remember remember my bfp this november!

Loobs, i can completely relate to that. I'm quite overweight and i find myself getting very, very self conscious when i go out. i just ask myself each time i go out - whats the worst that could happen? so what if people look at me or think i am fat? i know it isnt as easy as that but it does help a little :hugs:
Didn't get upto much last night except watching the X-Factor.....I have no clue who is going out tonight...I have a feeling maybe Jamie:cry: Anybody else watch it?

Lisa, that was a bloody good guess lol. Though I was really hoping it would be Ollie.

Bexx, sorry you have been feeling so rotten :( it seems so unfair, something as wonderful as being pregnant has to be so hard in the beginning! you're on the home strait now though hun, hopefully the MS and the tiredness will start lifting soon :hugs: And good luck with the house stuff, selling a house must be so stressful. we are hoping to buy at some point but with no deposit and the economy being the way it is, i doubt it'll happen for quite a while! what sort of place are you looking to buy? are you moving so you have more space for the bub?.

Oh, it's certainly a pig, the nausea is quite bad today and the only foods I fancy are ones we haven't got in the house lol. I wanted sausages so badly earlier.

The house sale is depressing us a bit. Though we have a decent enough amount of equity to put down a sizeable deposit (hubby bought this place during the mid-90s housing slump) the bank has offered us a rather pitiful mortgage amount so it will be a struggle to find what we're after. We've been desperately wanting to move to the country for ages because we hate the busyness of town. Now that baby is on the way, we do need a little more room (particularly an extra bedroom) and I don't think I can deal with our irritating neighbours while looking after a LO. I'm really hoping we can make the move before he/she comes along, if worst comes to worst we will free up some of the equity and rent instead.
i woke up to a bit of spotting today :cry: not sure if it's coz we bd last night or if the :witch: is on her way!

looks like i'll be trying out clomid at the weekend!

what is everyone up to today? i'm working until 6:30 but i will hopefully come home to a nice tidy...empty of kitchen room so i can watch the tele without a washing machine in the way :rofl:

i'm off to beat up this :witch: coz she isn't welcome in the joyce house for the next 9 months!!!!! :grr:
hi girls...

Hayley, i hope its not the start of :witch: for you lovey...

well, she has just parked her broomstick outside my door for the next 5 or 6 days....its ok, i knew she was on her way anyway, so, its onto the next month.....

starting with the healthier eating today, have to, i can feel the bit of weight i have gained in the last few months.... gotta get it into check, cos otherwise it will be stones i have gained not just a few lbs.... be good for a few weeks, and try o shift a few, then leave it for xmas, then start back again in new year....

ouchy, the backs of my legs are still hurting from my work outside yesterday..

not much news here really,

hoping you are ok Jenny.....

Lisa, are ya with me today????

lotsa love all round
Morning All...:hugs:

Hayley~ Aww give her a whack from me to hun:winkwink:....hoping it's just implantation bleeding and not the old witch on her way:hugs:

Didn't get upto much last night except watching the X-Factor.....I have no clue who is going out tonight...I have a feeling maybe Jamie:cry: Anybody else watch it?

Lisa, that was a bloody good guess lol. Though I was really hoping it would be Ollie.

:rofl::rofl:....Next weeks prediction is.....:shrug:.....:rofl:

Any other cravings going on there? I never really thought I had any at the time but looking back I used to stand at the sandwich counter like a wally on another planet if they didn't have tuna mayo...cos that was all I fancied and I couldn't begin to imagine eating the other selections:dohh::rofl:
Hope you get sorted with the house-issue hun:hugs:

Im_mi~Morning Lovely:hugs: What you upto today? Are you officially in the tww now? Thank-you for your sweet words yesterday hun:hugs:.....I'd be on :cloud9: if it happened this month....and cloud 109 if we all get our bfps together. It will be a year ago that I lost Lil Bean the day after boxing day and the twins due date was the 4th Jan so as much as I'm trying not to dwell on occupies more mind space than I want it to most of the time. I guess even thou I will never forget them it would be nice to have a Lil Bud to focus on.

Erin~Aww Yay for a good time with Hubby...:hugs: And :wohoo: for your tww!

