Aww bumble b i think its good you are gonna wait a while until testing. poas is so addictive though isnt it!! everything crossed for you love
Loobs, im sorry the old hag is on her way

sounds like you really suffer with cramps, must be awful! I used to get horrible cramps when i was in my teens, although its much better now. And i think its a cracking idea, going to see a gyno and getting everything checked out, even just for your own peace of mind! theres something very reassuring about having medical people on-side, as it were.
Lisa, all this talk of roast dinners is making me hungry!! *drools* havent had a roast in forever.... must do one one of these days. i never used to bother when jack was little but now he is old enough to really get stuck into one i shall have to make the effort! and hooray for ovulation!!!

really hope you catch that eggy this time sweetie, you deserve that bfp so much!! have you made another appointment with the FS yet?
Bexx, sorry you have been feeling so rotten

it seems so unfair, something as wonderful as being pregnant has to be so hard in the beginning! you're on the home strait now though hun, hopefully the MS and the tiredness will start lifting soon

And good luck with the house stuff, selling a house must be so stressful. we are hoping to buy at some point but with no deposit and the economy being the way it is, i doubt it'll happen for quite a while! what sort of place are you looking to buy? are you moving so you have more space for the bub?
Erin, how's your weekend going? hope you're having a nice restful one!
Well, im back to work this week! i have to say im actually quite looking forward to it after being stuck in the house away from everything for a week. i hope im working with some good people, lol. makes the shift go so much quicker when you have a laugh!
Feeling a lot better in myself after last night, getting dressed up and going wild is chicken soup for the soul. When youre a mummy its easy to forget that you are also a woman, you know? Ended up going back to my friend Martin's house after the pub and fell asleep for half an hour!! lol i was so embarrased, i hate the thought of people seeing my funny faces when i'm asleep!!!

ive known him for years though so it wasnt too bad, he's seen me in some states before so i shouldnt be embarrased really!
However much i want another baby, i will miss my re-found social life when i finally get pregnant! just got to keep reminding myself that my friends and the pub will still be there in 18 months or so when i am ready to start partying again!! hehe.
DEFINITELY going to BD tonight, i am amazed by the amount of EWCM i am getting

much more than last month which is what is leading me to believe i didnt actually ovulate at all before.