September Sapphires

Sorry to hear about your mom's surgery. My mil had major surgery last Friday and was in icu over the weekend but going home today. I pray your mother recovers as smoothly. And my MS is almost gone. Sucks yours is still there. I'm still nauseas some and take unisom and benadryl at night but haven't had a zofran since Sunday. Hoping that continues.

Nothing new here. Just trying to pick out baby names but it's hard. Can't wait to feel baby girl move.
Sweety it's nice to see you :) I hope all is well with you, too?

Mack, I'm so eager to feel baby as well. I half believe I've felt flutters but I also half believe it was just wishful thinking. I long to feel something definitive!
Uni I think I've felt them too, but then I realize it's just a digestion issue or something. :haha:

and I jinxed myself. Had to take a zofran and heartburn medicine, but I had a touch of heartburn last night and should've taken something before bed. I think that made MS bad today.
Aww mack, sorry to hear that. I've noticed that heartburn makes things worse too :(
So, a few hours after I posted earlier that I hadn't felt anything yet, I felt something! It made me feel so very glad.
Uni, yes. Everything fine here. Felt strong movements yesterday afternoon two times but, nothing after that. Just waiting for Saturday so that we can find out gender of our baby. Week long waits seems forever.

mack, heartburn sucks. I had very bad hb in start of preg but, touchwood It's little better now. Hope you feel better soon.
Sweety I'm excited for you that you get to find out the gender next week! A week does feel like forever!
Ty sweety, it wasn't that bad but I was too tired to get up to take anything so it was much worse in the am. I won't make that mistake again!!

So excited you ladies are feeling the baby. I'm not one that hates being prego, but I don't love it. However I have missed feeling a baby in my tummy and can't wait. It is a special bond only mothers know.
Hi ladies sorry I've been MIa - we have been on holiday.

How's everyone doing? X
Caz, it's good to see you! :flow: how was your holiday?

So, on the other thread, we're all talking about our pregnancy buys. And I was having loads of fun with it, when all of a sudden I started thinking...

When I was pregnant last time, it seemed like I knew so many people who had a girl not that long ago, and people had bags and bags of clothes they said they wanted to give me. They were going to bring everything to the baby shower, but I lost her the week before my shower would have been. At the time, it was kind of a relief not to have a ton of baby stuff around. But now, I'm feeling sad because I feel like there isn't anyone who will be able to give me their old clothes now. It's probably just pregnancy hormones, but it's making me tear up a bit.

It was going to have been such a blessing last time to have gotten all those free clothes. I just worry I won't be able to get her enough things. For those of you who have been mamas before, realistically, how many little outfits do I really need for 0-3 months?

Anyway, thanks for letting me get that out. Sometimes I can really dwell on things and get myself very worked up with sadness. But, I feel like, having said something, I can let it go...
Hey uni, I understand your feelings. Newborns really don't need much clothes. In my experience, I ended up buying tons of clothes which was not very necessary in first few months. 20-30 clothes should be enough or more than enough (considering you won't be able to do your laundry daily). But, it is hard not to buy more when there are so many cute outfits for baby girls. I needed 2-3 change a day with my dd and that was enough. And yeah newborns really don't like to be in fancy stuff they feel uncomfortable so, I won't be making same mistake again which I made with dd of buying fancy clothes for a year or so.
I agree. I had 3 newborn outfits and probably 20 outfits 0-3 and for each round after that. My fave was the one piece cotton footie sleepers. You could tell little man was so comfy in those and he was snuggly and cute. Or cotton pants and onesie. I had one pair of denim shorts and polo for his one month photo and it was hysterical, he looked like a gym teacher. But if normal shirts and shorts didn't fit that well I'm sure foofoo girl clothes would even be more so. I have 2 girly outfits so far, but the tutu leggings I got on clearance I got in 1 year size. I did get one pair of corduroy overalls, but they're super soft so I think will be ok. Mostly soft cotton and sweaters or jackets without hoods so she can lay comfortable. And it's all still so tiny and so so adorable. Totally in love with the Carter's strawberry print right now.

Will you have a shower. I understand that might be hard, but maybe have a welcome shower a month after she's born? That's what my sister did with my nephew. And you'll probably still get a lot of hand me downs as more people find out your news.
Thank you both for your reassurance! It's nice to realize I'm closer to having what I need then I'd thought.

Mack, it make me smile to imagine your little guy looking like a gym teacher!

