Hi Everyone

This is gonna sound very strange as obviously I'm sat at a laptop and none of you are with me but it feels really quiet in here....hope everybody is ok
I'm off work today as woke up this morning aching really bad and keep feeling sick as well...have contacted the doc to ring me back to see if he suspects the dreaded swine flu or not as work have to let infection control know if it is.
A tiny bit of news...I'm sure as I can be that I ovulated yesterday

...only to have spotting start this morning

Not a lot of hope for this cycle as we haven't been able to babydance these past couple of nights but hey ho...I guess time will tell.
Hayley~How's Rylee doing now? Was your kitchen in one piece when you got back?
Erin~.....it's almost time for that alarm clock...

.....Have got everything crossed xx
Im_mi....*Lisa shouts up to

* How you feeling today hun? Have you got many symptoms going on?
Bexx....oooh scan time is getting nearer

How's the sickness today sweets?
Loobi~Hope you're ok...thinking of you
Heaps of Love to Everyone