Heya girlies! I'm here and have been meaning to catch up, but this thread moves so quickely I never have time to catch up properly.
Thankfully the front page gives all the important info!
Congrats to Kayleigh and Sassy!!!
I missed some due dates too girls, i'm sorry. Will light my memorial candle and post some pics. RIP and fly high sweet Angels.
AMF....had midwife appt on Tuesday. Went well, except for when I started crying and couldnt stop. I finally calmed dowm enough to finish my history. I was given a shitload of info to read but i dont think its anything I dont know.
NT scan today. Again, I cried before she started. Then i cried more when we saw beautiful Midge and a beautiful heartbeat. Everything looked perfect ...except.... 2.5mm nuchal fold. Going by ultrasound alone this puts me at borderline high risk, but she will have a look at my bloods and put the report together for my doctor. She thinks everything will be fine, but due to my age (an ancient 35) I may still be considered high risk. I have an appt with OBGYN on Tuesday, who may decide to order another scan at 15w along with an amnio depending on what my risk looks like combined with blood result.
But...for now a heartbeat and perfect measurements. I'm on