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Rainbow Makers - WTTAL, NTNPAL, TTCAL & PAL friends

Taken yesterday evening.

Archie's special candle for his special friends, Evelyn and Riley Rae :hugs:

For Evelyn & Riley Rae.jpg For Evelyn & Riley Rae 02-08-11.jpg
hello ladies, today for me is 7dpo and ive been spotting a bit of browny/pinky discharge? im confused as i dunno what it is. any ideas?? x x
remember i had baby 27th June2011 bled for 4 weeks and then i started using opk and got my smiley last tuesday so havent even had a proper af yet!!! x x
Hi all. Dani yes I do have fb wasn't sure if you wanted me to add you or not as I have a few pics of my LO on it?
The spotting could well be implantation bleeding! You're about the right time for it, is it definitely just spotting and not the start of AF?

I have bleeding today, am assuming it's AF :( It could be implantation bleeding but I'm not getting my hopes up tbh it's more likely AF as we only DTD once.
add me delish daisy bichon same pic as my one on here hun x x
and ive only had it when i wiped once i keep going to toilet and nothing more but i dnt wanna get my hopes up x x
Girls I hope it is impantation bleeding for the both of you, not AF coming xxx
i never had implantation bleeding with Leyla have any of you ever had it before?? x x
Thanks girls, I think I know in my heart it's AF as it's very, very light but not just spotting either. Suppose I can try properly now though.
Dani yours sounds much more hopeful than mine though! Adding you on fb now hon.
Yeah I had it last time but not the first time. Last time I thought it was AF so didn't test until it stopped a day later!
ive accepted delish, ahh ur lil girl is so cute. when u said lo i thought u meant gabriel!! i dunno what my bleeding is delish i have a bit of cramp too so prob is my bloody af coming no more blood as of yet tho x x
the cramping could be implatiation cramps........... come on Dani PMA PMA!!! :haha:
i dont want to get my hopes up hannah for them to be shattered i jst keep thinking it wnt happen the first month of trying (as much as i would like it to) x x
Sorry dani, yeah I meant A - I didn't want it to upset you or anything, I'm never sure xx

If you've had no more blood I'm still thinking implantation!
I'm still getting it, it's so much lighter than AF has ever been for me but the pink is getting redder so I'm 99% sure it is AF :(
I know I should think positive as I knew it was so unlikely and now I can try properly with a proper cycle to track, but right now it still feels like another knife in my heart. :( I know now why they say you need to be mentally prepared to TTC after loss, it drains yet more strength I don't think I have in the first place
Na doesn't upset me Hun, jst upsets me when I see newborns really and in person not on pics!! My spotting has went I cnt stop going to toilet to check for more I dnt think mine is implantation tho jst think it's coz my cycle doesn't know where it is at the moment!! I keep thinking if it's my period then I'm glad it's came early then that means I'll hopefully ovulate sooner rather than later x x
hi ladies hope you dont mind me joining in, i have been reading this thread for awhile now just never posted. My name is nicky and just wanted to say really sorry for your losses :hugs::hugs:

Dani86 just to let you know ive always has implantation bleeding and have always thought cramps were so bas that af would show up any time but then it eased off. I also had this ( well am hoping it was) last week but i also think i couldn't be so lucky to fall again as quick. I mc 4/7 at 13wks iam currently 30days with no af as of yet. :hugs:
Heya girlies! I'm here and have been meaning to catch up, but this thread moves so quickely I never have time to catch up properly.
Thankfully the front page gives all the important info!

Congrats to Kayleigh and Sassy!!!

I missed some due dates too girls, i'm sorry. Will light my memorial candle and post some pics. RIP and fly high sweet Angels. :kiss:

AMF....had midwife appt on Tuesday. Went well, except for when I started crying and couldnt stop. I finally calmed dowm enough to finish my history. I was given a shitload of info to read but i dont think its anything I dont know.

NT scan today. Again, I cried before she started. Then i cried more when we saw beautiful Midge and a beautiful heartbeat. Everything looked perfect ...except.... 2.5mm nuchal fold. Going by ultrasound alone this puts me at borderline high risk, but she will have a look at my bloods and put the report together for my doctor. She thinks everything will be fine, but due to my age (an ancient 35) I may still be considered high risk. I have an appt with OBGYN on Tuesday, who may decide to order another scan at 15w along with an amnio depending on what my risk looks like combined with blood result.
But...for now a heartbeat and perfect measurements. I'm on :cloud9:.
Hello to you heavyheart xxx

Mellybelle I think I will be in tears at every appt too when my time comes, hugs to you, I hope they're being gentle on you? Hooray for a healthy beating heart. x
So far everyone has been very understanding and allowed me time to calm dowm before carrying on. I feel sorry for every doctor, sonographer and midwife I have to see though. They get to experience and crazy, snotty, sobbing lady.

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