Spring Babies

Lilly, the sickness has finally eased off - thanks for asking! I hope I haven't jinxed myself now! :haha: How are you doing?

Emma - I love the name you've picked!! <3

You must feel amazingn now you've not got your head in a bowl everyday. Has your energy come back too?

All good here thanks other than eating like 20 chocolate biscuits yesterday that someone brought in and making me feel sick and giving Lily lots of sugar for energy apparently. I was working on my iPad in bed last night and i momentarily rested it on the top of my belly to reach for something and she kicked it so hard it hurt!

Anyone else finding that their gums are bleeding really badly? Mine are when I brush my teeth and I just ate a sharon fruit and now they're doing it again! I'll go to the dentist but must make sure I use that corsodyl mouthwash too! :growlmad:
Thanks, it makes this parenting thing feel more real now she has a name and a face :) We're pronouncing it My-ah, usual spelling is Maya, which we may still use, but here in Spain it might get pronounced differently. Plus, looking up the meanings of the name, I like the ones with the spelling Maia, so we'll most likely go with that spelling.

I love the names Ava and Evie (my great-grandmother was Evelyn), but my OH's ex mother in law is called Eve and so he doesn't want anything similar :lol: I do like how Lily's lying in your profile pic hehe she's all stretched out like she's chilling out.

What brand doppler do you have, Tee? I think I'd like to get one now; held off at the beginning 'cause I knew I'd freak myself out if I couldn't hear a heartbeat due to having it in the wrong place haha but she's definitely big enough to get the position right now.

I think my womb is growing again, does anyone else get those lightning bolt sensations at either side? Mine started again a few days ago, and at the back where my kidneys are too, this time. I think the last time I felt this (around 16wks) it only lasted a few days, thankfully.

I don't know if it's the gift of distance, but I'm not yet panicking about birth. I'm all, yeah I can't wait, it's going to be lovely...I'm sure I'll think otherwise when the first contractions kick in :lol:

I really like the Spanish spelling, makes it looks so much more different!

I've been really lucky with growing pains but did have horrific pains last week which the MW said was the pressure of the baby on the uterus.

I have started freaking out about the birth. My plan is to be pain-relief free and I really think I can do it but it's just the sickness that will bother me, I absolutely hate feeling sick and when I had PMS pains in the past, I always used to feel sick! I've been watching lots of water birthing videos on youtube and they look so beautiful! Slightly concerned about pooping in the pool but DH (disgustingly) assured me that the MW will have a little fishing net to get it out........he's so sweet.........
You must feel amazingn now you've not got your head in a bowl everyday. Has your energy come back too?

All good here thanks other than eating like 20 chocolate biscuits yesterday that someone brought in and making me feel sick and giving Lily lots of sugar for energy apparently. I was working on my iPad in bed last night and i momentarily rested it on the top of my belly to reach for something and she kicked it so hard it hurt!

Anyone else finding that their gums are bleeding really badly? Mine are when I brush my teeth and I just ate a sharon fruit and now they're doing it again! I'll go to the dentist but must make sure I use that corsodyl mouthwash too! :growlmad:

It's odd actually - now that I'm not as sick I'm even more tired! Go figure! :sleep:

I can't resist chocolate at the moment (not that I could much before either!)

My gums are the same. It's weird but I think it's normal for pregnancy. Just make sure you take care of them - I believe gum problems can lead to pre-term labour :nope:
Ok - I need to catch up! I'm gonna try!

Emma, I love the name Maia. I love the spelling too! Also love Evelyn, it's so beautiful! And the doppler that I got was $20 on Ebay and it's called AngelSounds. It's soooooooo amazing!

Lilly - I was just going to say that it feels like my weeks are dragging and I feel like I should be 20-21 weeks by now. HAHAH I don't know why I want to rush it but I think the further I get the better I feel about the whole pregnancy and the baby. I still get so worried. I'm wondering if I didn't do IVF I'd feel the same way. But it's funny you mentioned it because today I am 18 weeks! YAY!

Qwerty - Did you have your scan?? I feel like I keep forgetting but I swear I know soooooooo many women that are pregnant with us I am starting to lose track of them all. I can't wait to hear how it went!!

Oh and I forgot who said it, but my gums just started bleeding this last weekend.

