September Sapphires

Hopie it's good to see you! I'm glad to hear your mom's surgery went well. That's good news!

I don't feel any movement either. I felt one kick a week ago, and when I realized it had been a whole week with nothing since I had a little freak out and ran for my doppler. Baby's heartbeat was 145 and all is well. I just get too anxious not to have one. Even my OB agreed it was a good idea and a lot of them are iffy about them. It wasn't too expensive, I think around $30. I really want to just feel kicks though. I try not to worry that I'm not really feeling them yet - I suspect i just have an anterior placenta :|

I hope you feel something soon! We both deserve more reassurance :flow:
16week(17weeks in 2 days) scan went welk yesterday but, We couldn't find out gender. So gutted about it. But, since baby was measuring fine I am happy for that.

Also, booked my 4D scan for June 13th.So,excited for that for a moment.
Yay for the scan sweety. Sorry about not seeing gender! I can't wait till my scan Thurs for the reassurance.

Hopie yay for the good surgery. I'm sure it was an awful wait. I hope this means she'll be feeling better soon.

Uni I ordered a doppler and it arrives the 22nd. I'll probably be feeling kicks by then. I might have to try some of your relaxation suggestions. I'm having a very anxious week. I hope baby is ok and can't wait till Thursday.

Beautiful sunny weather here. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Glad the scan went well, Sweety, aside from not getting to find out the gender. When do you get to try again?

Mack, I have an appointment coming up this week also. My anxiety is just about peaked, so I'm glad there's one soon but it feels ages off still! the Mind the Bump app really has been very help, at least in temporary ways. I hope you are feeling kicks by the 22nd! That would be wonderful :)
We can't find it for another month. That is why I am really gutted.
Sweety, that's ages to wait! I know how hard it was for me to have to wait just an extra four days, I totally get why you're gutted.
Sweety do you have any guesses? I always thought it was fun to speculate from my symptoms and cravings, and that helped the time go by a little easier. =)

I'm guessing a shy girl.
Thanks ladies. I think it's a boy based on symptoms (minimum ms, dry skin and gut feeling ) but, have seen two of my good friends here having opposite of what symptoms and their gut feeling. So, I am really not counting on anything.

mack, when you are gonna find out?

Oh, and the Chinese and mayan calendar has predicted boy too. Have you ladies tried it?
We are team girl. I have had opp symptoms so it will be interesting.

30% sure I felt baby move today briefly. Not convince it wasn't a gurgle from digestion though. And I was smart and got up to take prevacid last night so I didn't wake up ill this am. My doppler has shipped so maybe I'll get some reassurance before my scan Thurs.

Happy Monday everyone.
Thank you both so much! Hopefully my mom continues to improve from here on. I feel less stressed finally, my dad is back from the hospital and am getting more time for myself. I'm going for long walks but Uni- like you said -- hills are hard!! Uni- how long are you walking? I tried 2 hours on a flat beach yesterday and I was beyond beat!!

Congrats on the great scan Sweety! Baby wants to keep you guessing for another month! I don't know why- I was thinking girl for you like Mack said! I did the Chinese calendar and think you are supposed to make your age one year older? So it was a boy but if I do it as real age it is a girl.

Mack- thank you! So glad your MIL is doing well after surgery.
My scan is on Thursday as well! So darn nervous. I am not really showing yet and the nausea left me a few days ago finally. I am off least for now. Yay! I don't think I've felt movements but when I lie on my side at night, I do some muscle relaxation/breathing meditation to relax and I think I feel flutters but very low and I have no idea if it is just a gas bubble!

So I am with you both..soo nervous for scan on Thursday! I just want this week to be over and all of us to have our happy news! :)
Hopie, I'm glad you're feeling better! fx crossed for you and knock on wood, it stays that way!!

Had an appointment today, and all is well. I was a little nervous cause I'd had a small bleed the night before but she said everything looked fine with my cervix and not to worry. I already kind of knew baby was ok (thankyou doppler) but now I'm totally relaxed knowing cervix looks ok.
Hopie, glad you are doing fine now. Touchwood. All of the methods including chinese calendar can be wrong. It's just 50-50% chance as we all know. But, doing it fun way to pass the time.
Sorry if I have missed have you had your gender scan yet? Good luck with thurs. Scan.

Uni, Glad everything is ok with bubba. I am kind of very shy when it comes to being checked in that region. But, guess we have to do it anyway. I went in this time thinking it will only my tummy that would be checked but, no she poked me there too for cervix checks.
Great news uni. Sorry about the worry but glad you have the doppler. Can't wait for mine to arrive! My friend moved like over an hour away and was taking classes close to here but I hadn't heard back from my email. Then I noticed she's not on FB anymore. I hope everything is OK with her and might contact her cousin if I don't hear back soon, but I figure she must have something going on so I didn't want to pester her about a doppler I'd bought used from someone else for $15 years ago.

Sweety, I'm so with you on those appts. When I walk into the room and don't see the blanket for cover up on the table I breathe a sigh of relief. :haha: I think I have the poking around appt Thurs though but hopefully I'll still be so happy about seeing my baby again on u/s that I don't care. :D
Uni- SO glad your appt. went great. Yay!!! Oh wow- I didn't know they poke around in there at this time. Oh no. I really hate that.. I mean reallllly hate it! I'll hope it is just the anatomy scan on Thursday!

