Morning Girls...
Aww Bexx....My Lil I.T Saviour!....Thanks for adding the link for Loobi...

For future reference how do I get it to come up like that? Sorry that you had a

day yesterday

Hope you're sausage and mash hit the spot last night...I used to eat loads of that when I was pg with Callum....that and pints of orange juice and tuna fish
Awww Imogen

You are so not fat and disgusting sweetie! You look gorgeous in your avatar pic!
Have you got tonight well planned? What are you wearing? Was it just an out drinking night or did you say you were going for a meal first? I think the last time Shaun and I went out together was back in august to see the film "The Proposal".....we absolutely loved it....thought it was going to be a complete chick flick but he was laughing louder than me at one point...along with all the other males...thankfully

Has anyone seen it?
Loobi~What are you upto today? When is Stir Sunday by the way?....I love the idea of it

I've got to give my christmas cake another drink today and have yet to make my mincemeat for mince pies.
Hayley....Get out of the cupboard

What have you got planned for today chick...hope you're not working
Erin...hope there's no more storm damage today hun and your guttering is hanging in there. Are you still on-call?
Jenny, sweetie.....please come back to us and let us know how things are going.....sending big
Well another low temp this morning as well althou pretty constant with the last 2 days....I'm not going to try and analyse it anymore just take it and record it and then think about something else.
We're off over to the in-laws later for more fireworks....Shaun's sister's son has cerebal palsy and absolutely loves them so we tend to have fireworks for two weeks running

I don't mind them but I absolutely hate sparklers always petrefied that one of them will end up burning themselves.
Right...I hope you all have a fab day and I'll be back later...

, love &