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Rainbow Makers - WTTAL, NTNPAL, TTCAL & PAL friends

Bless you. They'll start stocking up on tissues when they're expecting you in!
The sonographers break out the tissues as soon as I walk into the room.
For Sassy https://www.babyandbump.com/stillbi.../208995-article-wrote-pregnancy-magazine.html
I just read your article again Tasha. Makes me cry every time. :cry: :hugs: Its so heartbreaking. And to think that since writing that article you have gone through it all over again. :cry:
Hello everyone, so sorry i have been awol alot this week. I have been so busy with work :(

Welcome :wave: Nicky (heavyheart) I am glad u have joined us, there is a great bunch in here xxx Let me know what details u want on 1st post xxx

Melly I am so glad they are on to things with the results u have, I am sure everything will be fine, but I am so glad they are being good with you. I cant beliove midge is nearlt 13 weeks already xxx

Dani/Claire Sorry AF got you both girls, xxx

I hope everyone else is ok. I am going away tomorrow so prob wont get a chance to come on much on the weekend. But I will be thinking of you all xxxxx
I am away too so hope all are ok and happy weekend xx

hann - could you look out for evelyn's stone and check it looks ok. Hope you have fun at mezza. xxx
I am away too so hope all are ok and happy weekend xx

hann - could you look out for evelyn's stone and check it looks ok. Hope you have fun at mezza. xxx

Of corse I will SJ, I will make sure all of our angels that have stones there are looking good. xxxx

Have a good time away xxxx
I'm ok hann, still here... Have you tested today?

Thanks for the pic of the stones by the way, it's really lovely and Harri's stones look fab x

AFM - Not sure if I have ovulated, getting a bit confused by my cycles to be honest. before evelyn I was regular as clockwork and now I seem to be a bit more all over the place. I may have to invest in some ov sticks
ohh our bodies can be so confusingly shit cant they :wacko: getting some opk's cant do anyharm... well except turing u into a poas addict!!! just keep :sex: to make sure u dont miss that eggy

another :bfn:... but still positive this is my month for a bfp... just got to wait a little longer
<----- Just noticed I am now 'Chat happy' Should I take this chance, while they are away, to catch up the spammers??? :haha: :haha: :haha:
Congrats on chat happy hannah - get spamming before they notice:haha:

I hope you get your BFP x

Hannah - i hope you get your bfp too. Harri's stones look lovely, thank you for the photo. im so relieved to see that kaspers stone is still fine.

SJ - how are you?

well, ive ordered some opks!! you lot are turning me into a poas addict!!

hope your all doing ok. i know its very quiet around at the mo. ive been at work for 7 days and now off for 2 days so pretty much doing nothing lol

lots of love xxx
Lol jo i'll join you poas next week (new cycle!) but i won't be ttc for a while yet, just getting up to date with my cycles and enjoying poas!!

Oh great, they're rioting in manchester aswell now and my town is on alert!! WTF is wrong with these people? I don't get it at all, i really don't what do they think they will achieve smashing things up, stealing and setting fires? This is the UK not afghanistan but right now looking at the pictures i can't see a difference! Is it true that its all about taxes? Well they're going to go way up now to pay for the damages these idiots have caused!

Its becoming a joke now!

So how is everyone tonight, safe i hope xx
Hey ladies,

saw ob yesterday...and burst into tears...again. As I have no health problems he was happy for me to go under midwife care, but I told him i'm just too worried and want to stay under Dr care for a bit longer. He broke out the ultrasound machine and there was my beautiful bouncing baby. No pic on this one. I burst into tears again. He rebooked me for another Dr appointment Monday for doppler/scan for reassurance. He has no problem with me getting a scan to check for hb each week until i feel movement. :happydance:
Also my risk for downs based on my age and nuchal fold was 1:248, but when combined with my bloods i'm at 1:12000, also very low risk for the other trisomys. Big sigh of relief there.

Re: the riots. Its just ridiculous. Its so sad and disturbing to watch, and I agree Kelzy, it really does look like footage of afganistan. I say send in the army, no more stuffing around. Hit 'em hard and put a stop to it.
Hope you all stay safe.....
I'm pretty sure now is a good time for a holiday to my house! C'mon over!
*goes to stock beer fridge...again**
Lol Melly i'd be on the next plane!! If i had the guts to fly 24 hours with Abbie i would lol (school holidays!!)
So glad midge is doing well, its great that the doctor is willing to keep scanning until you feel movement, got a feeling they would laugh if we asked for that over here, well my consultant would anyway!!

The rioting footage on tv is awful, i'm nowhere near London and its not 'as bad' up here yet as it is there but its probably going to get worse before it gets better, i'm ashamed to be British i really am, may have to move to OZ where people don't embarrass their own country!! (nothing at all to do with the well stocked beer fridge lol) xx

I believe its daylight over there so have a good day melly and midge, i'm off to sleep now, Abbie's got her Autistic reveiw in the morning then i've got a driving lesson at 2pm, whilst also trying to pack for Blackpool on friday lol xx
Goodnight everyone xx
Hey gilrie, I hope everyone is ok???

For those who dont already know I got my :bfp: yesterday :happydance: Pics can be found here is anyone wants a nose
Saying congrats again to you hun! So pleased for you, sending sticky vibes to you :dust:

AF got me today so hopefully back to a normal cycle now, usually ov somewhere between CD14-17, I hope it's sooner rather than later! x

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