AFM: Saturday I was laying on the couch and felt a roll like feeling that lasted about 10 seconds! OMG! I was so excited but at the same time I am still not 100% that is was the baby or my stomach growling or even gas. HAHAH Everyone I've talked to said it is probably the baby. I just can't wait for that first undeniable kick or movement where I know for sure it was the baby. I guess I should be expecting it in the next few weeks! I really can't wait!

I have to call in for Jury Duty tonight to see if I was chosed to show up tomorrow. I really don't want to, but then again I kind of would like to know what it's like to be on a Jury. I hope I get an exciting case. My anatomy scan is in 6 more days!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA... Trying to finish so much before the holidays.

Yes we had our scan! And despite what they thought at the 12 week it's a BOY! I'm still getting used to the idea as I was in a family of all girls. It will be so fun and different though. Most importantly everything looked perfect and healthy on the scan.

I love Maia, eve, Lilly. Glad that things are going well Emma with your man.

Tee, hope this week is interesting! And also glad to hear that you've been able to have some better interactions with your mom.
Aw congrats on your little boy being, well, a little boy :D He'll be very special in a family of girls :)
OMG QWERTY I am so so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting to have a little boy! My hubby's side is all boys with one girl. It's seriously 9 boys and one girl so she is hoping for a girl cousin. I still think boy because of the tech that did the NT scan, but I know she could have been wrong. I really can't wait until Monday!
Yay QWERTY - congratulations! That's so awesome!

I'm 24 weeks today! Yay!

Tee - did you get called for jury duty? I did it about 4 years ago at the Old Bailey (a famous court in London) and got to be forewoman and tell someone he was guilty!
Lilly - that is awesome! I didn't have to go in, and I have to say, I was a little bummed out! I was sort of excited to be on a jury.

Are you famililar with the Jodi Arias case that took place here in Arizona? I was at the closing arguments for that one. My sister's boss is the judge's husband and was able to get me and my sister in. I am fascinated with that case because it hits close to home. I was born and raised in Mesa and Travis, the man that was murdered was about my age. Tragic and sad. It would have been cool to be picked for that case, although I wouldn't have been chosen from knowing the judge.

I hope all you ladies are doing awesome! AFM: Yesterday I was sitting at my desk and all the sudden my stomach dropped! It felt like a drop on a roller coaster ride or a free fall and of course I felt the roll. So the baby did one huge somersault! I only felt it the one time and this was my first BIG movement. It was amazing. I'm waiting to feel it again. OH! AND, we went to zoo lights last night and it was A LOT of walking. I am out of shape, and I have gained some weight prior to getting pregnant from the IVF meds as well as quitting smoking to prep for IVF. I pulled a freakin muscle, WALKING! Hahah so, this weekend I am pulling out the pilates dvd's and the elliptical. LOL

Here's a fun little pic of me and the hubs from last night. <3 MAN, I am getting wide. HAHAH


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I'm pretty jealous of this Christmas zoo event. Any Christmas based events in the UK definitely do not involve us holding baby lions (is that what it is lol?), it's usually a poo covered, neglected and old reindeer that we feed a carrot to. I'm such a bah humbug!! :xmas11:

Your bump is coming along nicely! Amazing you felt baby move, it should be about now that you'll start feeling them I think! Honestly it never gets any less exciting. Even when i'm laying awake at random times in the morning and she's poking around I love it. I might write something different when they're not just kicks and pokes and I can see her hand or head!

I'm probably just being ungrateful and spoilt but my boss got me a bottle of red wine for Christmas, why would you get a pregnant lady that? Get me chocolates!!

I'm about to start the 30 day squat challenge tonight....... 50 squats just to start - WTF?

Hope you're all ok :xmas14:
I'm pretty jealous of this Christmas zoo event. Any Christmas based events in the UK definitely do not involve us holding baby lions (is that what it is lol?), it's usually a poo covered, neglected and old reindeer that we feed a carrot to. I'm such a bah humbug!! :xmas11:

Your bump is coming along nicely! Amazing you felt baby move, it should be about now that you'll start feeling them I think! Honestly it never gets any less exciting. Even when i'm laying awake at random times in the morning and she's poking around I love it. I might write something different when they're not just kicks and pokes and I can see her hand or head!

I'm probably just being ungrateful and spoilt but my boss got me a bottle of red wine for Christmas, why would you get a pregnant lady that? Get me chocolates!!

I'm about to start the 30 day squat challenge tonight....... 50 squats just to start - WTF?

