Spring Babies

Of course you can join! Welcome to the thread!!! When is your due date and I will add it to the first page!

Congrats on the healthy baby boy!!! I will be having my anatomy scan in a few weeks! I think I am having a boy but we will find out 100% then!

Oops! Forgot that part! :haha: I'm due April 1st!

How is everyone feeling today? My back pain is a little bad but I'm nicely propped up on the couch typing away to you ladies! The ligament pain was so awful this morning that I'm just taking it easy. And I can't believe at 22 weeks I'm still being sick :coffee:
You're still feeling/being sick at 22w? OMG how are you dealing with that??

I'm feeling well thank you - ate an entire pizza at lunchtime so am feeling full and the little lady has been woken up and is kicking hard!
lilly - congrats on your scan! are you feeling ok? all better?

welcome karry!
Thanks for the welcome qwerty!

You're still feeling/being sick at 22w? OMG how are you dealing with that??

I'm feeling well thank you - ate an entire pizza at lunchtime so am feeling full and the little lady has been woken up and is kicking hard!

I honestly don't know! I was horribly sick yesterday so had to cancel plans with one of my friends AGAIN & have to adjust plans with another friend to a closer location. It sucks having to try to plan around how I might be feeling but this week is particularly bad. My stomach muscles are all sore today from throwing up so much yesterday! But it's worth it each & every time the little dude kicks :baby:

And fair play to you with the pizza! I love pizza but haven't been able to stomach it for ages. I'm jealous! :haha:
Thanks for the welcome qwerty!

You're still feeling/being sick at 22w? OMG how are you dealing with that??

I'm feeling well thank you - ate an entire pizza at lunchtime so am feeling full and the little lady has been woken up and is kicking hard!

I honestly don't know! I was horribly sick yesterday so had to cancel plans with one of my friends AGAIN & have to adjust plans with another friend to a closer location. It sucks having to try to plan around how I might be feeling but this week is particularly bad. My stomach muscles are all sore today from throwing up so much yesterday! But it's worth it each & every time the little dude kicks :baby:

And fair play to you with the pizza! I love pizza but haven't been able to stomach it for ages. I'm jealous! :haha:

Gosh, at least it's a sign he's SUPER healthy in there with all those hormones still going around?!

Have you tried wearing sick bands? though i know they dont work for everyone so not sure if it's largely placebo!

Pizza was amazing, as was the kit kat i just ate!

OMG (I know you ladies love to know this) but I just had to take my bra off at work it was so tight! will have to get yet another one! Don't worry, i took it off in the toilets, not at my desk lol!
Gosh, at least it's a sign he's SUPER healthy in there with all those hormones still going around?!

Have you tried wearing sick bands? though i know they dont work for everyone so not sure if it's largely placebo!

Pizza was amazing, as was the kit kat i just ate!

OMG (I know you ladies love to know this) but I just had to take my bra off at work it was so tight! will have to get yet another one! Don't worry, i took it off in the toilets, not at my desk lol!

That's true! I've been out & about all day so he hasn't been kicking much which is worrying me a little as a big dog jumped up on me earlier (I have a big dog myself but this one was pure muscle!) I'm sure she didn't do any damage but she did scratch the top of my bump so I wish he'd kick a little more to let me know he's ok in there...

I actually do have the sick bands but haven't used them much. Must give them another go!

And I like your style with the Kit Kat - just about to demolish one here! :happydance:
Argh, Karry - now i'm doing the same thing as you. I haven't felt her move since yesterday and i've tried everything today to get her to move, cold drinks, hot drinks, sugary stuff and general poking and she's not moving! Have you got any tips? I'm now super worried!

Sun - did you find this with the anterior placenta? They said mine is front, right really high, so the kicks i've felt so far have always been low down and never high (at the scan they said her head was behind the placenta and her feet were down low, but i guess she could have moved around?)?

Hope everyone else is ok? x x
Just checking in briefly, hope everyone's doing well! Life very hectic and boyfriend being a general nightmare (though behaving for the past 12hrs, let's see how long it lasts), so haven't had a moment to update. Organ scan on 12th Dec, fingers crossed everything's okay, didn't have amnio so praying baby's born healthy, no Down's; I'm hopeful :) Was worried for a few days when I couldn't feel any movement, but baby was just freaking me out and must have been facing the other way, 'cause s/he's been kicking away again over the weekend.

