remember remember my bfp this november!

hello there..

oooh bumble b, thats brilliant news.... but hey, hopefully you wont need it after ov the other day

lisa, i havent really picked up the big sewingmuch, but have made a lovely santa for my friend, as i dont really have th emoney to buy people presents this year... btw, the one you described that you are doing....i think i know the one you mean, and its lovely...

bexx..thats so sweet of you to feel that way, but we all are so pleased for you.... we want you to pop in....

i am 9dpo, and as i already said, i am not hopeful really after the other day, i am not joking i was doubled over in pain.... but then it went away, and i have had some funny pains that feel like ov pains today.... but it is a pain i associate with af being on the way, hand in hand with the dore boobies which are absolutely killing me today...she isnt even due til sunday... my body is mean to me...

we drove over the border into the north today. it takes us 2 hours each way, but it is so worth it for us to get UK grocery prices.... i get heaps more for my money, i find it unreal....

erin, that woman is rather cheeky...i dont know howyou didnty say something to her, i would have done.... bloody cheek

anyway, just thought i would pop in and say hi.....

lotsa love to you

well, i feel like someone has stabbed me in my heart.....
my dd who is 19 and has no steady boyfriend ( if you remember she split up from him last week), has just done 2 ic that she stole from me today, and they both positive..... F**KING HELL

i am so angry and upset.....

this means i now have to stop trying, cos i said that if this ever happened before we managed to fall pg, i couldnt try again, cos it would be a bit odd for me to have a baby after my 2 eldest children.... cant actually believe it.... i am devastated...i guess that sounds selfish ay?? ah well, thats how i feel.... my heat is just broken a little bit more now.....
Oh Laura, I'm so sorry, what a kick in the teeth it must seem for you. :hugs: That said, despite your earlier promise to yourself there's no reason you shouldn't have another baby. I'm sure it will feel a little weird, but you certainly wouldn't be the first mum to have a LO younger than her grandchild.

You need to do what's right for you at the end of the day. If it doesn't feel like time to give up, then you go right on trying. :hugs:

Girls, thank you for the reassurance about posting here. I know it was a bit of a silly feeling lol, but I'd hate to come on here one day when one of you is feeling particularly down about TTC and only add to your misery. I really am hoping so badly that you all get to come across to the pg section and we can enjoy this experience together. I've met a few lovely girls in 1st tri, but I don't chat to them anything like I do with you. I think there's something particularly special in knowing someone when they get their BFP as opposed to meeting someone who's already had it. And believe me, I'm going to be over the moon when you all get yours. :flower:

Anyway, I'm rambling lol and I really only wanted to stop and give some :hugs: to Laura.
oh laura :hugs: bexx is right, i know you said you would stop trying before but honey it is up to you. You can do whatever you want to do. forget about social constraints and follow your heart! It must be really hard to deal with your daughter being pg especially an unplanned one. Here for you sweetheart <3

aww bexx :hugs: im sure we will be joining you sooner rather than later!!
trying not to think too much today....
i am stupid though, i caved and did an IC, of course it was neg.... i knew it would be.... i am daft.... so, the :witch: is due to fly in here on sunday ....

dont really know how i feel bout the whole thing now anyway, cos dd isnt mature enough to have a baby.... so i am bound to be lumbered with it...

do youknow, i have done so much for evrybody for so many years, that this one thing i wanted for myself.... its B****X altogether....

i just feel so sad.... i been up since 4.30am, awake since 3.30.... i just couldnt sleep....
i have cleaned laundered, ironed, and am now so tired i could go to sleep, in fact i just might do that...

hope everyone is ok today...

Jenny....arent you due to test???? let us know how you get on petal...

bye bye for now
You might be surprised at your daughter, Laura. one of my closest friends is approaching her due date and a year ago, i would never ever have thought she was mature enough to have a baby. she partied constantly, rushed into decisions, drunk too much etc etc so when she said she was TTC i was really against it simply because i thought the poor baby wouldnt stand a chance at a happy stable home. but she has absolutely proved me wrong, her and her now husband are totally settled and really strong together, she has completely calmed down and they are both so responsible. its amazing. you never know, your daughter might undergo a simliar transformation. i think we all know how much those little creatures change us. I hope you were able to have a little nap. I wish i could give you a real hug :hugs:

the hand foot and mouth disease is going away! yay! the blisters are starting to disappear and i feel loads better. I have arranged a wild night out for this saturday as it might be my last chance in a while! Cant wait to get blind drunk and dance like an idiot in the local nightclub :haha:
Hey girls....