Hope you're all ok :xmas14:

Oh it's not a real baby lion, it's a picture they put in after they take the picture. LOL It does look pretty real though doesn't it!?

I can't wait to start feeling the baby move more. I was at a holiday party last night and felt some movement but it was only a few times. I am so excited to feel it more and more!! As I am typing this I just felt a few little rolls. HAHAH I love this!!!
Lovely pic, Tee :)

Aaargh I woke with the worst round ligament pain ever today, had to steal fella's weight lifting belt and truss myself up for a few hours; funnily, after I stuffed my face it didn't hurt so bad, the gas pushing my belly out must stretch it into a different position :lol: Had a storm headache all day yesterday, I'm more reliable than the weatherman, but it's passed now the weather's calmed, thank goodness. I'm not taking painkillers, so headaches just linger.

Maia's getting strong and lively now, she seems to have been awake a lot today; I've felt her at least every two hours, some kicks to the back and some to the front. It's like she doesn't want to miss the action. Sometimes, I've just been sitting still, others I've been teaching piano or listening to something. I was just in the basement studio listening to music a client sent me and watching her kick my belly - can't believe the difference a week or so makes during pregnancy! Of course, when I ran up to put shoes on to go and get fella from his workshop, she stopped doing it. I think she only likes performing for her mama. :)
Lovely pic, Tee :)

Aaargh I woke with the worst round ligament pain ever today, had to steal fella's weight lifting belt and truss myself up for a few hours; funnily, after I stuffed my face it didn't hurt so bad, the gas pushing my belly out must stretch it into a different position :lol: Had a storm headache all day yesterday, I'm more reliable than the weatherman, but it's passed now the weather's calmed, thank goodness. I'm not taking painkillers, so headaches just linger.

Maia's getting strong and lively now, she seems to have been awake a lot today; I've felt her at least every two hours, some kicks to the back and some to the front. It's like she doesn't want to miss the action. Sometimes, I've just been sitting still, others I've been teaching piano or listening to something. I was just in the basement studio listening to music a client sent me and watching her kick my belly - can't believe the difference a week or so makes during pregnancy! Of course, when I ran up to put shoes on to go and get fella from his workshop, she stopped doing it. I think she only likes performing for her mama. :)

That is so amazing!!! I can't wait to feel my little one move more and more. I am just a few weeks behind you!

Talk about how much changes in a few weeks. Check this out. I was looking at my pics and I can't believe how much bigger I've gotten in just one month!

14 weeks vs 18 weeks.


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Haha Tee - I feel so stupid thinking that was a real baby Lion!!!!

Emma - so cool that you can now see her kicking. I love just sitting watching my tummy move about. Apparently Lily should be about 13.5 inches long now and about 1.5lbs!

So difficult sleeping at the moment, can't just roll over like I used to, it's a military operation now:wacko:

Can't wait for 2014!

x x
Haha Tee - I feel so stupid thinking that was a real baby Lion!!!!

Emma - so cool that you can now see her kicking. I love just sitting watching my tummy move about. Apparently Lily should be about 13.5 inches long now and about 1.5lbs!

So difficult sleeping at the moment, can't just roll over like I used to, it's a military operation now:wacko:

Can't wait for 2014!

x x

I hear ya!! Such a pain! :sleep:

Double digits for me today!! And 3rd tri tomorrow (going with 26 weeks as opposed to 27 - I don't want to celebrate entering 3rd tri on the anniversary of the date we buried our son :cry: ) :happydance:
OK ladies, had the anatomy/gender scan yesterday and it's a...

I'm at work now and I will have to post more after the holidays! Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! <3


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    19 weeks, it's a BOY.jpg
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Can I join! I'm pregnant with my 2nd due April 21st with a little boy!
Worst. Christmas. Ever. Didn't even get Christmas Dinner, just unholy tantrums from OH, coupled with him having FB meltdowns for sympathy, getting drunk and driving goodness knows where in a second hire car (no crash this time, fortunately). Now he thinks he can get round me; I don't have the energy. Think I've been acid refluxing 'cause the fruit I ate this morning burned my throat and stomach. Other than that, haven't really eaten anything since Christmas Eve, I'm so pissed. Might go to UK next Christmas with the little one and spend it with my mum. OH can go screw himself asap.

Can I join! I'm pregnant with my 2nd due April 21st with a little boy!

Welcome! Of course you can :) x

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