Spoke too soon, he's being an asshole again. He's just stomped off to the gym; I hope he gives himself a hernia. I'm counting the weeks 'til the baby's born.
Oh Emma that sucks - why is he being an arsehole? Does he show any emotion towards the baby?

glad he/she has been giving Mummy some kicks - hopefully it in some way makes up for your OH being like he is?

hope you're ok xx
Hiya :)

Yes, he shows affection for the baby, and me, he's just incredibly childish and has no sense of responsibility - all of which are augmented since I became pregnant and need him to man up. Like, we are both creatives, so our income is dependent on our own pursuits instead of regular income; I'm playing shows regardless of how tired or sick I've been (thank God morning sickness is done with!) but his art can command much bigger income - if he'd pull his finger out and finish pieces for clients so he can get paid and start new ones. I think while we have one income we should budget and yet he decided two weeks ago to start going to the gym and pay for a personal trainer 4x a week. So 8 payments later, we had a row because I said it was a luxury not a need, and he disagreed; he NEEDS the motivation. Really, he makes me want to pull my hair out! When he's good, he's good; this morning, he made me breakfast before going down to his workshop, where he'll hopefully crate up this piece and get it out by Thursday so they'll pay the remainder owing. I don't drive and he still throws in my face that he drove me to all my shows all summer, yet it was my shows that paid our rent and put food on the table. Oh, and it's my shows that are paying for the work being done on his car while it's at the garage.

When he's good, he's very very good - as the rhyme says - and when he's bad, he's horrid. Sometimes, I think I wouldn't be devastated if we parted, as long as it's amicably, but right now is out of the question. I'll see if he shows any improvements over the next few months; can't shake off the feeling I should be having a more relaxing pregnancy than I am, though. Living single for most of my adult life, I've become accustomed to keeping a peaceful mind and home environment and don't tolerate anything or anyone that hampers them; if he turns out to be more hassle than help, he has to go. If he mans up, I'll happily raise a family with him.

Are you feeling baby move yet? I panicked last week as I'd been feeling mine all the time and then suddenly nothing for 3 or 4 days. Then when s/he started up again at the weekend I was so relieved, phew. Maybe they're just finding new comfy places and internal organs to kick for sport. :)
Do you think he's secretly scared at the prospect of the responsibility and change to his life once the baby is here? Maybe that's why he's suddenly going out and getting PT sessions because he worries he won't be able to do that once he/she is here? Not in any way saying that's right though - he should man up!

It really doesn't sound like you have time to relax if you're working really hard and then coming home to an non-relaxing environment caused by him!

It's really good that you don't feel dependant on him and have the savings hidden away just in case.

Yes she's been kicking for about 3/4 weeks now, though last night it was the first time that i'd actually seen the kicks from the outside which was scary. I was laying in bed watching them (and wincing from the blows) and DH saw them too which was awesome. She didn't move much yesterday morning which had me worried, I think they like to scare us sometimes. Just as I get super worried, she moves!

x x
I'm so glad you're feeling kicks again lily!! It's awful when they scare us though, isn't it? I read that when you're walking around during the day you're rocking the baby asleep & they sleep for 12-14 hours a day so they're probably doing a lot of their kicking overnight when we're asleep...

Sorry to hear all you're having to put up with Emma! Hope he cops on soon :hugs:
Argh, Karry - now i'm doing the same thing as you. I haven't felt her move since yesterday and i've tried everything today to get her to move, cold drinks, hot drinks, sugary stuff and general poking and she's not moving! Have you got any tips? I'm now super worried!

Sun - did you find this with the anterior placenta? They said mine is front, right really high, so the kicks i've felt so far have always been low down and never high (at the scan they said her head was behind the placenta and her feet were down low, but i guess she could have moved around?)?

Hope everyone else is ok? x x

Yes with my son and this one I definitely have days where I don't feel them much or at all. But I'm only 22 weeks too. Counting kicks/movements isn't usually done until 27 weeks since before that point the baby is small enough that they can still get into positions where you can't feel much. Especially with an anterior placenta! By 3rd tri though, there's nowhere to go lol. Also my guy is a night owl it seems. I can go through the day and feel nothing, but when I wake in the middle of the night he's always there dancing away! :haha:
Hello ladies! I had a long time off and wasn't able to really do a whole lot on the computer. I hope you all had a wonder Thanksgiving!

Emma - I hope everything works out for you, I can't imagine what you are feeling, being pregnant and dealing with a poop face of a boyfriend! Hang in there! <3

Lilly - I am glad you are doing well! <3

Karry - I hope you start feeling better! I am so sorry you are feeling sick again!

Qwerty- How are you? I've missed you all so much!!

AFM - Had a nice long Thanksgiving holiday. Did a lot of shopping, saw a movie and went to a college football game (those games are so late, I got home at midnight!). I took an extra day off to just lounge around with my cats and nap. It was heaven.

I am feeling great, but feeling like I am definitely gaining some weight. I can see it now and yuk, I am not feeling good about that. I really need to start some thigh work outs. But you know, in the end I don't care, I want to be healthy but if me blowing up means a healthy baby, I'm all for it.

My spinal bifida test came back negative, YAY! I've been using the doppler and I can hear the heartbeat so much faster now. The baby has moved up to about an inch below my belly button. Seems to be his/her hang out. My next appointment is on December 23rd and that is for the anatomy and gender scan. I can't wait!!!