That's a good idea to have a welcome party! I hadn't thought of that, but it's a brilliant idea. I think what we'll probably do is have a shower, but it's not going to be as traditional as what we were doing before. It was going to be hosted for me last time by my mother-in-law and be very traditional. I think what I'd rather do now is just have a very modern co-ed shower, just invite all our friends over to our house and have a BBQ. The ladies can stay inside and still play silly games if we want to, and the guys can cook meat (their favorite! lol). I just want something laid back and not stressful. I missed out on having a shower last time, and I want all the experiences I missed. I kind of wanted it co-ed originally but since someone else was hosting I felt like I couldn't really make suggestions. This time, I'll just do it my way from the beginning.
We did co-ed and it was lots of fun. I agree. And the guys loved the silly games!! This time my friend really wants to host something, so I'm going to do a sprinkle and make it smaller just to stock up on girl things. We have all the basics so I don't think I'll even register anywhere. I don't want to be selfish or tacky, but my MIL, sis and best friend really want to do something so I'm comprimising. I think everyone is really excited about a girl so it should be fun. Totally doing a co-ed BBQ this time at our house, as my friend is in the middle of selling hers.

How is everyone doing?

Caz did you have a nice holiday? I'm jealoous. We don't get maternity leave at the US government, booo, so I have to save all my vacation time.
I'm going to do a sprinkle and make it smaller just to stock up on girl things.
Caz did you have a nice holiday? I'm jealoous. We don't get maternity leave at the US government, booo, so I have to save all my vacation time.

"A sprinkle"? That is soooo cute!

I am in disbelief that not even the federal government has paid maternity leave! Do you at least qualify FMLA time?

I'm a contract employee, so I just won't take any contracts for a while. Financially, we'll take a hit but at least I can take my time about returning while still knowing I have something to go back to. If I skip a contract period, it will be five months before the next one starts, so I'll have that whole time off. I'm feeling pretty blessed about that, having all that time even though I haven't worked out the budget for it yet. But I am appalled that the US government doesn't give paid leave! If they won't even give you enough time off, what hope for the rest of us!!?

I try not to get too political on here, but I will say paid family leave is my Number 1 issue right now. I just think it's ridiculous we expect some women to go back to work after only two days :nope:

Sorry, I'll get off my soap box now! I'm glad you have some vacation time saved up, Mack! How long will you be able to stay home? What's everyone else doing for maternity leave?
I get unpaid leave, so like you it's quite a hit on the budget. I think it will change, maybe by 2020.

I hate the days you don't feel pregnant. I'm feeling that way today. =/
Not really. I let a friend of mine borrow my doppler a few years ago as she was prego right after I had Finn. She moved farther south and one time I was going to pick it up but someone or anothers kid was sick. I need to go get it! I tried the app on iPhone but it's really only designed to work in 3rd tri, and I'm so used to how a doppler sounds it didn't really work for me. I think I heard her moving around though.

How is everyone doing?
I would encourage you to go get that doppler! I have a lot of not feeling pregnant days, and it really helps. I heard the itunes one is kind of sucky. It would be neat if it would actually work. I'm glad you got to hear her move though! Getting to hear little kicks on the doppler is one of my favorite things <3 Second only to feeling them, of course :laugh2:

I'm increasingly nervous for my anatomy scan in 3 weeks. I know I shouldn't be, but it is what it is. I downloaded a hypnobirthing app which I'm not supposed to really use till third trimester, but it has a sound sleep segment which has been helping my insomnia. I also got another app called 'Mind the Bump' that has short mindfulness meditations that I've been finding helpful. Normally, I don't like guided meditations and find them kind of hokey but it's been actually relaxing and helping my anxiety.
Hi everyone!
Hectic week but happy to say my mom's surgery went well. I waited a nervous wreck 5 hours when thought it would be just one. So grateful she is home and hopefully this cures the infection for good.

Glad everyone is doing great and Sweety- great to see you back here!
I love the idea of a 'sprinkle'. I haven't thought of a shower or anything..thinking more of a welcome baby party.
Uni- that is a wonderful idea you have planned with the co-ed bbq. And I hear you on the US not paying mat leave. It is so wrong and our country needs to get with the times. My friends on other board from UK are on leave for a year paid!!

Thanks for the tips from you moms on clothes! So I guess just onesies and footsie pjs for the first few months! I will miss out on hand-me-downs too since everyone I know had babies so long ago. :( My mom saved a lot of my clothes but they must look ancient!

Mack- too funny-- he looked like a gym teacher. lol! I hear you with the non-pregnant feeling days. Yesterday I hardly got sick at all and the fact that I am still not showing worries me.
I'm no longer telling people I am pg, as I told a nurse at the hospital and she goes, 'what--you look so way you are almost 20 weeks'.

So I hear you with being nervous Uni about the 20 wk anatomy scan. I think it is only normal. I am a nervous wreck about mine next week!! I wish I had a doppler. I don't feel any movement at all. :(

Caz- how was your holiday and Inviv- sure hope you are well and to hear from you soon.

Everyone having gorgeous spring weather I hope? I walked 3 hours yesterday and it felt amazing!! Enjoy. :)

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