Loobi~I hope you're feeling better after all that bending over yesterday...:rofl: How's your morning going so far? Has the witch arrived yet?

Well I don't know about you guys but I am getting bored of my cycle this month:dohh:....and I do seems like a blinking saga even to me:dohh: More spotting/light bleeding yesterday which thankfully stopped in the evening to allow me to feel comfortable to bd...hate doing that when I'm spotting but I guess as it seems to be an O sign I've got to roll with it. Took my temp this morning and it had dropped again so there is still no tww yet:dohh: Feeling a bit who knows:shrug:

Heaps of :hugs: and Ooooodles of Love xxxxx
lisa.... ah yeah.... just wentloo earlier and the spotting has started....

i know what you ae feeling with due dates approaching, cos my little Jarrod would have been due very soon..... and it hurts like nothing i can even explain, an emotional pain, that is so much more than feels physical.......

Just was speakng to my mum on the phone, ( they live inNOrfolk) and my dad ,( he is actually my step dad, but been my father figure and grand dad to our children since forever) is having trouble with his prostate, and is feeling very poorly..they going dr this afternoon,to see if they can get something done, he is so uncomfartable....
my parents are getting on in years now, but i dunno, i always just assme they will always be there, when you hear of them being poorly, makes you realise .... it makesme very sad to not be in UK and be able to get to them....

i hate it here in Ireland, and i wish with my entire soul that we could return home....

Actually Im_mi, they were in your neck of the woods last week, they go every year to a manor house in devon for a week for a little holiday... i go , i been waffling at ya all again.....

Thanks Loobi:hugs:...As much as I wish nobody knew the's comforting to know that you're there hun:hugs:

I used to have a lot of childhood holidays in Devon to. My Grandfather had a tea shop in Hatherleigh (sp?) and then moved to Beaford....and now my step-nan lives in Westward Ho'....always cracks me up that name....not sure why:loopy:

Is there anyway that you could move home Loobi, if you hate Ireland that much?
I hope everything goes ok with your step-dad hun and they can sort things out for him:hugs:

Loobs, which manor house? because i work at the Manor House Hotel, wouldnt it be strange if they were holidaying where i work?!?! its a sport and craft hotel, ring any bells? im sorry the wicked witch got you :hugs: heres to this cycle! *raises glass*

Lisa, i lived in hatherleigh for 12 years! and i used to have a saturday job in the little tea shop!!! :O small world!

Hayley, i hope its just implantation bleeding sweetie! fx'd for you!

well i am officially in the 2ww! feel pretty positive about this month because if i dont get lucky i think i will feel okay about it. I am dying to be pregnant again, but life is good as it is now so if we have to wait another month its not the end of the world.
Lisa, i lived in hatherleigh for 12 years! and i used to have a saturday job in the little tea shop!!! :O small world!

Oh Wow! My grandfathers used to be called The Little Acorn. He passed away about 16yrs ago so I guess it was probably about 25yrs ago that he owned the shop....:shrug: I know I was really young when he had it...4/5ish.
The cattle market used to frighten the life out of me...:rofl:

well i am officially in the 2ww! feel pretty positive about this month because if i dont get lucky i think i will feel okay about it. I am dying to be pregnant again, but life is good as it is now so if we have to wait another month its not the end of the world.

Aww I hope you're lucky this month babe....But I want to award you a huge medal for that piece of PMA there....cos you're completely right:thumbup:

Has anyone heard anything from Jenny? I peeked at her chart and saw that the witch arrived the other day....hope she's ok bless her.

Well I've just had a very scrummy lunch of philedelphia light (little pot) and 6 Carrs water was dead yummy:^o:haha:
I'm trying alternatives at lunchtime because bread is a big weakness of mine so...only allowing myself 2slices on sat and sun and bread free thru the week....I will have gone stir crazy probably by friday and be able to not think of anything but bread but I'm gonna give it a go.
oh lisa, i didnt realise it was that long ago!! when i worked there it was just called 'the acorn' i think. haha yes the cattle market is quite something!! Me and my friends used to love going when it was summer holidays. My best friend and i once came home from the market with a box full of chicks, haha, we managed to convince ourselves that if we didnt buy them they would be going off to a mean old farmer who would mistreat them :rofl: i cant believe they actually sold a box of chicks to a pair of 9 year olds :haha:

Awww thats so sad that Jen got a visit from the old hag :(

So ovulation was supposed to be yesterday, but i am still having an abundance of CM? perhaps that means i am still fertile. doesnt really mean anything as we wont have a chance to BD again now until tomorrow night and im sure that will be too late. Hopefully yesterday's :sex: will be enough! i hope this 2ww passes quickly.

