I read the movements we should feel a bit less as the weeks go on since there is less room in there for them?
I just wanted to clarify, no! You should never feel less movement. I heard this erroneous info last time, and it's part of the reason for my loss because I thought it was ok that there was decreased movement and didn't rush over to the ER, thinking things were fine since I could feel her just a little even though not as much as usual, thinking I'd just wait till morning to see how she was doing
I've been sure to get real clarity on this now, and what I understand is that the movements might not feel as sharp (less manhandled, maybe?) but there should be just as many of them and they should still feel consistent. If it feels like a decrease in movement, go right away
Or, and this is one I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around, if it suddenly feels like a huge increase in movement, that can also be a warning sign.
Sorry if I'm coming off as extreme. I just don't know why some sources tell women there will be less movement. It's a very dangerous idea. Hopie, hopefully you will never even need to know this
but I wanted to make sure you had the truth just in case
Speaking of movement, she sure was active last night, even waking me up several times!
She's getting into this laying diagonally pattern, I wonder if she's getting ready to turn?
Hopie, you'll have to let us know what you think of the orange drink. I've heard the clear one is actually the worst flavor, so hopefully orange won't be so bad. FX you pass with flying colors!