont go past 36wks i can say oh and by the way im havin a baby in 16wks and i no they will be soooooooooooo happy for us, we deserve it so much and will be enternally grateful as we now no just how precious life is. x x x x x
Ano that's the weird thing it doesn't bother me when ppl on here get their bfps I think it's coz I know we all deserve it so much!!! I jst hope it doesn't take me a year or something 6 months max hopefully!!! X x
Ano I wnt go past 36 weeks either and I'll be the same wnt tell anyone till at least 20 weeks or even longer if I can hide it!! All my furniture was mamas and papas too it was the White Prarie one :-( I'll tell my baby and bump girls tho coz I will have to share it with someone!! X
yeah like the girls who have got them this week i think it is fantastic, and it gives me the courage to go on and get wot i want more than anythin in life..my take home baby. did it take u long to try for leyla?x x x
It didn't take that long really but u see I was on depo injection for about 4 years beforehand so I came off that aug 2009 but didn't get periods back till march2010 and didn't really try to get pregnant jst had sex when I fancied it then by the aug2010 I started to track my periods realised I had a 30 day cycle and then in oct2010 decided to use opk and first time I used that and detected my lh surge I fell pregnant!! So it didnt take that long when eventually got periods back but I knew depo would take a while to leave my system anyways x
What bout u, did it take u long with Lola may?? X
wow sounds like these opks are worth a go then. i didnt use them i have 28day cycles so wud calculate ovulation days on the internet then go by those... its took 2 goes with lola and wen we did catch i dont even remeber it happenin!lol we decided after 1st month of doin it by the book to jsut do it wen we felt like it and preferably around the right dates and it worked.. hope its that easy this time... x
Hopefully because the injection is long gone out my system i should hopefully go back to normal straight away but I haven't even had a proper af since I had baby did u go back to normal straight away meaning r ur cycles really regular again?? X
Not sure if i will pass 36 weeks, i hope not but i get the impression my consultant wants me to VBAC (not happening!) so in order to do that i'd have to have a cooperative baby that wants out early since they won't induce me! Think i'll have to fight to get good care and an early section but i will! I know i'll be on asprin the whole time its just convincing the consultant not to let me VBAC, i'm hoping if i get pregnant quick enough it won't be an option! x
And linzie u on maternity leave now then?? I took mine still I couldn't bare going to work jst yet I feel like I can't go back till I have a baby x
yeah ive had 2 periods in 10weeks and this last one caught me by surprise because i didnt think for a second it wud get bk to 28day that quick but it did.... altho they arent very nice i am "glad" i have them as means we can get goin on number 2 wen the test results are in... another girl who i have met through another group is still waitin for her 11wks on and its drivin her crazy but i think she is stressin about it and that can stop it. x x x
Kelsyboo what ur name again?? I think u will defo get what u Want if u ask for it coz u will b classed as high risk nxt time!!! X
Yeah I reckon stress stops them! Well let's see if mine comes back soon I know I ovulated last tues or wed coz opk said I did so shud get a period next week x
vaginal birth after cesarean (vbac), he's an idiot, he says i won't be any higher risk since there was no reason for the abruption, he said theres only 5% chance of it happening again, i know i'll have to fight him for extra scans ( i had extra this time, one 3 days before i had Evan) but i'll fight for it! x
fingers crossed af doesnt show but if she does hun dont panic its a good thing that ur bodies working properly and it will happen.. and yeah im on maternity im goin back beginnin of september i am deputy manager of a nursery and baby room supervisor its gonna be soo hard my assistant is pregnant and due in december and lola shud of been startin nursery in january with me wen i went back to work... im not sure if im goin bk to soon but i no that sittin at home doin nothin and thinkin bout it all day is also doin me no favours.. x x
My cycle is back to normal, had one bang on 4 weeks after Evan was born and just had my 2nd x

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