Sweety- thank you!! Yes, knock on wood. I had worst aversion to chicken and last night ate roasted chicken and was delicious! I am so grateful to be feeling human again. Please last!
No gender scan for me as I think I feel like the only person on the planet who is staying team green! I've always loved surprises. :)

Mack- hope you get your doppler soon. I wish I had gotten one for some re-assurance. Belly not getting bigger and no movement really makes me wonder. Plus past few days the fatigue feels gone. I'm only sleeping 5 hours and feel fine.

I hope we hear from Invivo soon.

Is anyone trying to eat all organic? I said I would but am really failing at it..besides milk and eggs. It is so expensive!!
I agree Sweety, cervix checks are by far my least favorite thing lol but it was worth it for the reassurance :) Hopie, I don't normally get them myself this late, but it just depends on circumstances and history. To be honest, I was sort of hoping she could just check with a scan lol

Thank you all for the kind words. It really was scary to see blood and a clot. When I went to use the doppler, my own heart rate was 120, and I was wondering if it went higher how would I tell the difference between me and baby! :wacko:

I was thinking about it, and I had worked out a little too hard four days before. Now I'm wondering if it was exercise related. :? I always thought if exercise was going to cause a bleed, it caused it right away not days later. But it's my best theory and I like it because it reinforces the idea everything is really ok.
I think that's a good theory Uni. I bet it was scary. I had read that exercise that is on the heavy side can cause that. Is your sickness all gone now too? It's great to have energy back to exercise, isn't it? I'm doing walking and lots of squats. If I get the okay from dr. after tomorrow's appt, I'm going to start prenatal yoga. Last scan the placenta was too low but praying it has moved up now so there will not be any worries. Hard to believe it has though as belly hasn't grown much.

Best of luck to us with scans this week. I hope and pray to have happy news tomorrow after anatomy scan! Enjoy your day and lovely spring weather, everyone. :)
I'm walking some, but not eating enough fruits and veggies. I am so turned off by both, and was just turned off of veggies last time so I'm pretty bummed. Today I'm making a sweet and sour chicken crockpot recipe and and chopped up bok choy and lots of peppers and stir fry veggies. I just did yellow and mild peppers so hopefully I won't get too much heartburn from it. :) I need to do better at getting in my healthy foods. I'm not eating terrible, small servings of meats, lots of grains, nuts, beans, cheese, cereal and milk. Jealous of you exercising. I still am totally wiped out energy wise, but started antibiotics yesterday for a sinus infection so maybe in a few days I'll have some pep back in my step. Going to ask OB tommorrow about checking iron and vit D again. Iron was ok last time but I did get anemic about halfway thru the pregnancy before, and my vit D was low and she started me on 2,000 a day but I haven't noticed a difference.

I'm feeling nesting coming in. And my MS seems to be gone but a bit of pesky heartburn. Luckily it doesn't seem to take much medicine for that to go away and stay away awhile, long as I take it at the first sign it seems to stay in check for just over a day.

Have you all had nesting yet? I think it's my fave...although it drives my husband nuts. Heheh. We are using the same bedding since it was pretty unisex, but I'm having the room repainted and doing wide, gray horizontal strips on the one big wall in the room that doesn't have window or door or anything. Waiting for the quote from the painter so I'm so excited. We usually paint ourselves, but every room has vaulted ceilings and I usually do the edging since I'm good at it. NO way this belly is getting up on a high ladder! I'd fall off in my normal condition. :haha:
Hopie, how do you have so much patience to wait for surprise? I Would go nuts. But, I an glad you are feeling alright now. Eat as much healthy you can. And yeah they do poke you there to check whether cervix opening is ok or not and I think she took some kind of sample from there. The curtain was closed and since it's all Japanese she keeps the conversation to minimum.

Uni, So glad everything is ok and specially you found out what caused it is best thing. If it's giving you problem I think it's best to keep the exercise to minimum. I walk But, not much. Because of my sciatic pain I can't overdo anything.

Mack, no nesting instinct here yet. But, I do managed to do my garden and dd's room. I remember it wasvery late for me last time.

Ladies, please help me with this. Do you have any remedies for sore boobs. They are literally killing me. Forget about my dh touching them, I won't even bear my dd coming anywhere near my chest. They are so bad. Please if any of you have any remedies let me know.
Sweety, YES to sore boobs. Sorry about that. Sleeping in bras helpse me. I bought some cheap, stretchy, flimsy "sports bras" at Walmart in Large and Extra large since I'm looking like Dolly Parton right about now. They are loose enough for me to sleep comfy at night, but they offer enough support that I'm not sore the next day. Seems to help throughout the day if they get round the clock breaks from gravity. :D
Hey everybody, sorry to go MIA but I've been really miserable this past while. Vomiting blood 4-5 times a day, doc thinks that all the throwing up has torn my oesophagus (Mallory Weiss Tear). I've finally caved and am taking the meds, and I'm feeling so much better that I feel stupid for not taking them sooner.

Sweety, I'm so sorry that you have to wait another month to find out what you're having. Hope the time flies for you!!

Hopie, I'm so very glad that your stresses are finally easing and that you're feeling better too. It's about time!!!

Uni, I think that a Doppler is a great idea, though bet you start feeling those regular kicks as soon as it arrives. What day this week is your appointment?

Mack, best of luck for tomorrow's scan.

I've been feeling occasional movement for a few weeks, but this week it's starting to be regular and every day. Today I'm sure I felt one of the babies somersault -- a strange but lovely feeling. Feeling a bit less miserable and feeling regular movements is really helping with my bonding.

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