Well, I probably didn't O until today....just based on my CP and CM. But I'm still feeling good about this TWW. If I can I will def. sneak in one more BD today, but I'm on call for the next 2 days.:growlmad:

We have a pretty bad storm raging here....a tropical storm blew ashore in Florida and has now moved up the east coast and is now settled here in Virginia. Lotsa sideways rain and wind. Left work early today because I also feel like I'm coming down with something. Feels like a cold. With this weather and this blah sick feeling, today is just a day where I want to jump back into my PJ's and go to sleep. I'm cooking some beef and veggie soup right now, because that's all I really feel like eating right now.

Hope I'm not coming down with the Swine flu! If so, might be a nice second vacation. Lol......maybe my wish of getting sick will come true.:happydance:

Well, hope you all are doing better than me today! Yeah, anybody supposed to test soon?
aww i hope you feel better soon! stormy weather coupled with feeling sick just demands PJ's and winter-warmer food.

Evening everyone...:hugs:
Bexx~Fab to see you back posting with us chick:thumbup:

Erin~oooh stormy me crazy but I quite like a bit of thunder and lightening...:wacko: Hope you're feeling a little better now.

Imogen~You make me laugh sweetie...hope you have a fab saturday night:winkwink: Any signs of O going on?!

Laura~I'm definately with Bexx and Imogen hun....if you still feel you want to try then nothing should stop you:hugs:
How's your dd taken the she happy? you think her and bf will get back together?...hope she's ok, should imagine it's a pretty scary thing to find out if it wasn't planned.

Hayley~Hope everything is going well in your kitchen hun. How's the tww treating you?

Jenny.....Where are you sweetie?.....I'm going to have to demand that these students of yours give you some peace babe.....missing you:hugs: Have you tested yet?!?....Got everything crossed for you sweetheart xx

Well folks my nipples are SOOOOO sore!:shock: Which I was feeling pretty excited about but I came home from work and had some spotting in my underwear. Went to the loo and it was bright red...not a huge amount but red all the same. Have some horrible kinda stabbing cramps going on now to. My cervix also felt pretty open, surely it shouldn't be during implantation?!:shrug: I guess I'm going to be be a Mistletoe Babydancer :cry:

Hope you've all had a good day...:hugs:
LISA! :hugs: we missed you! It aint over until its over sweetie, a lot can affect CP such as what position you are in etc. Ive still got my fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Well my CM has increased, and my last cycle was only 26 days so i could be ovulating in 2 days time, or 4 days! going to try to jump on DH tonight, he has been really tired and boring the last few days lol. Im fed up of trying to seduce him and being turned down!!
LISA! :hugs: we missed you! It aint over until its over sweetie, a lot can affect CP such as what position you are in etc. Ive still got my fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Well my CM has increased, and my last cycle was only 26 days so i could be ovulating in 2 days time, or 4 days! going to try to jump on DH tonight, he has been really tired and boring the last few days lol. Im fed up of trying to seduce him and being turned down!!
Aww thanks babe :hugs:
Just feeling a bit fed up with the body:dohh: I think I'm going to try and temp the rest of the cycle just to see where my temps are at....I haven't a clue what's going on in there....and it's driving me nuts. I had no O pain around cd13 and usually I definately get it....I've even considered that nipples are just on a planet of their own and that actually I'm about to O....i dunno....swinging from being O to 7dpo and back again all in the space of a nanosecond:dohh:...sorry for the moan babe:hugs:

Aww hope your DH is feeling in the mood later babe....tell him one more rejection and that's it you're joining a convent....he'll soon come around:winkwink::rofl:
Glad you're feeling better by the way hun:hugs: How's Lil Jack now?
hi girls, well the tww was going really slow but all of a sudden i am half way through it! my chart looks exactly the same as last cycle so far so looks like i'll be trying out the clomid! did a test today, i couldn't help myself, it was just sitting there looking at me! :blush: well i don't really need to say that it was a :bfn: i didn't even feel that sad coz it was nice to finally get to poas :rofl:

i'm not testing now until monday!

