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Rainbow Makers - WTTAL, NTNPAL, TTCAL & PAL friends

Hello all new one here!

Well i was TTC this time last yr finally got my BFP in December 10,But lost my Angel in May due to Thrombophilia so now im in process of making my next rainbow xx
Welsocme Katleigh89 :wave: sorry u have found yourself here iykwim. Fx'd for your second bfp soon xxxxx

Let me know what details you want me to put uoin 1st post for you xxx
Melly your video is so moving, what a beautiful tribute to a beautiful little angel :hugs:
Ok for the front page I am TTC ( oh just seen you already added this :haha: but I am collie_crazy not crazy_collie although I am a bit crazy :p )

Also seen you have added Emily to the angels list :) if you want to add her gestation she was 17w exactly xxx

The birthdays is that our birthdays? If so mine is 4th August... 3 days after I buried my baby girl :cry:

Sorry I got your name wrong :dohh: updated really quickly and did not check back. will do the other bits now too.

The moses basket your mum in knitting is ammazing, I have never seen anything like it. That is such a kovely gift for an angel baby :hugs:

I hope the bleeding has calmed down for you now hun xx
Hey girls, How is everyone? Hope we are oll ok

Well my bleeding has just about stopped, so I will soon be back on the rainbow mission. do any of you girls ever get fed up of TTC. I am so over :sex: It is unbelivable how much I am dreading this months antics. So much so I even thought to myself last night that I might give TTC a break for a little while, but then I dont think I just want a rainbow... I need one... so that thought did not last v long :haha:
I lived and breathed TTC for such a long time, i was sooo sick of it. As I neared the end of each cycle i'd say to myself, maybe next time i'll have a break but I knew I wouldnt be able to do it. I wanted my rainbow too much.

Collie - the moses basket is adorable. So beautiful. xx

As for me, I think I felt a tiny little kick today. Just like a tiny air bubble go pop. :cloud9:
aww woww melly that it ammazing. I remember feeling Harri really early... like 12 weeks, but with Els I didnot feel anything until 19weeks :wacko:

I think it will soon be time for bump pick Melly / MM / NaughtySarah??????
I keep meaning to do one, then i forget. I'll remember tomorrow. i promise.
Hello gorgeous ladies

Goodness me, I have been spending too much time on FB and not been in here lately and have just discovered lots of new people - yay! Hello new people xxxx

Give me half hour and I'll have a read and say hello properly

Anyone new who wants to add me on FB it's Sarah Fellows xx
Collie - so sorry about the loss of Emily and sorry you had to join us here. It isn't fair! I hope your journey to make a rainbow is a very quick one. I will have a read of your story in a second. Sadly I don't have my story written in detail anywhere as I am not ready to do it but I do have a beautiful angel and if you would like to meet her, her pic in on the first page of my journal x

Kayleigh - I am going to get very confused very soon as we already have a Kayleigh so I may have to start calling the other one Spammerkayleigh as that is pretty accurate for her!! (waits for her to get back from hols as she will agree that I am right - over at least 3 pages...) I am so sorry for your loss of Brayden (a wonderful name) and equally sorry you have found yourself in here. I hope your rainbow comes to you quickly and with as little pain and as much happiness as is possible xxx

Melly - your slideshow was exceptionally moving and I am so sorry that your babies had to leave. I have only just realised the coincidence with our angels, both little girls called "life", both born sleeping, Evelyn born at 7.30pm on April 3rd UK time which is actually the same time as 4th April Australian time as you are ahead of us. 2 very special angels.

Hann - as I have said elsewhere - we are gonna be May baby bump buddies, I just feel it! (I read that we will be more fertile after chemical/loss!)

I also agree re bump pics, I need some motivation and I love bump pics as much as scans!

AFM spotting so CD1 should be tomorrow, 2 weeks to ovulation and counting...

Love and baby dust to all xx
Hey ladies.... MM is nearly back... look out we will have spam filled the next few pages before we know it.... haha only joking my lovely, we have really missed u, cant u tell :hugs:

As u can prob all see from my sigi... I do like ye olde pics/tickers so I got a lovely ladies in the sigi section to make us these. If you wonna add any to your own siggi jus add a [ to the beginning of the code xxx

Code: IMG]https://img64.imageshack.us/img64/3112/1457485db5cf939m3.jpg[/IMG]

Code: IMG]https://img24.imageshack.us/img24/3112/1457485db5cf939m3.jpg[/IMG]

Code: IMG]https://img691.imageshack.us/img691/3112/1457485db5cf939m3.jpg[/IMG]


Code: IMG]https://img641.imageshack.us/img641/3112/1457485db5cf939m3.jpg[/IMG]

Code: IMG]https://img20.imageshack.us/img20/3112/1457485db5cf939m3.jpg[/IMG]
I think we should all use the same one as a sign we are in this group - what does everyone else think?

Hann - will add the same one as you for now!
Welcome Kayleigh. Sorry for your loss, but glad to see you have come to join us :hugs:

Have added the rainbow pic too :) I love it! I think my sig is getting close to the limits though :haha:

I am still bleeding :growlmad: Its actually got heavier today! I was kind of hoping it was my period but this would be CD6 since it started so should be stopping around now not getting worse. I am so fed up with bleeding :cry:

I am going to pick up a package of knitted items for teeny babies from the charity Lisas Stars to take to my hospital in memory of Emily. I just need to build the courage to actually go to the hospital.

PS. Have you noticed that I am addicted to using smilies! :kiss:
Collie, are you on FB? We also have a secret group on there x

Sorry about the bleeding and hope it sorts itself out soon...

I know the feeling abt the hospital, I have a bag of stuff to take to mine but am scared to take it too
hi ladies sorry it's been awhile since ive posted on here but i have been reading to catch up :hugs:

Melly - so sorry for your loss, i cried all the way through your video, it was beautiful such a lovely/sad song. :hugs::hugs:

collie-crazy -also so sorry for your loss so sad. I do love your beach pic with emily's name, very beautiful. :hugs::hugs: ( i also am addicted to the smilies) lol

sarahjane - so sorry for your loss also, your so right in saying its not fair:flower: no one should have to be here. Ive been looking at your journal, your angel is beautiful and am sorry you lost her :hugs:

afm - am now on cd14 and pretty sure i ov over the weekend so been busy trying to catch that egg fx. I have good positive days then i have a heavy sad day every now and then, i sooooo want to be pregnant again that sometimes when i think about it it catches my breathe iykwim.

Hannah - how are you doing hunny?? nice to c you on here ive missed you :hugs: :hugs:

sending huge hugs and :dust: to everyone xx
I think we should all use the same one as a sign we are in this group - what does everyone else think?

Hann - will add the same one as you for now!

I think that is a great idwea SJ... I will get her to do one using the image we have on fb (same one as is my sigi atm saying rainbow makers.

Is that ok with everyone?? xxx
Hey Nicky hope u ok, and busy to it this weekend... we need more bfp's!!!!

MM are you back yet????

I have requested a Rainbow makers pic, will put it on 1sr post with the code etc wen she does it for us. xx
Hey girlies, i've officially come out of the preggo closet as of yesterday.
So here we are ladies. Fairy_gems has kindly done 2 different sizes, as if u girls are anything like me I may get a spanking one day soon for it being too big!!!

So here we are

Code: IMG]https://img717.imageshack.us/img717/7750/14726303357f63em3.jpg[/IMG]

Code: IMG]https://img811.imageshack.us/img811/7750/14726303357f63em3.jpg[/IMG]

I will add them to 1st post also. All you have to do is put a take off the but taht says CODE: and add a [ to the beginning for it to show as a pic in your siggi xxx

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