Today I am 16 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and here is my 15 week bump from last week :winkwink:


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Also my guy is a night owl it seems. I can go through the day and feel nothing, but when I wake in the middle of the night he's always there dancing away! :haha:

I'm the same (apart from today for some reason!) & I have a theory! Apparently during the day when you're walking around you're effectively rocking the baby asleep so when you're lying nice & calm in bed he/she is wide awake & kicking away :thumbup:
Also my guy is a night owl it seems. I can go through the day and feel nothing, but when I wake in the middle of the night he's always there dancing away! :haha:

I'm the same (apart from today for some reason!) & I have a theory! Apparently during the day when you're walking around you're effectively rocking the baby asleep so when you're lying nice & calm in bed he/she is wide awake & kicking away :thumbup:

I also read in my MANY of pregnancy books lol that the baby is awake mostly during the hours of 9pm-1am. I remember this because I looked at my husband and said, how the heck am I supposed to sleep?! hahah
AH lilli congrats on your baby girl!!!

Emma, you are one strong lady. Sounds like you two are madly in love but he's just not compatible at times with real life. I hope that we can provide you some support, and I hope that he does man up.

Re: feeling baby I swear I have started feeling it after I eat sometimes. I don't know it's probably still too early

Gotta get back to work now but missed you ladies and wanted to check in on everyone. I promise I'll be better again in a week.
Qwerty - I swear I think I am feeling it too, but I have nothing to compare it to so I don't know if it's gas or the baby, LOL.

I am having major cramping last night and today. I think I might be constipated, but being pregnant and having that pain, it scares me. LOL Sorry for the TMI.

Here's my 16 week bump pic! Oh, when I was changing into my bump pic clothes I noticed that my belly button is different. It's not an outtie but it's getting there. So weird all these little changes.


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Hi girls! How's everyone feeling today? :)

Oh gosh, there isn't even a word for what my previous outie bellybutton is now, Tee :lol:

I'm a bit uncomfortable at the moment; the yoga instructors have modified my program a bit but have still had me planking and it's put too much pressure on my abs, so I think I need to take it easy so I don't have too much separation that won't go back afterwards. I think my singing is adequate core muscle and abdominal attention.

OH is still driving me mad; he's behaving nicely generally, but still has no clue. Like, we agreed he would see a personal trainer once a week (twice max) and I asked him yesterday why he still religiously goes to the gym in the middle of the day and he's all, "You don't understand; I can't do it without Tony motivating me!" So he's still paying for a trainer four times a week - out of my pocket, mind - and we haven't got rent this month or started buying anything for the baby. It's no wonder I'm trying to squirrel 20s here and 50s there. I was gutted when he found 200€ in my violin case the other day. I didn't even know it was there, must have missed it during my summer shows. Would have totally went in my emergency fund. Now he's trying to spend it on fixing his car. The amount he's wasted on that car, we could have got a replacement.

I can't see myself long-term with such a waster. We had a disagreement yesterday about how much he wastes water and electricity - he must do laundry about 4x a week or more! He wears a pair of jeans once to go in his workshop, then fresh ones next day, and if he has to pop to the shops, gets changed. He's sooooooooooo vain. I'd rather take a man without vanity and more common sense. Anyway, back to the gym thing, he then said we don't have the money for me to save for my personal fitness trainer certificate that I want to study next year and haven't yet budgeted for - way I see it, and as I said to him, if he can afford to go to the gym 4x a week with a personal trainer, then I can spend the same amount on my education. Wouldn't mind, but he comes back after workouts parroting information I could have - and have - told him in the past but he doesn't listen to me. Aaaaaaaaargh!

Here's me this weekend just shy of 19wks. That was a big bump day, some days it's not so big. I look like I feel on this pic ha. Bloated, tired and uncomfortable, but looking forward to motherhood. Moments before this photo, I was sobbing in the restaurant 'cause there was a homeless lady outside in the rain. So, after OH practically stepping over her, he then goes out and offers her a meal (she smiled and declined and said someone had been out with food for her earlier), he then went on about it all night, like it had been in character for him to even notice there are people sleeping on the streets. I don't normally sob in restaurants but I'm very hormonal lol. I think I'm horrified at the prospect of such a big life change with a partner who isn't capable of supporting me emotionally; if anything, he's a drain on my emotional (and financial!) resources.

Omg, which reminds me, he drops me at yoga the other night and I came out all relaxed, to see the car parked awkwardly outside a cafe opposite. So I go in to find him and he's there, drinking beer and a Jagermeister shot with these guys he's met and I'm trying to be all zen and they're f-ing and blinding - every other word has to be a swear word - and OH is joining in, copying their accents (it's a thing he does, drives me crazy!) and their swagger and their bad language. And I'm thinking, "This is the last environment I want to be in right now after spending two hours meditating and exercising!"

He has no thought or care for anyone's needs but his own. It's a shame, because I need him to man up and then I can think about having a future with him. Anyway, he kept trying to get me to join this swearing, banal conversation and missing my hints about being mega relaxed and wanting to go home so I could stay that way.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!! Yoga again in the morning - this class is more invigorating than relaxing, though. But I enjoy it, 'cause a friend goes and we have coffee and girl talk afterwards. :) The other class is all in German! I only catch half the dialogue, so it helps me zone out hehehe.


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