welshrose, don't give up, spotting is common at 7dpo so you never know, could be implantation :happydance: when are you going to test?

kitchen was plastered last night, looks really big but thats because it has nothing in it! plumber comes tonight & then steve & his dad are spending tomorrow doing some bits. i'm hating the dust & crap everywhere, my living room isn't very big but it is currently home to a fridge, cooker, washing machine & table! :growlmad:

where is everyone else in their cycles, i get a bit lost xxxxx
hiya bumbleb.. hey.. you're testing too early still may not need the clomid... fx.... i am 11 dpo, but the old battleaxe is defo revving up her broomstick to get here his weekend... ah well, i knida knew anyway, and am wondering with all thats been happening here if its just a sign that we are not meant to have another child.. i mean i willl be a nanna twice in 2010 now....nannas shouldnt have babies!!!!!..

hope all are well..... lotsa love everybody
i can't order any ic's, the check out page won't load up, so looks like i will have to control myself with my poas addiction until next week :rofl:

loobi, just because you are going to be a nanny doesn't mean you can't be a mummy again. you can decide your own future, nobody else. see how the next few days go, you may feel differently about it all xxxxx
hiya girls..
well, i have had major meltdown, and have decided i am leaving you....

i wish you all so much luck with your journeys, and i really hope you get what you dream of....

lots of love to you all

lisa or Im_mi, can ya let me know by e mail how the girls get on please, and yourself obviously... i really do still want to know, but i just wont be doing the bnb thing,..... lotsa love....
ok loobs, you do whatever you need to do hun :hugs:

bumble b, hooray for poas! :haha:

lisa :hugs: sorry you are feeling so all over the place hun. although i doubt temping would shed a great deal of light on your situation at this stage, could it?

well we BD'd last night but i kinda wish we hadnt bothered. for some reason there was no connection between us and i didnt bother keeping the soup in the bowl after. never mind. things are a bit weird between us right now, itll be ok cos it always is but i just cant stand it when theres an atmosphere between us.

roll on saturday night!!!
Hey Girls:hugs:

Aww sorry you're leaving us Laura but of course I completely understand:hugs: Will definately keep in touch by email hun...take care and lots of love:hugs:

Imogen...:hugs:....hope a fab saturday night sorts out all the tension babe. It can get a bit hum-drum knowing the nights that you should which sometimes aren't the nights that you feel like it....I guess to keep laughing, smiling and joking together is most important...:hugs:
I did temp this morning and I did it on tuesday as well and both times they were pre-O temps. Pretty sure that I'm gearing up for it now as I had a similar spotting pattern back last november. I had a thought today as well....I took high doses of Wild Yam last cycle in the LP thinking it would stop the spotting that was going on. If taken before O it can delay it...I wonder whether that is what has happened this month...and my hormones being haywire have upset my nipples????...Just a thought:shrug:
I'm off work now til next weds so plan to get some Luuurvin in :winkwink: for the next few days. Think I'm going to carry on temping and rearrange my blood test.

Erin~How's your day going sweets?....On the topic of winter warmer food my DH has made a fab beef stew for me to come into tonight after work....bless him:awww:

Hayley~ I'm going to stick a giant great big padlock on that bathroom cupboard babe:trouble::rofl: I've got everything crossed for you sweetie:hugs: Glad your kitchen is taking shape. Bet you can't wait til it's all done and you can get there and add the woman's touch to it:yipee:
I'm going to see how the next few days pan out babe with the temps and then see, I had said monday...but it could be a couple of weeks yet:dohh:

Jenny~Hope you're ok sweetie:hugs:

Bexx~ What have you been upto today chick? How's your parrot now by the way? Do you still keep in touch with Trynitey? Must pop by and see how she's doing.

Well I hope everyone has had a good day...:hugs:
Laura :hugs: So sorry to see you go, remember you'll always be welcome here. :flower:

Lisa, feeling quite good today, almost worried I'm too good lol. Remember what I said about over-worrying? :D I actually have several parrots BTW, but one in particular likes to be a pain in the rear, she appears to have gotten over her feather infection thankfully. I'm afraid I haven't been in touch with Trynitey, but I think I've seen her about on the forums.

Weekend is approaching fast again, excited to be 7 weeks tomorrow! :happydance:

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