Going to visit my friend tomorrow, she had her first baby a week ago. Im sure i will be ridiculously broody after seeing him!!
OMG Im_mi.....My dad went there with his brother to stay and play uncle often goes there and takes my nan loves all the crafty stuff that they do there!.....Geeeez.....How small can one world be?!:rofl:
Any other cravings going on there? I never really thought I had any at the time but looking back I used to stand at the sandwich counter like a wally on another planet if they didn't have tuna mayo...cos that was all I fancied and I couldn't begin to imagine eating the other selections:dohh::rofl:
Hope you get sorted with the house-issue hun :hugs:

Mainly sausages lol. I find my cravings can change a bit every week or so, last two weeks it was takeaway pizza and mcdonalds. I've had a couple of episodes of wanting chocolate really bad too.

Funnily enough, my mum craved sausage rolls when she was pregnant, but because she is vegetarian she made do with eating only the pastry which had a sausage flavour. :D
oh lisa, i didnt realise it was that long ago!! when i worked there it was just called 'the acorn' i think. haha yes the cattle market is quite something!! Me and my friends used to love going when it was summer holidays. My best friend and i once came home from the market with a box full of chicks, haha, we managed to convince ourselves that if we didnt buy them they would be going off to a mean old farmer who would mistreat them :rofl: i cant believe they actually sold a box of chicks to a pair of 9 year olds :haha:

:rofl: That's So Funny:rofl:

I read that msg back after I posted it and I felt ancient for the first time ever:shock: My grandfather passing away seems like yesterday almost but for it to have happened 16yrs ago and still seem like yesterday....I guess that's the first sign of getting old!:dohh::rofl:

So ovulation was supposed to be yesterday, but i am still having an abundance of CM? perhaps that means i am still fertile. doesnt really mean anything as we wont have a chance to BD again now until tomorrow night and im sure that will be too late. Hopefully yesterday's :sex: will be enough! i hope this 2ww passes quickly.

At this point in time, I'm probably not best placed to comment:dohh: But they say that they can live for upto 5days in fertile cm hun so if it does mean that O is happening today the lil guys would be fine:hugs:
haha thats crazy!! I work behind the bar there, been there for 8 months now! :O you'll have to come with them one day and have a drink with me :haha:
Bexx~Any feelings either way as to whether Lil Munchkin is a girl or a boy?
haha thats crazy!! I work behind the bar there, been there for 8 months now! :O you'll have to come with them one day and have a drink with me :haha:

That would be fab babe:hugs::rofl:
up to 5 days, eh? i didnt realise it was that long... we bd'd about 4 days ago too, so hopefully they will still be hanging around :haha:

Bexx, i used to crave sausages too! they say that meat cravings can be a sign of a boy!
Hahaha....Im_mi...I was just going to say the opposite:dohh:
A friend of mine craved roadside burger van burgers esp.....all the way thru her pregnancy with her daughter....she's due anytime now again and has had exactly the same cravings...wonder if it will be another girl?

I think 5days is the max hun. I know with Lil Bean we were 4days before and 1 and 2 days afterwards.
I honestly have no idea of gender yet lol. Sometimes I refer to munchkin as he, sometimes as she. I think we may be bending towards a girl, but nothing feels certain.

Im_mi, that's interesting about the meat, though when my mum craved sausage rolls she was pregnant with me. :D
Hahaha....Im_mi...I was just going to say the opposite:dohh:
A friend of mine craved roadside burger van burgers esp.....all the way thru her pregnancy with her daughter....she's due anytime now again and has had exactly the same cravings...wonder if it will be another girl?

I think 5days is the max hun. I know with Lil Bean we were 4days before and 1 and 2 days afterwards.

isnt it funny how different everyone is when it comes to stuff like that!:haha: what did you crave during your pregnancies, lisa?

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