Morning All...
Hayley~ Aww give her a whack from me to hun

....hoping it's just implantation bleeding and not the old witch on her way
Didn't get upto much last night except watching the X-Factor.....I have no clue who is going out tonight...I have a feeling maybe Jamie

Anybody else watch it?
Lisa, that was a bloody good guess lol. Though I was really hoping it would be Ollie.

....Next weeks prediction is.....

Any other cravings going on there? I never really thought I had any at the time but looking back I used to stand at the sandwich counter like a wally on another planet if they didn't have tuna mayo...cos that was all I fancied and I couldn't begin to imagine eating the other selections

Hope you get sorted with the house-issue hun
Im_mi~Morning Lovely

What you upto today? Are you officially in the tww now? Thank-you for your sweet words yesterday hun

.....I'd be on

if it happened this month....and cloud 109 if we all get our bfps together. It will be a year ago that I lost Lil Bean the day after boxing day and the twins due date was the 4th Jan so as much as I'm trying not to dwell on occupies more mind space than I want it to most of the time. I guess even thou I will never forget them it would be nice to have a Lil Bud to focus on.
Erin~Aww Yay for a good time with Hubby...


for your tww!
Loobi~I hope you're feeling better after all that bending over yesterday...

How's your morning going so far? Has the witch arrived yet?
Well I don't know about you guys but I am getting bored of my cycle this month

....and I do seems like a blinking saga even to me

More spotting/light bleeding yesterday which thankfully stopped in the evening to allow me to feel comfortable to bd...hate doing that when I'm spotting but I guess as it seems to be an O sign I've got to roll with it. Took my temp this morning and it had dropped again so there is still no tww yet

Feeling a bit who knows
Heaps of

and Ooooodles of Love xxxxx